PTS Update 43 - Feedback Thread for Classes & Abilities

  • ManiaSky
    Soul Shriven
    Just want to second this (or third or fourth or fortieth it) and hope that SOMEONE pays attention: Leave Arctic Blast alone. From what I've seen, NOBODY uses AB in PvP; every Warden build I see stacks health because of how crazy Polar Wind scales. Just take the stun away and leave the rest of it alone if PvP means so much to you that you're willing to further destroy what is already considered to be one of the worst PvE damage classes. Having enough bar space is already difficult on a Warden, and AB is great in PvE since it's a combo heal/damage skill. (Not to mention, Scribing has numerous options for anyone wanting CC abilities for PvP. The stun won't be missed.)

    As far as Piercing Cold: Just change the flat damage percentage if it's so OP in PvP. As many others have said, obliterating it completely when your health is too high will seriously disadvantage a lot of people running Infinite Archive. The best suggestion I have is to give Wardens the same treatment as DK in the sense of status effects (and I bring this up because if you're totally cool with DK having it, there is LITERALLY no reason to do the same for Warden. Why should they be able to proc crazy amounts of flame damage and not have something similar for Wardens?). Get rid of the flat percentage, keep the buff to Chill, add one for frost damage and BOTH for Bleed/Hemorrhage.

    Other suggestions to go along with that:

    - Change the damage type of Subterranean Assault to bleed instead of poison; there is no reason for it to be poison damage (refer once again to DK; ALL of their damaging skills are the same damage types that they have buffed. Not to mention that DK has TWELVE CLASS ABILITIES THAT CAN DAMAGE ENEMIES. Warden only has SEVEN!)

    - Change the magicka morph of Dive to an Ice Wraith or something and make the damage type frost.

    - Seeing as DK has damaging skills in their "healing" skill line (and again, TWELVE SKILLS TOTAL THAT DEAL DAMAGE) it would be great if Warden had one or two that dealt bleed damage; and I'd suggest doing that for Lotus Flower. Most EVERY class has a damaging skill that grants either Savagery/Prophecy or Brutality/Sorcery (or at least one that grants it passively by slotting it on either bar). I could see a Lotus flower morph as a good candidate for that (kind of like Hurricane for Sorcs; it could deal AoE damage while it's active) and have it change to something thorn-themed to make it go along with said bleed damage.

    I know it seems like I'm beating this "DK has xyz so why not us" thing to death. I have nothing against DK, and I'm not implying that they should be nerfed. But if the end goal is BALANCE like ZoS claims it is, then they need to take better steps towards that goal. I would love nothing more than for EVERYBODY to be able to play the class that they love the most and do comparable damage.

    One last thing in regards to changing anything in Winter's Embrace to better suit tanking: Unless something changes DRASTICALLY, the meta for endgame trial groups is still going to be DK and Necro for tanks. With all due respect, it would take minimal research to determine that. Warden mains aren't asking to be better at tanking; we're asking for more damage. Please focus on that first.

    ManiaSky wrote: »
    Just want to second this (or third or fourth or fortieth it) and hope that SOMEONE pays attention: Leave Arctic Blast alone. From what I've seen, NOBODY uses AB in PvP; every Warden build I see stacks health because of how crazy Polar Wind scales. Just take the stun away and leave the rest of it alone if PvP means so much to you that you're willing to further destroy what is already considered to be one of the worst PvE damage classes. Having enough bar space is already difficult on a Warden, and AB is great in PvE since it's a combo heal/damage skill. (Not to mention, Scribing has numerous options for anyone wanting CC abilities for PvP. The stun won't be missed.)

    I agree with most of what you said on your post except that first part.

    I get freeze enough in PvP to know that Artic Blast is used at least as much as Polar Wind is used. Myself first.
    Even with the "crazy polar wind" some high HP warden will use Artic Blast because the stun is very usefull in PvP to help combo skill to finish ennemies. Around 35k HP the burst heal of Polar Wind is barely better than Artic Blast burst with the amount of damage you get (even if with that little nerf on the Artic Blast heal, Polar Wind burst will for sure be a bit more better after the patch) so you have to choose between a survy HoT or an usefull ability to finish.
    And as you said warden doesn't have enough bar space so removing the stun from that good self heal "DoT" will be bad for warden as they were always lacking option to stun with good skill like others class can do. (Scribbing will ask us one more skill slot when we already have bar space issue)

    In all those change, the only I can understand and I'm not really against is the damage change about the initial pulse buffed for less power on the DoT pulse. In my experience (PvE & PvP) the DoT pulse never get a 100% hit rate (only happen agaisnt a training dummy lol) as in most fight we need to move and sometime you'll get far enough from target to not trigger any pulse when your initial pulse is easy to hit as you just need to active the skill when close to your target.
    Even the change on the chilled chance is not big and fine.

    All of that was looking more like correctly adjusting the skill but then they also add a restriction on the heal...
    They should just forget that stupid healing restriction idea and let the heal be unchanged.

    An Imperial Cow Warden | PC-EU
  • xylena_lazarow
    MATH_COW wrote: »
    I get freeze enough in PvP to know that Artic Blast is used at least as much as Polar Wind is used.
    Dubious claim. Sounds like you have too small a sample size.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
    MATH_COW wrote: »
    I get freeze enough in PvP to know that Artic Blast is used at least as much as Polar Wind is used.
    Dubious claim. Sounds like you have too small a sample size.

    Wel that's my experience from Battleground and Cyrodiil obviously. But I doubt this is far from reallity.
    An Imperial Cow Warden | PC-EU
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Claws of Life healing, please for the love of Hircine make this heal worthwhile in PVP contexts/battle spirit.
    Claws of Live is useless & dead skill. It should provide significant healing or at least sustain (mag or stam return ?) Also, WW in general is the worst spec in the game (pretty much every player, even vamp mains do agree on this). I mean you can be top WW player with build optimised for WW and yet in PvE any non-optimised class will be better for DPS & tanking and same in PvP. An average Arcanist noobie can beat WW easily even if WW is played by a PvP veteran. Just sad & feels wrong.

    Werewolf should have all of its artificial "limitations" addressed 1st:
    1. They can not sneak. Why not ? What is balancing reason for it ?
    2. They don't have weapon passive, but oddly they keep armour passives. Weird & incoherent leftover from the past.
    3. They can not mount (obviously) and yet they are very slow.
    4. They don't have CC immunity tool - which makes them vulnerable in PvE and extremely vulnerable in PvP.
    5. They can not detect invisible / stealthed targets. Why ? They are "Half wolves". They have sharpened senses. It does not make sense for them not to be able to "sniff" the target they were fighting moment ago, especially if it is still near.
    6. They don't have ultimate. Imho that is wasted opportunity. Pressing ulti button again just reverts you back. Is there at least one place in the entire game when "reverting back" is important ? This should not work like that. Once you transform, you should still accumulate ulti from scratch and you should have some ultimate. Reverting back should be just done by simply waiting (seriously, at most it is like 1 minute). It would even be quite immersive. You can not revert, you need to calm down & cleanse the rage from your mind etc. Also, there is a bug (I think) that reverts you back when you change zones. Again, something that just feels wrong.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on July 28, 2024 3:46PM
  • YandereGirlfriend
    ManiaSky wrote: »
    Just want to second this (or third or fourth or fortieth it) and hope that SOMEONE pays attention: Leave Arctic Blast alone. From what I've seen, NOBODY uses AB in PvP; every Warden build I see stacks health because of how crazy Polar Wind scales. Just take the stun away and leave the rest of it alone if PvP means so much to you that you're willing to further destroy what is already considered to be one of the worst PvE damage classes. Having enough bar space is already difficult on a Warden, and AB is great in PvE since it's a combo heal/damage skill. (Not to mention, Scribing has numerous options for anyone wanting CC abilities for PvP. The stun won't be missed.)

    As far as Piercing Cold: Just change the flat damage percentage if it's so OP in PvP. As many others have said, obliterating it completely when your health is too high will seriously disadvantage a lot of people running Infinite Archive. The best suggestion I have is to give Wardens the same treatment as DK in the sense of status effects (and I bring this up because if you're totally cool with DK having it, there is LITERALLY no reason to do the same for Warden. Why should they be able to proc crazy amounts of flame damage and not have something similar for Wardens?). Get rid of the flat percentage, keep the buff to Chill, add one for frost damage and BOTH for Bleed/Hemorrhage.

    Other suggestions to go along with that:

    - Change the damage type of Subterranean Assault to bleed instead of poison; there is no reason for it to be poison damage (refer once again to DK; ALL of their damaging skills are the same damage types that they have buffed. Not to mention that DK has TWELVE CLASS ABILITIES THAT CAN DAMAGE ENEMIES. Warden only has SEVEN!)

    - Change the magicka morph of Dive to an Ice Wraith or something and make the damage type frost.

    - Seeing as DK has damaging skills in their "healing" skill line (and again, TWELVE SKILLS TOTAL THAT DEAL DAMAGE) it would be great if Warden had one or two that dealt bleed damage; and I'd suggest doing that for Lotus Flower. Most EVERY class has a damaging skill that grants either Savagery/Prophecy or Brutality/Sorcery (or at least one that grants it passively by slotting it on either bar). I could see a Lotus flower morph as a good candidate for that (kind of like Hurricane for Sorcs; it could deal AoE damage while it's active) and have it change to something thorn-themed to make it go along with said bleed damage.

    I know it seems like I'm beating this "DK has xyz so why not us" thing to death. I have nothing against DK, and I'm not implying that they should be nerfed. But if the end goal is BALANCE like ZoS claims it is, then they need to take better steps towards that goal. I would love nothing more than for EVERYBODY to be able to play the class that they love the most and do comparable damage.

    One last thing in regards to changing anything in Winter's Embrace to better suit tanking: Unless something changes DRASTICALLY, the meta for endgame trial groups is still going to be DK and Necro for tanks. With all due respect, it would take minimal research to determine that. Warden mains aren't asking to be better at tanking; we're asking for more damage. Please focus on that first.


    Very much agree.

    I think that people cite DK because it is a very successful example of like power fantasy done correctly.

    The class is linked to dominant elements (e.g. Flame and Poison) that is dictated by the lore of the class and then exclusively traffics in that those dominant elements. On top of that, the class excels in both PvP and PvE across various role archetypes.

    This contrasts very starkly with classes such as Warden and Necro (and Sorc, TBH) that are just pinatas of random effects that have no coherent sense of identity or theming.

    In other words, more classes should be constructed like the DK, as you say.
  • katemedina666
    ManiaSky wrote: »
    Just want to second this (or third or fourth or fortieth it) and hope that SOMEONE pays attention: Leave Arctic Blast alone. From what I've seen, NOBODY uses AB in PvP; every Warden build I see stacks health because of how crazy Polar Wind scales. Just take the stun away and leave the rest of it alone if PvP means so much to you that you're willing to further destroy what is already considered to be one of the worst PvE damage classes. Having enough bar space is already difficult on a Warden, and AB is great in PvE since it's a combo heal/damage skill. (Not to mention, Scribing has numerous options for anyone wanting CC abilities for PvP. The stun won't be missed.)

    As far as Piercing Cold: Just change the flat damage percentage if it's so OP in PvP. As many others have said, obliterating it completely when your health is too high will seriously disadvantage a lot of people running Infinite Archive. The best suggestion I have is to give Wardens the same treatment as DK in the sense of status effects (and I bring this up because if you're totally cool with DK having it, there is LITERALLY no reason to do the same for Warden. Why should they be able to proc crazy amounts of flame damage and not have something similar for Wardens?). Get rid of the flat percentage, keep the buff to Chill, add one for frost damage and BOTH for Bleed/Hemorrhage.

    100% understanding and agreement. Devs, listen to the players finally! Otherwise with such a balance of classes and loyalty to feedback - personally from me this game will not receive any more donations and game time...
  • Jsmalls
    I'm going to reiterate my first post in this thread because I haven't seen anything in response to it and it's very significant with the current state of the game.

    "So just want to pull a blurb from the class balance section.

    "Shifted numerous Nightblade abilities to improve their thematic tie into their skill line, while simultaneously addressing some long-standing balance issues the class has had in PvP environments."

    Think it's safe to say most nightblades run 1-2 heavy pieces (so 14-16 seconds).

    If the intention of this change was to make micromanaging Resolve more involved, well it's not. Path/cloak are used very frequently and will make the uptime on Resolve very easy to manage.

    Moving to veiled strike moving to the assassination tree. So nightblades now get ANOTHER 2% crit chance on their offensive bar... At the loss of 3% health...

    These changes do absolutely nothing to address long standing balance issues.

    Merciless never needed change to allow you to hold it indefinitely.

    The unique no name damage buffs are way too strong.

    But honestly just would like an answer to your own statement. How did this change effect anything for Nightblade balance issues in PvP? Can you please elaborate."

    Every other player you attack in Open World Cyrodiil or Imperial City disappears. Nightblade is an extremely prevalent class and statistically make up a disproportionate amount of the PVP playerbase.

    Just like the current iteration of Sorcs, they have NO weakness. They are extremely fast (easy access to major and minor expedition), stealth suppresses DoTs and dodges direct attacks and allows them to reset fights, they have amazing healing, the best single target ultimate in the game (PVP), one of the best AoE ultimates in the game, only class with class access to vampire passives (damage boost) in combat, the highest single target ability in the game (merciless), a plethora of passive damage boosts, unique damage modifiers, the list goes on and on.

    They are often referred to as the only "completed class". As they have access to everything under the sun and their skills compliment each other.

    So once again would like to ask based on a direct comment made from the developers, How did this change effect anything for Nightblade balance issues in PvP? Can you please elaborate.
    Edited by Jsmalls on July 29, 2024 1:19PM
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    MATH_COW wrote: »
    MATH_COW wrote: »
    I get freeze enough in PvP to know that Artic Blast is used at least as much as Polar Wind is used.
    Dubious claim. Sounds like you have too small a sample size.

    Wel that's my experience from Battleground and Cyrodiil obviously. But I doubt this is far from reallity.

    It's probably closer to a 40/60 spread (Arctic Blast:Polar Wind). Polar is DEFINITELY used more in open world PvP, and most players in BGs will still use it, but Arctic is found in BGs fairly regularly.

    Even still, it's by far the weaker morph compared to Polar, which is one of the most overtuned heals that has ever existed in the game.
  • Gendizer
    What the reason you nerfed Arctic Blast? Almost nobody plays on Warden as a dd in PVE. In PVP ice Warden also is not so good as DK, NB and Sorcerer. How are we going to heal ourselves now in the combat? Where is the logic here?!
  • Gendizer
    Dear developers! Please STOP doing strange unjustified changes! I am talking about Arctic Blast in particular! It is the only burst heal skill on Ice Warden! It is not so strong like DK / Sorc / Templar heal skills, but better than nothing. Ice Warden is very unpopular class, but after this change nobody will play them!
  • Alaztor91
    Well, this is the last chance before this hits live I think. Make the Major Prophecy/Savagery and Major Sorcery/Brutality that is being added to Shocking Siphon and Skeletal Mage work ''while slotted on either bar''. It has been more than a year since Arcanist and the ''while slotted on either bar'' functionality released and you have already implemented it for other class skills like Inferno or Shadow Cloak.

    Also, Skeletal Mage should have its damage increased since it was stealth nerfed with the U35 DoT rework even though the skill is not a DoT.
    Even still, it's by far the weaker morph compared to Polar, which is one of the most overtuned heals that has ever existed in the game.

    I really think everybody overreact about the power of Polar Wind and don't realize how much it cost to make it that good.
    An Imperial Cow Warden | PC-EU
  • Stafford197
    ManiaSky wrote: »
    Just want to second this (or third or fourth or fortieth it) and hope that SOMEONE pays attention: Leave Arctic Blast alone. From what I've seen, NOBODY uses AB in PvP; every Warden build I see stacks health because of how crazy Polar Wind scales. Just take the stun away and leave the rest of it alone if PvP means so much to you that you're willing to further destroy what is already considered to be one of the worst PvE damage classes. Having enough bar space is already difficult on a Warden, and AB is great in PvE since it's a combo heal/damage skill. (Not to mention, Scribing has numerous options for anyone wanting CC abilities for PvP. The stun won't be missed.)

    As far as Piercing Cold: Just change the flat damage percentage if it's so OP in PvP. As many others have said, obliterating it completely when your health is too high will seriously disadvantage a lot of people running Infinite Archive. The best suggestion I have is to give Wardens the same treatment as DK in the sense of status effects (and I bring this up because if you're totally cool with DK having it, there is LITERALLY no reason to do the same for Warden. Why should they be able to proc crazy amounts of flame damage and not have something similar for Wardens?). Get rid of the flat percentage, keep the buff to Chill, add one for frost damage and BOTH for Bleed/Hemorrhage.

    Other suggestions to go along with that:

    - Change the damage type of Subterranean Assault to bleed instead of poison; there is no reason for it to be poison damage (refer once again to DK; ALL of their damaging skills are the same damage types that they have buffed. Not to mention that DK has TWELVE CLASS ABILITIES THAT CAN DAMAGE ENEMIES. Warden only has SEVEN!)

    - Change the magicka morph of Dive to an Ice Wraith or something and make the damage type frost.

    - Seeing as DK has damaging skills in their "healing" skill line (and again, TWELVE SKILLS TOTAL THAT DEAL DAMAGE) it would be great if Warden had one or two that dealt bleed damage; and I'd suggest doing that for Lotus Flower. Most EVERY class has a damaging skill that grants either Savagery/Prophecy or Brutality/Sorcery (or at least one that grants it passively by slotting it on either bar). I could see a Lotus flower morph as a good candidate for that (kind of like Hurricane for Sorcs; it could deal AoE damage while it's active) and have it change to something thorn-themed to make it go along with said bleed damage.

    I know it seems like I'm beating this "DK has xyz so why not us" thing to death. I have nothing against DK, and I'm not implying that they should be nerfed. But if the end goal is BALANCE like ZoS claims it is, then they need to take better steps towards that goal. I would love nothing more than for EVERYBODY to be able to play the class that they love the most and do comparable damage.

    One last thing in regards to changing anything in Winter's Embrace to better suit tanking: Unless something changes DRASTICALLY, the meta for endgame trial groups is still going to be DK and Necro for tanks. With all due respect, it would take minimal research to determine that. Warden mains aren't asking to be better at tanking; we're asking for more damage. Please focus on that first.


    Very much agree.

    I think that people cite DK because it is a very successful example of like power fantasy done correctly.

    The class is linked to dominant elements (e.g. Flame and Poison) that is dictated by the lore of the class and then exclusively traffics in that those dominant elements. On top of that, the class excels in both PvP and PvE across various role archetypes.

    This contrasts very starkly with classes such as Warden and Necro (and Sorc, TBH) that are just pinatas of random effects that have no coherent sense of identity or theming.

    In other words, more classes should be constructed like the DK, as you say.

    Exactly this^^^

    But I don’t think things will ever improve on this front. We’ve strayed very far from class identity, and the only reason DK has any semblance of it is due to chance imo.
  • Gendizer
    Even still, it's by far the weaker morph compared to Polar, which is one of the most overtuned heals that has ever existed in the game.
    It is not overpowered skill. You must make maximum HP to make this heal strong. It means that you lose in other resources, damage and sustain. Compare it with DK heal Coagulating Blood: it is strongest burst skill which depends on your WPD/SPD - you don't need max your HP to make it strong.
  • Anachronian
    Thank you for fixing Soul Trap's unmorphed version being freely unlocked. While the skill is nowhere near one of the best in the game, it's still a good free/back-up skill for players new to the game.
  • Stafford197
    Thank you for fixing Soul Trap's unmorphed version being freely unlocked. While the skill is nowhere near one of the best in the game, it's still a good free/back-up skill for players new to the game.

    Honestly… I would appreciate if this was changed.

    Lock away Soul Trap and grant all characters that 1 skill point to use how we want.

    Same for Scribed abilities. I wish there was a way to lose them. If your main character is a DPS you better be careful about unlocking Grimoire achievements, as you may end up permanently stuck with a One Hand and Shield skill in your ability list lol.

    Not a big deal ofc but these are small changes I would hope to see.

  • YandereGirlfriend
    You're going in the wrong direction with Undeath. It was fine at 10% and Stage 1.

    I think that the reason that it was moved back to Stage 3 was simply to avoid having to come up with a new vampire effect to attach to Stage 3 and not because it actually made sense for Undeath itself.

    Honestly, just abolish Undeath entirely and go back to the drawing board.
  • StarOfElyon
    Undeath could have scaled this way:
    stage 1: 5%
    stage 2: 10%
    stage 3: 15%
    stage 4: 20%
  • master_vanargand
    Moving "Undeath" back to stage 3 was a good decision. (The usual trick)
    But "15%" seems like a bad idea. (It should have remained at 10%)
    Many PvP players will probably still choose Vampire stage 3.
  • Kalam0n
    Soul Shriven
    I found Aerie's Cry to underperform each of the current top tier DPS sets while parsing on the PTS. In my testing it underperformed Relequen's, Whorl of the Depths, and Pillar of Nirn regardless of how I combined them or what mythics I mixed in. Even with a rotation built entirely around Animal Companions, Aerie's Cry was about a 5% - 10% loss for me. Maybe this is just a skill issue on my end, as I'm not the best at parsing, but I also would have thought that would give Aerie's Cry the edge - and it didn't. Maybe this is intentional, but I feel like these class sets should outperform dungeon sets and non-perfected trial sets when used optimally. If Pillar and standard Relequen's are going to outperform or evenly match a class set, why bother farming IA again?

    I may also be in the minority as a Stamden, but the Piercing Cold changes seem be a nice damage buff for stamina builds. I never liked feeling forced to wield an ice staff just to reach my full damage potential as a warden, so this is a welcome adjustment. I do agree with the common opinion though that using health pool to determine whether it's a damage buff or a defense buff is not ideal.
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Kalam0n wrote: »
    I found Aerie's Cry to underperform each of the current top tier DPS sets while parsing on the PTS. In my testing it underperformed Relequen's, Whorl of the Depths, and Pillar of Nirn regardless of how I combined them or what mythics I mixed in. Even with a rotation built entirely around Animal Companions, Aerie's Cry was about a 5% - 10% loss for me. Maybe this is just a skill issue on my end, as I'm not the best at parsing, but I also would have thought that would give Aerie's Cry the edge - and it didn't. Maybe this is intentional, but I feel like these class sets should outperform dungeon sets and non-perfected trial sets when used optimally. If Pillar and standard Relequen's are going to outperform or evenly match a class set, why bother farming IA again?

    I may also be in the minority as a Stamden, but the Piercing Cold changes seem be a nice damage buff for stamina builds. I never liked feeling forced to wield an ice staff just to reach my full damage potential as a warden, so this is a welcome adjustment. I do agree with the common opinion though that using health pool to determine whether it's a damage buff or a defense buff is not ideal.

    Agree with you about the set.

    But... your win of not wanting to use a Frost Staff equals every MagDen's loss at being forced to run the same boring DW Daggers setup as literally every other class in the game. Which is ZzzzzzZZZZzzzzZ from any sort of class identity POV.
  • SkaiFaith
    Kalam0n wrote: »
    I may also be in the minority as a Stamden, but the Piercing Cold changes seem be a nice damage buff for stamina builds. I never liked feeling forced to wield an ice staff just to reach my full damage potential as a warden, so this is a welcome adjustment. I do agree with the common opinion though that using health pool to determine whether it's a damage buff or a defense buff is not ideal.

    I'm mainly a Lightning staff user and I love the fact I now can get 8% damage bonus just by slotting a Scribing Ice ability! BUT then... I realize I have 40K health on my build, so this pushes me to permablock instead...
    But... your win of not wanting to use a Frost Staff equals every MagDen's loss at being forced to run the same boring DW Daggers setup as literally every other class in the game. Which is ZzzzzzZZZZzzzzZ from any sort of class identity POV.

    About class identity and my personal build issue, I would solve it like this: Piercing Cold gives 8% damage bonus when ice damage Is dealt, period, no health requirements since is already reduced from the original 12%... Then add the block damage bonus ONLY if you have 35K+ Health AND equipping an Ice staff (the block damage bonus could be reduced maybe to 8% if considered too OP having both bonuses).

    I think this would solve many issues giving bonuses to a wider range of players and still giving an edge to Ice staff on Warden for identity.

    P.s. PLEASE, I would really like that damage bonus on lightning staff, but having to give up 13K health (3K are added by Warden passive) is too much, especially for Infinite Archive - using Oakensoul I can't have two bars with different health pools to switch bonus.
    Edited by SkaiFaith on July 30, 2024 5:33AM
    A: "We, as humans, should respect and take care of each other like in a Co-op, not a PvP 🌸"
    B: "Too many words. Words bad. Won't read. ⚔️"
  • master_vanargand
    All "Increases status (set X skills on the bar)" passive skills should be "While slotted on either bar".
    For example, in Nightblade's PvE DPS, would only set Shadow skills on the back bar. (Because it's the most efficient)
    In that case, "Dark Vigor (Max Health +3%)" would only have an effect on the back bar, which would be very inconsistent.
    The main bar decreases max health and the back bar increases max health, which is very weird and awkward to use.
    Shouldn't it be "While slotted on either bar" to make the passive skill "passive skill of true static"?
  • TDVM
    Remove Undeath from vampires, if only because vampire should be an optional subclass for pvp, not mandatory just because it has a strong passvik without any conditions. Vampires undeservedly have the Undeath passive, which is unnecessary.
  • katorga
    FoJul wrote: »
    Nightblade has been the #1 Class since release
    During the Warden/DK back bar SnB meta a few years back, they had nerfed the hell out of NB damage for a while to preserve the spammable cloak, NB really couldn't burst much of anything back then. NB is mostly fine now, the problem isn't really NB itself but stacking ranged burst procs like Tarnished Nightmare.

    The sets really don't matter, although Tarnished gets all the attention because of the noise.

    Prior to Tarnished being released I was using draugrkin/way of fire. Spam crushing/LA weaves into Merciless. Just melts people at range. On a build with 6K spell damage, 55% crit rate, 105%+ crit damage, passive healing from siphoning/reaving blows and base 160% movement speed. Superlative. The massive damage from Merciless is what makes it work.

    Mod 2 - Tarnished/Winterborn

    Mod 3 - Sheer Venom/Tarnished

    Mod 4 - Sheer Venom/Draugrkin

    Scribing just put this over the top.
    Edited by katorga on July 30, 2024 4:23PM
  • Thal
    Petition to make Templar a first class citizen with a "While slotted on either bar" Major Brutality/Sorcery (not Stam Jabs) or make the Sun Fire morphs have "while slotted on either bar" savagery/sorcery.
  • Skjaldbjorn
    Agree with you about the set.

    But... your win of not wanting to use a Frost Staff equals every MagDen's loss at being forced to run the same boring DW Daggers setup as literally every other class in the game. Which is ZzzzzzZZZZzzzzZ from any sort of class identity POV.

    This makes me sad. Not because Wardens are hurting, that's just par for the course, but the fact that we've been down bad for so damn long that we've actually accepted somehow that "class identity" is being forced to use a trash tier weapon in all of our builds. Class identity should come from our core kit, like every other class in the game.
  • xylena_lazarow
    Please standardize the radius of point blank AoE damage skills to the same 7m as melee strikes. Burning Talons, Whirling Blades, Blade Cloak, Arctic Blast, Pulsar, Turn Evil, splash damage on Reverse Slice and Daedric Curse, and so on. It would go a long way towards playability and mitigating certain performance concerns.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • BasP
    Alaztor91 wrote: »
    Well, this is the last chance before this hits live I think. Make the Major Prophecy/Savagery and Major Sorcery/Brutality that is being added to Shocking Siphon and Skeletal Mage work ''while slotted on either bar''. It has been more than a year since Arcanist and the ''while slotted on either bar'' functionality released and you have already implemented it for other class skills like Inferno or Shadow Cloak.
    I think that would be a good change indeed, more so in the case of Shocking Siphon considering it needs a corpse to function. Sometimes Blastbones gets confused and it takes a while before it attacks its target, leaving a player without access to an important basic buff. Necromancers also have a couple of other skills that require corpses that one might want to prioritize over Siphon in some cases. Just having the buff be active at all times would be a nice improvement.
    Edited by BasP on July 31, 2024 5:50AM
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