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Companion with worst personality

  • Auldwulfe
    All of them have something annoying... but Azander is not only insufferable, but he even apologizes for being there... meaning he KNOWS he's being a pain.....

    Best part of a companion is not having to keep them once you unlock their keepsake.....

  • cyclonus11
    Bastian is just such a goody-two-shoes caricature. Can't stand him. Which is too bad, because I really wanted an Imperial companion.
  • reazea
    It's a tie between Isobel and Bastion for me.
  • EF321
    "Let's go find someone to help"

    Who even talks like this...
  • Araneae6537
    There is no character I feel that strongly negative about. Ember had been overall my least favorite because she seems childish and a mix of things that don’t gel for me, but I’ve found a character she works better with. Now Isobel has some religious comments that make me uncomfortable (the “working through you” line), so I may never utilize her that much.

    I like Mirri, Bastian, and Azander, but with the right characters, if that makes sense. Sharp fits me best and is the companion I could always adventure with, but I enjoy that we have a variety of options and use different companions where they best fit personality-wise with each of my characters. :)
    Edited by Araneae6537 on February 24, 2024 1:01AM
  • Ilsabet
    Malyore wrote: »
    Ilsabet wrote: »
    Neither of those was the poll question. ... all of them have quirks or bits of dialogue that I don't enjoy as much, but certainly none of them make me want to shove them in a locker and never let them out.

    Now while I may want to shove a few of them into a locker.. For you with those quirks you don't enjoy, would you say there is a character that is affected the most in that regard. Hence maybe, just maybe, you feel there is a companion that has the worst personality out of all of them in your eyes? : 3

    If I had to pick one that was the most "just aight for me" it would probably be Isobel, but even then given the framing of the poll I wouldn't want to throw her under the bus and make it seem like I don't like her. But there's my answer for what it's worth.
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • Gederic
    Obviously the worst.
    Ours is the Fury
  • Necrotech_Master
    my least favorite companion personality wise is probably bastian

    i still use bastian the most as a healer right now, because im too annoyed at having to unlock sharp and azander on the rest of my characters

    it helps dealing with his inane chatter by just setting the companion chatter to minimal lol
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Treselegant
    EF321 wrote: »
    "Let's go find someone to help"

    Who even talks like this...

    People who like helping others....perhaps. Not everyone in the Elder Scrolls world, as in the real one, is motivated by misanthropy. Though the version of the line I usually hear has "and maybe get paid for it" at the end which just sounds like standard adventuring talk to me.

    I find some of the other companions complete lack of interest in the fact the player goes around robbing and murdering people more immersion breaking to be honest. Isobel happily palling about with a known member of the Dark Brotherhood while supposidly hating all things daedric due to being a Knight of Stendaar being a top example.
  • spartaxoxo
    I picked Ember because she's the most evil of the bunch. I actually don't dislike any of the companions. I don't need my companions to like everything I do.
    EF321 wrote: »
    "Let's go find someone to help"

    Who even talks like this...

    I dunno man, if you're an adventurer who spends most of their time questing (aka helping random people with their problems), it seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to say. On the other hand, if anyone could explain to me what Bastian means when he says "Unfamiliar magic is like drinking strange wine. Eventually there will be a price to pay" when I'm asking a blacksmith to repair my gear, I'd be grateful lol.
  • spartaxoxo
    M1SHAAN wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    "Let's go find someone to help"

    Who even talks like this...

    I dunno man, if you're an adventurer who spends most of their time questing (aka helping random people with their problems), it seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to say. On the other hand, if anyone could explain to me what Bastian means when he says "Unfamiliar magic is like drinking strange wine. Eventually there will be a price to pay" when I'm asking a blacksmith to repair my gear, I'd be grateful lol.

    His voice lines seem bugged sometimes, they are so off.
  • Treselegant
    M1SHAAN wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    "Let's go find someone to help"

    Who even talks like this...

    I dunno man, if you're an adventurer who spends most of their time questing (aka helping random people with their problems), it seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to say. On the other hand, if anyone could explain to me what Bastian means when he says "Unfamiliar magic is like drinking strange wine. Eventually there will be a price to pay" when I'm asking a blacksmith to repair my gear, I'd be grateful lol.

    The poor man is still pretty broken. Some of his lines sound like they were cut out and stuck back in the wrong places at the last minute and never changed. His companion passive was broken until late last year alongside several lines which wouldn't fire consistently and it had been that way since Blackwood. I still have no idea whether he shows up at the end of the Blackwood questline if you dismiss him as a companion but I imagine it's still not fixed. Having a working male companion was not much of a priority fo ZOS for a long time it seems.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    M1SHAAN wrote: »
    EF321 wrote: »
    "Let's go find someone to help"

    Who even talks like this...

    I dunno man, if you're an adventurer who spends most of their time questing (aka helping random people with their problems), it seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to say. On the other hand, if anyone could explain to me what Bastian means when he says "Unfamiliar magic is like drinking strange wine. Eventually there will be a price to pay" when I'm asking a blacksmith to repair my gear, I'd be grateful lol.

    I believe he is speaking about his own experience. An admission that in his younger years he messed around with strange magic, and it cost him. I think it explains why he sometimes appears to be a bit brain damaged.
    PC EU
  • Malyore
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I picked Ember because she's the most evil of the bunch.

  • Ingenon
    I think all of the companions have "quirks", but I have fully leveled all of them, and they all get play time across my stable of alts. As long as they are getting their work done, I put up with their "quirks".
  • spartaxoxo
    Malyore wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I picked Ember because she's the most evil of the bunch.


    She steals and she's not above hurting innocent people to take what she wants. She's not a murderer (although she does get more of a thrill out of killing than most of the others) but she will do things like start brawls so she can sneak off with things in the chaos. We don't have an irredeemably horrible evil companion, but she's definitely the closest of what we have imo.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on February 23, 2024 9:51PM
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Sharp-as-Night = Garrus Vakarian B)
  • Arizona_Steve
    For me, Bastian is the only one I haven't fully levelled and I don't have any inclination to complete the process. I've started referring to him as "Prince Harry" when I see other people running around with him.

    I typically use Isobel (tank) or Mirri (healer) with my MagSorc DPS depending on the situation.
    I will probably pick up Ember (DPS) to go with my Dragonknight tank when he's not in Cyrodiil.
    Wannabe Thalmor - Altmer MagSorc
  • xiphactinus
    Ranked up mirri and tolerated her berating me for crimes against torchbugs only to be berated by bastion after only a few minutes of unlocking. I put him away and will never use him. Awful, both of them.
  • Vevvev
    Not only is Bastian annoying he also makes inventory management a pain with those upgraded potions I never used.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Is there a companion you wished just never opened their mouth?
    Not really, I don't loathe any character that much, but the worst ones to me are Ember and Isobel. Which is not because of their personalities, well Ember is a bit personality based with how childish she is, but mostly it is because I think Ember and Isobel are simply badly written and their character concepts are badly implemented in game. They both scream "player pleasing" to me with their constant praising of the player and having a lot of the "negative" traits Bastian and Mirri had toned down, making them contradicting and hypocritical instead.
    Like Isobel is supposed to be a good and kind person, but she's fine with you being a member in a murder death cult that ruins people's souls as long as you don't do it so she sees? Waow, such goodness. Then she can't have you lockpick a single door to save her friend/crush, because that is a bit iffy with the law. She's not good, she comes across as some call it in DnD circles: lawful stupid. She doesn't seem to have a moral code, least not a kind or good one, just following the law. Meanwhile Bastian actually comes across as someone who is genuinely kind and altruistic, and despite what his rapport says, would likely be willing to break some rules and legs to help people. A lot of times I wonder if people has a different Bastian from mine the way they dislike him.

    Ember also got similar issues, but less than Isobel. She's more tolerable to me in her quest dialogue, which feels quite different from her idle and combat lines. Which either makes her come across almost like a child, who is sometimes even scared, or being weirdly enthuastic about random cruelty and murder, which goes against the character I talk to in quests.
    I've some morally grey to outright bad characters, and Ember would run from them.

    Hard tell which one of them I find the worst, though. Isobel's far worse writing and implementation, or Ember's milder bad writing and personality.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Warhawke_80
    Isobel is the best argument for giving the Blade of Woe to a companion.
    ““Elric knew. The sword told him, without words of any sort. Stormbringer needed to fight, for that was its reason for existence...”― Michael Moorcock, Elric of Melniboné
  • AcadianPaladin
    My elf accidently grabbed a red potion instead of clicking on her intended crafting station. Bastion belittled her so she permanently fired him.

    About a week later the exact same thing happened only an NPC took exception and attacked my elf. Mirri instantly killed the NPC for attacking her friend. That day, Mirri earned her place as my elf's permanent companion. Another nice thing about Mirri (since we can't put headgear on companions) is that her hairstyle is nice. Ember, on the other hand, sports the ugliest hair in the game with Isobel not too far behind.

    For @Malyore, Mirri's problem with accidently grabbing torchbugs or butterflies was a big problem for me too initially. I totally solved it though via a wonderful addon called No Interact. It allows me to render torchbugs and butterflies such that you cannot interact with them at all.

    Despite her need for a new hairstyle, Isobel is my second fave companion. I like her straightforward, earnest friendship and cheerful optimism. Her fatal flaw is whining when I open a thieves trove. And I can't fix that with an addon.

    Honestly, I think once you max a companion's rapport, they should simply ignore their list of things that drop their rapport. As it is now, things that drop their rapport are the prime requisite I look at in choosing a companion.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Treselegant
    Is there a companion you wished just never opened their mouth?
    Like Isobel is supposed to be a good and kind person, but she's fine with you being a member in a murder death cult that ruins people's souls as long as you don't do it so she sees? Waow, such goodness. Then she can't have you lockpick a single door to save her friend/crush, because that is a bit iffy with the law. She's not good, she comes across as some call it in DnD circles: lawful stupid. She doesn't seem to have a moral code, least not a kind or good one, just following the law. Meanwhile Bastian actually comes across as someone who is genuinely kind and altruistic, and despite what his rapport says, would likely be willing to break some rules and legs to help people. A lot of times I wonder if people has a different Bastian from mine the way they dislike him..

    The way the 'discussion' usually happens around Bastian: I frequently find myself wondering if I'm even playing the same game as some people, let alone having the same companion....
  • Drammanoth
    Ember is by far the most pleasant - she enjoys defeating enemies, is not bothered by crime. A perfect companion.

    Contary to Bastian...
  • metheglyn
    A lot of times I wonder if people has a different Bastian from mine the way they dislike him.

    I've often wondered this, too, but in the end I figured a lot of people made snap judgments about him based on very minimal interaction in game or after reading negative reviews others gave him here on the forum. As an example, at first people were convinced he didn't like booze and called him names because of that, when that isn't even a trait he has.

    But I'm biased in favor of Bastian, because I like him so much. I really wish he (and Mirri) could be updated to the story level of the other companions. I would so much love a heartfelt letter from Bastian that I could place in my home.
  • Jaimeh
    I don't have the newer companions but regarding the older ones, I don't get all the Bastian hate; he does come off as righteous sometimes but I don't think he has the worst personality. My favourite one is Mirri, I think she has a really badly concealed crush on the Vestige, which comes off both funny and awkward, but she is really earnest and along with Bastian, the most genuine. I would also like Ember if it wasn't for all the child-like cheerfulness at uh murder, her letter to the Vestige was really moving, as were her personal quests. I guess ZOS knew players wanted a companion they could do justice activities with, but imo it doesn't mesh well with her attitude. I like Isobel too, but compared to the other companions I think she is not as genuine and a bit two-dimensional (both literally and figuratively :)).
  • spartaxoxo
    Is there a companion you wished just never opened their mouth?
    Not really, I don't loathe any character that much, but the worst ones to me are Ember and Isobel. Which is not because of their personalities, well Ember is a bit personality based with how childish she is, but mostly it is because I think Ember and Isobel are simply badly written and their character concepts are badly implemented in game. They both scream "player pleasing" to me with their constant praising of the player and having a lot of the "negative" traits Bastian and Mirri had toned down, making them contradicting and hypocritical instead.
    Like Isobel is supposed to be a good and kind person, but she's fine with you being a member in a murder death cult that ruins people's souls as long as you don't do it so she sees? Waow, such goodness. Then she can't have you lockpick a single door to save her friend/crush, because that is a bit iffy with the law. She's not good, she comes across as some call it in DnD circles: lawful stupid. She doesn't seem to have a moral code, least not a kind or good one, just following the law. Meanwhile Bastian actually comes across as someone who is genuinely kind and altruistic, and despite what his rapport says, would likely be willing to break some rules and legs to help people. A lot of times I wonder if people has a different Bastian from mine the way they dislike him.

    Ember also got similar issues, but less than Isobel. She's more tolerable to me in her quest dialogue, which feels quite different from her idle and combat lines. Which either makes her come across almost like a child, who is sometimes even scared, or being weirdly enthuastic about random cruelty and murder, which goes against the character I talk to in quests.
    I've some morally grey to outright bad characters, and Ember would run from them.

    Hard tell which one of them I find the worst, though. Isobel's far worse writing and implementation, or Ember's milder bad writing and personality.

    I agree that Isobel's writing makes her seem more sanctimonious than Bastian. Bastian doesn't like law breaking because he likes to help people. Isobel doesn't like law breaking because she's a knight, and she's not going to let you forget that. It doesn't come across as actually particularly offensive to her, just something she knows she scold about because it's the rules.
  • peacenote
    M1SHAAN wrote: »
    A thread about companions? Sounds like a good excuse to dump my opinions and characters on everybody :D

    Hahahaha I had the same thought.

    I don't feel like I should take the poll since I haven't unlocked Sharp-as-Night yet, and I just started with Azandar.

    Reading everyone's responses did make me realize I enjoy the companions a lot more than I initially thought, because in general I do like to have them around, especially when I'm playing by myself. The commentary is fun when it's appropriate and funny when it isn't. Mostly.

    So far, Bastian and Ember are my favorites, personality-wise. I wish Bastian would be buffed, as I find that I miss him when I swap to other companions to level them. While Hack the Minotaur and ArzyeL don't agree on who is best, they agree on who is worst! I like him as a cheerful, enthusiastic adventurer. Ember also has great enthusiasm.

    I agree that Azandar complaining about riding, in a world where it is the main form of transportation, is annoying. I've barely unlocked him and I don't like it. It feels like someone said "a few companions like riding, we can make one of them not like it" knowing that it was too common of an activity to cause it actually lose rapport. What would be cool is if he was more comfortable on a specific type of mount but I suspect this is not the case. But, I don't know enough to know if other things he says are annoying.

    Mirri I sometimes enjoy but sometimes she annoys me. My favorite line of hers is "Would it kill them to run away? Well, no, I guess it wouldn't. Maybe they should try that." and I dislike most of her "helpful" combat lines like "Roll! Roll if you can!"

    Isobel I like the least so far. Not completely sure why, although some of it I think comes from not liking her quest story. And her constant religious references.
    Edited by peacenote on February 24, 2024 3:43AM
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