Considering the relatively high cost of VO, I'm assuming that this was not something that was done on a whim. Could this be related to the game named "Endless Dungeon" that Sega released a couple of months ago, as a part of their Endless franchise?
FantasticFreddie wrote: »If it's a copyright issue how did it get this far?
FantasticFreddie wrote: »If it's a copyright issue how did it get this far?
FantasticFreddie wrote: »If it's a copyright issue how did it get this far?
Well, it didn't quite... EA was just released, a month ago or so. So those searching for similarities had a bit of time to knock on ZOS' doors.
To be honest, I liked "Endless" better than "Infinite". But agree that the new name was the best option, considering the circumstances.
tomofhyrule wrote: »This is definitely a copyright thing.
Might be trademark issue. Who knows.
NeuroticPixels wrote: »What will we do when all words are trademarked? 😂
NeuroticPixels wrote: »What will we do when all words are trademarked? 😂
Invent new ones? Hmm. I have a word I made up.... wonder if I should trademark it before other authors start using it.
Lord_Archaic wrote: »Nah.....I'm still going to refer to it as Endless Archive out of spite. That's what they decided to call it, and released it as such; so they should stand by it. And if it is a Copyright issue, fight the crap out of it.
They tried with Mojang with their game called Scrolls. It was a half success. They bullied Mojang into being unable to use that name on any future sequels to that game. So they should be able to use the same reasoning here if they're being bullied by some other company. They clearly have the resources to fight it.
NeuroticPixels wrote: »What will we do when all words are trademarked? 😂
Invent new ones? Hmm. I have a word I made up.... wonder if I should trademark it before other authors start using it.