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The 25 crown crate offer

  • Soarora
    I'll never understand why people in this community are so emotionally attached to cosmetics. No one is forcing you to buy some useless cosmetic, can you not live peacefully without having a means to acquire it? My favorite is people claiming this is "predatory", if anything it exposes the amount of people willing to spend x amount of money for cosmetics

    OCs. Elder scrolls is very much focused in OCs… what do you “need” for them? Cosmetics. It adds detail and makes them feel more unique (and also may be necessary if you’re making a nonplayable race). It’s why I bought most, if not all of the things I have. As for the mmoer side of things, “fashion scrolls online” is also a big part of the game.

    But anyways, it’s that you have to buy the bundle to get the polymorph. One is buying it for the polymorph, not for the bundle. If you could buy the crates and buy the polymorph separately or buy them together at a cheaper price, then that would’ve been nicer.
    Alastrine wrote: »
    Xandreia_ wrote: »
    they have been predatory before, offering respec scrolls for real money when you can do it in game for free by using gold even having vamp and ww in the crown store is predatory imo, you can ask someone to bite for free.

    I agree with OP, this "offer" is predatory on those that have gambling addictons, buying a collectors pack is completely different to offering a poly most of the games population has been wanting with the opening of crown crates. there is a reason loot boxes have been banned in a few countries!

    its starting to look like ESO is on that aggressive monetization people have been talking about for years! i would have rather bought the poly separately or had a chance to buy with endeavours!

    Those that have gambling addictions have their own battle to fight, and probably shouldn't be playing a lot of the games on the internet that offer what you see as 'temptations' like this one.
    I am not my brothers keeper, don't try to make me one, so tired of that.

    ESO is a business, like any other, and yes, they will be coming up with new ways to make money - and all the people who go on about the crates won't like any of it, as usual. Endeavors was a great way to pick and choose what you want from the crates without spending a dime. An item like the polymorph? It's a special case, and YES IT'S A HOOK to get you to spend money, omg imagine a business doing that! So just say no and don't support it. If people don't support it they won't do it.
    People WILL support it though, and that's ok too.

    You see EVERYTHING that requires money spent as predatory. You list respec scrolls, vamp, ww, etc as being 'predatory' when they can be bought in the game for ingame gold or acquired for free. So what is predatory about it? Predatory would be MAYBE if that was the ONLY way to get them. It's just another option, that's all. Take it or leave it. And if you come back with "but new players might not realize they can get it for free" I'll come back to saying I'm not my brother's keeper again.

    You are right about one thing. It's an "Offer". As in, you take it or leave it. Support it or don't.
    Someone said don't invalidate the opinions of those that don't support this or have an issue with it.
    I say don't invalidate the opinions of those that don't find it a problem either.

    I wouldn’t have minded the bundle idea so much if it weren’t in this current environment. Of course it’s a business and businesses need money… but do you know what would be more sustainable and healthy? Focusing on healing community-zos relations and quality assurance and not making changes to the game that cause uproar after uproar. So many people have dropped eso+ and stopped buying crowns. This bundle would’ve made more money if those who quit buying crowns started buying them again… but there’s been absolutely nothing to convince people to do so, actually because of the context this bundle has the opposite effect.

    Respec scrolls, vampire, ww, cures, etc. in the crown store is predatory because nothing in-game tells you that you can get it all for free or minimal gold cost. People spend money on something that is free and easy to get. Morally, that is not okay.
    Something like the motif books are fine because they are not so easy to get in-game so at that point pay for convenience at least makes sense to be applied.

    I understand where people are coming from in their support of these practices because I’ve been there. I fight this fight because I’m not sure you understand this perspective, not to say you should get over yourself because it could be different like the person I replied to essentially said. (edit to be more clear: there is a difference between disagreement and invalidation. Saying it could be worse so get over it is invalidation. Saying it’s fine is disagreement. You are valid in your opinion, just like I am in mine. The context of perspective is necessary.) I feel pity purely because I worry that people here defending these practices may have their turn getting whammed with zos’ hammer and have regret. It won’t happen to everyone, but it happened to me.
    Edited by Soarora on April 1, 2023 3:40PM
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Liguar
    Alastrine wrote: »
    Those that have gambling addictions have their own battle to fight, and probably shouldn't be playing a lot of the games on the internet that offer what you see as 'temptations' like this one.
    I am not my brothers keeper, don't try to make me one, so tired of that.

    Just because it is extremely commonplace doesn't mean that it's all good. Even if many people can buy crates without any gambling issue any doesn't make random crates a good system for buyers in general. it would be better to just being able to buy the thing they wanted in the crown store for a predetermined price.

    I don't see why the answer should be to tell people not to play "a lot" of the games on the internet, that's kind of the problem. The more people that accept this method of monetization as standard, the more it will be used. That seems pretty bleak to me.
  • Alastrine
    Liguar wrote: »
    Alastrine wrote: »
    Those that have gambling addictions have their own battle to fight, and probably shouldn't be playing a lot of the games on the internet that offer what you see as 'temptations' like this one.
    I am not my brothers keeper, don't try to make me one, so tired of that.

    Just because it is extremely commonplace doesn't mean that it's all good. Even if many people can buy crates without any gambling issue any doesn't make random crates a good system for buyers in general. it would be better to just being able to buy the thing they wanted in the crown store for a predetermined price.

    I don't see why the answer should be to tell people not to play "a lot" of the games on the internet, that's kind of the problem. The more people that accept this method of monetization as standard, the more it will be used. That seems pretty bleak to me.

    I didn't TELL anyone to NOT play games on the internet. Please don't misquote me.
    I said they MAYBE shouldn't be be playing games that offer a temptation they find hard to refuse. That's on them and an individual choice.

    Whether its a 'good system for buyers in general' isn't for an individual to decide is it? It's for the buyers to decide. Some find it fun, they're allowed too.

    This type of monetization is not going to go away. Bleak? Maybe. It is what it is. I don't see it as going away because of a hue and cry over a crown store offering. Will doing so make it go away? Only if people don't support it en masse, and that is not going to happen either. It speaks to the society we have now, and yes, that definitely IS bleak. It's a bleak society on a lot of levels.

    It is fine and good to post differing opinions here, and to speak out if you find an issue with it. Absolutely. Maybe ZoS is listening. Certain countries have taken steps to disallow promotions such as this... if anything, that is where change will come from.

    Do I agree with what they are doing here? I would say I am ambivalent. I simply don't care. They can put it up there all they want. If its something that I feel makes the game more fun for me and I can afford it, then I'll get it. If I can't afford it - even if I want it - I don't worry about it, I move on. Some posters raise a ruckus just because they are annoyed they can't afford something, don't tell me that isn't part of it as well, so they want it made easier for them to get.

    I would prefer the polymorph and crates were offered separately too, as I don't see much in this round of crates that interests me. But I'm not going to cry foul because that's the way ZoS chose to present it, hey, it's their business they can put whatever they want out there - and if enough DO buy it, then I'm sure they will do it again.

    I say again, if not enough people support it then it will go away and they'll try something else.
    Buy it or don't buy it. By all means speak out if you don't agree with it. Maybe someone will be listening.
  • Elsonso
    Kisakee wrote: »
    The Crown Store is 85% cosmetic, 15% to speed things up, 0% pay to win and 0% pay to play. Yet people are always crying and mourning about it.

    You have no idea of how fair this system is compared to what other games have, you always only want to have things for next to no cost or even free. You should be thankful that the shop is not as inhuman as it could be. Go and have a look at the monetization of other games and maybe you will start to understand.

    Just because other games are worse does not mean it is not a problem here. Just because the Crown Store is "85% cosmetic", also does not matter.

    Every time they pull a developer away from the game to make some cosmetic people have to pay cash for, or do the Seals grind to get, it takes away from the game. It removes the opportunity to earn that item as a reward from _normal_ game play within the game.

    It's not like they are bulking up on ESO developers. If anything, they are moving people into their new game. Some of the ESO developers have already jumped over to that. If they are backfilling, they are backfilling with people who are new to ESO. If they are backfilling.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Alastrine
    Soarora wrote: »
    I wouldn’t have minded the bundle idea so much if it weren’t in this current environment. Of course it’s a business and businesses need money… but do you know what would be more sustainable and healthy? Focusing on healing community-zos relations and quality assurance and not making changes to the game that cause uproar after uproar. So many people have dropped eso+ and stopped buying crowns. This bundle would’ve made more money if those who quit buying crowns started buying them again… but there’s been absolutely nothing to convince people to do so, actually because of the context this bundle has the opposite effect.

    Respec scrolls, vampire, ww, cures, etc. in the crown store is predatory because nothing in-game tells you that you can get it all for free or minimal gold cost. People spend money on something that is free and easy to get. Morally, that is not okay.
    Something like the motif books are fine because they are not so easy to get in-game so at that point pay for convenience at least makes sense to be applied.

    EVERY game online has community issues, quality assurance issues, uproar about this or that etc. etc. etc. etc. ESO is no different or worse in that regard. This game is less toxic on most any level than a lot I have and do play. As to making changes? Again, another thing that happens in all games and people either applaud them or don't like them. Some get rolled back.

    Plus I'm not sure how you personally know if this bundle didn't inspire people to go buy more crowns in order to get it - how would you know that? How do you know how many did or didn't? You don't.
    How do you know if people didn't say to themselves - hey I'm going to go sub for a couple of months and get the crowns to pick up that bundle (and enjoy the craft bag while I'm at it)? Or buy a longer sub that gives more crowns? Combination of both (buy a few crowns and sub for a few months) The bundle does not have an expiry date. It's not going to be gone in a few days... I might actually agree with more of an issue if that were the case. If anything, I see the offering as a REASON to sub for a few months - if you want it - and then, I'm sure, they will hope people stay subbed.

    People spending their own money on something that is free and easy to get is 'morally not ok'?
    And yet you validate spending money on motif books are fine, when pretty much all of them can be bought for 'free' in game gold with the pages or earned for free in the game... but its ok with you because they are 'not so easy' to get? Does it say anywhere on those motif offerings that players CAN get them in game? It mentions where you can earn them in game but does it mention you can buy them from other players for ingame gold... nope.
    Very selective moral policing there.

    I will agree with one small thing you said... it would be nice if there was a note on the vamp/ww/cures ads in the store that mentioned getting them in game.. although it mentions on both the vamp and ww that it can be cured by Priests of Arkay). But then every day I see countless players asking in zone how to get a cure or how to get a bite. Whether its a problem or not would depend if they even sell any of those or how many - for all we know they don't sell at all or very much but once in the store are left there. Makes the store look 'bigger'.
    I remember a time when people ASKED for those things to be offered in the crown store, people who subbed and had crowns to burn.
    Edited by Alastrine on April 1, 2023 4:57PM
  • kargen27
    I'm guessing if the ditched the crates they would need to go back to subscription required to offset the loss? I subscribe anyway so wouldn't matter to me but consequences need to be considered when asking for change.

    I look at this as the polymorph being a bonus. If they get gifting crown crates fixed I might take advantage. Otherwise I've no problem passing on this.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Xandreia_
    Xandreia_ wrote: »
    they have been predatory before, offering respec scrolls for real money when you can do it in game for free by using gold even having vamp and ww in the crown store is predatory imo, you can ask someone to bite for free.

    I agree with OP, this "offer" is predatory on those that have gambling addictons, buying a collectors pack is completely different to offering a poly most of the games population has been wanting with the opening of crown crates. there is a reason loot boxes have been banned in a few countries!

    its starting to look like ESO is on that aggressive monetization people have been talking about for years! i would have rather bought the poly separately or had a chance to buy with endeavours!

    You only have yourself to blame if you lack the self restraint to prevent yourself from splurging on unnecessary goods

    if you dont see the potential issue then i dont think its worth wasting time explaining it.
  • Alastrine
    Elsonso wrote: »

    Every time they pull a developer away from the game to make some cosmetic people have to pay cash for, or do the Seals grind to get, it takes away from the game. It removes the opportunity to earn that item as a reward from _normal_ game play within the game.

    Perhaps that's what that developer was hired to do?
    I do like rewards that can be earned in normal gameplay but if they did that with those crown store items how is that any different... a developer still has to spend the time to create it.
    This way makes them money.
    Earning in game is nicer for the player of course, but both ways take a developer.
  • Soarora
    Alastrine wrote: »
    Soarora wrote: »
    I wouldn’t have minded the bundle idea so much if it weren’t in this current environment. Of course it’s a business and businesses need money… but do you know what would be more sustainable and healthy? Focusing on healing community-zos relations and quality assurance and not making changes to the game that cause uproar after uproar. So many people have dropped eso+ and stopped buying crowns. This bundle would’ve made more money if those who quit buying crowns started buying them again… but there’s been absolutely nothing to convince people to do so, actually because of the context this bundle has the opposite effect.

    Respec scrolls, vampire, ww, cures, etc. in the crown store is predatory because nothing in-game tells you that you can get it all for free or minimal gold cost. People spend money on something that is free and easy to get. Morally, that is not okay.
    Something like the motif books are fine because they are not so easy to get in-game so at that point pay for convenience at least makes sense to be applied.

    EVERY game online has community issues, quality assurance issues, uproar about this or that etc. etc. etc. etc. ESO is no different or worse in that regard. This game is less toxic on most any level than a lot I have and do play. As to making changes? Again, another thing that happens in all games and people either applaud them or don't like them. Some get rolled back.

    Plus I'm not sure how you personally know if this bundle didn't inspire people to go buy more crowns in order to get it - how would you know that? How do you know how many did or didn't? You don't.
    How do you know if people didn't say to themselves - hey I'm going to go sub for a couple of months and get the crowns to pick up that bundle (and enjoy the craft bag while I'm at it)? Or buy a longer sub that gives more crowns? Combination of both (buy a few crowns and sub for a few months) The bundle does not have an expiry date. It's not going to be gone in a few days... I might actually agree with more of an issue if that were the case. If anything, I see the offering as a REASON to sub for a few months - if you want it - and then, I'm sure, they will hope people stay subbed.

    People spending their own money on something that is free and easy to get is 'morally not ok'?
    And yet you validate spending money on motif books are fine, when pretty much all of them can be bought for 'free' in game gold with the pages or earned for free in the game... but its ok with you because they are 'not so easy' to get? Does it say anywhere on those motif offerings that players CAN get them in game? It mentions where you can earn them in game but does it mention you can buy them from other players for ingame gold... nope.
    Very selective moral policing there.

    I will agree with one small thing you said... it would be nice if there was a note on the vamp/ww/cures ads in the store that mentioned getting them in game. But then every day I see countless players asking in zone how to get a cure or how to get a bite. Whether its a problem or not would depend if they even sell any of those or how many - for all we know they don't sell at all or very much but once in the store are left there. Makes the store look 'bigger'.
    I remember a time when people ASKED for those things to be offered in the crown store, people who subbed and had crowns to burn.

    I of course don’t know all of the information, just what I’ve heard. And yeah, it is selective moral policing, that’s the point. Can’t say the entire crown store is bad, I understand it’s purpose. The issue with the motif books over the bites and respecs are that the motifs can be very expensive, especially from trials and new dungeons. So, it’s different than something you can get for free or minimal gold. Even as a new player I understood the motifs were just pay for convenience. And I’m not policing the morals of customers on buying bites/respecs/etc but the morals of it being offered when even a newbie with 0 gold can get them for free. And on the point of people not knowing, I have previously suggested it’s added to a tutorial in some way.

    Regardless, that’s just how I view it. I’m not arguing that my view is the only right way to view it.
    Edited by Soarora on April 1, 2023 5:09PM
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Alastrine
    kargen27 wrote: »
    I'm guessing if the ditched the crates they would need to go back to subscription required to offset the loss? I subscribe anyway so wouldn't matter to me but consequences need to be considered when asking for change.

    I look at this as the polymorph being a bonus. If they get gifting crown crates fixed I might take advantage. Otherwise I've no problem passing on this.

    Agree completely on gifting crown crates but I believe that isn't an issue that needs fixing... I understand that is stopped due to legal issues arising over it elsewhere (but I could be mistaken). I have never bought crowns for ingame gold and never will.... not a fan but I know it works very well for a lot of others, I respect that.

    Ditching the crates would create a void for earnings for sure... who knows where they would get that from - raising sub prices? That wouldn't go well. Putting more content behind paywalls or things like they did with jewelry where you have to buy Summerset to have it? I could well see them doing that - but then there would be a lot of crying over that too.

    It doesn't really matter what they do, any form of effort to get people to spend cash will not sit well with some.
    At any rate, I like your post!
  • Alpheu5
    Time and again the same flavor of feedback has been provided: add more earnable cosmetics to the game for us to actually strive towards rather than the title spam we've been getting for years. What we keep getting instead is stuff like the first new harvesting animations in 9 years being only available through the Crown Store, and now a polymorph that could have been the perfect trifecta reward from vVH being locked behind an 8000 Crown bundle.

    Maybe instead of 5-10 titles with every DLC, replace a few of them with things that actually reflect the content like a themed mount or skin that don't look like they're still in the concept stage.
    Dalek-Rok - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Shād - Argonian Nightblade || Dalek-Shul - Argonian Templar || Dalek-Xal - Argonian Dragonknight || Mounts-the-Snout - Argonian Warden || Dalek-Xul - Argonian Necromancer || Two-Spires - Argonian Arcanist || Dalek-Nesh - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Kör - Argonian Dragonknight
    Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
  • SilverBride
    I will never understand why anyone buys crown crates. The over the top flashy mounts and ugly skins aren't anything I even want for free.
  • omnidoh
    The bottom line is simple.
    As long as we exist in a capitalistic society, money will always determine everything.
    Accept that, or boycott it.
    To do the latter is to force outright change through social and civil unrest, but in the end, it's all about profit, and both ethics and morality are irrelevant.

    The rest is all academic.
    Edited by omnidoh on April 1, 2023 11:08PM
  • Kisakee
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    The Crown Store is 85% cosmetic, 15% to speed things up, 0% pay to win and 0% pay to play. Yet people are always crying and mourning about it.

    You have no idea of how fair this system is compared to what other games have, you always only want to have things for next to no cost or even free. You should be thankful that the shop is not as inhuman as it could be. Go and have a look at the monetization of other games and maybe you will start to understand.

    Just because other games are worse does not mean it is not a problem here. Just because the Crown Store is "85% cosmetic", also does not matter.

    Every time they pull a developer away from the game to make some cosmetic people have to pay cash for, or do the Seals grind to get, it takes away from the game. It removes the opportunity to earn that item as a reward from _normal_ game play within the game.

    It's not like they are bulking up on ESO developers. If anything, they are moving people into their new game. Some of the ESO developers have already jumped over to that. If they are backfilling, they are backfilling with people who are new to ESO. If they are backfilling.

    That thinking is a bit naive. An artist developer will always do their job - creating graphics. Even if they pull one away that's not having any influence on those who write stories, develop new systems or do combat adaptions. They are highly specialised and no single developer could do all of those jobs. There are teams focussing on different aspects of the game, your imagination of everyone doing everything and losing one will hurt the whole game is not adding up.

    Also those who do the graphics don't decide what they are used for, they are just creating things. Someone else then is deciding what goes where and what is earnable and what needs to be purchased.

    In the end it's a company that needs to make money. If you're one of those who bought the base game who is playing for years now without buying anything else you're nothing but a financial burden from one point on. You only cost them money. Money they need to pay all those employees, to keep the servers running and upgrade them, to create new things to keep the game alive and way more. That's no offense, just the reality. They need to make money so you can play on, even if you don't bring anything on the table in future at all.
    I'm but a sarcastic beef jerky. Irony and cynicism are my parents. You've been warned.
  • Fischblut
    Over last 2 years I've watched with sadness how Seals of Endeavors destroyed rarity of every Radiant Apex (and almost every Gem-exclusive) mount I own... They also destroyed my wish to pursue new mounts - I've only bought 2 mounts over these years, one with gems and other with Endeavors :'( For a person who is annoyed without a new mount skin every ~2 months, it's really depressing. Luckily, I have my GW2 fix for that.



    Soon Ayleid crates return as well...
    So I really like this polymorph offer for now. Very shady <3


    If this polymorph will end up in Endeavors store someday... Well, I had to spend much more than 8000 crowns to drop all those mounts :( In that case, I just will not purchase another offer like this ever.
  • Elsonso
    Kisakee wrote: »
    In the end it's a company that needs to make money. If you're one of those who bought the base game who is playing for years now without buying anything else you're nothing but a financial burden from one point on. You only cost them money. Money they need to pay all those employees, to keep the servers running and upgrade them, to create new things to keep the game alive and way more. That's no offense, just the reality. They need to make money so you can play on, even if you don't bring anything on the table in future at all.

    I have no problem with studios making money. That said, most people don't buy games because the studio has rolled out a stellar cash shop for them to spend their money in. Yet, that seems to be what a lot of studios are interested in selling.

    I have said this before, but the risk is that live service games become life support for the cash shop. In this scenario, the game only needs to be good enough to maintain cash shop revenue. As long as that happens, everything is good. The cash shop is what is important, and when revenue from the cash shop no longer pays for the game, they are free to close the game.

    It all comes down to resources, which are limited, and the balance between "the game" and "the cash shop". Every time they pull a developer (aka resource) away from the game to make some cosmetic for the cash shop, it takes away from the game. It is a balance, but one that has to favor the cash shop if they do not have a strong revenue base from the game itself. Remember, the game exists to bring people to the cash shop for some studios.

    How much of this applies to ZOS and ESO? Hard to say, but I am reasonably certain that they are not entirely outside of all of this. I don't think they are as deeply into it as other studios, but the purchase by Microsoft adds in an interesting dynamic.

    Specific to this thread, we have here a cash shop item targeted at people who do not buy their loot boxes. The polymorph really serves no in-game purpose at all, but it is a cosmetic that is wanted by people. Using it as a carrot to sell loot boxes is a very interesting move on their part. It should net them some additional revenue, and for what I estimate to be fairly reasonable development costs, compared to a new zone, which sells for much less but costs a lot more to make.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Paralyse
    "Those developers who work for a company are doing things to generate income for their company! How dare they! They're even giving people ITEMS just for spending money! It's not like our business needs multiple sources of revenue to continue operating and releasing new content and features."

    You're buying a polymorph and getting free crown crates. Or you're buying crown crates and getting a free polymorph.

    In the meantime, I'm quite happy with my 2 apex mounts, 6 pets, 1 skin, 2 motif books, water hag target dummy, 4 emotes, several other random cosmetic items, and 336 gems (the results of bundle purchase.)
    Edited by Paralyse on April 1, 2023 10:19PM
    Paralyse, Sanguine's Tester - Enjoying ESO since beta. Trial clears: vSS HM, Crag HM's, vRG Oax HM, vMoL DD, vKA HM, vCR+1, vAS IR, vDSR, vSE
  • Kirawolfe
    I like the polymorph, but I'm not buying 25 crates to get. Put in as a separate offer available through crowns at a reasonable price and I'd probably buy it.

    They will, sometime down the road.
  • Elsonso
    Kirawolfe wrote: »
    I like the polymorph, but I'm not buying 25 crates to get. Put in as a separate offer available through crowns at a reasonable price and I'd probably buy it.

    They will, sometime down the road.

    Maybe. What I expect is that the polymorph will leave the store when the new crate season starts, and there will be a new carrot for the package. The old polymorph should not be expected to ever return to the store.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Ragnarok0130
    Snamyap wrote: »
    Bet they will relocate this thread to the crown store subforum as well. Where people who are critical of these sort of practices don't come.

    I think this thread will be heavily edited for "bashing" before finally being relocated to the dungeons...ahem...I mean "players helping players" forum to quietly die when the edit doesn't quell the unrest of such an absurdely bad move by ZoS.
  • Kesstryl
    Fischblut wrote: »
    Over last 2 years I've watched with sadness how Seals of Endeavors destroyed rarity of every Radiant Apex (and almost every Gem-exclusive) mount I own... They also destroyed my wish to pursue new mounts - I've only bought 2 mounts over these years, one with gems and other with Endeavors :'( For a person who is annoyed without a new mount skin every ~2 months, it's really depressing. Luckily, I have my GW2 fix for that.



    Soon Ayleid crates return as well...
    So I really like this polymorph offer for now. Very shady <3


    If this polymorph will end up in Endeavors store someday... Well, I had to spend much more than 8000 crowns to drop all those mounts :( In that case, I just will not purchase another offer like this ever.

    You are sad because more people get to enjoy something that you feel should be rare and exclusive to you?
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Alastrine
    Fischblut wrote: »
    Over last 2 years I've watched with sadness how Seals of Endeavors destroyed rarity of every Radiant Apex (and almost every Gem-exclusive) mount I own... They also destroyed my wish to pursue new mounts - I've only bought 2 mounts over these years, one with gems and other with Endeavors :'( For a person who is annoyed without a new mount skin every ~2 months, it's really depressing. Luckily, I have my GW2 fix for that.

    If this polymorph will end up in Endeavors store someday... Well, I had to spend much more than 8000 crowns to drop all those mounts :( In that case, I just will not purchase another offer like this ever.

    You are sad because more people get to enjoy something that you feel should be rare and exclusive to you?

    I think he is sad because he was excited to get something that WAS rare to get... and then much later it's made common and much easier to get.
    I know what he means. In the early days I bought some mounts with crowns that were very expensive, it was the start of the "time limited ability to purchase" days. (14 days, 6 days or whatever). It felt like it was being pushed that it would never be offered again. So I spent the money.
    Two years later they offer it again, and now once a year, every year.... and now, with endeavor seals. The 'rarity' of it is gone and so is a lot of its panache.
    Poster isn't saying he felt it was or should be only for him, that's really misinterpreting his words. Who isn't thrilled when you get or win something that there aren't many of? And then its gone. Yea, its saddening.
    Same with the Indriks.
    Was fun to work to collect them all, thinking they were THAT year's rewards and you would only have them if you were playing THAT year. It recognized the fact we were playing during that time.
    Now, they are back again. New players can get them. No longer special, no longer indicative of anything, at least to me.
    I don't get caught up in that whole pitch about a time limited offer any more. If I want something bad enough I'll still buy it, but never delude yourself into thinking you got something that won't be offered over and over again.
    Edited by Alastrine on April 2, 2023 1:10AM
  • Alastrine
    Alpheu5 wrote: »
    Time and again the same flavor of feedback has been provided: add more earnable cosmetics to the game for us to actually strive towards rather than the title spam we've been getting for years. What we keep getting instead is stuff like the first new harvesting animations in 9 years being only available through the Crown Store, and now a polymorph that could have been the perfect trifecta reward from vVH being locked behind an 8000 Crown bundle.

    Maybe instead of 5-10 titles with every DLC, replace a few of them with things that actually reflect the content like a themed mount or skin that don't look like they're still in the concept stage.

    Ah but then there would be the hue and cry that it's locked behind something that a lot of players don't participate in. It truly never ends.
    They have to offer something big now and again to boost sales, but I do agree that better ingame rewards would boost interest in actually playing.
  • TaSheen
    Eh, I'm not really into "earning" stuff by in game grinds. Give me buyable cosmetics by preference. I hate grinds....

    Now, that doesn't mean I buy crates. I don't. But I really did enjoy buying the Stonelore Fox for my newest Bosmer - with SOE.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • isadoraisacat
    I don’t really have a problem because I’m more concerned with armor sets / bonus items / weapons / mythics and things I can earn in game. All cosmetics are not necessary for gameplay. I get a few free crowns per month with eso plus I spend them if I see something I like or let them collect than use them towards something decent later on if I see it.

    But I don’t see a problem it’s the way devs make money between chapters and how they keep things flowing. Just like bgs had elder scrolls blades to do the same in between Starfield and tes 6 to keep things going, zos has the crown store for the same purpose.

    If it was actual needed gameplay items behind a paywall there would be a problem, but I don’t care about cosmetics they are an extra thing for fun and you can play with out it.

    Also those who have gambling issues or self control issues will spend and spend and spend on anything if it’s not this it would be food or clothes etc or something else. You can’t blame the devs for people’s self control issues. No offense.
  • Tyralbin
    If you actually look at the Shade polymorph in game it does actually say it is acquired through purchase, promotion or event.

    Maybe at a later date it will be available in other ways other than crown crates.

    I do agree this is not a good idea to add this to crown crates.
    Live a little love a lot send all your gold to this Imperials pot.
  • Snamyap
    You can’t blame the devs for people’s self control issues. No offense.

    You can blame them for trying to take advantage of it.

  • Ishtarknows
    Tyralbin wrote: »
    If you actually look at the Shade polymorph in game it does actually say it is acquired through purchase, promotion or event.

    Almost everything from the crown store says this now so I wouldn't read anything into it
  • Animar111
    Personally I hope they do more 25 crate bundles in the future with a bonus polymorph or mount or pet, I love the idea.

    That polymorph is really well done must of took the Dev some time to create that remarkable.

    Reminds me of that horror film THE RING.

    And all this about gambling blaaa. Blaaa blaaa……

    People with gambling problems will always exist.

    The same as something to gamble on will always exist.

    I just think it’s amusing that a game offers a free polymorph with one of their crate bundles and they get hated for doing so.

    People with a gambling problem should be seeking professional help and not relying on forum trolls,Who’s main aim is create discomfort among game developers and players.

    Edited by Animar111 on April 2, 2023 9:19AM
  • Luth7
    Hmm I saw it the other way around, 8000 crowns for 25 crates is about right price wise compared to a 15 crate pack, you save 330 Crowns difference and get an ugly polymorph to go along with it with no RNG tied to that portion. Other polymorphs that are purchasable with Crowns (thus cannot be purchased with Seals of Endeavors anyway) range from 1000 to 2000 Crowns. Even at the lowest 1000 crowns, you're getting an extra 10 crates for 2000 crowns which is a little under 40% discount per crate to crowns ratio?
    Animar111 wrote: »
    I thought it was a good deal I don’t see the problem 25 crate bundle and a guaranteed polymorph that’s awesome by the way reminds me of that horror film THE RING…..

    Just think it’s the usual case of trying to find the negative out of a positive.

    The prices on the shop are not generated by a market. It was high likely designed to exploit cognitive biases, like anchoring. If you have full control over pricing, everything can be arbitrarily made more or less valuable in the eyes of customers.
    If you like the visuals, just buy the assets (or the chance to get them). But please don't try to convince others that this is a "good deal", as no one out of the company knows how a good deal for those assets would actually look like.

    Most people also seem to overestimate the time and effort it takes to create digital assets like that.
    Edited by Luth7 on April 2, 2023 8:50AM
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