To further hammer that second point home - if this is an actual issue with the API then it doesn't matter if BanditsUI disabled it or not. Some bad actor(s) will inevitably create their own addons to specifically abuse this loophole. I would hope that ZoS would be aware of such issues and immediately take action if they really did exist.
I'm sure they are having interal conversations about their API as a whole since Bandits was brought up - to make sure there aren't any other methods of sending information/causing issues like Bandits may have been doing.
I'm sure they are having interal conversations about their API as a whole since Bandits was brought up - to make sure there aren't any other methods of sending information/causing issues like Bandits may have been doing.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »
Bandits most definitely is/was an issue. You can basically mark that one down as 100% confirmed.
Since raiders in my guild have purged it from their mod folders (from a high point of about 3/4 of the raid running it) the incidence of random kicks from Cyro from has decreased from several dozen per raid to virtually zero. Absolutely night and day difference.
Also fully agree that industrious minds will be hard at work to discover and implement new workarounds to the map pings method and that those should be eliminated/heavily regulated as well. The free-for-all approach to mods leaves WAY too much latitude for developers to, knowingly or not, release sketchy products.
And yet another vVH run was spoiled due to two long lag spikes/ freezes, leading to deaths and ruining my score (which wasn't that great to begin with).
I don't know why I even try to improve my personal records when the game has been functioning like this for a while now.
Edit: And it happened again on another character. Meanwhile:
KaironBlackbard wrote: »
Perhaps it's the 100+Mbps download. I remember that there was something that when the person got internet over 100Mbps, their specific thing would refuse to work and only registered 1Mpbs, even though their internet registered 100Mbps+.
I run on 15Mbps and for the most part I run fine. I do occasionally (about twice a week) run into issues, but I can't easily replicate it, it's random.
I think they were on Xfinity?
I forget what their application was...
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »
Bandits most definitely is/was an issue. You can basically mark that one down as 100% confirmed.
Since raiders in my guild have purged it from their mod folders (from a high point of about 3/4 of the raid running it) the incidence of random kicks from Cyro from has decreased from several dozen per raid to virtually zero. Absolutely night and day difference.
Also fully agree that industrious minds will be hard at work to discover and implement new workarounds to the map pings method and that those should be eliminated/heavily regulated as well. The free-for-all approach to mods leaves WAY too much latitude for developers to, knowingly or not, release sketchy products.
It is my understanding from talking to some add-on devs who are in communication with the ZOS devs who manage the API, that solutions are being worked on. It sounds like the current functionality for data transfer will be completely removed, i.e. Hodors and Bandits and other add-ons that share ultimate and DPS information will no longer work. You can look at the lib add-ons for Hodor for example in esoui for evidence.
I have also been told that zos is working with the add-on devs to find an alternate solution so PC raid leads don't have to go back to timing ultimates with stop watches.
KaironBlackbard wrote: »
Perhaps it's the 100+Mbps download. I remember that there was something that when the person got internet over 100Mbps, their specific thing would refuse to work and only registered 1Mpbs, even though their internet registered 100Mbps+.
I run on 15Mbps and for the most part I run fine. I do occasionally (about twice a week) run into issues, but I can't easily replicate it, it's random.
I think they were on Xfinity?
I forget what their application was...
I have no data to back this up.... BUT.. lol I'd assume the overwhelming majority of gamers have 500mb+ if not 1gig at this point.
I know a ton of people with 1Gbs that don't have the same rubberbanding/latency issues I have.
Now, could totally be a throughput issue/jumbo packet/dropped packet issue. Who knows.
Interesting though... I might log in sometime this week and within my network throttle my machine to like... 20mbs and see what happens when playing eso.
For science.
ZOS_GregoryV wrote: »Greetings all,
After removing a few posts, we would like to remind everyone that all posts are to be kept civil, constructive, and within the guidelines of the Community Rules.
I have also been told that zos is working with the add-on devs to find an alternate solution so PC raid leads don't have to go back to timing ultimates with stop watches.
KaironBlackbard wrote: »
Here's an idea, everyone use discord since most guilds make a discord server, and everyone stream to the voice channel. Raid lead has an extra monitor to show all the streams so he can see all their ults. Probably on a TV screen so they can see them all.
Wouldn't really need stopwatches for that. Also, stopwatches can be inaccurate, especially if someone isn't proccing ult gen as often as the lead is timing it. Or if someone is running ult gen setup and forgot to mention that to lead, having their ult more often than the lead times it.
… or ZOS could just add ultimate-sharing functionality to the group interface for raid/group leaders (with an opt-out toggle in place for those who’d get up in arms over that info being available to others in random groups).
My understanding is that the new ping share functionality is only going to be able to ping for ultimate and dps share every 10s instead of the current 2s.
If this is the cause of some of the lag, it should remove almost all of it, especially given the number of players using addons that do this is a minority already.