Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Server maintenance times

  • Freshmango55
    Kadigan wrote: »
    Is Downtime Defenders really the name we want to go for? Not that it isn't a perfectly fine and lovely guild name of course, but what else can we come up with? Any extra creative suggestions?

    Maintenance Slayers?

  • elfindreams
    larimous wrote: »
    J3K wrote: »
    I have to admit the launch is still more polished than SWTOR's was. I mean they didn't even finish painting it first.Screenshot_2012-01-22_02_42_16_711000.jpg

    Ok I have to wonder... I have put in hundreds of hours into SWTOR, done all the story lines, all the ops, all the flashpoints, pvp ever since beta... I have never seen this... where is this??? I have to go check it out (someone else posted that it is still like that).... also what graphics setting?

    alderan believe its the first heroic area 4 quest also what server because some are fixed others are not

    That must be it I don't see that problem on Ebon Hawk ;)
  • Sarenia
    Kadigan wrote: »
    Is Downtime Defenders really the name we want to go for? Not that it isn't a perfectly fine and lovely guild name of course, but what else can we come up with? Any extra creative suggestions?

    The ESOS
    aka "Elder Scrolls Offline Still?"
  • vaxure
    israelx wrote: »
    I don't care what you say, I bought a product and it doesn't work properly and has not been usable for more than 12 hours now, if this kinda of thing goes on next week I'm seriously considering asking for my money back like I would do with any other product.

    all i can say is lol

  • Grimas

    Looked into me the SSD isn't worth the insane price point atm. I'll wait a year or two, and then upgrade.

    I find they are cheaper now. I am on a 4 year old SSD drive (120g). I recommend getting a 240 though as 120 isnt big. I have the OS, BF4 and ESO on it and its almost full. But its nice that everything loads so much quicker.

    Grimas - Imperial DK Tank - DC
  • SuperJChat
    Hey guys just a quick heads-up for the Downtime Defenders (A.K.A. DD),

    So far we have a total of 25(!!!) people joining us when the server goes live! Considering this was founded and put together offline and in the forums, i'd say we have a great turnout!

    Thanks to everyone who has been here through all the fun and not-so-fun times, and we are looking ahead towards great things!

    Thanks Defenders!
  • robroeb14_ESO
    has boogie/francis cut a error37 youtube about this yet?
  • Wylerayb14_ESO
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    Hmmmmm, My only problem with the down severs is paying for early game play but not getting in that early game play as id like. Sadly, there isn't much I can do about that. I don't mind them doing maintenance i just wish it wasn't on the 5 day early pass time considering i paid an extra 20$ for the game. I love love the game! I wont stop playing because of this inconvenience because all games have their problems but ughhh. HURRY UP ESO <3

    Scarlett... What if I worded it in such a way that you got a mount, pet, and treasure maps, as well as imperial crafting style for the extra fee....and the advance in game release was just an added bonus?

    So you didn't loose anything, just did not get to use up much of the added bonus, that you didn't pay for, but received as an added bonus.

    Does that help to keep the swelling down?

    Most of us bought it for the early access not the items, please swallow your word BONUS and choke on it. I would have not paid 20 dollars more for the game if it didn't have the early access.

    You didn't pay for early access. Both the standard and the imperial edition included three(physical) to five(digital) days of early access. Both editions will cost the same on the official release date as they do now. The game time you paid for within that payment for the game(30 days) doesn't start until the game is officially released and isn't ticking as we speak.

    To clarify, the $59.99 for the standard game was for the following:
    1) A limited license to play the game. You "own" it now.
    2) 30 days of game time.

    The extra amount paid for the Imperial edition(both physical and digital) was only for extra bonuses - The imperial race, horse, a pet mudcrab and/or some bonus physical items.

    Choke on that...

    erm dude... not to cut in on the convo you got going, but wtf?
    Allow me to Tell you that the only reason my partner and I bought the Pre-order standard and Imperial editions was for the Early Access.
    Take Note that only one Imperial Edition was mentioned, that is because we only need one set of rings for the two of us... the mount hasn't even been used yet.

    So after you jump off your high horse ... don't forget to change out of your jumped up know-it-all suit...;)

    Sooo they shouldn't fix the game then?
  • acespades100
    I keep starting the launcher, to start the update ahead lol
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Hey, folks. As of now (noon EDT), we are currently looking at an ETA of 1-2 hours. We'll continue to keep you updated.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Tripp3r
    This is my personal opinion, and should be taken as such... and i am aware of the bug that has allowed players to access others characters through their account.

    For the hardcore fans of MMO's and TES universe the people who have been sitting on forums and their pre orders for months in anticipation of this game their respective early access times are launch for this game, the beta sessions should have identified many of the bugs that have contributed to them taking down the servers for maintenance during early access and they should have been working hard to fix them before early access started, this is a hindrance to any fan who has been playing from 5 day early access till present.
    So i think that in some way we should be compensated for the time we have lost, early access was for me at least an opportunity to get out of the starting zones before the flood at game launch, and i haven't been able to do that yet due to this.
    (A free or cheaper mount for all those affected would be nice :P just saying)

    I do however understand that in a way, this isn't ZOS's fault and in no way are they obliged to compensate us for this, they're probably as annoyed as we are, and are likely working hard to fix it all.

    Oh, and stop kidding your selves, early access was a "bonus" but we all know that was one of the main selling points for when we pre ordered our respective editions of the game.

    while i'm at it, i do want to say that the fact that we haven't heard much about why they took the servers down through facebook, twitter, or here on the forums is kind of annoying, and the lack of information once you try to log in and discover the servers are down is also annoying, i feel they should tell us the facts through these social media networks within an hour of taking the servers down, not after 4, and that they should give us a rough time frame of when they estimate they will have the servers back up, the fact that they can't even say "maybe some time today" is annoying, we know that they don't know when they can bring them back up, but we would appreciate someones best guess.
    Again, this is my opinion and should be taken as such.
  • PBpsy
    Am I the only one that finds the forum's server message very disconcerting."We are bringing the North American megaserver down for maintenance... "
    You guys are bringing it down for the last 10+ hours . When it will be finally down ? Is it so hard to find the mega shut down /reset megabutton on the megaserver. Once the server is finally brought down and the maintenance done how long does the bringing up process take?
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • Phabiusbile
    Hey, folks. As of now (noon EDT), we are currently looking at an ETA of 1-2 hours. We'll continue to keep you updated.


  • trinta
    nuclear808 wrote: »
    been waiting since 3am this morning...currently 5:48am. Suffering from insomnia waiting for the servers to get back online. I know exactly what's going to happen. The servers will go back online once I fall asleep!

    Mmkay, in that case, do us all a favor and go to sleep, please.
    Every time someone swears, it gets replaced with three asterisks. There's only one three-letter swear word that I know of. I read that in the place of every set of three asterisks. It makes for some amusing sentences.
  • Greydog
    The "I sat in the forum all night and didn't even get the lousy T shirt" guild

    "I Plan on living forever far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • T3CHN01221
    SuperJChat wrote: »
    Hey guys just a quick heads-up for the Downtime Defenders (A.K.A. DD),

    So far we have a total of 25(!!!) people joining us when the server goes live! Considering this was founded and put together offline and in the forums, i'd say we have a great turnout!

    Thanks to everyone who has been here through all the fun and not-so-fun times, and we are looking ahead towards great things!

    Thanks Defenders!

    You sir, are keeping me happy in this thread. Keep doing your thing! :)
  • homardpolicierb16_ESO
    Ciinen1988 wrote: »
    Be nice if they at least said they were sorry for the down time.
    Just too much to ask these days.

    If you had completely read the thread you posted this in you would have noticed that they have apologized for the downtime a number of times.


    Downtime Defenders... How many pages can we get this time?
  • MysticAura
    israelx wrote: »
    I don't care what you say, I bought a product and it doesn't work properly and has not been usable for more than 12 hours now, if this kinda of thing goes on next week I'm seriously considering asking for my money back like I would do with any other product.

    Yeah guys, stop fixing the bugs that improve our gaming experience...How dare you have glitches in your software. Software is never ever buggy!

    Seriously though the above post made me cringe. [Edited for the sake of being nice]

  • SuperJChat
    Kadigan wrote: »
    Is Downtime Defenders really the name we want to go for? Not that it isn't a perfectly fine and lovely guild name of course, but what else can we come up with? Any extra creative suggestions?

    If you have any suggestions please send a message to @Zaeros‌ @Faked‌ or myself, we will take a look at all suggestions!
  • gifmike
    Hey, folks. As of now (noon EDT), we are currently looking at an ETA of 1-2 hours. We'll continue to keep you updated.

    ESO and Skyrim music and ambient sound vids-
    more coming...
  • Earthlybeast
    Tripp3r wrote: »
    This is my personal opinion, and should be taken as such... and i am aware of the bug that has allowed players to access others characters through their account.

    For the hardcore fans of MMO's and TES universe the people who have been sitting on forums and their pre orders for months in anticipation of this game their respective early access times are launch for this game, the beta sessions should have identified many of the bugs that have contributed to them taking down the servers for maintenance during early access and they should have been working hard to fix them before early access started, this is a hindrance to any fan who has been playing from 5 day early access till present.
    So i think that in some way we should be compensated for the time we have lost, early access was for me at least an opportunity to get out of the starting zones before the flood at game launch, and i haven't been able to do that yet due to this.
    (A free or cheaper mount for all those affected would be nice :P just saying)

    I do however understand that in a way, this isn't ZOS's fault and in no way are they obliged to compensate us for this, they're probably as annoyed as we are, and are likely working hard to fix it all.

    Oh, and stop kidding your selves, early access was a "bonus" but we all know that was one of the main selling points for when we pre ordered our respective editions of the game.

    while i'm at it, i do want to say that the fact that we haven't heard much about why they took the servers down through facebook, twitter, or here on the forums is kind of annoying, and the lack of information once you try to log in and discover the servers are down is also annoying, i feel they should tell us the facts through these social media networks within an hour of taking the servers down, not after 4, and that they should give us a rough time frame of when they estimate they will have the servers back up, the fact that they can't even say "maybe some time today" is annoying, we know that they don't know when they can bring them back up, but we would appreciate someones best guess.
    Again, this is my opinion and should be taken as such.

    Ur compensation is a well working game brought to u by hard working employees who i doubt get alot of respect from ppl. u should rethink what ur asking for and step into their shoes for once.
  • MattoxMaodhun
    Hey, folks. As of now (noon EDT), we are currently looking at an ETA of 1-2 hours. We'll continue to keep you updated.

    Thanks again Jessica for keeping us posted
  • stargazer62085b14_ESO
    Hey, folks. As of now (noon EDT), we are currently looking at an ETA of 1-2 hours. We'll continue to keep you updated.

    I guess I should be happy about this but, I go back to work in 2 hrs for another 5 hrs so... sad face for me hehe. Enjoy yourselves though kill a mudcrab or two for me :pensive:
  • Cry_Wolfe
    Ziz wrote: »
    people QQing about FREE early access time... your paid time doesn't start until 4/4.

    im not QQ'ing, but I do want to put it out there that this idea that people weren't buying early access but instead buying the ingame items or some such. The notion that someone can tell someone else what they were thinking at the time of purchase is absurd.

    Regardless of the products cost in comparison to the products cost after the game goes live, if the motivating factor for buying the pre-order pack was X, then X is the reason the pre-order was

    no to break the mood or anything, just grabs my goat when people get shouted down for expressing themselves, wouldn't be so bad if the person doing the shouting actually really gave a crud about the other person...

  • juic3
    ok guys, NOW place your bets, can we reach 100 pages before servers come up? doubting it right now lol.
  • Grimas

    anyone gonna feel like this when the servers come back online
    Grimas - Imperial DK Tank - DC
  • Attorneyatlawl
    vanity wrote: »
    I'm curious what ESO is doing about exploiters who are level 50 already as well. I remember people intentionally spending all of beta looking for exploits for max level and gold. By the looks of it, there were several exploits found: people level 50 already, and gold sellers already.

    No exploits on my end at least, I got vr1 in about 30 hours /played with the main quest done and access to vet zones. And I wasn't even pushing it in terms of trying to go as fast as possible at all. It's doable in about 20-22 hrs to that point if you really work at it realistically.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Breetai_SDF1

    You're welcome.

    Great, now I have to report and ignore you ;P
    - Downtime Defender -
    “Conquering end-game content without really trying”
  • typeopymp
    Kadigan wrote: »
    Is Downtime Defenders really the name we want to go for? Not that it isn't a perfectly fine and lovely guild name of course, but what else can we come up with? Any extra creative suggestions?

    Maintenance Slayers?

    Forum Junkies
    NA server: Ariseth Nightvale Level XX Bosmer Nightblade. Daggerfall.
  • Invisioblack
    Slyphoon wrote: »
    While we are here.. What rigs are everyone running? Myself only have an Alienware M17XR4

    CPU - Intel Core I7 4930 4.3 GHz (OCed)
    RAM - 32G gb GSKILL 8CL RAM (8 DIMMs)
    Motherboard - ASUS Sabertooth X79
    Corsair C70 Vengace Case with Corsair H110 CPU Cooler
    Marvel Superdrive [Samsung 240G SSD/Seagate 2TB Hybrid] (OS Drive)
    ADATA 64G SSD [Swapfile & ReadyBoost]
    So unnecessarily over the top... like 32gb RAM? Really? You can't even make use of that much. I do admire though don't get me wrong.

    LOL - I am running 2 Virtual Machines for UAT Testing[non ESO Application] (Both Linux) and hosting the SQL Server WHILE playing ESO.. I don;t think it's over the top for my use case....
    Edited by Invisioblack on April 2, 2014 4:07PM
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