Maintenance for the week of March 10:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Let's talk about weaving

  • Jammy420
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    Precisely, weaving is one of the differences between merely performing combat and mastering combat that Brian Wheeler spoke about. Mastery is something the devs want in the game and want to reward.

    To the anti-weavers in the thread, the devs actively embraced weaving years ago to the point that it's even a tool tip on the loading screen; it's not going away no matter how many people stomp their feet.

    They embraced it because it was a bug they couldn’t fix. A bug that removes its combat so far from the elder scrolls roots that it turns off many players form the game. They finally add other ways to play that make it feel more like an elder scrolls game and those elite players are now attempting to destroy that.

    Dungeon / trial mechanics are the difficult parts anyone can weave. It’s a brain dead mechanic of pressing 2 buttons. It’s not that it’s hard it’s that it’s not fun, it’s painful for the disabled, and it’s hard to do when someone has inconsistent ping.

    Nobody is trying to "destroy" the builds... it's going to be a like 3% change in damage. The hyperbole is getting out of hand. You will still be able to do all the things you've done before.

    Again … have you seen comments people want this play style gone. This is the second nerf to the play style and again it won’t be the last. People are already saying “it needs to be nerfed more”.

    There is no “ hyperbole” these are genuine concerns, by many players. The “3 %” change is not the concern the concern is the bowing down to elitists and the constant cries for nerfs that will continue.

    I have no desire to see the playstyle "gone", others (including you) clearly want LA weaving removed, how's their opinion any different? They aren't removing either. I think the slight nerf they made to it is reasonable and inline with the goals the developers have stated.

    I don’t want light attack removed and you can read my post history where I said exactly that I don’t want removed it. I don’t like the play style but I wouldn’t want to take away what others like.


    I can't read your post history, you've made sure your settings don't allow it, which is your right to do so.

    I'm only basing it on the comments I have seen in the two threads on it... and from those it's obvious you don't want the style in the game, and anybody who uses it is an "elitist". After playing ESO, I literally cannot play any other Elder Scrolls game, it's so clunky and slow, I'm actually nervous about ES6, and I'm hoping it has action combat like ESO, not like previous iterations of the series.

    If you do, that is fine, it's also your right, but I'm tired of the name-calling.

    I don’t care if it’s in the game. What I care about is those who don’t want alternative play styles in the game. That is my issue so you are wrong. How other people play doesn’t affect me.. I wish those others calling for nerfs would see the same way.

    A finger Waltz is not “action combat” if the bring in this weaving [snip] into elder scrolls 6 real elder scrolls fans would be very unhappy. It’s the reason why many elder scrolls fans can not get into eso the combat is not fun it’s combat for a shooter / fighting game and not an rpg.

    [edited for profanity bypass & to remove quote]

    But ESO lets you play exactly how you can in the previous ES titles... and still do all content. It just allows for additional combat methods above and beyond... more choice! I'd think that was a good thing.

    Eso plays nothing like the previous titles.
    The combat is nothing like the action in the moment hack and slash (with awesome kill cams) that Skyrim had.

    If you really think mmo combat in this game and Skyrim have the same combat we are not playing the same games.

    Skyrim had extremely boring clunky repetitive combat. This games combat is leaps and bounds better and more action based.
    Tradewind wrote: »
    Yeah no. It’s not about zos its about the attitude of players the calls for nerfs. The nerfing will continue people are already saying “I needs more nerfs” and they will continue to say it. It’s not about the percentage of change it’s about the mindset. But these concept seems to be flying over peoples heads.

    The biggest problem with this game is the horrible combat. It keeps so many real elder scrolls
    Fans away, so many love the world and the lore who come from the main series but don’t stick around because the combat is weird based on a bug and doesn’t fit the series at all. It’s not fun for many people. HA is an alternative that feels more like a true elder scrolls game and not an esport shooter/ fighting rhythm game.

    If Zos patched out animation canceling I mean “weaving” you would be playing combat that is completely different. But they decided to leave in and that’s fine but not everyone wants to do a finger Waltz for a myriad of reasons.

    1. It’s not fun
    2. It’s not like a real elder scrolls game
    3. They have hand issues and disabilities
    4. They have inconsistent ping

    And many more.

    But I’ve said my peace let’s agree to disagree the ball is in zos’s court many paying customers have expressed their concerns on both sides.

    This combat system has absolutely nothing to do with Elder Scrolls.
    The Elder Scrolls games were never about "The Strongest One" or this kind of competition.
    Elder Scrolls is not and never was about this "competetion", and I really hope it never becomes that way.

    I totally agree with harder objectives, but almost impossible ones are not the solution. Moreover, the competition without any sense makes even less sense when people can buy rides.
    It's ironic that Zenimax wants to create balance and make the game harder for everyone, yet players can simply buy the achievements if they can't complete them.

    It's concerning to think that this is the road Elder Scrolls will follow. It can't be.

    Personally I don’t think Todd Howard’s team will go down this road in terms of combat or any mmo issues. They know we want a single player game.

    Once elder scrolls 6 is out this will just be “that spin off game” as of now it’s the only game active with the lore so this is all we have. It does a great job with the lore… but that’s the only thing keep elder scrolls fans here the combat is a deterrent for many players.

    Can some of you please refrain of talking for all of us tes fans in general in their agenda? Personally think last single player games had no actual "combat system" and delighted we have at least one game since old series with one, just packed more like an arpg rather then your usual mmo and not rolls based as previous titles that had some systems in place like Morrowind.

    You can just say me since you are directing this to me. There is no “agenda” i am sharing my opinion. And this has been a common complaint of many elder scrolls fans. Rhythm combat is not something that is present in the main series. The “combat system” is based on a literal bug. Many people are not happy with the combat. Hence why many uses heavy attack builds it makes it more fun not everyone wants to do a finger waltz.

    You're not the only person recently and surely won't be the last one here on a "tes fans" train. Glad you see those are just opinions, like complaints and "bug" parts surely are. Many aren't happy and many are, same as with any other parts of the game. It doesn't even matter if we like something or not if that's something zeni committed to.

    Not sure why you put “tes fans” in quotes.
    In a die hard elder scrolls fan, Been playing since Daggerfall.

    Go Google it many of the complaints from the elder scrolls sub Reddit and even on the eso sub Reddit is the combat. It’s not fun for many people and it belongs in a shooter or fighting or rhythm game
    And not an action rpg. Not everyone wants to do a little dance with their fingers.

    It does matter what we like or don’t like we are paid customers I’ve spent thousands of dollars on this game I have every right to voice my opinion about a product I pay for. <snip>

    <snipped for baiting>

    Well this isnt a single player TES game, and they made that clear from launch. If thats what you expected when you came here, you are playing the wrong game.
  • isadoraisacat
    Jammy420 wrote: »
    I play using only one hand, and my old fingers are a bit slow anyway. So, significantly reduced APM.

    I can do weaving with no difficulty. My keyboard is set up so it's just a finger and thumb combo. Oakensoul has been a blessing for me, higher DPS and no buffs or bar swaps taking up precious key strokes. Soloing World Bosses is back on the agenda :)

    Where I do lose out is with mobility. Apart from the occasional dodge roll, I face tank everything, just standing still. Doesn't work so well in PvP, LOL

    As a disabled person I can say without doubt that taking weaving away would do serious damage to my play.

    You will
    Never have to worry about them taking away weaving. It’s the alternatives to weaving we have to worry about them taking away.

    People should learn to play the game , regardless of the hurdles, if they love the game. The game should not be changed completely to accomodate people who do not want to practice. The person you quoted gets it. If people can play street fighter tournaments without arms, people can weave here, there are so many different accessibility keyboards, mice and controllers, there is 0 reason for making it easier.

    I’ve practice and I can weave just fine. Here’s the thing it’s not fun and doesn’t fit the elder scrolls series.

    The game wasn’t changed already to accommodate people who wanted to keep using a bug exploit animation canceling I mean “weaving” shouldn’t be in the game in the first place. But here we are.

    Some of us know how to do it it’s just that it’s not fun, and there is other ways to do it that are more comfortable and fun…. Because people play games for fun except for the elite few who want to turn this into an esport and not an off short of a role playing game.

    It’s not about easy, it’s about rhythm combat is not fun. It is not suit the series. Many of us want to dive in and hack and slash not count silly little dots and flip a bar around do a finger waltz and make our character Spazz like he’s having an epileptic fit all to maximize dps.

    If I wanted to plays some rhythm with my fingers. I bust out my bass and slap it.
    Edited by isadoraisacat on May 1, 2023 8:15PM
  • isadoraisacat
    Jammy420 wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    Precisely, weaving is one of the differences between merely performing combat and mastering combat that Brian Wheeler spoke about. Mastery is something the devs want in the game and want to reward.

    To the anti-weavers in the thread, the devs actively embraced weaving years ago to the point that it's even a tool tip on the loading screen; it's not going away no matter how many people stomp their feet.

    They embraced it because it was a bug they couldn’t fix. A bug that removes its combat so far from the elder scrolls roots that it turns off many players form the game. They finally add other ways to play that make it feel more like an elder scrolls game and those elite players are now attempting to destroy that.

    Dungeon / trial mechanics are the difficult parts anyone can weave. It’s a brain dead mechanic of pressing 2 buttons. It’s not that it’s hard it’s that it’s not fun, it’s painful for the disabled, and it’s hard to do when someone has inconsistent ping.

    Nobody is trying to "destroy" the builds... it's going to be a like 3% change in damage. The hyperbole is getting out of hand. You will still be able to do all the things you've done before.

    Again … have you seen comments people want this play style gone. This is the second nerf to the play style and again it won’t be the last. People are already saying “it needs to be nerfed more”.

    There is no “ hyperbole” these are genuine concerns, by many players. The “3 %” change is not the concern the concern is the bowing down to elitists and the constant cries for nerfs that will continue.

    I have no desire to see the playstyle "gone", others (including you) clearly want LA weaving removed, how's their opinion any different? They aren't removing either. I think the slight nerf they made to it is reasonable and inline with the goals the developers have stated.

    I don’t want light attack removed and you can read my post history where I said exactly that I don’t want removed it. I don’t like the play style but I wouldn’t want to take away what others like.


    I can't read your post history, you've made sure your settings don't allow it, which is your right to do so.

    I'm only basing it on the comments I have seen in the two threads on it... and from those it's obvious you don't want the style in the game, and anybody who uses it is an "elitist". After playing ESO, I literally cannot play any other Elder Scrolls game, it's so clunky and slow, I'm actually nervous about ES6, and I'm hoping it has action combat like ESO, not like previous iterations of the series.

    If you do, that is fine, it's also your right, but I'm tired of the name-calling.

    I don’t care if it’s in the game. What I care about is those who don’t want alternative play styles in the game. That is my issue so you are wrong. How other people play doesn’t affect me.. I wish those others calling for nerfs would see the same way.

    A finger Waltz is not “action combat” if the bring in this weaving [snip] into elder scrolls 6 real elder scrolls fans would be very unhappy. It’s the reason why many elder scrolls fans can not get into eso the combat is not fun it’s combat for a shooter / fighting game and not an rpg.

    [edited for profanity bypass & to remove quote]

    But ESO lets you play exactly how you can in the previous ES titles... and still do all content. It just allows for additional combat methods above and beyond... more choice! I'd think that was a good thing.

    Eso plays nothing like the previous titles.
    The combat is nothing like the action in the moment hack and slash (with awesome kill cams) that Skyrim had.

    If you really think mmo combat in this game and Skyrim have the same combat we are not playing the same games.

    Skyrim had extremely boring clunky repetitive combat. This games combat is leaps and bounds better and more action based.
    Tradewind wrote: »
    Yeah no. It’s not about zos its about the attitude of players the calls for nerfs. The nerfing will continue people are already saying “I needs more nerfs” and they will continue to say it. It’s not about the percentage of change it’s about the mindset. But these concept seems to be flying over peoples heads.

    The biggest problem with this game is the horrible combat. It keeps so many real elder scrolls
    Fans away, so many love the world and the lore who come from the main series but don’t stick around because the combat is weird based on a bug and doesn’t fit the series at all. It’s not fun for many people. HA is an alternative that feels more like a true elder scrolls game and not an esport shooter/ fighting rhythm game.

    If Zos patched out animation canceling I mean “weaving” you would be playing combat that is completely different. But they decided to leave in and that’s fine but not everyone wants to do a finger Waltz for a myriad of reasons.

    1. It’s not fun
    2. It’s not like a real elder scrolls game
    3. They have hand issues and disabilities
    4. They have inconsistent ping

    And many more.

    But I’ve said my peace let’s agree to disagree the ball is in zos’s court many paying customers have expressed their concerns on both sides.

    This combat system has absolutely nothing to do with Elder Scrolls.
    The Elder Scrolls games were never about "The Strongest One" or this kind of competition.
    Elder Scrolls is not and never was about this "competetion", and I really hope it never becomes that way.

    I totally agree with harder objectives, but almost impossible ones are not the solution. Moreover, the competition without any sense makes even less sense when people can buy rides.
    It's ironic that Zenimax wants to create balance and make the game harder for everyone, yet players can simply buy the achievements if they can't complete them.

    It's concerning to think that this is the road Elder Scrolls will follow. It can't be.

    Personally I don’t think Todd Howard’s team will go down this road in terms of combat or any mmo issues. They know we want a single player game.

    Once elder scrolls 6 is out this will just be “that spin off game” as of now it’s the only game active with the lore so this is all we have. It does a great job with the lore… but that’s the only thing keep elder scrolls fans here the combat is a deterrent for many players.

    Can some of you please refrain of talking for all of us tes fans in general in their agenda? Personally think last single player games had no actual "combat system" and delighted we have at least one game since old series with one, just packed more like an arpg rather then your usual mmo and not rolls based as previous titles that had some systems in place like Morrowind.

    You can just say me since you are directing this to me. There is no “agenda” i am sharing my opinion. And this has been a common complaint of many elder scrolls fans. Rhythm combat is not something that is present in the main series. The “combat system” is based on a literal bug. Many people are not happy with the combat. Hence why many uses heavy attack builds it makes it more fun not everyone wants to do a finger waltz.

    You're not the only person recently and surely won't be the last one here on a "tes fans" train. Glad you see those are just opinions, like complaints and "bug" parts surely are. Many aren't happy and many are, same as with any other parts of the game. It doesn't even matter if we like something or not if that's something zeni committed to.

    Not sure why you put “tes fans” in quotes.
    In a die hard elder scrolls fan, Been playing since Daggerfall.

    Go Google it many of the complaints from the elder scrolls sub Reddit and even on the eso sub Reddit is the combat. It’s not fun for many people and it belongs in a shooter or fighting or rhythm game
    And not an action rpg. Not everyone wants to do a little dance with their fingers.

    It does matter what we like or don’t like we are paid customers I’ve spent thousands of dollars on this game I have every right to voice my opinion about a product I pay for. <snip>

    <snipped for baiting>

    Well this isnt a single player TES game, and they made that clear from launch. If thats what you expected when you came here, you are playing the wrong game.

    Single player or not single player has nothing to do with the fact that the devs did not patch out a bug exploit and left in the game making for very strange combat many people don’t like. Many other MMOs have better combat… this isn’t about single player or multiplayer… it’s about poor combat the majority never liked / is tired of.

    For combat I prefer dark souls combat over this or Skyrim. But I’ll take Skyrims immersive combat over guitar hero click click click finger waltz any day of the week.
    Edited by isadoraisacat on May 1, 2023 8:18PM
  • colossalvoids
    Tradewind wrote: »
    Yeah no. It’s not about zos its about the attitude of players the calls for nerfs. The nerfing will continue people are already saying “I needs more nerfs” and they will continue to say it. It’s not about the percentage of change it’s about the mindset. But these concept seems to be flying over peoples heads.

    The biggest problem with this game is the horrible combat. It keeps so many real elder scrolls
    Fans away, so many love the world and the lore who come from the main series but don’t stick around because the combat is weird based on a bug and doesn’t fit the series at all. It’s not fun for many people. HA is an alternative that feels more like a true elder scrolls game and not an esport shooter/ fighting rhythm game.

    If Zos patched out animation canceling I mean “weaving” you would be playing combat that is completely different. But they decided to leave in and that’s fine but not everyone wants to do a finger Waltz for a myriad of reasons.

    1. It’s not fun
    2. It’s not like a real elder scrolls game
    3. They have hand issues and disabilities
    4. They have inconsistent ping

    And many more.

    But I’ve said my peace let’s agree to disagree the ball is in zos’s court many paying customers have expressed their concerns on both sides.

    This combat system has absolutely nothing to do with Elder Scrolls.
    The Elder Scrolls games were never about "The Strongest One" or this kind of competition.
    Elder Scrolls is not and never was about this "competetion", and I really hope it never becomes that way.

    I totally agree with harder objectives, but almost impossible ones are not the solution. Moreover, the competition without any sense makes even less sense when people can buy rides.
    It's ironic that Zenimax wants to create balance and make the game harder for everyone, yet players can simply buy the achievements if they can't complete them.

    It's concerning to think that this is the road Elder Scrolls will follow. It can't be.

    Personally I don’t think Todd Howard’s team will go down this road in terms of combat or any mmo issues. They know we want a single player game.

    Once elder scrolls 6 is out this will just be “that spin off game” as of now it’s the only game active with the lore so this is all we have. It does a great job with the lore… but that’s the only thing keep elder scrolls fans here the combat is a deterrent for many players.

    Can some of you please refrain of talking for all of us tes fans in general in their agenda? Personally think last single player games had no actual "combat system" and delighted we have at least one game since old series with one, just packed more like an arpg rather then your usual mmo and not rolls based as previous titles that had some systems in place like Morrowind.

    You can just say me since you are directing this to me. There is no “agenda” i am sharing my opinion. And this has been a common complaint of many elder scrolls fans. Rhythm combat is not something that is present in the main series. The “combat system” is based on a literal bug. Many people are not happy with the combat. Hence why many uses heavy attack builds it makes it more fun not everyone wants to do a finger waltz.

    You're not the only person recently and surely won't be the last one here on a "tes fans" train. Glad you see those are just opinions, like complaints and "bug" parts surely are. Many aren't happy and many are, same as with any other parts of the game. It doesn't even matter if we like something or not if that's something zeni committed to.

    Not sure why you put “tes fans” in quotes.
    In a die hard elder scrolls fan, Been playing since Daggerfall.

    Go Google it many of the complaints from the elder scrolls sub Reddit and even on the eso sub Reddit is the combat. It’s not fun for many people and it belongs in a shooter or fighting or rhythm game
    And not an action rpg. Not everyone wants to do a little dance with their fingers.

    It does matter what we like or don’t like we are paid customers I’ve spent thousands of dollars on this game I have every right to voice my opinion about a product I pay for. <snip>

    <snipped for baiting>

    Because lots of us are tes fans and and it matters not in discussing mechanics of this exact title. You personally can speak of yourself and not some mythic united community that exists only on some salty threads of people who prefer different kind of games. Combat is polarising for sure as any title with a robust one, some people hate it whilst some are thinking it's new best thing since sliced bread. But the only pattern I've actually seen throughout all the years of such feedbacks thrown around is that people talking down on eso aren't experienced enough to talk mechanics or simply lack basic understanding of how eso functions, what's exactly was unintended in all of it, what's being cancelled etc., it's not constructive in a slightest most of the times.

    You actively want to screw one part of the community that already enjoying this game in favour of some potential (displeased?) customers that might or might not come in place of ones who'll leave, which is a pretty strange take as I'm unaware of games trying to cater to people who actively hating their products whilst leaving old playerbase in dirt because someone saw some thread with opinions on web.

    And yet you're not the only paying customer here, can't change core of the game because "me wants". If alternative ways of doing combat aren't enough it just might be the player issue entirely as the company already provided and it's still not up to some tastes, that's fine.
  • isadoraisacat
    Tradewind wrote: »
    Yeah no. It’s not about zos its about the attitude of players the calls for nerfs. The nerfing will continue people are already saying “I needs more nerfs” and they will continue to say it. It’s not about the percentage of change it’s about the mindset. But these concept seems to be flying over peoples heads.

    The biggest problem with this game is the horrible combat. It keeps so many real elder scrolls
    Fans away, so many love the world and the lore who come from the main series but don’t stick around because the combat is weird based on a bug and doesn’t fit the series at all. It’s not fun for many people. HA is an alternative that feels more like a true elder scrolls game and not an esport shooter/ fighting rhythm game.

    If Zos patched out animation canceling I mean “weaving” you would be playing combat that is completely different. But they decided to leave in and that’s fine but not everyone wants to do a finger Waltz for a myriad of reasons.

    1. It’s not fun
    2. It’s not like a real elder scrolls game
    3. They have hand issues and disabilities
    4. They have inconsistent ping

    And many more.

    But I’ve said my peace let’s agree to disagree the ball is in zos’s court many paying customers have expressed their concerns on both sides.

    This combat system has absolutely nothing to do with Elder Scrolls.
    The Elder Scrolls games were never about "The Strongest One" or this kind of competition.
    Elder Scrolls is not and never was about this "competetion", and I really hope it never becomes that way.

    I totally agree with harder objectives, but almost impossible ones are not the solution. Moreover, the competition without any sense makes even less sense when people can buy rides.
    It's ironic that Zenimax wants to create balance and make the game harder for everyone, yet players can simply buy the achievements if they can't complete them.

    It's concerning to think that this is the road Elder Scrolls will follow. It can't be.

    Personally I don’t think Todd Howard’s team will go down this road in terms of combat or any mmo issues. They know we want a single player game.

    Once elder scrolls 6 is out this will just be “that spin off game” as of now it’s the only game active with the lore so this is all we have. It does a great job with the lore… but that’s the only thing keep elder scrolls fans here the combat is a deterrent for many players.

    Can some of you please refrain of talking for all of us tes fans in general in their agenda? Personally think last single player games had no actual "combat system" and delighted we have at least one game since old series with one, just packed more like an arpg rather then your usual mmo and not rolls based as previous titles that had some systems in place like Morrowind.

    You can just say me since you are directing this to me. There is no “agenda” i am sharing my opinion. And this has been a common complaint of many elder scrolls fans. Rhythm combat is not something that is present in the main series. The “combat system” is based on a literal bug. Many people are not happy with the combat. Hence why many uses heavy attack builds it makes it more fun not everyone wants to do a finger waltz.

    You're not the only person recently and surely won't be the last one here on a "tes fans" train. Glad you see those are just opinions, like complaints and "bug" parts surely are. Many aren't happy and many are, same as with any other parts of the game. It doesn't even matter if we like something or not if that's something zeni committed to.

    Not sure why you put “tes fans” in quotes.
    In a die hard elder scrolls fan, Been playing since Daggerfall.

    Go Google it many of the complaints from the elder scrolls sub Reddit and even on the eso sub Reddit is the combat. It’s not fun for many people and it belongs in a shooter or fighting or rhythm game
    And not an action rpg. Not everyone wants to do a little dance with their fingers.

    It does matter what we like or don’t like we are paid customers I’ve spent thousands of dollars on this game I have every right to voice my opinion about a product I pay for. <snip>

    <snipped for baiting>

    Because lots of us are tes fans and and it matters not in discussing mechanics of this exact title. You personally can speak of yourself and not some mythic united community that exists only on some salty threads of people who prefer different kind of games. Combat is polarising for sure as any title with a robust one, some people hate it whilst some are thinking it's new best thing since sliced bread. But the only pattern I've actually seen throughout all the years of such feedbacks thrown around is that people talking down on eso aren't experienced enough to talk mechanics or simply lack basic understanding of how eso functions, what's exactly was unintended in all of it, what's being cancelled etc., it's not constructive in a slightest most of the times.

    You actively want to screw one part of the community that already enjoying this game in favour of some potential (displeased?) customers that might or might not come in place of ones who'll leave, which is a pretty strange take as I'm unaware of games trying to cater to people who actively hating their products whilst leaving old playerbase in dirt because someone saw some thread with opinions on web.

    And yet you're not the only paying customer here, can't change core of the game because "me wants". If alternative ways of doing combat aren't enough it just might be the player issue entirely as the company already provided and it's still not up to some tastes, that's fine.


    But I will say I’m not speaking for ALL elder scrolls
    Fans I’m saying MANY elder scrolls fans do not like the combat and it is a deterrent. Many mmo fans don’t like the combat.

    I feel you are just arguing just to argue at this point.
    Go Google it… there are a myriad of threads and post and comments related to this very topic from elder scrolls fans, and MMO fans like.

  • Galeriano
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    Find a guild with more active members?
  • BlueRaven
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    Find a guild with more active members?

    Everyone is active people have you know jobs / wives / pets / kids / houses and live in different time zones. People don’t just chill online all day.

    Not everyone’s schedules line up exactly the same.

    That’s why people resort to the finder.

    But that is just a scapegoat to ignore the problem of elitism.. players should treat others with respect. Period.


    And even if they are online they may just not want to do dungeons.

    It’s not just a matter of guild activity. You can be in a great active guild, but dungeons are just not a popular thing for a lot of people. Wanting to make a group and expecting there are three other people just sitting around waiting for someone to ask seems unrealistic.
    Edited by BlueRaven on May 1, 2023 9:00PM
  • Galeriano
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    Find a guild with more active members?

    Everyone is active people have you know jobs / wives / pets / kids / houses and live in different time zones. People don’t just chill online all day.

    Not everyone’s schedules line up exactly the same.

    That’s why people resort to the finder.

    But that is just a scapegoat to ignore the problem of elitism.. players should treat others with respect. Period.

    Still You can find a guild with more active members as many before You did.

    Treating others with respect also comes in a form of not calling everyone who have different opinion than You a toxic elitist.

    Nice strawman coming from the guy who has been harassing me on various threads.

    This is the last time my guy … I’m asking you to stop engaging with me.

    To is vendetta is becoming all to obvious.

    I would preffer for You to stay on topic. Comment above have nothing to do with what I said. if You do not wish to engage in a discussion with me You can do it by not responding to my comments.
    Edited by Galeriano on May 1, 2023 9:01PM
  • isadoraisacat
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Treeshka wrote: »
    It is part of the game and is a nice feature that allows you to do more damage.

    But next chapter seems to be bringing a Mythic item that gives you damage and penetration bonuses but reducing your light attack damage to almost none. So if some does not want to weave they can use this mythic.

    From what I understand, players may still need to weave to generate ultimate, and trigger procs. So right now that mythic is pretty niche.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    Find a guild with more active members?

    Everyone is active people have you know jobs / wives / pets / kids / houses and live in different time zones. People don’t just chill online all day.

    Not everyone’s schedules line up exactly the same.

    That’s why people resort to the finder.

    But that is just a scapegoat to ignore the problem of elitism.. players should treat others with respect. Period.


    And even if they are online they may just not want to do dungeons.

    It’s not just a matter of guild activity. You can be in a great active guild, but dungeons are just not a popular thing for a lot of people. Wanting to make a group and expecting there are three other people just sitting around waiting for someone to ask seems unrealistic.

    I literal sat drinking coffee last night and chatted with a guild member for 45 mins who actually was giving me game tips. I speak to them often the problem is not all of us are on at the same time. It’s as simple as that. I’d rather sometimes do runs with nice people than join some other guild and face the same issues.
  • Galeriano
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    Find a guild with more active members?

    Everyone is active people have you know jobs / wives / pets / kids / houses and live in different time zones. People don’t just chill online all day.

    Not everyone’s schedules line up exactly the same.

    That’s why people resort to the finder.

    But that is just a scapegoat to ignore the problem of elitism.. players should treat others with respect. Period.


    And even if they are online they may just not want to do dungeons.

    It’s not just a matter of guild activity. You can be in a great active guild, but dungeons are just not a popular thing for a lot of people. Wanting to make a group and expecting there are three other people just sitting around waiting for someone to ask seems unrealistic.

    It really doesn't seem unrealistic. I don't know how it looks on other servers but on PC EU fidning people to do pledges is not that hard at any given time.
  • BlueRaven
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Treeshka wrote: »
    It is part of the game and is a nice feature that allows you to do more damage.

    But next chapter seems to be bringing a Mythic item that gives you damage and penetration bonuses but reducing your light attack damage to almost none. So if some does not want to weave they can use this mythic.

    From what I understand, players may still need to weave to generate ultimate, and trigger procs. So right now that mythic is pretty niche.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    Find a guild with more active members?

    Everyone is active people have you know jobs / wives / pets / kids / houses and live in different time zones. People don’t just chill online all day.

    Not everyone’s schedules line up exactly the same.

    That’s why people resort to the finder.

    But that is just a scapegoat to ignore the problem of elitism.. players should treat others with respect. Period.


    And even if they are online they may just not want to do dungeons.

    It’s not just a matter of guild activity. You can be in a great active guild, but dungeons are just not a popular thing for a lot of people. Wanting to make a group and expecting there are three other people just sitting around waiting for someone to ask seems unrealistic.

    I literal sat drinking coffee last night and chatted with a guild member for 45 mins who actually was giving me game tips. I speak to them often the problem is not all of us are on at the same time. It’s as simple as that. I’d rather sometimes do runs with nice people than join some other guild and face the same issues.

    Exactly. I love my guilds. But they are just not “dungeon” guilds.

    The best strategy, I think. Is if there is a discord, post something about forming a regular group and if anyone is interested. Tell them exactly what you want to do, and what times you are available.

    I think there might be other players who also don’t like pugging, who might be interested in forming a regular group.

    Make it no pressure and so forth. You might find someone who is new to tanking and wants a friendly environment to try it out etc.

    That would be my suggestion.
  • isadoraisacat
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Treeshka wrote: »
    It is part of the game and is a nice feature that allows you to do more damage.

    But next chapter seems to be bringing a Mythic item that gives you damage and penetration bonuses but reducing your light attack damage to almost none. So if some does not want to weave they can use this mythic.

    From what I understand, players may still need to weave to generate ultimate, and trigger procs. So right now that mythic is pretty niche.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    Find a guild with more active members?

    Everyone is active people have you know jobs / wives / pets / kids / houses and live in different time zones. People don’t just chill online all day.

    Not everyone’s schedules line up exactly the same.

    That’s why people resort to the finder.

    But that is just a scapegoat to ignore the problem of elitism.. players should treat others with respect. Period.


    And even if they are online they may just not want to do dungeons.

    It’s not just a matter of guild activity. You can be in a great active guild, but dungeons are just not a popular thing for a lot of people. Wanting to make a group and expecting there are three other people just sitting around waiting for someone to ask seems unrealistic.

    I literal sat drinking coffee last night and chatted with a guild member for 45 mins who actually was giving me game tips. I speak to them often the problem is not all of us are on at the same time. It’s as simple as that. I’d rather sometimes do runs with nice people than join some other guild and face the same issues.

    Exactly. I love my guilds. But they are just not “dungeon” guilds.

    The best strategy, I think. Is if there is a discord, post something about forming a regular group and if anyone is interested. Tell them exactly what you want to do, and what times you are available.

    I think there might be other players who also don’t like pugging, who might be interested in forming a regular group.

    Make it no pressure and so forth. You might find someone who is new to tanking and wants a friendly environment to try it out etc.

    That would be my suggestion.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Honestly if I was to play at 12 am -4m I’d have no issue with getting these people together but that’s not feasible as an adult with a job. It’s too bad you can’t set up 3 companions and just run dungeons with them instead lol.
  • BlueRaven
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Treeshka wrote: »
    It is part of the game and is a nice feature that allows you to do more damage.

    But next chapter seems to be bringing a Mythic item that gives you damage and penetration bonuses but reducing your light attack damage to almost none. So if some does not want to weave they can use this mythic.

    From what I understand, players may still need to weave to generate ultimate, and trigger procs. So right now that mythic is pretty niche.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    Find a guild with more active members?

    Everyone is active people have you know jobs / wives / pets / kids / houses and live in different time zones. People don’t just chill online all day.

    Not everyone’s schedules line up exactly the same.

    That’s why people resort to the finder.

    But that is just a scapegoat to ignore the problem of elitism.. players should treat others with respect. Period.


    And even if they are online they may just not want to do dungeons.

    It’s not just a matter of guild activity. You can be in a great active guild, but dungeons are just not a popular thing for a lot of people. Wanting to make a group and expecting there are three other people just sitting around waiting for someone to ask seems unrealistic.

    I literal sat drinking coffee last night and chatted with a guild member for 45 mins who actually was giving me game tips. I speak to them often the problem is not all of us are on at the same time. It’s as simple as that. I’d rather sometimes do runs with nice people than join some other guild and face the same issues.

    Exactly. I love my guilds. But they are just not “dungeon” guilds.

    The best strategy, I think. Is if there is a discord, post something about forming a regular group and if anyone is interested. Tell them exactly what you want to do, and what times you are available.

    I think there might be other players who also don’t like pugging, who might be interested in forming a regular group.

    Make it no pressure and so forth. You might find someone who is new to tanking and wants a friendly environment to try it out etc.

    That would be my suggestion.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Honestly if I was to play at 12 am -4m I’d have no issue with getting these people together but that’s not feasible as an adult with a job. It’s too bad you can’t set up 3 companions and just run dungeons with them instead lol.

    Yeah, I was in a similar issue for a long time.

    When I was playing wow I would come home from my shift at 1am (I had a 2.5 hr commute). It was really hard to form a pug each night. I found trying to find others, who had the same issue and could form a regular nightly group to be much easier.

    It won’t be perfect. There will be nights when someone can’t log on for various reasons, but it’s always easier to find one replacement than starting a group from scratch.
  • isadoraisacat
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Treeshka wrote: »
    It is part of the game and is a nice feature that allows you to do more damage.

    But next chapter seems to be bringing a Mythic item that gives you damage and penetration bonuses but reducing your light attack damage to almost none. So if some does not want to weave they can use this mythic.

    From what I understand, players may still need to weave to generate ultimate, and trigger procs. So right now that mythic is pretty niche.
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    Find a guild with more active members?

    Everyone is active people have you know jobs / wives / pets / kids / houses and live in different time zones. People don’t just chill online all day.

    Not everyone’s schedules line up exactly the same.

    That’s why people resort to the finder.

    But that is just a scapegoat to ignore the problem of elitism.. players should treat others with respect. Period.


    And even if they are online they may just not want to do dungeons.

    It’s not just a matter of guild activity. You can be in a great active guild, but dungeons are just not a popular thing for a lot of people. Wanting to make a group and expecting there are three other people just sitting around waiting for someone to ask seems unrealistic.

    I literal sat drinking coffee last night and chatted with a guild member for 45 mins who actually was giving me game tips. I speak to them often the problem is not all of us are on at the same time. It’s as simple as that. I’d rather sometimes do runs with nice people than join some other guild and face the same issues.

    Exactly. I love my guilds. But they are just not “dungeon” guilds.

    The best strategy, I think. Is if there is a discord, post something about forming a regular group and if anyone is interested. Tell them exactly what you want to do, and what times you are available.

    I think there might be other players who also don’t like pugging, who might be interested in forming a regular group.

    Make it no pressure and so forth. You might find someone who is new to tanking and wants a friendly environment to try it out etc.

    That would be my suggestion.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Honestly if I was to play at 12 am -4m I’d have no issue with getting these people together but that’s not feasible as an adult with a job. It’s too bad you can’t set up 3 companions and just run dungeons with them instead lol.

    Yeah, I was in a similar issue for a long time.

    When I was playing wow I would come home from my shift at 1am (I had a 2.5 hr commute). It was really hard to form a pug each night. I found trying to find others, who had the same issue and could form a regular nightly group to be much easier.

    It won’t be perfect. There will be nights when someone can’t log on for various reasons, but it’s always easier to find one replacement than starting a group from scratch.

    Gotcha it’s just a matter of actually “getting the band together” In the initial start.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Once elder scrolls 6 is out this will just be “that spin off game” as of now it’s the only game active with the lore so this is all we have. It does a great job with the lore… but that’s the only thing keep elder scrolls fans here the combat is a deterrent for many players.

    Although I'm not a huge fan of LA weaving that capitalizes on AC, I actually love the combat in ESO.

    Mind you, I'm not talking about PvP combat, because I don't use a game controller or a gaming mouse, and I tend to run into issues with my mouse (such as accidentally squeezing too hard and pressing the right mouse button without meaning to) or with my keyboard (such as accidentally repositioning my left hand a smidgeon so my fingers are one row off or one key off from where I want them to be and I end up mashing the wrong keys for however long it takes me to eventually realize that Something Is Very Wrong).

    But as far as the combat system in general, I love it. The single-player Elder Scrolls games tended to have awkward ways of controlling the types of attacks you want to use, such as moving your mouse in different directions to swing your weapon in different ways, or attacking while moving your character in different directions for specific types of "power attacks." It's so much easier to assign different active combat skills to different keys so you can easily alternate or rotate between different types of attacks.

    I do have strong reservations about AC and the way it allows LA weaving to be so powerful, because I don't think it makes any kind of logical sense. For one thing, logically speaking heavy attacks should be more powerful than light attacks. I think they might be as far as how much damage a single heavy attack or light attack does, but due to animation canceling as well as the execution (or build-up) times for heavy attacks it turns out that weaving with light attacks allows disproportionately more damage than is logical. Not to mention, if you cancel (abort) an attack-- any kind of attack-- logically speaking it should either not do any damage at all because you aborted before landing your hit, or it should do less damage than usual because your hit didn't land squarely because you tried to abort as your hit was landing. Aborting a heavy attack turns it into a medium attack-- and I don't fully understand what those are because I don't think the game even mentions them anywhere, so I don't know how much damage they do compared to a "fully-charged" heavy attack. Aborting a light attack should not, in any kind of logical sense, still give you the full damage of the light attack while also allowing you to instantly fire off a damaging skill.

    However, I do understand that there's no way at this stage of the game for the AC "bug/feature" to get "fixed" without causing a huge uproar and large-scale rioting among the playerbase, so whether any given player loves it or hates it, and regardless of how completely illogical it actually is, LA weaving with AC is here to stay. Shoot, ZOS can't even try to adjust the amount of damage that LAs do (for "balancing" purposes) without a large portion of the playerbase freaking out about it.

    But despite any qualms I may have with AC and how it allows LA weaving to be some kind of META playstyle, I really love the combat system in ESO. I'm currently playing nearly all of the Elder Scrolls games, off and on, in addition to playing ESO, and I do enjoy playing them very much. But given a choice between cranking up Skyrim, or Oblivion, or Morrowind, or Daggerfall, or Arena, and just running around the gameworld looking for enemies to fight, versus logging into ESO and doing the same, ESO is going to win every time (for me), because the combat is so much more enjoyable (for me).
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Amottica
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    I get it. I have been in some guilds that were not well managed which resulted in a membership that wasn’t very active.

    I suggest finding a guild that meets your needs, that has players active in playing the PvE aspect of the game.

    I have seen proof it works in several guilds that I am in.

    I have a guild where I chat and talk with many members the issue is. Each person lives in a different time zone or area it’s not easy to get together.

    Than the other 2 I’m in… those people simply just don’t answer.

    I can’t depend on guilds to run daily dungeons. I’m doing them for transmute crystals, not because I enjoy them. However when i do run them with the one guild I’m most friendly in we do it for fun. But that happens rarely due to being on different schedules.

    It sounds like you found a great guild to chat with others. It is too they all play at a different time than you do.

    With five guild slots, there is room for at least one guild that runs around the time zone that works for you. I kissed a few frogs until I found the right guild and it was worth the effort. Granted, I never have been kicked from a group but my guild groups are 10x+ better than any GF group I have seen. We also have more patience with players learning a new role or new dungeon, and players with a "unique" build".

    I do not miss GF groups.

    It is a choice to seek out a good guild and experience what is proven to be successful or to continue dealing with random GF groups and those GF experiences that come with it.

    Whichever path you choose, I hope you enjoy the game.
  • isadoraisacat
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    I get it. I have been in some guilds that were not well managed which resulted in a membership that wasn’t very active.

    I suggest finding a guild that meets your needs, that has players active in playing the PvE aspect of the game.

    I have seen proof it works in several guilds that I am in.

    I have a guild where I chat and talk with many members the issue is. Each person lives in a different time zone or area it’s not easy to get together.

    Than the other 2 I’m in… those people simply just don’t answer.

    I can’t depend on guilds to run daily dungeons. I’m doing them for transmute crystals, not because I enjoy them. However when i do run them with the one guild I’m most friendly in we do it for fun. But that happens rarely due to being on different schedules.

    It sounds like you found a great guild to chat with others. It is too they all play at a different time than you do.

    With five guild slots, there is room for at least one guild that runs around the time zone that works for you. I kissed a few frogs until I found the right guild and it was worth the effort. Granted, I never have been kicked from a group but my guild groups are 10x+ better than any GF group I have seen. We also have more patience with players learning a new role or new dungeon, and players with a "unique" build".

    I do not miss GF groups.

    It is a choice to seek out a good guild and experience what is proven to be successful or to continue dealing with random GF groups and those GF experiences that come with it.

    Whichever path you choose, I hope you enjoy the game.

    So far I have 1 guild that is ok there are some ok engagements. Another pretty helpful overall all decent. Another great just time management and another I use just for selling stuff and not fond of the interactions.
  • isadoraisacat
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Once elder scrolls 6 is out this will just be “that spin off game” as of now it’s the only game active with the lore so this is all we have. It does a great job with the lore… but that’s the only thing keep elder scrolls fans here the combat is a deterrent for many players.

    Although I'm not a huge fan of LA weaving that capitalizes on AC, I actually love the combat in ESO.

    Mind you, I'm not talking about PvP combat, because I don't use a game controller or a gaming mouse, and I tend to run into issues with my mouse (such as accidentally squeezing too hard and pressing the right mouse button without meaning to) or with my keyboard (such as accidentally repositioning my left hand a smidgeon so my fingers are one row off or one key off from where I want them to be and I end up mashing the wrong keys for however long it takes me to eventually realize that Something Is Very Wrong).

    But as far as the combat system in general, I love it. The single-player Elder Scrolls games tended to have awkward ways of controlling the types of attacks you want to use, such as moving your mouse in different directions to swing your weapon in different ways, or attacking while moving your character in different directions for specific types of "power attacks." It's so much easier to assign different active combat skills to different keys so you can easily alternate or rotate between different types of attacks.

    I do have strong reservations about AC and the way it allows LA weaving to be so powerful, because I don't think it makes any kind of logical sense. For one thing, logically speaking heavy attacks should be more powerful than light attacks. I think they might be as far as how much damage a single heavy attack or light attack does, but due to animation canceling as well as the execution (or build-up) times for heavy attacks it turns out that weaving with light attacks allows disproportionately more damage than is logical. Not to mention, if you cancel (abort) an attack-- any kind of attack-- logically speaking it should either not do any damage at all because you aborted before landing your hit, or it should do less damage than usual because your hit didn't land squarely because you tried to abort as your hit was landing. Aborting a heavy attack turns it into a medium attack-- and I don't fully understand what those are because I don't think the game even mentions them anywhere, so I don't know how much damage they do compared to a "fully-charged" heavy attack. Aborting a light attack should not, in any kind of logical sense, still give you the full damage of the light attack while also allowing you to instantly fire off a damaging skill.

    However, I do understand that there's no way at this stage of the game for the AC "bug/feature" to get "fixed" without causing a huge uproar and large-scale rioting among the playerbase, so whether any given player loves it or hates it, and regardless of how completely illogical it actually is, LA weaving with AC is here to stay. Shoot, ZOS can't even try to adjust the amount of damage that LAs do (for "balancing" purposes) without a large portion of the playerbase freaking out about it.

    But despite any qualms I may have with AC and how it allows LA weaving to be some kind of META playstyle, I really love the combat system in ESO. I'm currently playing nearly all of the Elder Scrolls games, off and on, in addition to playing ESO, and I do enjoy playing them very much. But given a choice between cranking up Skyrim, or Oblivion, or Morrowind, or Daggerfall, or Arena, and just running around the gameworld looking for enemies to fight, versus logging into ESO and doing the same, ESO is going to win every time (for me), because the combat is so much more enjoyable (for me).

    I’m glad you like it. That’s fine. However I don’t and many of us don’t. HA is the closest thing may of us have to a comfortable and simple play style.

    I am not a fan of playing a rhythm game it’s the same reason why I beat all the souls games on sl1 and didn’t make it past an hour into sekiro I can’t stand that kind of combat it feels like a fighter game or a arcade button pusher I hate that kind of combat and it’s uncomfortable due to hand issues.

    We need more than one way to play the lore / world is great in this game but the combat is an issue. And I’m not the only one who has an issue with it.
  • SeaGtGruff
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Once elder scrolls 6 is out this will just be “that spin off game” as of now it’s the only game active with the lore so this is all we have. It does a great job with the lore… but that’s the only thing keep elder scrolls fans here the combat is a deterrent for many players.

    Although I'm not a huge fan of LA weaving that capitalizes on AC, I actually love the combat in ESO.

    Mind you, I'm not talking about PvP combat, because I don't use a game controller or a gaming mouse, and I tend to run into issues with my mouse (such as accidentally squeezing too hard and pressing the right mouse button without meaning to) or with my keyboard (such as accidentally repositioning my left hand a smidgeon so my fingers are one row off or one key off from where I want them to be and I end up mashing the wrong keys for however long it takes me to eventually realize that Something Is Very Wrong).

    But as far as the combat system in general, I love it. The single-player Elder Scrolls games tended to have awkward ways of controlling the types of attacks you want to use, such as moving your mouse in different directions to swing your weapon in different ways, or attacking while moving your character in different directions for specific types of "power attacks." It's so much easier to assign different active combat skills to different keys so you can easily alternate or rotate between different types of attacks.

    I do have strong reservations about AC and the way it allows LA weaving to be so powerful, because I don't think it makes any kind of logical sense. For one thing, logically speaking heavy attacks should be more powerful than light attacks. I think they might be as far as how much damage a single heavy attack or light attack does, but due to animation canceling as well as the execution (or build-up) times for heavy attacks it turns out that weaving with light attacks allows disproportionately more damage than is logical. Not to mention, if you cancel (abort) an attack-- any kind of attack-- logically speaking it should either not do any damage at all because you aborted before landing your hit, or it should do less damage than usual because your hit didn't land squarely because you tried to abort as your hit was landing. Aborting a heavy attack turns it into a medium attack-- and I don't fully understand what those are because I don't think the game even mentions them anywhere, so I don't know how much damage they do compared to a "fully-charged" heavy attack. Aborting a light attack should not, in any kind of logical sense, still give you the full damage of the light attack while also allowing you to instantly fire off a damaging skill.

    However, I do understand that there's no way at this stage of the game for the AC "bug/feature" to get "fixed" without causing a huge uproar and large-scale rioting among the playerbase, so whether any given player loves it or hates it, and regardless of how completely illogical it actually is, LA weaving with AC is here to stay. Shoot, ZOS can't even try to adjust the amount of damage that LAs do (for "balancing" purposes) without a large portion of the playerbase freaking out about it.

    But despite any qualms I may have with AC and how it allows LA weaving to be some kind of META playstyle, I really love the combat system in ESO. I'm currently playing nearly all of the Elder Scrolls games, off and on, in addition to playing ESO, and I do enjoy playing them very much. But given a choice between cranking up Skyrim, or Oblivion, or Morrowind, or Daggerfall, or Arena, and just running around the gameworld looking for enemies to fight, versus logging into ESO and doing the same, ESO is going to win every time (for me), because the combat is so much more enjoyable (for me).

    I’m glad you like it. That’s fine. However I don’t and many of us don’t. HA is the closest thing may of us have to a comfortable and simple play style.

    I am not a fan of playing a rhythm game it’s the same reason why I beat all the souls games on sl1 and didn’t make it past an hour into sekiro I can’t stand that kind of combat it feels like a fighter game or a arcade button pusher I hate that kind of combat and it’s uncomfortable due to hand issues.

    We need more than one way to play the lore / world is great in this game but the combat is an issue. And I’m not the only one who has an issue with it.

    Just to clarify, I never said that I like LA weaving, and I also dislike having to repetitively push buttons in a specific sequence and rhythm for maximum effect. I generally use HA weaving myself, although I guess it actually turns into MA weaving most of the time. But I love the combat system as a whole. There is nothing within the combat system that says you must use LA, or the "correct" rotations, etc. All of those "musts" are coming from within the playerbase, and you as a player don't need to listen to how other players think you should play.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • boi_anachronism_
    Lumenn wrote: »

    52% nay 47% aye.

    More than half of the people who are invested enough in the game to come to the forums dislike it. This doesn't even count the casuals who don't venture the forums. I can only hope zos is careful when a majority have expressed their opinion on this.

    "Come to the forums" that is a fraction of the player base. Hardly a majority.
  • Lumenn
    Lumenn wrote: »

    52% nay 47% aye.

    More than half of the people who are invested enough in the game to come to the forums dislike it. This doesn't even count the casuals who don't venture the forums. I can only hope zos is careful when a majority have expressed their opinion on this.

    "Come to the forums" that is a fraction of the player base. Hardly a majority.

    Um, yeah? That....that was...kinda the point of the first two sentences.........?

    "More than half of the people who are invested enough in the game to come to the forums dislike it. This doesn't even count the casuals who don't venture the forums."

  • Galeriano
    Lumenn wrote: »
    Lumenn wrote: »

    52% nay 47% aye.

    More than half of the people who are invested enough in the game to come to the forums dislike it. This doesn't even count the casuals who don't venture the forums. I can only hope zos is careful when a majority have expressed their opinion on this.

    "Come to the forums" that is a fraction of the player base. Hardly a majority.

    Um, yeah? That....that was...kinda the point of the first two sentences.........?

    "More than half of the people who are invested enough in the game to come to the forums dislike it. This doesn't even count the casuals who don't venture the forums."


    This also doesn't count the fact that people are more vocal aboiut things they don't like. Many people here on forum describes themselves as casuals. Going by Your logic there is also plenty of veterans who don;t venture into forums. Sample size is also small and even if it would be reliable it is almost 50/50 split so still both sides needs to be taken into consideration
    Edited by Galeriano on May 2, 2023 11:17AM
  • Lumenn
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Lumenn wrote: »
    Lumenn wrote: »

    52% nay 47% aye.

    More than half of the people who are invested enough in the game to come to the forums dislike it. This doesn't even count the casuals who don't venture the forums. I can only hope zos is careful when a majority have expressed their opinion on this.

    "Come to the forums" that is a fraction of the player base. Hardly a majority.

    Um, yeah? That....that was...kinda the point of the first two sentences.........?

    "More than half of the people who are invested enough in the game to come to the forums dislike it. This doesn't even count the casuals who don't venture the forums."


    This also doesn't count the fact that people are more vocal aboiut things they don't like. Many people here on forum describes themselves as casuals. Going by Your logic there is also plenty of veterans who don;t venture into forums. Sample size is also small and even if it would be reliable it is almost 50/50 split so still both sides needs to be taken into consideration

    Which doesn't change one thing in my post. A poll, in the same post, in which the majority votes a dislike, and that the poll doesn't even count all the casuals who don't venture the forums, only the people dedicated enough to come to the forums. And yes, the fact that a majority voted a dislike DOES show that BOTH sides need consideration, hence my statement (also in the same post) that I hope zos is careful.
  • Jammy420
    Lumenn wrote: »

    52% nay 47% aye.

    More than half of the people who are invested enough in the game to come to the forums dislike it. This doesn't even count the casuals who don't venture the forums. I can only hope zos is careful when a majority have expressed their opinion on this.

    "Come to the forums" that is a fraction of the player base. Hardly a majority.

    Its funny how when the forums are against changes to making the game easier, these same people come in screaming " FORUMS ARE NOT MAJORITY "

    Then when majority comes out in favor of what they want " LISTEN TO THE MAJORITY!"

    Reminds me of real life stuff xD.
  • WiseSky
    ESO's combat is so fast, if you love it you love it.

    If you hate it you hate it.

  • Ragnarok0130
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    Precisely, weaving is one of the differences between merely performing combat and mastering combat that Brian Wheeler spoke about. Mastery is something the devs want in the game and want to reward.

    To the anti-weavers in the thread, the devs actively embraced weaving years ago to the point that it's even a tool tip on the loading screen; it's not going away no matter how many people stomp their feet.

    They embraced it because it was a bug they couldn’t fix. A bug that removes its combat so far from the elder scrolls roots that it turns off many players form the game. They finally add other ways to play that make it feel more like an elder scrolls game and those elite players are now attempting to destroy that.

    Dungeon / trial mechanics are the difficult parts anyone can weave. It’s a brain dead mechanic of pressing 2 buttons. It’s not that it’s hard it’s that it’s not fun, it’s painful for the disabled, and it’s hard to do when someone has inconsistent ping.

    Nobody is trying to "destroy" the builds... it's going to be a like 3% change in damage. The hyperbole is getting out of hand. You will still be able to do all the things you've done before.

    Again … have you seen comments people want this play style gone. This is the second nerf to the play style and again it won’t be the last. People are already saying “it needs to be nerfed more”.

    There is no “ hyperbole” these are genuine concerns, by many players. The “3 %” change is not the concern the concern is the bowing down to elitists and the constant cries for nerfs that will continue.

    For the love of Kyne ZoS is NOT bowing down to "elitists" by nerfing HA builds by 3-5%, they are adjusting HA builds - with a scalpel mind you instead of their normal sledgehammer - based on their own combat vision and data metrics as ZoS stated here:

    Since we've started working on Heavy Attack build viability in the past year, we've seen a massive surge in their use, which is absolutely phenomenal for seeing more players being able to participate in end-game content at a much more digestible pace. While we're happy to see these builds being ran, we're seeing these builds inch a little too close to some of the high end builds with how much more simplified they are, and in some rare cases, they're outperforming a standard build. We're cutting down the damage bonus here ever so slightly in hopes that when you have Empower with a bunch of other Heavy Attack bonus sets, the numbers are still nice and juicy, but not as close to a full-on Light Attack build.

    This is the second nerf to the play style and again it won’t be the last. People are already saying “it needs to be nerfed more”.

    You're right it won't be the last nerf to the build, but there will likely be buffs to the build in the future too because that's how MMOs work. I'm really curious, how long have you played ESO, is this your first MMO? I ask because continuous nerfs, buffs, and adjustments are part and parcel of MMOs and other live service games so if outside of ESO you're a single player RPG gamer you might be confused and frustrated at the balancing cycle that multiplayer games go through which doesn't happen in TES games. I've been a Templar main since launch and my class has had so many buffs and nerfs, and outright skill changes and reworks since launch that 2 adjustments to a build in one year is nothing short of remarkable for its stability given how powerful HA and Oakenbuilds are. I'm genuinely surprised there haven't been a larger number of bigger adjustments to these builds over the past year given how powerful they are for their ease as the patch notes above stated.

    Yeah no. It’s not about zos its about the attitude of players the calls for nerfs. The nerfing will continue people are already saying “I needs more nerfs” and they will continue to say it. It’s not about the percentage of change it’s about the mindset. But these concept seems to be flying over peoples heads.

    The biggest problem with this game is the horrible combat. It keeps so many real elder scrolls
    Fans away, so many love the world and the lore who come from the main series but don’t stick around because the combat is weird based on a bug and doesn’t fit the series at all. It’s not fun for many people. HA is an alternative that feels more like a true elder scrolls game and not an esport shooter/ fighting rhythm game.

    If Zos patched out animation canceling I mean “weaving” you would be playing combat that is completely different. But they decided to leave in and that’s fine but not everyone wants to do a finger Waltz for a myriad of reasons.

    1. It’s not fun
    2. It’s not like a real elder scrolls game
    3. They have hand issues and disabilities
    4. They have inconsistent ping

    And many more.

    But I’ve said my peace let’s agree to disagree the ball is in zos’s court many paying customers have expressed their concerns on both sides.

    ZoS doesn’t listen to players or U35 would never have happened. Also the one thing about ESO that players have been supportive of since launch is the combat. I have hand issues too and like weaving, I find it fun and engaging and I love the combat; there’s nothing to fix in the combat but lag/skills not firing.

    I get it, you’re a Skyrim player who wants Skyrim with friends but this game has never billed itself as such. If base game features like combat in ESO bother you so much have you considered booting up Skyrim with your choice of mods and actually enjoying yourself?
  • Ragnarok0130
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    Weaving requires 1 mouse click and 1 skill button click per second. That's 120 "clicks" per minute. After playing brass instruments at a high level for a decade plus, it's quite slow, and far fewer clicks, just have to stay on rhythm.

    Some people don’t like rhythm games.
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass In bands since the 90s, playing an instrument creates something this is just mindless clicking, in a game series that should be more immersive with more realistic combat.

    Some people have bad ping / and or disabilities which makes playing non musical guitar hero not possible.

    Some times people just want to cast spells and role play in a role playing game and not play medieval fantasy guitar hero.

    In reality the button clicking in every MMORPG is mindless clicking. It serves no real purpose.

    In ESO, no one has to weave. It is a choice. If the player has the basics down they will do good DPS without weaving and be able to get into most raid groups. Sure, weaving will bump their DPS up a measure but if they do not have those basics down it becomes irrelevant.

    It really isn’t a choice when that’s the only way to hit the highest dps. This is an elder scrolls game they could have used a more elder scrolls Style of combat but instead they went with this. Many don’t like it.

    It does not become irrelevant it becomes relevant when they can’t do parts of the game because they get vote kicked from a dungeon for not doing the proper dps or made fun of by arrogant players.

    Few players reach the highest dps to start with as most are not willing to put in the time to refine their rotation. Most lack the basics that are the most significant portion damage for a top dps player.

    If a player lacks the basics they will not be saved by light weaving. No content in the game requires weaving to clear with ease.

    Also, if a player is a solid DD but doesn’t weave no group will vote kick them as they would be carrying a GF group. One would wonder what such a player would be doing with random players as they could easily find decent guilds to be part of and have far superior experiences than what the GF groups will provide.

    Not true. I’ve been vote kicked in a vet group for using heavy attack and I was doing more dps than the dps who vote kicked me. So that is not true.

    There are people who do not understand how the game works and when running with a RANDOM group, especially a GF group, it is more likely one will find themselves with such a group. When asking for a random group one is asking for a random group and often gets exactly what they ask for.

    This beckons to my last paragraph as to why you bother with random groups and not run with your guild. Running with guildies leads to a far superior experience than the GF provides.

    After noting such poor experiences I was having with GF, low DPS, and failures to follow mechanics, my guild explained it was because I was running with GF groups and that I should run with guildies only. Never had a problem since.

    “Does anyone want to help with pledges today” in guild chat.

    Guild “sound of crickets”

    Maybe that’s why ?

    Either find a better guild or be direct and confident in your ask. Instead of saying “does anyone want to help” which comes off timid and sounds like a dungeon carry say “LF 1T, 1 DD, 1H for 2 key vet pledges”. That is more likely to get responses since it sounds like you know what you’re doing and likely to clear the content.
  • ZOS_Kraken

    Please remember that everyone is entitled to their opinion on this issue. Let's keep the thread on topic and not pick at each other or resort to baiting or trolling.
    Staff Post
  • Twig_Garlicshine
    LA/AC Sorc
    Cast Dot, LA, Dot, LA,Dot, LA, Buff, LA, Buff, LA, Spammable, LA, Spammable, LA (ad nauseam), in time to an epileptic metronome while watching your character have on screen fits.
    Bar swap and/or recast buffs, dots as necessary
    Return to spammable, LA
    Pets and equipment do the heavy lifting.

    HA Sorc
    Hold LA/HA button down cast dots, buffs, or spammable in time to a slower more flowing metronome, no on screen fits by character required.
    Bar swaps and/or recasts as necessary.
    Pets and equipment do heavy lifting.

    LAs are the manual application of an auto attack (in any other game),
    this is not meaningful and does not require any skill beyond 2 finger typing and downloading a metronome add-on.
    You should also have a willingness to get or aggravate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Arthritis.

    The only "real skills" involved in any mmo are:
    1/ Situational awareness for doing mechanics. (This includes PvP).
    2/ Social skills for getting along with others when runs and mechanics get more difficult.
    3/ A willingness to learn mechanics and do them as designed by the developers.

    Personal opinion of someone who plays both LA and HA builds just fine:
    1/ The developers should put in a max dps cap so players have to do mechanics instead of just maxing dps to the point of "a lot of mechanics become ignorable".
    2/ The developers could then start creating more meaningful skills, equipment, and game-play instead of just "buff mah dps moar".
  • BlueRaven
    For those of you unfamiliar with mmo-campion it is mostly a Warcraft/Blizzard fansite, but it does have sub forums.

    Here is the thread for ESO, the latest posts are pretty telling.

    The general consensus? ESO is a great game and they would play it more, but weaving/animation canceling is a huge turn off.

    I know there are plenty people here who like it. But zos has to figure out how to introduce other combat styles, the combat here in ESO just turns too many people away.
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