Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 6:00PM EDT (22:00 UTC)

Everything in my bank is gone/deleted while playing

  • Cesarai
    Please add me to the list. @Cesarai

    Had a system message while questing. Disconnected because the message seemed to be bugging out. (had a lot of /%$@#%&^ characters in it) Logged back in after a Loooong loading screen to a blank screen. Logged out and Quit.

    Just logged in and noticed I have Lost my bank items.
    Edited by Cesarai on April 2, 2014 4:57AM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • MuonNyx
    This happened to me too. I think it happened a few hours ago, but I didn't realize until just now. Lost a lot of Runes which is annoying. Some of which were purple, which i assume is good.

    In-game support seems to boot me off the server whenever I try to use it. Sent a mail successfully using it, but got kicked off the server before i could jot down the reference number.

    Edit: Also noticed, Ive recieved a duplicate set of pre order bonus mails. Both exporer pack and imperial edition.
    Edited by MuonNyx on April 2, 2014 5:01AM
  • Swoop
    I just had the same thing happen to me about 30 minutes ago. I have submitted an in-game ticket. Please add me to the list, if you are still checking here.

    I was merely switching between alts, and when I reloaded, my entire bank of stored mats was empty, now 0/80. Obviously very disconcerting.

    Appreciated any help. Thanks.

    EDIT: After reading comments above in detail. This seemed to happen right as I received 2 in-game mails for pets (Beta) and (pre-order), which I had already received. I wonder if this glitch is linked somehow...
    Edited by Swoop on April 2, 2014 5:02AM
  • xdrdrummermanxb14_ESO
    Just a heads up to everyone, i would remove everything from your bank and put it on an alt. I finally got to talk to the people trying to fix the problem and they suggested it until they find a fix for the problem. It stinks but it would stink to lose all your bank items more than once
  • TirielsWhisper
    The items are probably still there, but not loading. A lot of times if you can't access something, it's an interface error.
  • Swoop
    I am keeping mine empty since I discovered it. I only did a test with one item to confirm I could still access. @xdrdrummermanxb14_ESO‌ good point though. You'd hate for new stuff to be over-written, if it is restored.
  • thomas.munleyub17_ESO
    I also had all the items in my bank go missing, 70 slot, I was keeping it empty and just playing and deleting the least valuable item in inventory for a while, and was going to mail all the items to my wife's account for safekeeping and keep the bank empty. But then the mail went down , so i filled it up again :( hopefully they resolve this issue I haven't sold any craft-able items since 7am Sunday everything has been broken down and was in that bank.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • awkwarrd
    My brother just had this happen to him.

    He made a new character, and had to buy the bank space again on the alt.
    He had already bought more bank space on his main, and was under the impression bank's were account bound.

    After doing a bunch of quests to get gold, he went back to the bank and bought the first 1000gold bank space.

    After that he swapped back to his main, he went to his bank to see if he lost or gained more bank space, and realized he had lost everything in his bank.
  • Swoop
    The items are probably still there, but not loading. A lot of times if you can't access something, it's an interface error.
    I thought this was the case too, but I tried all the usual tricks of /reloadui, logout/login, restart client, restart everything, different characters, different bankers... and nothing over the course of checking for about 30 minutes. Then server went down.

  • iBeahm
    I also lost everything in my bank had tons of mats in it. Very frustrating, please fix!
    Edited by iBeahm on April 2, 2014 5:26AM
  • xdrdrummermanxb14_ESO
    Yes in this case it is not a interface error its a oblivion portal spawning into your bank and stealing everything error =/
  • iBeahm
    I contacted them through email and this is what they said to me.

    we are very sorry to hear that all 60 slots form your bank disappeared.
    Our best people are on the job and working on this error. we will get back to you with
    the steps you will need to follow. Anything else we can assistance you wit
    we will b happy to help best of luck.

    Hopefully they send me back something to say what I can do..
  • skhelterub17_ESO
    Yes in this case it is not a interface error its a oblivion portal spawning into your bank and stealing everything error =/

    Its a D3 treasure goblin invasion!
  • seancoulterub17_ESO
    God sorry to hear about that for everyone :/ I had a scary moment, when i suddenly got kicked and it said that my acct was logged into while i was playing :/ I had to completely shutdown and the 1st time i tried to log in it wouldnt let me. But after the 1st try failed it worked thank god nothing was stolen :smiley: talk about scared shitless
  • TirielsWhisper
    Swoop wrote: »
    The items are probably still there, but not loading. A lot of times if you can't access something, it's an interface error.
    I thought this was the case too, but I tried all the usual tricks of /reloadui, logout/login, restart client, restart everything, different characters, different bankers... and nothing over the course of checking for about 30 minutes. Then server went down.

    Yes, but that's not what I meant. It could be a serious error with the interface (such that you troubleshooting on your end cannot fix it and the devs would have to patch it from their end), and still not be an issue of your inventory disappearing. I mean, I hope that's not it, because your inventory is a database item that's normally tied to your character itself. If there's a database bug like this, well, the inventory would be the least of my concerns, tbh.
    Edited by TirielsWhisper on April 2, 2014 5:33AM
  • Angua
    Game crashed a few times around the time people are reporting they began having errors (shortly after mail went down). Didn't notice anything fishy on my account, but I thought it was really weird I kept crashing.

    Bank took several minutes to load (if at all) all of today as well.

    And for the last ten or so minutes after the first system message before the servers went down, I couldn't PM, mail, talk in guild, or talk to group.

    It's like the game became possessed.
  • iBeahm
    Yeah I don't know just want my items back :neutral_face:
  • Arkurin244167
    I can replace the mats and crafted items in there easily enough, but losing all the preorder items is reeeally frustrating.
  • xdrdrummermanxb14_ESO
    Well they have contacted me in-game and email and on this forum saying they are working to restore all our stuff so im sure it will get worked out =)
  • Akimbro
    Same happened to me when I was playing about 4-5 hours ago. Tried to do in-game support but I'm sure they were too busy. Sent an e-mail from the support site as well just in case. I didn't have any extra slots but I did have nearly all 60 slots full of crafting materials and also my pre-order monkey :( Basically everything I got from level 1-10, Khenarthi's completely cleared.

    I really hope we can all get our items back. I think what caused it was when they turned off in-game mailing and sent out all of those pre-order bonuses. I remember I got disconnected and when I relogged, those 4 messages with the attachments popped up. A few quests after when I went to deposit, everything poofed!

    ALACRITY Emperors united RIP
    LAST PRODIGIES World first SO clear RIP

    The last egg in the carton.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • raygundan
    Lost all the items I put in the bank as well. Gold was there, just no items. Unfortunately, I had JUST moved everything off my first character into the bank-- I lost everything of value and some pre-order stuff on top of it.
  • MrHollywood
    If You have to do a full-stop relaunch, that would be acceptable. it's still before the official launch date, and you give the earlybirds some sort of in-game token of appreciation. We're an understanding lot, and If this is going on, then I'd rather see the problem solved PROPERLY and losing 2 days play time, than think that there was any chance of anything important being compromised.
  • Mocaris
    I seem to also be missing some of my CE maps, Not all but I know I had more in the bank before, I did not get a chance to look and see if the pets are still in the bank.
    Edited by Mocaris on April 2, 2014 9:27AM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Dominoid
    If You have to do a full-stop relaunch, that would be acceptable. it's still before the official launch date, and you give the earlybirds some sort of in-game token of appreciation. We're an understanding lot, and If this is going on, then I'd rather see the problem solved PROPERLY and losing 2 days play time, than think that there was any chance of anything important being compromised.

    This isn't even remotely an option for the vast, vast, vast majority of players. This would be MMO suicide. But I appreciate your understanding.
    Edited by Dominoid on April 2, 2014 10:38AM
  • AngryNord
    Dominoid wrote: »
    This isn't even remotely an option for the vast, vast, vast majority of players. This would be MMO suicide. But I appreciate your understanding.

    Nah, if it was compensated in some way I think it'd be acceptable. And it saved FFXIV...
  • eventHandler
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Dominoid wrote: »
    This isn't even remotely an option for the vast, vast, vast majority of players. This would be MMO suicide. But I appreciate your understanding.

    Nah, if it was compensated in some way I think it'd be acceptable. And it saved FFXIV...

    They would probably have to do something like comp everyone from pre-order an extra month and come out with some special items as an apology for it to not be a huge scandal. Even then it would tarnish the game, but probably not kill it, and it would give them kudos for a considerate response to a horrible problem.

    I'm anxious to log in and see if I lost things, I wasn't on when this was happening. I also have read about people being put into the wrong account when they log on, so that's scary. I wish there was at least some kind of log of what ips have been on your account so you could know if it happened to you.
  • Novarre
    @eventHandler the one with signing in to the wrong account is beyond scary, read about it in some posts.

    @MrHollywood: I don't think a halt on the release could even be taken in to consideration by the majority, to be honest even I wouldn't agree to it and I tend to be lenient and understanding. The damage has been done, publicity will suffer anyway.

    Best they can do, at least in my opinion, is to bear through it teeth clenched and hope for the best, fix what can be fixed with blitz patches, make the dev team lose a few nights or 1-2 weekends by working around the clock.

    Like with any project sacrifices should be made to ensure the quality of the product. In my line of work at least, ones word is golden, if you promise something on a date you need to deliver on that date, postponing is not an option, so losing a couple of nights or weekends is often requierd.
    Edited by Novarre on April 2, 2014 11:22AM
  • eventHandler
    I forgot about levels, achievements, and even character and guild names all being reset (people with popular names would flip if they lost them). That definitely wouldn't fly. They'd have to just strip out damaged stuff and reset that part of accounts, like the inventory and bank stuff if they needed to redo how it works, but not the whole thing.
  • Darzil
    Was anyone else on Prydwen server in DAOC when it died and the backups were corrupt? Mythic told GOA to just wipe the server and start again (it was several years old), but the customer services people manually rebuilt it over months. Interesting times.
  • Rukur
    I forgot about levels, achievements, and even character and guild names all being reset (people with popular names would flip if they lost them). That definitely wouldn't fly. They'd have to just strip out damaged stuff and reset that part of accounts, like the inventory and bank stuff if they needed to redo how it works, but not the whole thing.

    I agree. If 100 or 1000 people where effected. Killing a whole server is insane.
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