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Greenshade RollBack Issues for Everyone in the Zone Getting Worse.

  • Solo18
    Maerthos wrote: »
    its looks like some kind of spesific event in phase doing this. sometimes even if i am afk i got this de sync (whole world around me just stoped) than automatic dc. after lohin back i am on my last sync position. some times i got 3-5 rollbacks in one hour and sometime whole hour without one.

    Most of my rollbacks happen this way as well , seems I enter an area and then everything becomes unresponsive and will not let me enter houses , crouch , at this point I cant even log out. Most of the area I was in during this time was near the TreeThane Quests.
  • Sorcery
    - What quest were you doing at the time?Completed all quest except the bugged once " Handmade Guardian " and " Shades Of Green"
    - What is your class and race?Nightblade Woodelf
    - Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed?None it is completely random but it's never happened outside of a dungeon, it happens when i'm mining ore, running around anywhere on the map, and it happens to Everyone in zone, i also noticed the Raw materials aren't spawning and maybe that is the cause? not sure.I see them using the skill that glows them up but they are not always there.
    - Did you have any pets or summons when you crashed?Only in bank and invintory never summoned
    - Are you using any mods?NO
    - Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed?No
  • Sedlina
    As we continue to investigate this issue, a temporary work-around is to log to character select after you've completed anything significant in Greenshade. We realize this is not ideal, but we ask for your patience as we continue look into the cause of the crashes.

    Hey I'm farming nodes and leather to push my crafting. Kill a mob - relog, kill a mob - relog. Oh yeah. I'm so hardcore.

    No offense. I'm well aware that you are not responsible for this issue, but this situation is ... I feel really stupid for proclaiming that the ESO early-access/launch was one of the most stable ones I've ever experienced
    Insanity is like pie: I love it,
    Sanity is like cake: It's a lie!
  • Anarkaen
    I've been having the issue right now, just after login, I was just afk, making no quest at all, just being in the Mage's guild hall. When i came back in front of my computer, everything was frozen and I just had to log out (well, kill the damn thing cause logout doesn t work).
    I am not using any modes, I wasn't doing anything (AT ALL, I was just AFK), I am a Nightblade Khajiit.
    Your workaround is ***, it mean we add to log out every 10s -_-.
  • kpop_ESO
    As we continue to investigate this issue, a temporary work-around is to log to character select after you've completed anything significant in Greenshade. We realize this is not ideal, but we ask for your patience as we continue look into the cause of the crashes.

    I know nothing about game design or networking. However, considering some people in this thread have stated the rollback issue has happened outside of Greenshade. As such, I would come to the naive conclusion that crashes are not the problem... and to be expected in a new MMO being overwhelmed with an influx of players.

    Instead, is this an issue with how character data is saved to the servers? More specifically, when...character data is saved to the server. It sounds like the only time character data is being saved is when the client or server recognizes a 'save' event - which seem to be: loading an instance, logging out, quitting..or even player initiated crashing (altF4, power off etc... All can be monitored).

    So.. you have multiple people posting in this thread that it happened to them. Why not pull up 5 accounts who've posted here and look at their disconnect logs. Find the similar event trigger happening during their disconnect, and as a temp fix add that event to your 'save' char triggers.

    2 noob naive cents. Just trying to help.
    Edited by kpop_ESO on April 4, 2014 1:42AM
  • Xaaz
    As we continue to investigate this issue, a temporary work-around is to log to character select after you've completed anything significant in Greenshade. We realize this is not ideal, but we ask for your patience as we continue look into the cause of the crashes.

    Log out every time I do something? LOL - That's the response to an issue that's been posted for 3 days? I'll be logging out to Wildstar in the morning. This game is garbage.
  • Nooblet
    Hasn't happened in over 2 hours for me now. Others reporting the same.

    Jinxed it... happened not 1 minute after I posted this
    Edited by Nooblet on April 4, 2014 2:34AM
  • robertlive2014
    Just got kicked to the character screen from Shadowfen and rolled back about half an hour to a point in a quest I had totally completed. How is that even possible?
  • darkkterror_ESO
    Xaaz wrote: »
    As we continue to investigate this issue, a temporary work-around is to log to character select after you've completed anything significant in Greenshade. We realize this is not ideal, but we ask for your patience as we continue look into the cause of the crashes.

    Log out every time I do something? LOL - That's the response to an issue that's been posted for 3 days? I'll be logging out to Wildstar in the morning. This game is garbage.

    ^ Calls this game garbage right after admitting that he's going to play Wildstar. Most amusing post I've seen here all day.
  • Sorcery
    Just got kicked to the character screen from Shadowfen and rolled back about half an hour to a point in a quest I had totally completed. How is that even possible?
    For now just Keep logging out to save the game when you're at a point, or do some dungeons they arn't bugged and won't roll you back :)
  • Nooblet
    While it's annoying to relog all the time, its far more annoying to rollback. I recommend every 10 mins or so, count zoning to new area as a relog.
  • Canteriib14_ESO
    How is this not fixed yet? It's been going on for the past two days. Everyone in the zone get's logged out no matter what they're doing and then when you relog you're rolled back. It's unacceptable to be told to "log out" every now and then.
  • ekram28
    Soul Shriven
    Is there any update on this? unfortunately as someone who doesn't really want to go PvP this is making it unplayable. I tried the log in/out but its happening to frequently to make any progress. Just an ETA or some information on when to expect a fix would be great.
  • Wow
    I just soo want to move to the next area, too bad im still level 27 and next area is lvl 33. And cyrodill isn't a viable way to levelling
    I'm a Godot Engine and GameMaker enthusiast from the most populated island on earth, Java, Indonesia. Coffee is my staple fuel, and durian is my favourite fruit. I'm currently building a Godot Community site.
  • trentjoshb14_ESO
    would like to add that this is not just greenshade i am having these problems as well in the first two Daggerfall areas as well and confirm its also happening to other people in these zones
  • darkkterror_ESO
    Ref wrote: »
    I just soo want to move to the next area, too bad im still level 27 and next area is lvl 33. And cyrodill isn't a viable way to levelling

    There are little towns that offer a bunch of quests scattered throughout Cyrodiil. They also seem to reset once a day so you can repeat them. Not as good as leveling in the strictly PvE environment, mainly because of the lack of wayshrines and the fact that people from the other faction can ruin your day. Still, I've managed a handful of levels in Cyrodiil this way.
  • Sorcery
    Also happening in Malabal Tor and other people reported Daggerfall Higher-Tier zones seem to have the most problems
  • Nooblet
    Telling people to log out was not given as a solution. It was a way to slightly help your situation. They stated they are working on finding the problem.

    Trying to sound tough saying it's unacceptable isn't going to make them find the problem quicker. Would you rather they shut the servers down till its fixed?

    I'm just happy it's acknowledged, and confirmed they are looking into it.
    Edited by Nooblet on April 4, 2014 3:56AM
  • MakersMark
    This bug is making the game borderline unplayable. I have had this issue when I have no active quests and am just crafting. It seems to happen after creating and/or breaking down 10+ items.
  • trentjoshb14_ESO
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Telling people to log out was not given as a solution. It was a way to slightly help your situation. They stated they are working on finding the problem.

    Trying to sound tough saying it's unacceptable isn't going to make them find the problem quicker. Would you rather they shut the servers down till its fixed?

    if shutting the servers down meant they could fix it quicker yes i would rather them shut them down to make it where people aren't randomly losing progress
  • Nooblet
    I've been playing for like 5 hours. I've been rolled back maybe. 15 minutes total today. More yesterday.

    Is it annoying logging out? Sure. But it's not unplayable.
  • Red
    It's shocking that the constantly-crashing zones are ones they didn't bother to stress test with those five million beta testers they keep bragging about, and instead decided PTS was plenty for them.
  • iiSolomonii
    Nooblet wrote: »
    I've been playing for like 5 hours. I've been rolled back maybe. 15 minutes total today. More yesterday.

    Is it annoying logging out? Sure. But it's not unplayable.

    Congratulations. You're not experiencing the same problem as everyone else so it's not a problem at all? I can't go 5 minutes in Greenshade without it freezing up and rolling back on me. That is unplayable.

    Up until now, I have had zero problems. Step into Greenshade, go to do The Staff of Magnus, and get rolled back every time. My PVE progress is stopped. This is a game-breaking bug.
  • leoantho
    I had the rollback once an hour maybe now it's completely unplayable getting dc and roll backed constantly I don't even have a chance to logout to save because i haven't even finished what I was doing. Also the main quest line in greenshade Shades of Green/Retaking the Pass is also bugged stopping major progression doesn't help either.
  • AlchemyDevil
    This is happening to me also, and from the chat in zone it is happening to everyone. Game is unplayable at the moment, being DCd every 5 - 10 mins and being rolled back for around half of the time I was playing before each DC. Manually saving (via logout) is the only way I have made any progression but it is becoming tedious and frustrating to work around this. I just can't bring myself to do this for the entire zone and then as people have already mentioned the next zone as well. This is a game breaker, no doubt about it, it needs attention and I am very disappointed that this issue has been allowed to fester for this long.
  • brusgaard1b16_ESO
    We're working on narrowing down what the cause of these crashes and rollbacks in Greenshade are. Any details you can provide would help. Here are a few ideas:

    - What quest were you doing at the time?
    - What is your class and race?
    - Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed?
    - Did you have any pets or summons when you crashed?
    - Are you using any mods?
    - Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed?

    - Pretty much been rollbacked on all quests in Greenshade, but lately Retaking the Pass as that can't be completed.
    - Dark elf Dragon Knight
    - No, sometimes it even happened while just walking or riding around.
    - Nop no pets
    - I am using Lootdrop.
    - No I wasnt talking to any NPC
  • robertlfppb16_ESO
    Wow... I was like... "it can't be THAT bad", when I first heard of it, but this is ludicrous! I got a couple of rollbacks yesterday, had to pick up a Skyshard deep in a dungeon twice that day.. so stayed out of the zone doing stuff I did not want to do the rest of the day... and today I've been logged out twice now within 1 hour and received a 10min rollback + getting stuck at the character log in screen saying "character is already in the game"... I really hope this issue is at the top of the TODO list!

    Edit: 3rd rollback this morning, were doing "A Tangled Knot" this time and were just about to tell Sumiril that he "were one of many who died". But the whole zone is failing to save progress, it's not just one quest..

    Edit2: And again, were just fighting a bloody Imp and some stone man.
    Edited by robertlfppb16_ESO on April 4, 2014 7:13AM
  • Anderos
    Grahtwood too is facing Rollbacks, most recent I was in only rolled back everything by a few minutes.
  • Sorlie
    Getting rollbacks once every 5-10 min now. Cant really quest nor explore. Stuck on the quest "Homemade Guardian" and getting 2 wins in a row is impossible. Even more so when DC'ing and getting rollbacks

    - What quest were you doing at the time? None/Homemade Guardian. Seem to happen everywhere, no matter what quest im trying.
    - What is your class and race? Bosmer / Nightblade.
    - Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed? nope, happends just as often while being afk, or just running around.
    - Did you have any pets or summons when you crashed? no.
    - Are you using any mods? FTC, Multiquesttracker and Recount.
    - Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed? nope.
  • Bob
    This topic scares my low level alt... :'(
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