Yes, I have no problems with LA weaving on lightning staff which weren't present on other staves too. Sure, on live you'll always achieve better results with a flamestaff, because of the passives which will be changed in U39. How these changes will work out will have to be tested on PTS over the next few weeks, but my first guess is, that lightning staves will replace flame.
Being kicked into a heavy attack is unfortunately still present, but all weapons are affected. You can simply blockcancel that.
On a sidenote: You're wrong with your "bug that's now a feature" attitude, as weaving is a consequence of the combat system itself. Animation cancelling is and always was an intended feature to ensure player can block, interrupt and dodge when needed without having to wait for the end of skill animations. The fact, that devs didn't realize this system of course works also with LA and HA doesn't make this oversight a bug. You may not like it (and of course you will deny my argument), but LA weaving has always been a feature, not a bug.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »
I thought they were gonna do fire=dot and lightning= direct
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »This is going to be laughably OP with a charged staff chucking Force Pulses with Draugrkin. Draugrkin and Force Pulse was already an obscene amount of damage.
so i've done some testing with a 1 pet mag sorc build.
this is the build:
flame staff parse
ice staff parse
I haven't done a lightning staff parse, though i should to see how much difference the sorc passive matters
but here is the real gem
bow parse
bow front bar is way stronger with the change to the bow passive. 5% to all damage with a passive crit bonus stomps all over extra damage for status effects
I join the rest, it makes much more sense
And fits much better with sorc identity than boring HA slave
Not on Arc, Deltia just test live v pts and lighting is a Loss of dps as no longer buffs flail
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »
I thought they were gonna do fire=dot and lightning= direct
It's just weird to buff the first hit of status effects, when its' Frost and Shock status effects that have a single damage component whereas Fire is mostly a DoT.
You'd think this would synergize well with Warden's frost boost, but then you'd have to sacrifice +12 damage from using a frost staff. It just feels so mismatched.
so i've done some testing with a 1 pet mag sorc build.
this is the build:
flame staff parse
ice staff parse
I haven't done a lightning staff parse, though i should to see how much difference the sorc passive matters
but here is the real gem
bow parse
bow front bar is way stronger with the change to the bow passive. 5% to all damage with a passive crit bonus stomps all over extra damage for status effects
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »This is going to be laughably OP with a charged staff chucking Force Pulses with Draugrkin. Draugrkin and Force Pulse was already an obscene amount of damage.
Ecgberht_confused wrote: »Sometime around U37 people were complaining staff passives were lacking. ZoS said they'll have a look.
Apparently what they had in mind is to force all mages to become archers.
I really liked having a staff
so i've done some testing with a 1 pet mag sorc build.
this is the build:
flame staff parse
ice staff parse
I haven't done a lightning staff parse, though i should to see how much difference the sorc passive matters
but here is the real gem
bow parse
bow front bar is way stronger with the change to the bow passive. 5% to all damage with a passive crit bonus stomps all over extra damage for status effects
Ecgberht_confused wrote: »Sometime around U37 people were complaining staff passives were lacking. ZoS said they'll have a look.
Apparently what they had in mind is to force all mages to become archers.
I really liked having a staff
SandandStars wrote: »Magsorc Main. Don’t like bows. Don’t like pets.
Looks like I’m done for a long while.