Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Server maintenance times

  • Wylerayb14_ESO
    I got 2 mbps
  • counicoune
    Well I probably did something pretty bad in my past life cuz karma is a ***! I know have to go to work in 30 minutes :s
    (*) No matter the name of your god, the kindness of your heart will prevail (*)
  • jonal11_ESO
    I was so ready....and then you find out the server is still locked. :s
  • tjmorrishb16_ESO
    Phailps wrote: »
    So, patch is done and server still not up? Its like I almost got to taste a cake and someone ripped it away. So close...

    Its like Trying to snort the phatest line of coke you have ever seen and then sneezing all over the plate!!!

    Its like Eating a whole box of cereal for the prize and there is no prize
  • Shiva
    At least we know the patch is live - servers are sure to follow.... wonder what the start up procedures are for a Megaserver?
  • deronbarlowb16_ESO
    Phailps wrote: »
    So, patch is done and server still not up? Its like I almost got to taste a cake and someone ripped it away. So close...

    Its like Trying to snort the phatest line of coke you have ever seen and then sneezing all over the plate!!!
  • evasive
    Phailps wrote: »
    So, patch is done and server still not up? Its like I almost got to taste a cake and someone ripped it away. So close...

    Its like Trying to snort the phatest line of coke you have ever seen and then sneezing all over the plate!!!

    You and I have very different lifestyles
  • keifer76
    had to install a repair maybe you guys should do that also on your launcher
  • keifer76
    had to install a repair maybe you guys should do that also on your launcher
  • Doomulus
    Don't mind me just posting in an epic thread.
    And yes, the devs are practically just teasing us with a phat line of skooma in front of our faces but not putting the plate down so we can do it.
  • Cry_Wolfe
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    Shiva wrote: »
    As a LONG time gamer and vet of MANY MMO's I must say this is all MY fault...

    Every time I take a day off of work to be able to maximize my early access the damn servers go down... Seriously.

    As for NOT buying for Early Access - hogwash. Seriously. But for not expecting there to be down time... I must say that those who are surprised by it are really, really short sighted and completely inexperienced in gaming and software development in general.

    actually its all on the Beta Testers.. they didnt do their job right, and now us early adopters are being punished for it....

    I can't speak for the rest of the beta testers--- but I spent FOREVER during beta writing up bug tickets.
    Like, DAYS of reports.
    A friend was over and heard all the typing and said, "I thought you were gonna be doin beta this weekend and do the research paper later.."

    There was an in-beta rumor making its rounds saying that ZOS was holding back the polished version of the game from stress testers because they didn't need to see the final product to stress the servers-- that all of our bug reporting was essentially for naught because those fixes had already been implemented in the "final/launch" version.
    [At least] 3 of us wrote up reports for all that Balreth crap, the horse garbage, and so on; this patch [hopefully--- dear GOD hopefully] is the culmination of all their fixes for said reports and those since.

    :neutral_face: maybe you weren't clear enough?

    Maybe you weren't in beta and need to shut the *** up about things you know nothing about. The beta was buggy as hell and I reported on basically every problem being fixed right now. They prioritized what needed to be fixed. You are looking for a group to blame and *** off like a dumb ass troll.

    you've been itching to go me, now you have: happy?
    big fella tough guy?

    ;) i think you need to lay off the coffee of something, and try looking through some of the posts with a comedy filter. Troll?... who isn't a troll nowadays, what a pithy and worthless moniker it has become :expressionless:

    Everyone is a troll, therefore no one is? ***. Everyone is just a damn troll. Its beyond boring. Well, most of the time. Sometimes its pure comedy gold.

    trolling and trollisms have become passé to a certain extent, which is akin to saying,"oh hey you're growing up fast!", unfortunately trolling has entered the lexicon even if we've managed to pull back from the rather dire cliff of l33tsp34k. Inasmuch as english is a rubbish bin/hodge-podge language, or that language is fluid or emergent, any direct influence that the internet (us) has on future directions for our languages (and therefore the tools we use to comprehend or communicate ideas) is at best a guess, so sit back and enjoy the ride, and remember you are only an older model if you can't speak the language.

    ps: Please understand that I have been up for almost 24 hours now :P, whilst things I am typing might seem hilarious to me, i completely understand if they arent for you :P
  • Zazzix
    @Mordenkaiser No what did it say I honestly just scrolled down lol
  • rbrown80_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Playing GTA and drinking at 2:30 in the afternoon isn't too bad of a way to wait for ESO I guess. *sigh*
  • Resourceful
    All patched up and no place to go.... bummer
  • Phailps
    Phailps wrote: »
    So, patch is done and server still not up? Its like I almost got to taste a cake and someone ripped it away. So close...

    Its like Trying to snort the phatest line of coke you have ever seen and then sneezing all over the plate!!!

    Its like Eating a whole box of cereal for the prize and there is no prize
    I eat whole boxes of cereal and I don't buy the kind with prizes...

  • MattoxMaodhun
    pad11 wrote: »
    Well, as we all scatter our separate ways, blown to the winds of tamriel like dust, like the butterflies we so grossly harvest in midair, let us always remember the good fortune that a crushed server gave us, allowing us to come together to embrace the banality of waiting for the world to re-open for our leisure, our pleasure, our embrace. Soon I will return to my abode, I will patch the beast and I will prepare myself for battle...and for fishing...and maybe making a fancy belt (okay, sash, but i struggle to call anything a sash...).

    Yes, first I will go see my eldest play baseball, and that is a good thing, making this a great day....oh sure, I didn't get to embrace The Scroll, but I embraced the Oblivion of Non-Access...and it was good, it was sweet and I fed on its succor. And in the end, a guild was formed, and it, too, was good...and I will embrace it anon, for surely I will. So until this evening, when familial duties have been met, when I've witnessed the burgeoning skills of my progeny in person, on the Diamond of Life (oh, our household loves's that deep here), I will ravage the server, ravage it unlike it has been ravaged in, oh, say the last 12 hours...

    Later all! Hope to see you in game and will definitely see you In Guild!!!



  • lca114_MD
    Patch to head out before servers open up and re-stock my RedBull.
  • dfwmikey74
    With this wait I think I'm going to have to start up a new character when I can log in again. Question is which Character should I create.

    2: Bosmer - Dragonknight- Earthen Heart - Bow - Light - Ebonheart
    3: Altmer - Nightblade - Assassination - Dual Wield - Heavy - Ebonheart
    4: Orc - Templar - Restoring Light - Resto Staff - Light - Ebonheart
    5: Redguard-Sorcerer - Daedric Summon-Two Handed- Heavy - Aldmeri
    6: Breton - Nightblade - Shadow - Bow - Medium - Daggerfall
    7: Nord - Sorcerer - Storm Calling - Destruct Staff - Light - Aldmeri
    8: Imperial-Dragonknight-Draconic Power-Sword & Board-None/Disguises-Dagger
  • LoLEProps
    Shiva wrote: »
    At least we know the patch is live - servers are sure to follow.... wonder what the start up procedures are for a Megaserver?

    {Behind the scenes at Zenimax}
    ZOMG! We have to restart the servers after the patch?~!?!?! How the heck do we do that?!!??!
  • trahe
    counicoune wrote: »
    Well I probably did something pretty bad in my past life cuz karma is a ***! I know have to go to work in 30 minutes :s

    You look sick to me. Yes, I can see some watery substance in your eyes and...oh my... your stomach is not feeling well at all.
  • kallistiGAD
    At first I was like...giphy.gif

    Then I was like... tumblr_leoszz1vfF1qdlkgg.gif
    Argonian Maids Gone Wild
    The Flash Mob guild. Bringing the absurd to ESO
  • nochance
    incoming another 1-2 hour eta!
  • Thundergod
    Worst MMO experience. Ever.
  • AlexanderTheGreat
    So I posted back in page 27 and 81 pages later the game is still down. If there are not some serious improvements to this game next time I log on I'll be canceling my order.
  • evasive
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    Shiva wrote: »
    As a LONG time gamer and vet of MANY MMO's I must say this is all MY fault...

    Every time I take a day off of work to be able to maximize my early access the damn servers go down... Seriously.

    As for NOT buying for Early Access - hogwash. Seriously. But for not expecting there to be down time... I must say that those who are surprised by it are really, really short sighted and completely inexperienced in gaming and software development in general.

    actually its all on the Beta Testers.. they didnt do their job right, and now us early adopters are being punished for it....

    I can't speak for the rest of the beta testers--- but I spent FOREVER during beta writing up bug tickets.
    Like, DAYS of reports.
    A friend was over and heard all the typing and said, "I thought you were gonna be doin beta this weekend and do the research paper later.."

    There was an in-beta rumor making its rounds saying that ZOS was holding back the polished version of the game from stress testers because they didn't need to see the final product to stress the servers-- that all of our bug reporting was essentially for naught because those fixes had already been implemented in the "final/launch" version.
    [At least] 3 of us wrote up reports for all that Balreth crap, the horse garbage, and so on; this patch [hopefully--- dear GOD hopefully] is the culmination of all their fixes for said reports and those since.

    :neutral_face: maybe you weren't clear enough?

    Maybe you weren't in beta and need to shut the *** up about things you know nothing about. The beta was buggy as hell and I reported on basically every problem being fixed right now. They prioritized what needed to be fixed. You are looking for a group to blame and *** off like a dumb ass troll.

    you've been itching to go me, now you have: happy?
    big fella tough guy?

    ;) i think you need to lay off the coffee of something, and try looking through some of the posts with a comedy filter. Troll?... who isn't a troll nowadays, what a pithy and worthless moniker it has become :expressionless:

    Everyone is a troll, therefore no one is? ***. Everyone is just a damn troll. Its beyond boring. Well, most of the time. Sometimes its pure comedy gold.

    trolling and trollisms have become passé to a certain extent, which is akin to saying,"oh hey you're growing up fast!", unfortunately trolling has entered the lexicon even if we've managed to pull back from the rather dire cliff of l33tsp34k. Inasmuch as english is a rubbish bin/hodge-podge language, or that language is fluid or emergent, any direct influence that the internet (us) has on future directions for our languages (and therefore the tools we use to comprehend or communicate ideas) is at best a guess, so sit back and enjoy the ride, and remember you are only an older model if you can't speak the language.

    ps: Please understand that I have been up for almost 24 hours now :P, whilst things I am typing might seem hilarious to me, i completely understand if they arent for you :P

    Um....uua. ah.. server down bad :neutral_face:
  • laxsk8er85b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Broke it!
  • RandomusNamus
    Phailps wrote: »
    Phailps wrote: »
    So, patch is done and server still not up? Its like I almost got to taste a cake and someone ripped it away. So close...

    Its like Trying to snort the phatest line of coke you have ever seen and then sneezing all over the plate!!!

    Its like Eating a whole box of cereal for the prize and there is no prize
    I eat whole boxes of cereal and I don't buy the kind with prizes...

    Obviously you're buying the wrong cereal.
  • jonal11_ESO
    Well at least it didn't take as long as trying to find an airplane in the ocean.......too soon?
  • Mordenkaiser
    Zazzix wrote: »
    @Mordenkaiser No what did it say I honestly just scrolled down lol
    I seen no new amendums, its just funny because it really does make a clear cut case that our head start is at their leisure.
    "Serve me in death, and let Sithis be your shepherd"
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