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Greenshade RollBack Issues for Everyone in the Zone Getting Worse.

  • Sorlie
    Would love an official reply on how the work on figuring this out is going.
    I got the weekend off, but Im seriously unsure if I want to play through the agony of relogging every couple of min..
  • Sorcery
    Update: this only occurs in Greenshade i moved to the next zone and it ran perfectly for 4 hours straight.
  • Sorlie
    Update: Actually logged straight into a pending rollback now. Unable to use skills, but I can see the guild chat as normal.
  • Maerthos
    Rollbacks still persist. my temporary solution is add some /save command to force sync or automatic sync every 5 min for all in zone
  • kkravaritieb17_ESO
    This needs to be fixed. We just can't play at all.
    Member of the glorious Zerg Squad
    Rip Banana Squad

    Lheneth -- Sorc PvP Rank 31
    Ellynna -- Templar PvP Rank 50 (No Bleaker's roleplaying involved)
    Smellynna -- Templar PvP Rank 28
    and many other chars

  • stasa1981eb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Maerthos wrote: »
    my temporary solution is add some /save command to force sync or automatic sync every 5 min for all in zone

    Yes it is a solution, but why do we have to play well?..
    Why this situation lasted for two days, and ZOS did not seem to know about it?
  • CrispZ
    please fix im getting no where lol
  • babylon
    I got a rollback in Grahtwood a few hours ago. Maybe the problem is spreading :S
    We're working on narrowing down what the cause of these crashes and rollbacks in Greenshade are. Any details you can provide would help. Here are a few ideas:

    - What quest were you doing at the time?
    - What is your class and race?
    - Was there a specific ability you used when you crashed?
    - Did you have any pets or summons when you crashed?
    - Are you using any mods?
    - Were you talking to a specific NPC when you crashed?

    Area: Grahtwood (this did not happen in Greenshade).
    Active quest: Carnival Conundrum
    Class: Sorcerer
    Race: High Elf
    Abilities: was not using any abilities at time, was just running to a fibre node (flax) to mine it. Had Keen Eye skill (only raised it moments earlier) so flax was highlighted. Had just levelled after leaving that instance and then grabbed the third of my three skyshards, so had just added two new skills a few moments earlier before the rollback hit.
    Pets/Summons: none at all.
    Mods: using a bunch of mods, would be hard to narrow it down.
    NPC: none involved, was just running to a node as above.

    Got a rollback of around 10 minutes, which was the time I had left a quest instance - Root Sunder Ruins - so progress was saved by the server up to that point. This is the first and only time I have had a rollback.

    Edited by babylon on April 4, 2014 1:33PM
  • SilentThunder
    level 22-24 NB I have had the lock up / roll back problem in every conceivable situation, talking to quest NPCs, riding thru the countryside, standing afk, fighting monsters etc on and on. The only place I haven't had a rollback is in a main city, all in the Greenshade zone. My personal feeling is this is caused by whenever the auto save mechanism is trying to save the game its failing and causing the issue
    Saving you or sending you since 2001
    "The light is strong and man is weak and the world walks in-between" R. Trower
  • Witblitz
    Good to see all the stress testing panned out. Who's to blame, the BETA testers or the developer? And this is a subscription MMO? HAHAH don't make me laugh please.
  • deathmasterl_ESO
    Quest I was doing at the time: Staff of Magnus
    Class: Dragonknight
    Race: lvl25 Imperial
    Ability Used: No
    Pets or Summon's: No
    Mods: No
    Were you talking to an NPC at the time: No

    I know they'll get it fixed and I'm sure it's on the top of their list of things to get working right. No MMO Launch, Expansion Launch, or any type of the sort with mass players playing for the first time goes well without some type of hiccup. Does it suck this is happening yeah, but does it kill my leveling for a bit sure, but I've got back and done other content that I missed and hadn't even seen before.
    Saevus Messor Imperial Dragonknight Vr14 Aldmeri Dominion
    Talia Spiritus Imperial Nightblade Lv17 Aldmeri Dominion
    Naomi Athael Altmer Sorcerer Lv8 Aldmeri Dominion
    Nyanta Raimanni Khajiit Templar Lv4 Aldmeri Dominion
    Sina Nightwind Bosmer Dragonknight Lv4 Aldmeri Dominion
    Leader of the 1st Infiltration and Scouting Division
    Master Weapon and Armor Crafter
  • Red
    Witblitz wrote: »
    Good to see all the stress testing panned out.
    They didn't bother to let stress testers into this zone, only the tiny percentage in PTS. It's much easier to have paying customers stress test it instead.
  • tokyov
    What a joke zos.
  • Sarahyuki
    Its on the 3rd day of this crap....cant understand how they are not seeing this is a critical issue .... its gamebreaking and we cant level durring peak hours..
    Edited by Sarahyuki on April 4, 2014 12:00PM
  • Nooblet

    Congratulations. You're not experiencing the same problem as everyone else so it's not a problem at all? I can't go 5 minutes in Greenshade without it freezing up and rolling back on me. That is unplayable.

    Up until now, I have had zero problems. Step into Greenshade, go to do The Staff of Magnus, and get rolled back every time. My PVE progress is stopped. This is a game-breaking bug.

    No I am experiencing the exact same bug. It's just not nearly as often anymore for me. I don't know if relogging makes it happen less often or what, or zoning somewhere to do a quest. I'm simply stating my experience, to maybe shed some more light on the issue.

    At the beginning of the zone, it happened very often to where I barely progressed. Later on it was more of an inconvenience.

    I'm hardly trying to brag, just hoping to maybe help some others.
    Edited by Nooblet on April 4, 2014 12:11PM
  • WilliamTee
    Been questing in Cyrodiil to avoid this... Literally ported in Greenshades, asked in zone if the rollbacks were fixed.

    When my text didn't appear, I knew what was coming and tried to port out. Wouldn't let me.

    I was in the zone all of ~10seconds.

    I don't mind questing in cyrodiil, it's a nice intense experience knowing you could be jumped at any moment... but i want to do the AD and Guild storylines and this requires this zone to be fixed :/
    Edited by WilliamTee on April 4, 2014 12:09PM
  • Nokster
    Amazing how they still didn't fix this after 3 days of this happening.
  • Kiwi
    game breaking bug, days old and still blaming users.....
    oh gee what a surprise
    being annoyed is becoming meta around here

    A large yellow rectangle
  • Nokster
    How do they still not understand that this has nothing to do with quests or anything.It's a desync from the server that happens in that area and you get rolled back to the moment you desync'd.Something is really borked in this area and since it's been 3 days or more i'm starting to think they know about it but have no idea how to hotfix it.
  • foster_smb16_ESO
    So I PVP'd all day yesterday rather than quest in Greenshade, come back today to see its still an issue. Hit a rollback within 5 minutes of being there. I've now took to relogging every 10 minutes but that is really not a solution for very long.

    Seriously how is this not number one priority, has to be fixed ASAP? This has been around for days, its only going to get worse as more people hit these zones over the weekend, and then there is no excuse, this game is live and customers are paying.

    This is proof of why the entire game needed to be stress tested before launch. The amount of problems the game has at the moment are getting me worried, they have such a massive task to fix all the bugs with this game right now and we don't seem to be getting any info from Zenimax at all.
  • Nooblet
    I'm pretty sure they're working on locating the problem. It's not like they forgot to uncheck the " rollback players" button. They also are not going to randomly change things and hope it helps, because that could cause additional bugs.

    For the time, the best workaround is relogging often. I don't get the purpose of being irate about it. And don't shoot the messenger. This isn't McDonald's, where they'll give you free food if you get mad and yell at them.

    This post is not in response to everyone, just those being irate, and mad at Jessica.

    I do hope this gets fixed soon myself, but I've dealt with it for a few hours and it got better the further I got.
  • sasajs_ESO
    Some of you people have obviously never been part of a MMO release before. Just be thankful you can log in to the game and play! All things considered this is a pretty smooth release. You could be sitting in an endless queue or playing on a Japanese server because the NA datacenters are down for three days! Yea it happened in a recently highly anticipated relaunch, so relax. Create an alt or go craft. Enjoy the fact that out of around 150 hours of time since 5 day head start this game has been online for at least 130 or so hours. Unbelievable the whiners we are seeing here and on other MMO sites.
  • Nokster
    sasajs_ESO wrote: »
    Some of you people have obviously never been part of a MMO release before. Just be thankful you can log in to the game and play! All things considered this is a pretty smooth release. You could be sitting in an endless queue or playing on a Japanese server because the NA datacenters are down for three days! Yea it happened in a recently highly anticipated relaunch, so relax. Create an alt or go craft. Enjoy the fact that out of around 150 hours of time since 5 day head start this game has been online for at least 130 or so hours. Unbelievable the whiners we are seeing here and on other MMO sites.
    Here's where you're wrong. It happens for MMO releases to have login problems,lag problems etc. BUT not a game bug that makes the game IMPOSSIBLE to be played.This from what i know never happened ,maybe Age of Conan and we all know what that meant for the game.
    This is game breaking. lag isn't
  • Nooblet
    This bug does not make it Impossible to play. But it is a big annoyance, and they are working on it. I was pissed the first few times, but after relogging often and passing the begining quests it seemed to get much better (maybe because more ppl gave up and left the zone I dunno). But it still happened, but I did stay in the zone from 24-28 in 5 hours or so. So I wouldn't call it impossible.
    Edited by Nooblet on April 4, 2014 1:58PM
  • sasajs_ESO
    The game is not impossible to be played your just being flat out impatient. This isn't a simple single player game that is easy to fix. It's a highly complex living application that requires careful thought before throwing fixes at it as it could affect millions of players. If the game was impossible to play thousands of players wouldn't be playing it right now. There's where your wrong.
    Edited by sasajs_ESO on April 4, 2014 2:01PM
  • sasajs_ESO
    I am at that level range right now. I guarantee if it's not fixed when I get home I make it through that area one way or another. The game is less than a week old. I would be bothered if it's not fixed by the end of the second week, but understand that right now they are fighting a ton of unforeseen fires. Could they have run an open beta soft release with no wipes as other games have? Sure but they didn't and the point is the game is still allowing people to play it and not sit in queue or starring at a launcher.
  • Nimrael
    sasajs_ESO wrote: »
    The game is not impossible to be played your just being flat out impatient. This isn't a simple single player game that is easy to fix. It's a highly complex living application that requires careful thought before throwing fixes at it as it could affect millions of players. If the game was impossible to play thousands of players wouldn't be playing it right now. There's where your wrong.

    Are you people serious?

    You think it's reasonable you pay 80$ for a game that deletes your progress every 15 minutes?

    But it's okay because there's a workaround where you log out and in for 2 minutes every 5 minutes?

    Guess what, thousands of players AREN'T playing it because of this. At least that's my educated guess.
    Certainly everyone I know.

    Add to that that the AD main quest line is entirely blocked off in the same area, that's okay to you?

    I can deal with log in queues. That happens.

    But no game outside of Vanguard and maybe AoC had this buggy content and progress loss.

    Don't defend it. Just don't.
    YOU and YOUR money deserve better.

    I'm not saying torch ZOS, and certainly not these poor mods and admins on the forums.

    But we do need feedback. Not just in a single mod post.

    ZOS needs to tell people they're aware of this.

    Acceptable answers:
    - we know of it, we got no idea what it is, we're trying to find it and fix it
    - we know of it, we KNOW what it is, just takes a long time to fix

    - silence
    - ignoring it

    It's not only unacceptable for us, but for them as well.

    MMO launch has only ONE shot at succeeding.

    You mess up the launch, no matter how hard you try later, the game is doomed.
    (both Vanguard and AoC turned into fantastic games later.... Just that noone played them)
  • Nokster
    sasajs_ESO wrote: »
    The game is not impossible to be played your just being flat out impatient. This isn't a simple single player game that is easy to fix. It's a highly complex living application that requires careful thought before throwing fixes at it as it could affect millions of players. If the game was impossible to play thousands of players wouldn't be playing it right now. There's where your wrong.
    You're delusional if you think this has something to do with impatience.We payed big money to play a game that is NOT working corectly.Thousands of people stopped playing right because of that issue and if you think i payed money to do crafting or watching the scenery instead of leveling and experiencing the story and the endgame you clearly have no frickin idea what an MMO is or what it should be.Get a clue.

    Edited by Nokster on April 4, 2014 2:22PM
  • sasajs_ESO
    You people missed the point. They WILL fix it. Get some air the product you paid for will be fully functional after they fine tune it. Stop throwing tantrums and relax. The biggest MMO on the market had its share of bugs after we all paid for it too, but millions of players stuck with it and made it a smashing success. If you want instant gratification and bug free content then the MMO genre is not for you.
    Edited by sasajs_ESO on April 4, 2014 2:32PM
  • Nooblet
    Nimrael wrote: »

    Are you people serious?

    You think it's reasonable you pay 80$ for a game that deletes your progress every 15 minutes?

    But it's okay because there's a workaround where you log out and in for 2 minutes every 5 minutes?

    Guess what, thousands of players AREN'T playing it because of this. At least that's my educated guess.
    Certainly everyone I know.

    Add to that that the AD main quest line is entirely blocked off in the same area, that's okay to you?

    I can deal with log in queues. That happens.

    But no game outside of Vanguard and maybe AoC had this buggy content and progress loss.

    Don't defend it. Just don't.
    YOU and YOUR money deserve better.

    I'm not saying torch ZOS, and certainly not these poor mods and admins on the forums.

    But we do need feedback. Not just in a single mod post.

    ZOS needs to tell people they're aware of this.

    Acceptable answers:
    - we know of it, we got no idea what it is, we're trying to find it and fix it
    - we know of it, we KNOW what it is, just takes a long time to fix

    - silence
    - ignoring it

    It's not only unacceptable for us, but for them as well.

    MMO launch has only ONE shot at succeeding.

    You mess up the launch, no matter how hard you try later, the game is doomed.
    (both Vanguard and AoC turned into fantastic games later.... Just that noone played them)

    It's already been acknowledged. They said they are looking into finding what's causing it.

    They also suggested what many many ppl are doing to work through it(relogging).

    It's certainly not ideal, but they aren't ignoring it.
    Edited by Nooblet on April 4, 2014 2:39PM
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