Beekeeper1 wrote: »Know several folks who had 30+ min queues ESO long time players who have given up and one is doing Vrising, a couple went over to D4, I did BG3 while waiting those others arent even trying to get back in. Alos apparently besides the Bethesda free ESO Plus event, and their scheduled event, EPIC games is hosting free ESO also and from various posts the new folks on EPIC have NO QUEUE times.
agelonestar wrote: »I don't know whether it's a bug, a server-side issue, whether it's the free-to-play event, the in-game event, or the ESO+ free trial..... Longstanding customers who bought the game, bought the chapters, and spend yet more money subscribing, SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WAIT IN A QUEUE TO PLAY THIS GAME!!!
It's utterly infuriating.
I frequently move around between accounts and between NA and EU. As I write, the queue times have gone from a minute to over 6 minutes, and I have got to the end of the queue and crashed twice (so I have to exit to desktop, and start all over again).
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_JessicaFolsom what's going on, and what can be done to ensure that paying customers get access to the game they bought?
Beekeeper1 wrote: »Know several folks who had 30+ min queues ESO long time players who have given up and one is doing Vrising, a couple went over to D4, I did BG3 while waiting those others arent even trying to get back in. Alos apparently besides the Bethesda free ESO Plus event, and their scheduled event, EPIC games is hosting free ESO also and from various posts the new folks on EPIC have NO QUEUE times.
I nearly spit out my tea. What in Oblivion is this!?
I don't mind the <5m (even at a push <10m) queues I've been seeing recently, that's not too long... But AN HOUR!?
I really hope this is sorted before stupid o'clock tonight, since I am a working adult that needs to sleep to be ready to go to work tomorrow morning... I don't wanna miss out on my tickets today either. I've been too busy to play the last few events and missed out on some stuff... I was hoping I could catch up...