After 40 minutes of queueing and getting the error, now
And this will be the result:
shadow_7718 wrote: »This needs a lot more attention, this IS ridiculous. I paid for the game, it's expansions, and a monthly stipend for ESO+, not to mention occasional crowns, and I have to wait to get in the game??? This is about to become grounds for a lawsuit no matter what the TOS says. Paying for playable but getting unplayable!!! I'm venting because I am truly pissed. I have a narrow window to get on and play and now that narrow window has been cut short. FIX IT NOW!!!!
nick59349b14_ESO wrote: »Spoilernick59349b14_ESO wrote: »
I guess no one thought to stress test the servers before doing the EPIC and ESO+ freebie events...
nick59349b14_ESO wrote: »
Wait, is this real? The cs tickets are letting people know and the forums are getting snipped, edited for(insert reason) but we can't even get a header? Has there been a comment anywhere on another thread?
Monkeywithtacos wrote: »What in the actual [snip]?? I pay a subscription to play your game ZoS! A 51min queue is unacceptable!!! What in the HELL are you thinking?
Absolutely UNACCEPTABLE...
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »And of course this happens today. This is the last day I have available to to play for a couple of weeks as I am having to move to another state and won't be able to play for awhile.
Last night I kept getting disconnected every time I changed characters and now this.
Glad I at least got trader bids done last night.
@ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_GinaBruno
Any response would be appreciated.
Thank you!