Does anyone else also have imaginary conversations with their companions? Since I despised Azandar, I had to basically talk myself into doing his quest to get his keepsake. To do so I used a method of imagining my character talking to Ember, who is my current favorite. It makes me appreciate them more.
spartaxoxo wrote: »I like Bastian. I like it when the devs participate in community memes too. It's all in good fun and shows they're paying attention even we don't realize it. It put a smile on my face and got a good laugh out of me. 🙂
Treselegant wrote: »I don't think community management should wade into threads known for being hot topics and stir things up. I don't really care if others still find it funny but for me - I've had enough.
Treselegant wrote: »I don't think community management should wade into threads known for being hot topics and stir things up. I don't really care if others still find it funny but for me - I've had enough.
The intention was not to stir things up. The joke was just to engage in light banter of the fact that Bastian's personality is not winning any favors in the poll set up. We love and care about all of the characters we create, but we also should be able to engage and poke fun at things every once in a while. In the same way everyone here should feel empowered to note the things they like or dislike about a companion's personality. Again, if the joke didn't land for you, that's fine. However I want to be clear the intention was not to cause an issue.
And I'll leave it at that. Going to bow out so the actual point of the thread can continue.
Treselegant wrote: »but you seem to have misinterpreted this gentle prodding as being a heated debate.
Treselegant wrote: »but you seem to have misinterpreted this gentle prodding as being a heated debate.
Treselegant wrote: »I've been watching companion threads since High Isle. I've just had enough... only so many cheese jokes you can take
Treselegant wrote: »I've been watching companion threads since High Isle. I've just had enough... only so many cheese jokes you can take
In the starter quest, Bastian knew when defending someone came at too great a cost to him. In that light, I don't think he'd want you to exhaust yourself constantly trying to defend his character against people who don't share the same appreciation you have for him.
Treselegant wrote: »I've been watching companion threads since High Isle. I've just had enough... only so many cheese jokes you can take
It's been sounding like Bastian is a big comfort character for you. If it makes you feel any better, I knew nothing about him before this thread (I didn't even know he disliked cheese!). If it hadn't been for all of the clarity and the interpretations from everyone here, I wouldn't have developed an interest for him as I have now. It may be old content for you, but it can be new for others. Some responses got me thinking, others made me chuckle. The full range of experiences has been insightful.
In the starter quest, Bastian knew when defending someone came at too great a cost to him. In that light, I don't think he'd want you to exhaust yourself constantly trying to defend his character against people who don't share the same appreciation you have for him.
If it weren't for the conflicting tastes in this thread, I would not have gotten the peace that comes from appreciating a full range of views and then deciding to delve into the discussed content after knowing what all lies within it.
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »You don't need to, because he already have one.
I agree that he is a character with considerable subtlety and nuance that you really need to read between the lines with.
Bastian's quest is actually really enjoyable. Throughout the story, I was left with the impression that he is someone who truly believes in his ideals, and has a strong sense of honor. His ways may be rigid and seemingly inflexible, but I think this stems from an inward desire to be the opposite of everything his father was. I think Lord Martel Hallix's actions are very much a shadow over Bastian's conscience. Its actually a very well constructed plot, dealing with a character who has an interesting psychology due to his life experiences, and it's a shame that he isn't appreciated more. So much is left unsaid, but if you read into it, it definitely feels like it's there.
You are absolutely right about the flavor text you are given. After all is said and done, the dialogue you are left with is quite surface-level, and doesn't really touch on the depth of the Companion personalities. It doesn't even scratch the surface of Bastian, honestly.
I always end up feeling just a bit sad every time I finish his quests, knowing that the complex personality I watched grow throughout the plot is going to be reduced to repeating lines of dialogue. I'd really like to see additional quests with him. Perhaps something involving king Emeric, maybe even someone trying to frame him for something he didn't do because of his relation to Lord Martel. There's lots of directions that new quests with Bastian could go in.
This is one of the reasons I actually like him more than Isobel. It's nothing against Isobel, I like her too. I actually like all of the companions.
But often with lawful good characters they are that way because of some job or because they have an overly idealistic attitude about the world.
But Bastian is actually pretty cynical and angry at the world and his adoptive family. He wants to be lawful good because he wants to do right in a wartorn world. And he doesn't want to allow his rage to consume him. He doesn't want to be like the awful people he's met by watching over his adoptive brother.
The juxtaposition between raging against the world and wanting to do the right thing is an interesting background for a character. Reminds me a bit of Batman tbh.
The intention was not to stir things up. The joke was just to engage in light banter of the fact that Bastian's personality is not winning any favors in the poll set up. We love and care about all of the characters we create, but we also should be able to engage and poke fun at things every once in a while. In the same way everyone here should feel empowered to note the things they like or dislike about a companion's personality. Again, if the joke didn't land for you, that's fine. However I want to be clear the intention was not to cause an issue.
And I'll leave it at that. Going to bow out so the actual point of the thread can continue.
katanagirl1 wrote: »I don’t care about the Bastian jokes, he’s still my favorite tank. I can appreciate the humor ZOS_Kevin was trying to convey. I never heard Bastian say anything about cheese because I have him turned down to minimal. I don’t need him to be chatty, I just need him to tank the boss so I can kill it, and he rarely disappoints me.
Bastian Hallix is a chivalrous man amidst un-chivalrous individuals, born and raised in un-chivalrous circumstances. He’s the son of Martel Hallix, an Imperial advisor whose treachery of the King of High Rock, Emeric of Wayrest, led to his execution and the destruction of House Hallix. Bastian was spared due to being only two-years-old at time, and has lived a life of glorified servitude and constant, distrustful scrutiny under House Silvelle as their ward.
Needing to prove himself against his father’s crimes his whole life, Bastian has internalized and developed a chivalrous, affable mien. He desires to be a force of good in Tamriel against all its evil, his own bleak upbringing serving as impetus. He’s the type of man who will help an elderly woman cross the street, rescue a kitten stuck up a tree (he in fact hates wanton cruelty against animals) and finish off his day by rescuing a passing caravan from a band of brigands. He is a goodie two-shoes adventurer whose catch-phrase might as well be, “Let’s go find someone to help,” his most commonly uttered phrase when summoned.
He is not, however, without pragmatism. Leaping into a situation without thought or strategy are just as bad as sitting idly while evil continues. Bastian constantly advises caution, preferring to assess a situation before becoming involved. If the choice is obvious enough, however, Bastian won’t hesitate to act on the side of good.
Causing pain and misery for the sake of it are odious to Bastian. Like most of his people, the Imperials, he looks down upon criminal activities, but it’s less respect for the law and more an unwillingness to engage in the evilness such crimes require. Killing without purpose, thought, or care are particularly odious to Bastian. This singular action loses him the most rapport with the player.
Bastian has anger problems, most apparent when dealing with Quistley Silvelle, his foster brother, and in battle. He’s worked hard to rein it in through magical and martial training, but it’s a struggle when constantly dealing with criminals and world-ending threats. His class, Dragonknight, actively taps on his anger and frustration. This is most obvious with his Ultimate, Unleashed Rage. In the courts of Breton nobility it is gauche to openly display anger, so Bastian has, unfortunately, developed a tendency for passive aggressive commentary instead.
His upbringing was a lonely affair. He sought solace in his studies, trained formally as a battlemage and a sword-and-board knight. He’s an incredibly curious individual, always willing to learn new skills and meet new people. Travel fascinates him, cutting his teeth all over Tamriel as a ‘problem fixer’ for House Silvelle for years now. That problem, however, usually takes on the form of Quistley Silvelle, the libertine son and heir to House Silvelle.
After discovering the Silvelles lied to him his entire life about his sister’s death and his mother’s lack of plan for his future, Bastian cut ties with House Silvelle. For the first time in a long time Bastian is hopeful about his future, finally putting his father’s ghost to rest, and reuniting with his long-thought-death sister.