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Will skill key bind's ever be enhanced to allow combination key binds?

  • Mr_Luscan
    Sinnach wrote: »
    Being left handed and using direction arrows for movement being able to assign more functions to the mouse would make me a much more efficient player to be sure

  • chicnstu219ub17_ESO
    Please agree with my original post on page 1 if you feel this functionality should be implemented. The more people that agree, the more reason game makers have to enhance this (or so I hope).
    I'm sorry you have baby hands, get a smaller or remappable keyboard. The game shouldn't be changed just for you either.

    Another note, it's not changing the game, it's adding functionality options. This is LIMITING the possibilities that anyone (not just me) can use for their key binds. And adding it doesn't change anything for you either, because as I have stated you would have to change the key bind yourself. So if you don't want the functionality just leave it as default.
  • Mr_Luscan
    I'm also a Lefty who's forced to play in a Righty's world. But I've been playing on computers since my Vic-20 back in '82. Rt hand mouse control is natural to me, but unfortunately I still need to watch the keyboard when I type unless I don't want folks to read it! :]
    What I don't care for, here is the Quickslot actions. Having to hold a key while moving the mouse around to access the Correct slot is not only a pain, but most times a death while I'm working at it. Would really like to be able to bind certain things, like Pots to a keybind. I'm old and slow. Need something to work faster.
  • mutharex
    Please agree with my original post on page 1 if you feel this functionality should be implemented. The more people that agree, the more reason game makers have to enhance this (or so I hope).
    I'm sorry you have baby hands, get a smaller or remappable keyboard. The game shouldn't be changed just for you either.

    And yet another baseless statement that is having 0 affect on anything. The fact of the matter is you won't get any sort of reaction out of me besides this:

    This post was not created for people to judge one another.

    Actually, considering this a Player help player section and 'polls' aren't allowed, I'd say I don't understand what was created for?
  • chicnstu219ub17_ESO
    mutharex wrote: »
    Please agree with my original post on page 1 if you feel this functionality should be implemented. The more people that agree, the more reason game makers have to enhance this (or so I hope).
    I'm sorry you have baby hands, get a smaller or remappable keyboard. The game shouldn't be changed just for you either.

    And yet another baseless statement that is having 0 affect on anything. The fact of the matter is you won't get any sort of reaction out of me besides this:

    This post was not created for people to judge one another.

    Actually, considering this a Player help player section and 'polls' aren't allowed, I'd say I don't understand what was created for?

    Well, my plan is to use /feedback in game and reference this forum. Unfortunately the servers are down at this time and I resorted to where I could actually post as a starting point. If enough people are engaged it may be worth them taking some time to look at.
  • chicnstu219ub17_ESO
    Obviously this won't be a focus point as they are having other serious issues, but once other things are resolved I feel this is something that could be done fairly quick and would have an overall beneficial outcome for both the ESO staff and their customers.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    The only reason I could see them adding in modified key binds into the game to allow for merging skills would be to accommodate those who are left handed or only possess one hand to play with (Odd on an Action RPG I know, but I've seen it done before). Anything past that would probably make the game too easy and create a gap between players, a gap the makers do not want to have since good game design has everyone start out on a level playing field, and anything that separates them is based purely on player skill, not whether or not they get to "cheat" (loose term there, lack of a better word for now) by making it so they can hit multiple skills in one button while everyone else has to work to use the base 5 they were given. Basically, allowing a player to hit multiple things at once breaks their game, probably why they haven't done it, although it is possible to have happen, I won't argue that part.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • chicnstu219ub17_ESO
    The only reason I could see them adding in modified key binds into the game to allow for merging skills would be to accommodate those who are left handed or only possess one hand to play with (Odd on an Action RPG I know, but I've seen it done before). Anything past that would probably make the game too easy and create a gap between players, a gap the makers do not want to have since good game design has everyone start out on a level playing field, and anything that separates them is based purely on player skill, not whether or not they get to "cheat" (loose term there, lack of a better word for now) by making it so they can hit multiple skills in one button while everyone else has to work to use the base 5 they were given. Basically, allowing a player to hit multiple things at once breaks their game, probably why they haven't done it, although it is possible to have happen, I won't argue that part.

    The functionality of MB1+MB2 is available and usable for interrupt. I do not see how enabling that on the other keys would break their game.
  • Hadax
    Sorry I have to go of topic for a second but there should be some kind of 3 strike system for trolls but then again sometimes its hard to tell the difference between a troll and an idiot. It would be sad to see people banned or limited for something that is out of there control.

    Back on topic I would like to see some word from the Devs that explains why this was left out or if it was a oversight and is being worked on.
  • Ellorra
    I have a Razer Orbweaver and a Razer Mamba, which has a few extra buttons. I've bound "W" to move forward to a button I can easily reach with my thumb on my mouse. I have my push-to-talk bound to another button on my mouse. If I'm talking, I use the joystick on my Orbweaver to move and press the button on my mouse with my thumb to talk. I've also got my roll/dodge bound to a key rather than double tap. I use keys like dash and the equal sign to bind stuff because they're not used in game for other things.
  • mutharex
    mutharex wrote: »

    Well, my plan is to use /feedback in game and reference this forum. Unfortunately the servers are down at this time and I resorted to where I could actually post as a starting point. If enough people are engaged it may be worth them taking some time to look at.
    The only reason I could see them adding in modified key binds into the game to allow for merging skills would be to accommodate those who are left handed or only possess one hand to play with (Odd on an Action RPG I know, but I've seen it done before). Anything past that would probably make the game too easy and create a gap between players, a gap the makers do not want to have since good game design has everyone start out on a level playing field, and anything that separates them is based purely on player skill, not whether or not they get to "cheat" (loose term there, lack of a better word for now) by making it so they can hit multiple skills in one button while everyone else has to work to use the base 5 they were given. Basically, allowing a player to hit multiple things at once breaks their game, probably why they haven't done it, although it is possible to have happen, I won't argue that part.

    The functionality of MB1+MB2 is available and usable for interrupt. I do not see how enabling that on the other keys would break their game.

    He is talking about macro or autokey style actions, something the devs don't want and the reason behind the API 'nerf'
  • Gohlar
    People are actually arguing against key modifiers and are even going so far as to call the people who want to use them bad.

    It's about being as efficient as possible, it's the exact opposite of being bad.

    Freaking mmo rookies are here in force.
  • chicnstu219ub17_ESO
    Gohlar wrote: »
    People are actually arguing against key modifiers and are even going so far as to call the people who want to use them bad.

    It's about being as efficient as possible, it's the exact opposite of being bad.

    Freaking mmo rookies are here in force.

    I'll abstain from calling anyone a rookie but I agree with you, this is all about maximizing efficiency.
  • Fissh
    So if interrupt (MB1 + MB2) is a keybind, have you actually tried doing other multiple keybinds in your settings? I, as the rest of us, am unable to log on and confirm, but it seems that you should be able to. I have already rekeyed my interrupt (as MB1+MB2 can be clunky for me and rather have only one key), so I would assume I could keybind it back without having to use a default setting. Assumption is the word for sure, just throwing out a basic question, have you physically tried in your keybind settings to bind a multiple button bind?
  • chicnstu219ub17_ESO
    Fissh wrote: »
    So if interrupt (MB1 + MB2) is a keybind, have you actually tried doing other multiple keybinds in your settings? I, as the rest of us, am unable to log on and confirm, but it seems that you should be able to. I have already rekeyed my interrupt (as MB1+MB2 can be clunky for me and rather have only one key), so I would assume I could keybind it back without having to use a default setting. Assumption is the word for sure, just throwing out a basic question, have you physically tried in your keybind settings to bind a multiple button bind?

    Yes, I have tried every time they implemented a patch. The only combination option available now is MB1+MB2.
  • Trouvo
    Thete wrote: »
    Trouvo wrote: »
    I suggest /feedback in game, also try a keybinder to get your desired effect, you may have to do a little research on google, but even one like keypadder

    Did you even read my post?

    Yes and you asked me what I suggest doing to get what you want
    Bloodline|RP Guild|Ebonheart Pact
  • trystephen
    Soul Shriven
    I very much NEED multiple key keybinds because I do not use the right mouse button to block. So, if I would like to interrupt I must use a single bound key instead of the very organic "hold block then press attack" keybind that most people get to use to interrupt.

    Secondly, Trouvo, for a long time gamer (you say you've been playing since you were four) you sure have no idea how to cooperate on a forum. You sound very bored for someone who games because all you do is harass people here who are legitimately trying to improve their experience. Please take your 27 year-old going on 12 year-old energies and find a nice pokemon forum to troll.

    Same for you Yellowbone97. Why are you so interested in 'baby hands'? Sounds like a personal problem.

    But thanks to chicnstu219 for starting a productive thread that I hope will get some attention from the devs when they stop putting out fires.
  • albelnoxgm
    Soul Shriven
    Is there an actual reason stated somewhere why the CTRL modifier doesn't work? I can live without it but i really would have use for it.
  • kitchenguy65_ESO
    I am in awe with the amount of stupidity in this thread. Where on earth are people getting the idea that modified keybinds are in some way cheating or will cause unintended effects? The best one is "but then some people will have an unfair advantage". Really? I would love to hear a reason why having an ability that is used when pressing Alt+1-0 is more advantageous than just pressing 1-0. These people are either trolls or just plain have no idea what you are talking about. To the OP, just be patient. When GW2 released it was the same way. It took less than a month for them to implement it. Sounds more like a development oversight than anything. Heading in game now to leave /feedback.
  • scarsreminder80
    It might be kinda interesting to make a gamepad option. Would still need the keyboard at least but it might ease some tension among the community
    "In your finest hour.... Who will you become?"
  • nyaonyao
    I play a few games so I try to set it up so all of my games at least have similar hotkeys. I play another MMO that has Hide/Show UI binded to CTRL+SHIFT+H. I can't use that here in ESO because the settings doesn't allow it. Isn't that the functionality the OP is requesting? IMO That's not going to give other players an upperhand. Only more room for customization. Also, how is pushing two or more keys going to be 'superior' to your preferred single keybind?

    SMH at players who deny others the OPTION for features such as this one. If you're so PRO that you only use single keybinds then good for you. Go login and play ESO like the PRO that you are.
    Edited by nyaonyao on April 5, 2014 4:28AM
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Trouvo wrote: »
    just practice...you shouldnt have to look at your keyboard to type, its the same principle

    I don't need to look at my keyboard to type, but you cannot tell me you've NEVER hit the wrong key using 1,2,3,4,5 format. It's clunky and I expect more customization on a game that lets me "do whatever I want."

    Im currently having this issue..Having the Abilities right above the movement buttons means Im constantly having to go back and forth between buttons during combat. In other MMOs this isnt an issue as its mostly a non-moving..cast/cycle. But with the way Zenimax has done combat (And Im not complaining about the interesting way its done) I regularly find myself wondering if I should move or I should attempt to power through before a mob can wreck me.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
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    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • chicnstu219ub17_ESO
    nyaonyao wrote: »
    I play a few games so I try to set it up so all of my games at least have similar hotkeys. I play another MMO that has Hide/Show UI binded to CTRL+SHIFT+H. I can't use that here in ESO because the settings doesn't allow it. Isn't that the functionality the OP is requesting? IMO That's not going to give other players an upperhand. Only more room for customization. Also, how is pushing two or more keys going to be 'superior' to your preferred single keybind?

    SMH at players who deny others the OPTION for features such as this one. If you're so PRO that you only use single keybinds then good for you. Go login and play ESO like the PRO that you are.

    Yes, the binds you describe is what I (OP) was talking about. I've left a /feedback in game and also mentioned this post. Please Agree with my original post and maybe we can catch the developer's eyes.
  • Holmes
    You really saying you have trouble using 5 keys?
  • Rhastah
    Soul Shriven
    A lot of people missing the point - the limitations are there so that PC users will not have too big of an advantage over PS4 players with only a limited number of buttons on a gamepad.

    They won't change it no matter how hard you whine. If you only have one arm, you will still be at a disadvantage no matter whether you use a keyboard or a gamepad (pretty hard to fix that problem). Otherwise, the 6-key limit will always be there, macros that cast multiple abilities with 1 button will never be allowed, and modifiers will remain limited too so that PC users will not have too much advantage over PS4 players.

    If/when someone creates an addon to get around these inherent limitations, it will work for a little while until they bug fix it to disallow that functionality. Get used to a limited number of abilities available at once.
    This is my signature.
  • Reiterpallasch
    Yeah the keybinding system in this game is total butt. We don't even get shift/alt/control support. It's like it's not 2014 or anything.
  • nyaonyao
    Guess it's too hard for others to understand the difference between modified keybinds that is being requested by the thread, and the macros the naysayers are talking about. We're not asking for multiple skills to be cast with just ONE button. We're asking to be able to bind ALT/CTRL/SHIFT with ONE key to cast ONE skill, or open ONE window.
    For example:

    M for opening Map window


    CTRL+M for opening Mail

    I do hope that is easy enough to understand.

    Now tell us again how pushing more than ONE button is going to be superior to pushing a SINGLE key. If you can use the default hotkeys, good for you, but this isn't your thread. Enabling modified keybinds doesn't mean you can't use your beloved default settings.
    Edited by nyaonyao on April 6, 2014 6:14AM
  • jerry247
    Soul Shriven
    Vaalis wrote: »

    That's why I bind my movement from WASD to ESDF. I don't know who first did the former because the ladder opens up the QA keys for abilities! my 132456 are AQ2TG3 my synergy is 5 and my quickslot is 4.

    esdf always made sense to me. the little marker thing is on the f key. I hate changing keybinds though, so wasd and my naga and I'm all good.

  • chicnstu219ub17_ESO
    Rhastah wrote: »
    A lot of people missing the point - the limitations are there so that PC users will not have too big of an advantage over PS4 players with only a limited number of buttons on a gamepad.

    They won't change it no matter how hard you whine. If you only have one arm, you will still be at a disadvantage no matter whether you use a keyboard or a gamepad (pretty hard to fix that problem). Otherwise, the 6-key limit will always be there, macros that cast multiple abilities with 1 button will never be allowed, and modifiers will remain limited too so that PC users will not have too much advantage over PS4 players.

    If/when someone creates an addon to get around these inherent limitations, it will work for a little while until they bug fix it to disallow that functionality. Get used to a limited number of abilities available at once.

    Too many people don't understand the concept of a "KEY BIND" it is only going to take the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Ult abilities and allow you to use multiple buttons to use one of those abilities AT ONE TIME (always have 6 at a time no matter what). The description you have given is incorrect, I am not looking for more skills (only more ways to cast/use them). And to the Console gaming remark, you really think PC has an advantage? Some may argue that having the controller in your hand and not having to move much is an advantage on its own. And this key binding could also be used on the console controller as well, for example: L2+square, L2+triangle, R2+O, R2+X however you like. This will also build to console options as well so there is no unfair advantage, only a limitation on your creativity.

    The point is, this enhancement will not cause any sort of unbalance. Only add to the potential ways you can cast your 6 skills (including weapon swap).

    Edited by chicnstu219ub17_ESO on April 6, 2014 3:36PM
  • WyeVxndzz
    Shubuta wrote: »

    If you just want to remap them... well I suggest you stop playing games like an amateur and get a gamepad. ;-)
    That's just nasty and uncalled for and despite the sarcastic winky pretending to diffuse what you said you still said it.

    You should apologize.
    «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥»
    When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
    Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
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