Ingel_Riday wrote: »
Not to derail the thread, but a feature is arguably something planned. Being able to cancel animations to block, dodge, and interrupt was planned. A feature to make combat more dynamic and let you de-commit from an offensive action to save yourself from a mace to the face. Animation canceling for LA and HA wasn't planned. It was a bug, or at the very least an unintended quirk, which the developers didn't remove because it became widely used by the community to boost dps and removing it would have resulted in riots and subscription cancels. So... it stayed. Looks awkward, isn't very fun to do, creates an awkward performance gap between veteran players who know about it and new players who would never imagine ".85 to .90 light attacks per second" being an intended gameplay mechanic (CLICK CLICK CLICK), and so on... but it stays. Too embedded into the community now.
Anyhoots, good to know about lightning LA weaving. I'm guessing that you're right that lightning staves will replace flame staves, since a 12% bonus to dots is far more appealing than 500 bonus damage to only the initial tick of burning... which makes me wonder what the goal of ZOS is here. DW still outperforms staves, and staves will go from two options (Flame for most everything and Lightning for heavy attack builds) to ONE viable option (Lightning for most everything and Lightning for heavy attack builds).
Why not fire for dots, lightning for aoe, and frost for single target? Just dump the frost staff tanking stuff that NEVER caught on and give each staff a very clear, very defined dps role. Won't happen, but eh.
Oi. *shrug*
Edit addition: as an addendum, if they did the Fire = Dots, Lighting = AOE, Frost = Single Target thing, I'd have reason to mix up staves on characters. The magicka dragonknight and magicka templar would probably want to stay fire, but my sorcerer and nightblade do a lot more single target and might like frost. I'd have some choices to make and theorycrafters to consult.
As is... all four of my characters use 2 flame staves, and after update 39 they'll likely all be stuck using 2 lightning staves... just to lessen the impact of this nerf. I'll wind up with slightly worse dps and the same lack of variety, but out 64 rosin. I should have known this update would smack me after Update 38 left me relatively unscathed. Guffaw.
JerBearESO wrote: »Inferno staff is now the offensive version of ice staff backbar. HA into ele sus for a DoT and an extra 1500 damage I stead of the shield
tsaescishoeshiner wrote: »
While I hope they adjust this further, it's reassuring that flame staff, frost, and bow are within 3k DPS of each other on a 100k+ parse. I wonder how dual wield compares, but those are pretty close margins.
There's probably always going to be 1 weapon that just slightly wins out for optimized DPS—but the weapons should offer different build options.
Once again I go back to @ESO_Nightingale suggestion for inferno staffs buffing dots and lightning staffs buffing direct damage and it all makes a lot more sense.
Sorcs, primarily a direct damage ranged class with shock damage buffs will use lightning staffs because synergy.
DK's, primarily a dot class will use inferno staffs.
DW will always be better than a staff if you can get away with it, but bow shouldn't be the strongest option for ranged magicka builds.