This is worrisome, they don't know or play their own game enough, this is the lead combat designer right there.
Hi all, just wanted to follow up here. Normally, we do not leave threads open that specifically call out an individual dev team member. We will be editing the title for that reason. However, it seems like there is some constructive conversation here in this thread. So we want to make sure to keep constructive conversations around for us to reflect on later. All we ask is that those conversations try to address criticisms more generally, rather than at an individual team member. As along as we stay constructive, we can keep the thread open.
We do want to note the that Brian is not a rep for "sweaty PvP". He said that on the stream as well. He takes a more causal route now when he plays PvP himself. Also, part of the stream was meant to showcase that you don't have to be a sweat to jump into PvP. Brian's take on being more causal in PvP was meant to speak to that.
Also wanted to note that Brian was responsible for running the livestream and keeping things on track. If anyone has livestreamed before, you know there are a lot of moving parts to make sure things stay on track, so sometimes questions get missed. We're all human, so these things happen.
Just as a reminder, all we ask for this thread is to keep conversations and/or criticism more generally, rather than at a specific team member. We're taking feedback to the team for how we can better address Battlegrounds, livestreams showcasing content, and the PvP community in general. As along as we stay constructive, we can keep the thread open. Thanks for the feedback so far.
We do want to note the that Brian is not a rep for "sweaty PvP". He said that on the stream as well. He takes a more causal route now when he plays PvP himself. Also, part of the stream was meant to showcase that you don't have to be a sweat to jump into PvP. Brian's take on being more causal in PvP was meant to speak to that.
Thumbless_Bot wrote: »
True, and visibility is good. My point is that there is a community of existing players that they completely ignore. These players can provide way better insight and feedback on proposed changes to combat, sets, skills, etc. Before... this is key... before zos goes in and inevitably makes the game worse.
Instead we are left to complain here after the fact while zos steamrolls ahead with other things that will continue to degrade the gaming experience.
It is so backwards and so frustrating to have to keep absorbing bad combat changes already. So, when they go out and stream with some dude who gave up the game years ago, it's insulting.
Hi all, just wanted to follow up here. Normally, we do not leave threads open that specifically call out an individual dev team member. We will be editing the title for that reason. However, it seems like there is some constructive conversation here in this thread. So we want to make sure to keep constructive conversations around for us to reflect on later. All we ask is that those conversations try to address criticisms more generally, rather than at an individual team member. As along as we stay constructive, we can keep the thread open.
We do want to note the that Brian is not a rep for "sweaty PvP". He said that on the stream as well. He takes a more causal route now when he plays PvP himself. Also, part of the stream was meant to showcase that you don't have to be a sweat to jump into PvP. Brian's take on being more causal in PvP was meant to speak to that.
Also wanted to note that Brian was responsible for running the livestream and keeping things on track. If anyone has livestreamed before, you know there are a lot of moving parts to make sure things stay on track, so sometimes questions get missed. We're all human, so these things happen.
Just as a reminder, all we ask for this thread is to keep conversations and/or criticism more generally, rather than at a specific team member. We're taking feedback to the team for how we can better address Battlegrounds, livestreams showcasing content, and the PvP community in general. As along as we stay constructive, we can keep the thread open. Thanks for the feedback so far.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »Sypher sure picked a strange time to return. This update is a huge stinker.
I'm a casual PvPer. I didn't start getting into it until August this year. In the short time doing it, I've learned enough to survive, put out some damage, and recognize what pain points that need (not should) to be addressed. All I can say is that I'm simply displeased by the showcasing in this stream and am completely discouraged to continue with PvP if this is what's to be expected in PvP moving forward. I had fun in my short time with it, but I don't see much point in continuing it anymore.
This is worrisome, they don't know or play their own game enough, this is the lead combat designer right there.
Hi all, just wanted to follow up here. Normally, we do not leave threads open that specifically call out an individual dev team member. We will be editing the title for that reason. However, it seems like there is some constructive conversation here in this thread. So we want to make sure to keep constructive conversations around for us to reflect on later. All we ask is that those conversations try to address criticisms more generally, rather than at an individual team member. As along as we stay constructive, we can keep the thread open.
We do want to note the that Brian is not a rep for "sweaty PvP". He said that on the stream as well. He takes a more causal route now when he plays PvP himself. Also, part of the stream was meant to showcase that you don't have to be a sweat to jump into PvP. Brian's take on being more causal in PvP was meant to speak to that.
Also wanted to note that Brian was responsible for running the livestream and keeping things on track. If anyone has livestreamed before, you know there are a lot of moving parts to make sure things stay on track, so sometimes questions get missed. We're all human, so these things happen.
Just as a reminder, all we ask for this thread is to keep conversations and/or criticism more generally, rather than at a specific team member. We're taking feedback to the team for how we can better address Battlegrounds, livestreams showcasing content, and the PvP community in general. As along as we stay constructive, we can keep the thread open. Thanks for the feedback so far.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »On the topic of communication, we want to be able to talk with you all more, get out there and play with game with you more, do more livestreams, etc. When a developer puts themselves out there and is met with unrealistic expectations and general personal attacks, it makes them not want to do any of those things again. So please, if you want more communication from us, keep in mind to be respectful and constructive. It’s okay to be frustrated, disappointed, unhappy with something, etc. and we only ask that you communicate that to us without bashing our developers in the process. Anecdotally, we also want players of all skill levels to feel welcome to try out things like PVP Battlegrounds, Cyrodiil, dungeons, and trials, and feel okay with not necessarily being top-tier at it. It's always disappointing to see gatekeeping commentary and behavior – that’s not in the spirit of our community.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »This was long, so if you read it all, thank you. 😊 The team here does care, very much, and we want to get out there and interact with you more. Please remember there are hardworking individuals behind the names, and a little kindness can go a long way.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
It's always disappointing to see gatekeeping commentary and behavior – that’s not in the spirit of our community.
Cooperharley wrote: »
This is the sentiment of many long time PvPers. The upside to streams like this is they can ~potentially~ bring in lots of new players, garner support for the game, and just increase the spotlight, right? But that can absolutely bite you in the butt!
Major combat developers being unable to give your special guest any answers about what’s going on is not a good thing. And with certain sentiments like the overly-tanky META being a nuisance and a bad feel for that aspect of the game being extremely prevalent and then said devs saying they enjoy playing that playstyle is… not an exciting thing to hear to say the least. I get it! Have fun YOUR way. BUT - there are a number of issues that are ~seemingly~ ignored and pushed under the rug and not only did this stream highlight the issues but it did, in fact, the opposite of what I think they wanted which was to excite people about the “big new PvP update!” Seems like it just simply bummed out a lot of people frankly.
This is not a personal bash by any means, but it’s simply a comment about priorities NEEDING to change, or the game will continue to bleed loyal and long term players. There hasn’t been much of anything for me personally, outside of the POTENTIAL golden pursuits has, that has genuinely excited me in a few years now unfortunately. The game will always have a special place in my heart, which is why I care and participate in the forums, but man, I want my favorite MMO to be so much better than it is currently
Agreed, I feel like there's a weird focus on how Brian played (although I do understand how his playstyle can be conflicting for players who want to see PvP go away from those kinds of builds, myself included), but I'd personally argue that even outside of performance.... the 2 team BGs just don't make for entertaining/fun looking gameplay.ForumSavant wrote: »The overall biggest problem with the stream wasn't even the performance of the players on stream, it was the MASSIVE issues with the BGs themselves. Multiple BGs never started because sometimes teams would have 7 out of 8 people needed, and it would not fill, even with people qued in to make it fill. This happened multiple BGs in a row and there was a huge lull in action on the stream. They would wait 5 minutes, the BG would end, and it would happen again. The simple fix for this is to make it work the way dungeon finder does and make the match not start unless people accept it, a ready check to get in, along with penalties for declining multiple times. If you miss the que by accident or something comes up, no problem, if you do it twice in a row it happens but you get a 1 minute timeout, then a 15 minute, etc. with it resetting once you actually accept a BG. The current BG que system is much worse than this. You can decline a que with only a 30 second penalty and completely ruin the game for those that accepted it, and then just que again, decline, same 30 second penalty, and continue to ruin it for the people that accepted.
DemonicGoat wrote: »Yea, That stream was insightful as to why things are they way they are around combat,pvp,bgs,etc. (IMO)
Syphers question to Brian at 01:33:40
The VOD is here:
10th anniversary..
I think this is exactly why it was good to have Sypher there. Brian was already there filling the role of "someone who thinks everything is just dandy" and clearly the BG rework was intended to pull in more players to BGs and overall, the game.... so having only people who are content or questionably somehow happy with the current state of things would have taken away from the facts that many people (I'd even dare to say most people) don't enjoy what combat, and of course BGs, in ESO have become.I know that Sypher is a big streamer now and all, but I would have liked to see someone who actively plays the game. Sypher seemed about as bored and unhappy with the game as I am, so it was a tough stream to watch. I think playing with an active player would result in more engaging questions being asked.
I think this is exactly why it was good to have Sypher there. Brian was already there filling the role of "someone who thinks everything is just dandy" and clearly the BG rework was intended to pull in more players to BGs and overall, the game.... so having only people who are content or questionably somehow happy with the current state of things would have taken away from the facts that many people (I'd even dare to say most people) don't enjoy what combat, and of course BGs, in ESO have become.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »First and foremost, thank you to everyone who has maintained constructiveness in this discussion thread. We’ve always said that constructive critical feedback is welcome and valuable, and we do mean it.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »On the topic of communication, we want to be able to talk with you all more, get out there and play with game with you more, do more livestreams, etc. When a developer puts themselves out there and is met with unrealistic expectations and general personal attacks, it makes them not want to do any of those things again. So please, if you want more communication from us, keep in mind to be respectful and constructive. It’s okay to be frustrated, disappointed, unhappy with something, etc. and we only ask that you communicate that to us without bashing our developers in the process. Anecdotally, we also want players of all skill levels to feel welcome to try out things like PVP Battlegrounds, Cyrodiil, dungeons, and trials, and feel okay with not necessarily being top-tier at it. It's always disappointing to see gatekeeping commentary and behavior – that’s not in the spirit of our community.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »This was long, so if you read it all, thank you. 😊 The team here does care, very much, and we want to get out there and interact with you more. Please remember there are hardworking individuals behind the names, and a little kindness can go a long way.