Man... If I was working in ZOS I'd legit feel embarrassed by this .... can you imagine going to WoW or FF14 forums and seeing a 104 pages threads about server issues? I surely do not. I wonder what kind of impression this leaves on a potential new players when they want to check the forums for some info and they see this thread. Not like it bothers me much, since I don't play this anymore, but still check the forums occasionally for the state of the game and seeing that this problem and thread are still present is really funny(or really unfunny if I was to still play this game).
It hit ALL the servers? In the thread I was posting in I saw people on console having the same issues with getting booted, getting the login queue, and so on.
Do you guys have any way of tracking these attacks? The fact that they keep happening in such a short amount of time is...weird. Maybe it's the same group?
Just wanted to follow up here. We posted an update on the Dev Tracker early this morning. Copied below. This update happened around 2am ET today.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »I want to sub and play the game but I can not justify the expense when I wait in que for 20 minutes and then get server kicked from lag the first fight in. I can't. This needs fixing.
Just wanted to follow up here. We just had Studio Director, Matt Firor post a community update about some of the DDoS attacks that have been happening. Link to statement is here.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »
Bandits most definitely is/was an issue. You can basically mark that one down as 100% confirmed.
Since raiders in my guild have purged it from their mod folders (from a high point of about 3/4 of the raid running it) the incidence of random kicks from Cyro from has decreased from several dozen per raid to virtually zero. Absolutely night and day difference.
Also fully agree that industrious minds will be hard at work to discover and implement new workarounds to the map pings method and that those should be eliminated/heavily regulated as well. The free-for-all approach to mods leaves WAY too much latitude for developers to, knowingly or not, release sketchy products.
It is my understanding from talking to some add-on devs who are in communication with the ZOS devs who manage the API, that solutions are being worked on. It sounds like the current functionality for data transfer will be completely removed, i.e. Hodors and Bandits and other add-ons that share ultimate and DPS information will no longer work. You can look at the lib add-ons for Hodor for example in esoui for evidence.
I have also been told that zos is working with the add-on devs to find an alternate solution so PC raid leads don't have to go back to timing ultimates with stop watches.
Honestly that's great new to hear. Slightly concerning that such a hole was opened up in there system for so long without them realizing it. But still good to hear that they are addressing it. Personally, I don't really see the need for an addon to time stuff like that. It's not like they aren't in chat already. They could... couldn't they... would it be possible to... *talk* to each other?
KaironBlackbard wrote: »
Here's an idea, everyone use discord since most guilds make a discord server, and everyone stream to the voice channel. Raid lead has an extra monitor to show all the streams so he can see all their ults. Probably on a TV screen so they can see them all.
Wouldn't really need stopwatches for that. Also, stopwatches can be inaccurate, especially if someone isn't proccing ult gen as often as the lead is timing it. Or if someone is running ult gen setup and forgot to mention that to lead, having their ult more often than the lead times it.
There is going to be 2 other Libraries that will address the MapPing timing. You won't be able to make calls every second like it currently is, it will be more on a 10 second call instead, which will kind of mess things up.
The biggest problem is that some addon developers didn't convert to LibMapPing to make these calls, which would have made that date share work with all addons and make a single call for the same type of data. Instead developers had to try and use their own call with MapPing which ends up "spamming" the same data type.
This is not the entire issue though, there are other issues at hand.
Just_Attivi wrote: »"Youve been placed in a queue to login"
my second favorite piece of lore.... servers dying again? another " " DDoS" " perhaps?
DragonRacer wrote: »
And why is 9:15am Eastern on a Wednesday considered a great time to DDoS the NA server? Vast majority of North America is either at work or just waking up to get ready for work, depending on time zone… and yet, there we were, a massive server boot of the population then a login queue before the server decided we were allowed back in again…
Just_Attivi wrote: »
Huh. Y'all should move to satellite connect. I never have any of these issues - even in the middle of a ddos.
Read the U45 API patch notes posted at ESOUI. There's an entirely new data broadcast API specifically for use by addons, the specifications of which you can check out.
so in a nutshell, to combat ddos attacks you basicly ddos your customers?!?!?
Has ESO been experiencing daily DDoS attacks since May 2024? I mean, that WAS around the time of the PTS fiasco, so maybe someone got overly angry about how ZOS handled that and chose to lash out, but I have my doubts that it has been going on for this long.
I mean, I’ll take ZOS’s word for it that it’s what’s happening RIGHT NOW, but I hope people don’t latch onto it and say “it’s just an ongoing DDoS attack, nothing more they can do” with a shrug when these issues have been happening for so many months now. One presumes other big MMOs like WoW and such are targeted by malicious actors on a daily or near daily basis as well, but you don’t hear about players in those games having major connectivity issues for months.
That's around the same time that Final Fantasy XIV had major DDoS attacks last year.