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Greenshade RollBack Issues for Everyone in the Zone Getting Worse.

  • Sporeo
    - What quest were you doing at the time?
    I'd just started this zone after the patch/downtime on April 3rd.

    - What is your class and race?
    High elf Dragon knight.

    - Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed?
    There is nothing specific because it just happens whenever it wants to.

    - Did you have any pets or summons when you crashed?

    - Are you using any mods?
    Yes, quite a few.

    - Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed?
    No, I've continued to try to quest, to clear my inventory, do crafting, etc. All of these things will be reset if there is a rollback while doing them in Greenshade and only greenshade (not the lower zones).
  • Nimrael
    sasajs_ESO wrote: »
    You people missed the point. They WILL fix it. Get some air the product you paid for will be fully functional after they fine tune it. Stop throwing tantrums and relax. The biggest MMO on the market had its share of bugs after we all paid for it too, but millions of players stuck with it and made it a smashing success. If you want instant gratification and bug free content then the MMO genre is not for you.

    Wanting a game that works if "instant gratification"?


    See this is the thing.
    Most people are actually very reasonable about this.
    Angry, but reasonable.
    We realize it's highly possible that ZOS doesn't even know what the problem is, that it may take a while to fix.
    What we do need is feedback. Information. Something to let us know they're working on it, that they care about you as a customer and a player.

    Also, again, for the Nth time...
    No major MMO that launched post 2008 had these gamebreaking bugs.
    It's not 2005 anymore, there are literally millions who want to get into MMO betas, and there's enough people to stress test everything.
    Some of the stuff broken now was broken in Beta as well. No fixes, nothing.
    The silly frog quest in Skywatch, for example.

    Most MMO devs learned from the failures of other MMOs at launch.
    When Rift, FFXIV, Aion etc. were coming out, you could have log in queues, but 99.9% of the game was working and going smoothly.

    Losing progress is not "normal" and shouldn't be expected and accepted as such.
    Nor is the main story line being completely blocked off by a bug.


    Now, ESO has a refreshing approach to most stuff, and is very TES-like.
    I'm digging it.

    But it has to work in order for people to play it.

  • tokyov
    Any ETA on fix? This is absurd in a triple A release. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_GinaBruno‌
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    tokyov wrote: »
    Any ETA on fix? This is absurd in a triple A release. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_GinaBruno‌

    At this time, we're still investigating what is causing this. We have teams of people poking at it to try to find the cause.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • GravityX19
    tokyov wrote: »
    Any ETA on fix? This is absurd in a triple A release. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_GinaBruno‌

    Clearly you have not played a AAA mmo lately. They have had the smoothest launch so far. I have had zero issues with the game outside of the 2 quests bugging this zone.

  • tokyov
    GravityX19 wrote: »
    tokyov wrote: »
    Any ETA on fix? This is absurd in a triple A release. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_GinaBruno‌

    Clearly you have not played a AAA mmo lately. They have had the smoothest launch so far. I have had zero issues with the game outside of the 2 quests bugging this zone.

    Seriously? I dont lost 30 minutes of gameplay in Wildstar, and that game is still in beta. Clearly, YOU have not played a AAA game at release- the number of bugs present in the game, not limited to this one, are quite staggering.
  • Nokster
    GravityX19 wrote: »
    tokyov wrote: »
    Any ETA on fix? This is absurd in a triple A release. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_GinaBruno‌

    Clearly you have not played a AAA mmo lately. They have had the smoothest launch so far. I have had zero issues with the game outside of the 2 quests bugging this zone.
    Yes,and those make the game impossible for AD.The launch was indeed smooth login issue and lag wise,but if you can't advance in the game because of a zone that doesn't work at all whats the point?

  • Sedlina
    it seems like the rollbacks are down to 2-5 mins instead of 20-40 mins.
    Not the best solution but at least it's somewhat playable now
    Insanity is like pie: I love it,
    Sanity is like cake: It's a lie!
  • Kuiper
    Happening perpetually to me. Nightblade Imperial lvl.29. No addons, no pets, happened 40x+ now in last 3 days in Greenshade. Happened once in Malabal Tor. Area was too high for me anyways, so had to return to Greenshade. Fresh reboot of high-end PC, entered greenshade to quest, barely started 1-quest in the 2nd town/city in, and happened again - not more than 1 minute had passed. Trying to hit 30 so can I can more or less survive doing 33's in next zone over - game is unplayable with current character, and the solution for me is NOT to create a new one elsewhere - I want to hit 50 on THIS character. Love the game, but these progression-eliminating rollbacks are a real downer.
  • tokyov
    tokyov wrote: »
    Any ETA on fix? This is absurd in a triple A release. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_GinaBruno‌

    At this time, we're still investigating what is causing this. We have teams of people poking at it to try to find the cause.

    I am glad this is being looked into, but the process needs to sped up. This has been open for 3 days now with no solution?
  • Zakalwe
    - What quest were you doing at the time?
    Homemade guardian, although i had several other quests active. Note that i experienced multiple rollbacks, while various quests were active. However homemade guardian stands out in my mind as being the most 'bugged'.

    - What is your class and race?
    Altmer Templar

    - Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed?
    Lol nope. Several rollbacks occurred while i was standing idle.

    - Did you have any pets or summons when you crashed?

    - Are you using any mods?
    FTC, Wykkid Framework.

    - Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed?
    Don't hit me, I'm a medic!
  • foster_smb16_ESO
    Some of you arguing this is normal for MMO launches are mad... I've been around for a lot of launches - I've never experienced an MMO with quite this many serious bugs. Especially not such a hugely game breaking one as an entire zone rolling you back. I'd take login queues and a bit lag over this sort of problem any day.

    I just had a roll back happen to me again, luckily I'd relogged 10 minutes earlier so didn't lose too much progress but having to repeat quests over and over is not fun. The entire Greenshade chat is full of people complaining about it constantly.

    The longer a bug like this is allowed to go on the worse it is for the game. Everyone's going to start talking about what a buggy mess ESO is and it will only put others off from buying the game.
  • kpop_ESO
    I would have to agree that this should be the #1 Prioritized bug on the ESO teams plate. I understand this is a fresh launch - crashes, extended downtime, lag, login queues, exploits and bugs... should all be expected, they are a natural part of any game launch (even non-MMOs).

    However, reversing progress is completely unacceptable - the fact is that myself and I'm sure many others, have lost the equivalent of at LEAST 2-3 levels due to this bug. I don't mean lost levels based upon the inability to complete quests, I mean the literal exp loss associated to the rollback.

    Each time my character has been rolled back, i've logged back on to a 10,000 - 15,000 exp reversal. This issues over the past 3 days has happened to me at least 12-13 times. So at a minimum that is an approx. 120,000 exp lost... exp that I invested time in, that was simply removed.

    Crashing and Downtime I can accept - it's an inconvenience not being able to log into something you want to play, or having performance issues. However, when I do play, I expect forward progression, not constant reversals - and thus this "bug" is beyond unacceptable.
  • Koryth
    - What quest were you doing at the time?
    First quest in the map, it happened twice after talking to the queen and when you start talking to Raz.

    - What is your class and race?
    DK High Elf

    - Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed?
    No, talking to Raz outside the mages guild

    - Did you have any pets or summons when you crashed?

    - Are you using any mods?
    FTC, Wykkid Framework.

    - Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed?
  • Koryth
    ok, make that three times in a row
  • Abuse
    Getting Rick Rolled every 4-5 minutes now... Have to walk 100 yards and then quick log out or else I'll find myself 10 min ago.

    It's crazy.
    I've submitted bug reports and I'm waiting... But it's only this zone.. Almost about to leave it.. 1 more quest I think and I'm done with this forsaken zone.
  • shenronacub17_ESO
    - What quest were you doing at the time? Camping a rune node (thanks for making me lose a rune type I really needed), and idling at a clothing table waiting for research to finish.
    - What is your class and race? Khajiit Nightblade
    - Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed? If idling is an ability
    - Did you have any pets or summons when you crashed? nope
    - Are you using any mods? nope
    - Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed? nope

    Had this happen twice this morning, nothing I was doing at the time could have triggered it.
  • Xxav
    Loving the game so far, but this is very frustrating. I can't progress my character, especially since they nerfed the amount of exp you get in PVP, and made the quests daily.
  • Kravn
    Soul Shriven
    What quest were you doing at the time - Various
    What is your class and race - Imperial Dragon Knight
    Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed? No
    Did you have pets or summons when you crashed? No
    Are you using any mods? No
    Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed? No.

    Cannot progress in Greenshade at all. Think I'll save my included month for a few months out when all of these bugs have been squashed.
  • JohnG
    What quest were you doing at the time - Several in Greenshade
    What is your class and race - Imperial Nightblade
    Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed? No
    Did you have pets or summons when you crashed? No
    Are you using any mods? No
    Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed? No.

    I've had this occur multiple times to me in greenshade, when it happens everything just stops around me, i can walk around and sometimes use my basic attacks but can't hit anything or interact with anything, and nothing moves.

    This seems to occur in waves as everytime i come back from one i notice allot of "damn rollbacks" chat, but it does not effect everyone. During my first roll back I was in a group of 5 at Seaside Sanctuary and was the only one effected.
  • nicolearielle
    If you don't want to keep having to reblog to fix the problem, a solution my bf and I figured out was to trade useless items with eachother every 10 mins or so to force the game to save. Causes it to kick us less and then when it does happen, we don't lose as much progress. Hoping you guys fix this real soon bc we're pushing through this zone so we can be a high enough level to move on.
  • kpop_ESO
    Based upon nicole's post above about trading being a possible workaround:

    Someone should test if any inventory shifts minimize the impact of the issue as well. Meaning, if you destroy an item in your inventory every 5 minutes.. when the crash/rollback happens.... are you rolled back as far? Just curious, because if trading works, maybe destroying an item forces a character save as well.
  • MageGuy
    Yeah, I'm definitely not finishing this zone. As soon as I'm high enough to leave I will.
    It's not worth the headache.

    Quest name and such is irrelevant. It's a time duration thing. You go too long, and everything will just stop working. You won't be able to mount, interact with anything. etc.

    I've been logging out and in every 10min or so. But I just got rolledback now.

    But you can be talking to an NPC, riding around, in the middle of a fight. On a quest, not on a quest. It's irrelevant.
  • Solo18
    The longer a bug like this is allowed to go on the worse it is for the game. Everyone's going to start talking about what a buggy mess ESO is and it will only put others off from buying the game.

    So sad but true.
  • WilliamTee
    Umm... Seemed like things had stabilised as I'd been questing in Greenshades for a while with no problems...

    Noticed signs of a rollback approaching so quit the game in a hope to quickly get back in again and get outta the zone before i got caught in any more.

    Has greenshades frozen up entirely? Now can't get back on that character for 10 mins. "Error 332 (6:3:787:2) The Character is still in game"

    *edit: To clarify i can now not use ANY character in my account.
    Edited by WilliamTee on April 4, 2014 6:31PM
  • atheistphule_ESO
    Just to throw my own 2 cents in. Deshaan is also experiencing zone wide rollbacks.

    And for ALL the amazing good it will do:

    -Quests: None. I'm literally running around the zone gathering. Haven't started a quest all day.
    -Class/Race: Breton/Nightblade
    -Specific Ability: Gather? I'm literally just hunting flax and high iron.
    -Pets/Summons: I don't think so. But then, do Nightblades have a magical hidden pet?
    -Mods: Originally, I was using LootDrop and FTC (Foundry Tactical Combat) but I disabled them and still suffered from rollbacks.
    -Specific NPCs: If you count Flax and High Iron nodes as NPCs, I was talking to them constantly. But legit NPCs, no.
  • yeffy
    I've been rolled back twice in Stormhaven and the first time I logged out and waited till today to log back in and played for two hours only to get rolled back AGAIN.
  • kurstein
    after last rollback disconnect I cant load character that was in greenshade.
    any info on fix?
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom my trusted Beta admin :)
    Edited by kurstein on April 4, 2014 6:33PM
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear" all hail the night mother
  • WilliamTee
    can you load others?
  • z4oslob16_ESO
    same problem here. character stucked in greenshade, cant log in, and cant create a new one.
    this game is turning into a disaster. ive lost counts on how many rollbacks ive had the last 2 days
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