Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Server maintenance times

  • TuterKing
    dfwmikey74 wrote: »
    With this wait I think I'm going to have to start up a new character when I can log in again. Question is which Character should I create.

    2: Bosmer - Dragonknight- Earthen Heart - Bow - Light - Ebonheart
    3: Altmer - Nightblade - Assassination - Dual Wield - Heavy - Ebonheart
    4: Orc - Templar - Restoring Light - Resto Staff - Light - Ebonheart
    5: Redguard-Sorcerer - Daedric Summon-Two Handed- Heavy - Aldmeri
    6: Breton - Nightblade - Shadow - Bow - Medium - Daggerfall
    7: Nord - Sorcerer - Storm Calling - Destruct Staff - Light - Aldmeri
    8: Imperial-Dragonknight-Draconic Power-Sword & Board-None/Disguises-Dagger

    #2. You might ask why 2 but the answer is simple. Always choose number 2!
    The King is Here!
  • Darquer
    Patched but still no permissions to access :(
  • teajb
    Still no update should be up now?Jessica are you too busy playing to update us?!?!
  • utopianmachine
    Patched...wanna plaaaaaay. :(
  • LoLEProps
    It's 2:30 pm EST so the game is now up.
  • pad11
    pad11 wrote: »
    Well, as we all scatter our separate ways, blown to the winds of tamriel like dust, like the butterflies we so grossly harvest in midair, let us always remember the good fortune that a crushed server gave us, allowing us to come together to embrace the banality of waiting for the world to re-open for our leisure, our pleasure, our embrace. Soon I will return to my abode, I will patch the beast and I will prepare myself for battle...and for fishing...and maybe making a fancy belt (okay, sash, but i struggle to call anything a sash...).

    Yes, first I will go see my eldest play baseball, and that is a good thing, making this a great day....oh sure, I didn't get to embrace The Scroll, but I embraced the Oblivion of Non-Access...and it was good, it was sweet and I fed on its succor. And in the end, a guild was formed, and it, too, was good...and I will embrace it anon, for surely I will. So until this evening, when familial duties have been met, when I've witnessed the burgeoning skills of my progeny in person, on the Diamond of Life (oh, our household loves's that deep here), I will ravage the server, ravage it unlike it has been ravaged in, oh, say the last 12 hours...

    Later all! Hope to see you in game and will definitely see you In Guild!!!


    HA! nice! ty!

  • evasive
    LoLEProps wrote: »
    It's 2:30 pm EST so the game is now up.

    no at 3:15..
  • juic3
    As much as I hate all this down time, this thread has proven to me that we have a fantastic community waiting to play this game.
  • Dirigible
    Don't mind me just posting in an epic thread.
    And yes, the devs are practically just teasing us with a phat line of skooma in front of our faces but not putting the plate down so we can do it.

    Uhm. Moonsugar bro.
  • Veramir
    I better get something to show me you are really sorry about your terrible service Bethesda
  • MattoxMaodhun
    Well at least it didn't take as long as trying to find an airplane in the ocean.......too soon?

    Maybe... :flushed:
  • Veramir
    I better get something to show me you are really sorry about your terrible service Bethesda
  • SuperJChat
    So guys, again we have to wait a bit, but never fear, for the Downtime Defenders will give you cheer! (-facepalm- dangit SuperJ look what you've done to yourself)

    So in the meantime, lets discuss our characters, ill start!

    I play as SuperJChat (duh) a level 12 nightblade working on the shadow path,
    ive tried my hand in pvp, gone through a bit of quests, but i've found that i spend most of my time.... Crafting! (ugh) all my crafting levels are already 5+ (some are around 12) so if you guys need stuff crafted for you just come to me ;P
    I also discovered a great farming spot (if you are in ebonheart pact, if not sorry =/) which i have used to get over 100 of wood/iron in about 20 minutes xD
    I picked nightblade because ive always enjoyed being stealthy and ranged (god i love killing something before it even gets to me)

    Tell me about your character!
  • rbrown80_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Playing GTA and drinking at 2:30 in the afternoon isn't too bad of a way to wait for ESO I guess. *sigh*
  • Shadowreborn
    evasive wrote: »
    LoLEProps wrote: »
    It's 2:30 pm EST so the game is now up.

    no at 3:15..
    evasive wrote: »
    LoLEProps wrote: »
    It's 2:30 pm EST so the game is now up.

    no at 3:15..

    he's been trolling for hours just ignore his posts...I have.

  • ill_tactics42013b14_ESO
    Im just waiting like everyone else!!!

    Edited by ZOS_JasonI on April 2, 2014 6:58PM
  • Cayce_of_Kata
    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on April 2, 2014 7:06PM
  • Doraelari
    Veramir wrote: »
    I better get something to show me you are really sorry about your terrible service Bethesda

    The game isn't even out yet, so they don't really owe you any compensation. Also, Bethesda is in no way responsible for this.

  • Rukur
    Well its 2.36.

    I'm starting to wonder if the EULA I just agreed to again means something :)
  • Melkie
    Wife left me a detailed list of stuff I was to do today while off work ... Reading 110 pages of forum posts was not on it.

    /psst Truth be told; the list wasn't getting done anyway, but don't tell her that
  • buttugly
    HAHHAHHAHHAHA The headstart was to learn how to use the forums and learn to prepare for server maintenance's...nicely played.....nicely played!!!
  • Zazzix
    Zazzix wrote: »
    @Mordenkaiser No what did it say I honestly just scrolled down lol
    I seen no new amendums, its just funny because it really does make a clear cut case that our head start is at their leisure.

    Its frustrating I agree, but I do have to say even with the few speed bumps this has been a really good launch for a first time mmo for a company. And its a different style of gameplay that I wasn't sure I'd get attached to so quickly, but I think its safe to say that the last several pages we are all not giving up that easy.
  • dfwmikey74
    TuterKing wrote: »
    dfwmikey74 wrote: »
    With this wait I think I'm going to have to start up a new character when I can log in again. Question is which Character should I create.

    2: Bosmer - Dragonknight- Earthen Heart - Bow - Light - Ebonheart
    3: Altmer - Nightblade - Assassination - Dual Wield - Heavy - Ebonheart
    4: Orc - Templar - Restoring Light - Resto Staff - Light - Ebonheart
    5: Redguard-Sorcerer - Daedric Summon-Two Handed- Heavy - Aldmeri
    6: Breton - Nightblade - Shadow - Bow - Medium - Daggerfall
    7: Nord - Sorcerer - Storm Calling - Destruct Staff - Light - Aldmeri
    8: Imperial-Dragonknight-Draconic Power-Sword & Board-None/Disguises-Dagger

    #2. You might ask why 2 but the answer is simple. Always choose number 2!

    That's a good choice for other reasons as well, my Beta character was Almeri and my current character is Daggerfall, so starting an Ebonheart character would be good.

    Current character:
    Dunmer - Templar- Dawns Wrath- Dual Wield- Medium armor- Daggerfall

    Bosmer- Nightblade- Shadow- Dual Wield- Medium- Aldmeri

  • Kenthros
    Error 37 Error 37 but i need to buy my goooooooold
    But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
    I have spread my dreams under your feet;
    Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
  • juic3
    let's atleast shoot for 130. set a record and whatnot.
  • bejorub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Guess I'll grab some skumma and watch Despicable Me...
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    We're getting ready to bring the server back online, folks. Please stand by.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • utopianmachine
    ZOS_GinaBruno Administrator, Moderator admin
    We will be bringing the North American megaserver back online momentarily. Thanks to everyone for your patience!
  • Boracks
    Soul Shriven
    I must admit this has been the best server down thread in 12 years that I have been online gaming.
  • evilhomer504b14_ESO
    We're getting ready to bring the server back online, folks. Please stand by.

    I love you
    The guy who grabbed the name Razum-dar first
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