I don't know whether it's a bug, a server-side issue, whether it's the free-to-play event, the in-game event, or the ESO+ free trial..... Longstanding customers who bought the game, bought the chapters, and spend yet more money subscribing, SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WAIT IN A QUEUE TO PLAY THIS GAME!!!
It's utterly infuriating.
I frequently move around between accounts and between NA and EU. As I write, the queue times have gone from a minute to over 6 minutes, and I have got to the end of the queue and crashed twice (so I have to exit to desktop, and start all over again).
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_JessicaFolsom what's going on, and what can be done to ensure that paying customers get access to the game they bought?
GM of Sunfire's Sect trading guild on PC/EU. All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost...... some of us are just looking for trouble.