Hey all. Wanted to follow up here. We have been passing the feedback from players regarding Bastion Nymic to the dev team for them to address. We'll follow up as we get more information. However, please continue to provide your feedback here on your experience in Bastion Nymic. We'll continue to pass feedback and bugs on to the team as they work to address issues. Thanks, all.
Hey all. Wanted to follow up here. We have been passing the feedback from players regarding Bastion Nymic to the dev team for them to address. We'll follow up as we get more information. However, please continue to provide your feedback here on your experience in Bastion Nymic. We'll continue to pass feedback and bugs on to the team as they work to address issues. Thanks, all.
xclassgaming wrote: »
Some feedback/ideas. Reduce the Amount of Seekers in the world, i have been fishing, doing antiquities and...boom! pulled out and killed because of them, there are far too many, however to count fewer, reduce the amount we need for the quest, make it one, five is too many.
Make Bastian nymic a public dungeon, like the Blackwood/Deadlands world events.
You're completely missing the point of it. The reward is not what you get out of the quest but the secrets and riddles inside, this is not meant to just be another pushover daily.
xclassgaming wrote: »
Some feedback/ideas. Reduce the Amount of Seekers in the world, i have been fishing, doing antiquities and...boom! pulled out and killed because of them, there are far too many, however to count fewer, reduce the amount we need for the quest, make it one, five is too many.
Make Bastian nymic a public dungeon, like the Blackwood/Deadlands world events.
Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »
The tribute fragment was moved to the open world bosses instead.
This maybe was the case in PTS but not anymore.
You can get the fragment by killing seekers. You need a group to kill them but a lot of people are doing that in zone chat so it's fairly easy to get the TOT fragment. You don't need to go to the nymic bastion anymore.
acastanza_ESO wrote: »
I disagree here, I appreciate the increased difficulty of this event, and very much appreciate how there are actual difficult enemies that you have to be cautious of. This is a plane of oblivion, it should be dangerous. The only problem is that the other planes of oblivion aren't dangerous.
Hey all. Wanted to follow up here. We have been passing the feedback from players regarding Bastion Nymic to the dev team for them to address. We'll follow up as we get more information. However, please continue to provide your feedback here on your experience in Bastion Nymic. We'll continue to pass feedback and bugs on to the team as they work to address issues. Thanks, all.
Bastion Nymic, intended for a group of four. Which you will definitely need unless you're a real raid tier player. I have tried twice to get in with groups.
The first group was only three people. We found that each group of trash mobs cumulatively has as many HP as a world boss, and when we got to the actual first boss, we couldn't finish him off and ended up giving up.
The second group, we had four players and were actually in the instance and I thought we were ready to start. Then suddenly everyone's meds wore off simultaneously and they were like "I don't have the quest, we need to kill Seekers", ran out all the way to Telvanni Peninsula and scattered all over looking for Seekers. I gave up trying to get everyone back together, and now I'm probably going to miss the daily because nobody seems to be doing the daily now and there is no LFG function for it.
This kind of thing simply isn't going to work, especially not as a daily quest. Bastion Nymic either needs to be changed to scale for solo play, or there needs to be a LFG, or group mechanics somehow need to be changed to allow for this kind of chaotic behavior. The simplest solution probably would be to rework it as a dungeon and let it use the regular dungeon queue.
Carcamongus wrote: »I did a Bastion Nymic daily yesterday and here are my impressions.
Killing 5 seekers every single day is going to get old very fast, even if you get help. At least they're fairly common, though they tend to inconvenience players who are far away and want nothing to do with them.
Considering it was the very first day of the new content, there weren't many people advertising Nymic groups. A great deal also appear to be unaware how those work. If the devs wanted this to be a group activity, they should've added it to dungeon finder.
I got a group and found a problem: the leader's daily required them to hit a different bastion than mine. The solution was to port to them after they had entered. For some weird reason, the 4-person instance was laggy as hell and the mob fights were meh at best. Our boss, Kyanureeves Whatshisname was a hard and incredibly annoying fight with his splitting apart and jumping around like a monkey on skooma. Then there's the final boss, which seems a bit ripped off from "A Quiet Place". You have to kill it several times, so it's a repetitive and dull fight.
The good: the zone is quite beautiful, especially the Apocrypha side and at least the final boss doesn't have that insufferable invincibility shield of the Duke Whobewhatson from the Atoll of Immolation.
The bad: you can't farm the place like with other world events because it's dependent on having a quest; now it's easier to get a group, but when the zone becomes older and people have already got what they wanted from it, tackling the bastion will become a bigger pain in the posterior; the difficulty of the mobs and bosses isn't the problem, but requiring a premade group is.
Suggestions: lower or scrap the requirement to kill herald seekers, add bastions to the dungeon finder or make them open like the Atolls of Immolation, make the final boss less repetitive by reducing how many times you need to kill it (increasing its HPs to make up for it), change herald seekers' pathways so they don't come near wayshrines or antiquity dig sites and reduce the radius of their powers so they'll stop affecting people far away. I can see myself getting tired of these bastions quite soon.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »"Harder overland" absolutely has to be instanced. We understand that. There is no way around that. You cannot have some players toggled to "super difficult" fighting side by side with players toggled to "super casual". It would be like having a Trial group where 6 players are on Normal and 6 are on Veteran Hard Mode. That just will not work in any way, shape, or form. You cannot have some players able to faceroll the enemies that are supposed to be a challenge to the players next to them.
kyle.wilson wrote: »
did the dev team even run with less than 4 people during the development?
You all just speak for yourself - we did is as three and it was harder than we thought but fun nontheless. We really enjoyed it and wish that more of this harder content comes up in the future.
Enough with this wishy-washy "I am the chosen one and kill everything in Overland with two klicks" casual baby content. Finally we're having a real challenge and i want it to stay that way. If anyone can't complete it you should start becoming serious about your character, green gear and random skills are not cutting it anymore.
LonePirate wrote: »I completed this once earlier today and it was clearly designed by someone who has never played the game. During my run, I counted no less than 10 bosses/enemies each with at least 1.5M health, all of which spawned numerous trash mobs and/or other mechanics that inflicted a lot of pain or even death if you were positioned wrong. Essentially, it was a vet dungeon but with much less XP and even worse rewards.
There is no reason whatsoever to kill five seekers at the start of the quest. It's unnecessary busy work that eats up valuable player time with no purpose other than killing five dungeon boss level enemies. It might not be so bad except these seekers (along with the world boss that also counts toward the five kill count) are scattered across the Telvanni and Apochrypha maps which prevents masses of players from taking them down. It's nothing but a pointless time sink. Why not kill 1 or even 2? Why does it need to be 5?
Worse yet, after you have killed these five seekers, you have to group up with at most three other players or embark on a solo suicide mission through a labyrinthine, instanced dungeon fighting more bosses for no reason, some with lethal mechanics that follow some sort of RNG placement. After a few boss encounters and some scattered groups of trash mobs, you finally reach the end boss, which was the 10th boss overall for my group, if count the 5 seekers at the beginning. It was a tedious fight with no purpose, just like everything else in the quest, except it was made worse by completely useless junk as a reward. Maelstrom, Vateshran, Blackrose and Dragonstar at least offer somewhat useful loot that you makes the grind tolerable. I cannot say the same for the Bastion Nymic event. The loot was trash which made the entire experience even worse, especially since you can clear Maelstrom and Vateshran faster than you can clear Bastion Nymic.
I honestly don't know what ZOS was thinking, if they were, when they implemented this. There are several things that need to change.