Warhawke_80 wrote: »Warhawke_80 wrote: »Warhawke_80 wrote: »What's ESOU?
What indeed...
Most people could give two figs about raiding in ESO, so naturally a channel like that wouldn't get much engagement in the first place...
I'm pretty sure things like DLC dungeons and Trials are going to be opened up to the average player soon anyway...I mean, why leave all that content deserted for a demographic that will never show up?
big true. they should honestly just put easy modes on everything. Make it like overland mobs, where you can kill everything naked. Casual players really dont have access to enough content in this game, and its really a darn shame.
Sarcasm aside...facts are facts and the facts are less than 1% of the population raids less than 4% participates in PVP....if you spend a ridiculous amount of money for content no one participates in... what then?
Oh I Know!!!!!
You make content for the audience you have.
That's interesting, given there are 5000 unique accounts that have posted trials clears to the ESO Clears bot. That means that PC has at least 500,000 players that have logged in since this summer (when the bot went live), mostly on NA (as the bot originated in NA servers - I don't know how much it is used in EU).
Bots really aren't a great way to gather metrics....
ya, better to just throw random numbers out there like 1% and 4%. I cant with you guys. Where did you even come up with that?
i left this damn game on update 35. I played for over 3 years and came to realize that this game has never, ever been community first. It's sad to see Nefas being treated this way. He was the truly one of the biggest proponents of our community and i guess the managers could not allow for that. How dare anyone put community first?!
it is absolutely disgusting the way he was treated. Disgusting but not surprising. We as a whole have been treated this way this entire time, we are just not content creators so, who cares, right?
In his video he also mentions that the developers sent out some sort of communication that they were hosting a meeting for the stream team members to attend regarding Matt Firor’s end of the year letter.
Especially the fact that these stream team members had to go to a debrief about the studio directors letter… I really wonder what that was about.
alpha_synuclein wrote: »In his video he also mentions that the developers sent out some sort of communication that they were hosting a meeting for the stream team members to attend regarding Matt Firor’s end of the year letter.
Especially the fact that these stream team members had to go to a debrief about the studio directors letter… I really wonder what that was about.
Interesting indeed. The only reason I can imagine is they were very well aware that it won't be welcome with happiness, so the damage control started beforehand.
Nefas case aside, this whole video is full of examples of corporate bull...dozers
So does this mean we're losing Tamriel Trade Centre?
It's interesting how some parties, some lofty 'authorities' from the community who have many times in the past been known to be *sharply* critical with their opinion and biased towards certain folks (not a reference to ZOS or Mods), have seemingly lost their house over shifting sand. You did so much, yes you did but did you ever stop and think that ... perhaps you were doing too much?
If you are looking for the way forward, yes sometimes you have to take a step back to move on but sometimes too you need to accept some of the blame and take responsibility even if you didn't start it. It's easy as pie to sit on your horse and judge others but the real measure of a man is who are you when that power is no longer yours and that house that you built is at the bottom of the challenger deep.
Some of us have not had it as easy as others, have not had thousands of friends and followers but the difference between us is you are now learning what all of us have known, fought against and experience frequently over many years. And you are just now learning what it's like to be on the other side. Might want to think about that the next time you try and lead others in being overly critical of someone over a matter that never concerned you... that might be a start is putting yourself first next time and take care of home before trying to fix others.
As for me and mine all is well, ESO is still great, and my opinion hasn't changed much.
*Stars, Rainbows and Pots of Gold*
JiubLeRepenti wrote: »ESOU was a very useful platform to me. I used it countless times regarding trials builds as a Healer.
I don't think people always understand how precious and essential these kind of people are for a MMO. Losing a person who made dozens of optimized builds/tutorials/explanations is very harmful for the rest of the community.
EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower"Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
Whole lot of people in here seem to still be annoyed by his toxic casuals video huh? Lol.
Love or hate the guy or his content, people should watch the whole thing for context (which he provides for the no streaming moment). [Snip]
[Edited for trolling]
DeadlySerious wrote: »Whole lot of people in here seem to still be annoyed by his toxic casuals video huh? Lol.
Love or hate the guy or his content, people should watch the whole thing for context (which he provides for the no streaming moment). [Snip]
[Edited for trolling]
The irony of that video is, well, ironic if you think about it. I also think that is why some chose not to heed the wise words and ignore the mountains of content he's created to help all ESO players, even those saying they have no appreciation for him in this thread. They still greatly benefited from his efforts.
There are known reasons that ESO has been tanking since U35. Not listening to and appreciating content creators like Nefas is one of those reasons.
With far too many loyalty is a one way street and in the long run everyone suffers when that happens.
Finedaible wrote: »I'm more concerned about the ethics going on within Zenimax studios than Nefas leaving, especially since Deltia and a few others decided they had enough with the company recently.
Warhawke_80 wrote: »Warhawke_80 wrote: »What's ESOU?
What indeed...
Most people could give two figs about raiding in ESO, so naturally a channel like that wouldn't get much engagement in the first place...
I'm pretty sure things like DLC dungeons and Trials are going to be opened up to the average player soon anyway...I mean, why leave all that content deserted for a demographic that will never show up?
big true. they should honestly just put easy modes on everything. Make it like overland mobs, where you can kill everything naked. Casual players really dont have access to enough content in this game, and its really a darn shame.
Sarcasm aside...facts are facts and the facts are less than 1% of the population raids less than 4% participates in PVP....if you spend a ridiculous amount of money for content no one participates in... what then?
Oh I Know!!!!!
You make content for the audience you have.
DeadlySerious wrote: »Warhawke_80 wrote: »Warhawke_80 wrote: »What's ESOU?
What indeed...
Most people could give two figs about raiding in ESO, so naturally a channel like that wouldn't get much engagement in the first place...
I'm pretty sure things like DLC dungeons and Trials are going to be opened up to the average player soon anyway...I mean, why leave all that content deserted for a demographic that will never show up?
big true. they should honestly just put easy modes on everything. Make it like overland mobs, where you can kill everything naked. Casual players really dont have access to enough content in this game, and its really a darn shame.
Sarcasm aside...facts are facts and the facts are less than 1% of the population raids less than 4% participates in PVP....if you spend a ridiculous amount of money for content no one participates in... what then?
Oh I Know!!!!!
You make content for the audience you have.
Can you please provide us with your source for these statistics? Only 1% raids and only 4% PvP are wildly inaccurate numbers in my experience. So please provide us where you're getting your numbers. Thank you.
.DeadlySerious wrote: »Warhawke_80 wrote: »Warhawke_80 wrote: »What's ESOU?
What indeed...
Most people could give two figs about raiding in ESO, so naturally a channel like that wouldn't get much engagement in the first place...
I'm pretty sure things like DLC dungeons and Trials are going to be opened up to the average player soon anyway...I mean, why leave all that content deserted for a demographic that will never show up?
big true. they should honestly just put easy modes on everything. Make it like overland mobs, where you can kill everything naked. Casual players really dont have access to enough content in this game, and its really a darn shame.
Sarcasm aside...facts are facts and the facts are less than 1% of the population raids less than 4% participates in PVP....if you spend a ridiculous amount of money for content no one participates in... what then?
Oh I Know!!!!!
You make content for the audience you have.
Can you please provide us with your source for these statistics? Only 1% raids and only 4% PvP are wildly inaccurate numbers in my experience. So please provide us where you're getting your numbers. Thank you.
I would guess from Achivements reported by the platform for all players of the game on that platform. These numbers need to be corrected for "lookie-loos" that never make it to level 50, though. For example, one platform reports that only 6% of gamers have unlocked Level 50.
.DeadlySerious wrote: »Warhawke_80 wrote: »Warhawke_80 wrote: »What's ESOU?
What indeed...
Most people could give two figs about raiding in ESO, so naturally a channel like that wouldn't get much engagement in the first place...
I'm pretty sure things like DLC dungeons and Trials are going to be opened up to the average player soon anyway...I mean, why leave all that content deserted for a demographic that will never show up?
big true. they should honestly just put easy modes on everything. Make it like overland mobs, where you can kill everything naked. Casual players really dont have access to enough content in this game, and its really a darn shame.
Sarcasm aside...facts are facts and the facts are less than 1% of the population raids less than 4% participates in PVP....if you spend a ridiculous amount of money for content no one participates in... what then?
Oh I Know!!!!!
You make content for the audience you have.
Can you please provide us with your source for these statistics? Only 1% raids and only 4% PvP are wildly inaccurate numbers in my experience. So please provide us where you're getting your numbers. Thank you.
I would guess from Achivements reported by the platform for all players of the game on that platform. These numbers need to be corrected for "lookie-loos" that never make it to level 50, though. For example, one platform reports that only 6% of gamers have unlocked Level 50.
If true, that makes the reported number of accounts much less impressive.
Warhawke_80 wrote: »
I'm pretty sure things like DLC dungeons and Trials are going to be opened up to the average player soon anyway...I mean, why leave all that content deserted for a demographic that will never show up?
Warhawke_80 wrote: »What's ESOU?
What indeed...
Most people could give two figs about raiding in ESO, so naturally a channel like that wouldn't get much engagement in the first place...
I'm pretty sure things like DLC dungeons and Trials are going to be opened up to the average player soon anyway...I mean, why leave all that content deserted for a demographic that will never show up?
big true. they should honestly just put easy modes on everything. Make it like overland mobs, where you can kill everything naked. Casual players really dont have access to enough content in this game, and its really a darn shame.
I am sure the ESO community appreciates the recent attempts at better communication efforts, evident from all the pinned messages from Gina or Jessica for communication, while putting the issue of excessive moderation in official stream chats aside. I do not play a lot recently but the efforts are visible to me.
DeadlySerious wrote: »Warhawke_80 wrote: »Warhawke_80 wrote: »What's ESOU?
What indeed...
Most people could give two figs about raiding in ESO, so naturally a channel like that wouldn't get much engagement in the first place...
I'm pretty sure things like DLC dungeons and Trials are going to be opened up to the average player soon anyway...I mean, why leave all that content deserted for a demographic that will never show up?
big true. they should honestly just put easy modes on everything. Make it like overland mobs, where you can kill everything naked. Casual players really dont have access to enough content in this game, and its really a darn shame.
Sarcasm aside...facts are facts and the facts are less than 1% of the population raids less than 4% participates in PVP....if you spend a ridiculous amount of money for content no one participates in... what then?
Oh I Know!!!!!
You make content for the audience you have.
Can you please provide us with your source for these statistics? Only 1% raids and only 4% PvP are wildly inaccurate numbers in my experience. So please provide us where you're getting your numbers. Thank you.
DeadlySerious wrote: »It's a real shame that the casual Elder Scrolls solo questers don't seem to understand how important content creators are for an MMO's quality and longevity. ESO was designed to be an Elder Scrolls themed MMO, not to be the next Skyrim. (something that was hugely disappointing to me at first, then I grew to love ESO and I'll never go back to that solo questing yawn fest I find the older games to be by comparison)
(Edited for wrong quotation! Sorry @SilverBride! I honestly don't know how that happened.
And I was SO glad we'd agree on at least something!)
Rkindaleft wrote: »DenverRalphy wrote: »DenverRalphy wrote: »This doomposting over the last month is getting annoying now.
If he's done with the game, then let him be done with it. No need to draw any additional attention to it and let the rest of us enjoy ESO.
If he were truly done, he would have made it brief and to the point. But instead he posted a 40+ minute video that IMO is little more than a cry for attention.
Cry for attention? He got treated horribly and showed proof lol smh
That's not what I saw. What I saw was someone being smug and entitled disguised behind a facade of innocence. He knew he was doing exactly what he was asked not to do, pretended he wasn't aware ahead of time, demonstrated a complete lack of respect when reminded, and acted petulant afterwards.
I wish these forums had a disagree button.
Alinhbo_Tyaka wrote: »SilverBride wrote: »I’m not a medical professional but I’m pretty sure shingles are caused by dormant small pox virus and not everything that was happening in relation to eso.
Shingles are caused by the chicken pox virus. After we have chicken pox the virus lies dormant in the nerve cells near the spine and can become active at any time.
Someone that has never had chicken pox can actually catch it from someone that has shingles because it's the same virus.
The more you know. Thanks!
We agree then, it was not caused by ESO. 🤷♂️🙃
Not necessarily. Current knowledge does not have a definitive set of risk factors nor say why some people contract the Shingles while others do not. However there are studies that indicate that stress is one of the risk factors that can activate a Shingle's outbreak due to the effect of stress on the immune system. So it is plausible that stress was one of the factors triggering Nefas' case of the Shingles.
Those who don't understand the extent of the damage are probably casual players. What Nefas has done for the community is invaluable. The major content creators are the ones who bring visibility to the game, attract new players, help them understand the game and progress toward the endgame, and build communities (all things that ZOS has never done). Alcast, Skinny, Deltia, LuckyGhost, etc., and now Nefas. When all the biggest content creators leave (and no new content creators are emerging), it means the game is not in a good state.