Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Things that annoy me... (feel free to add your own pet peeves)

  • whitecrow
    This loading screen. Someone made that art, and forgot a tiny detail about how loading screen layout works. Oupsie?

    Looks fine to me...
  • I_killed_Vivec
    People with companions who cannot control their companion's aggro.

    It's bad enough that they always aggro the boss (and seem to take priority over all other players), but they do it from a distance ... and then run.

    So now everyone is running around chasing after the boss, just because someone had to bring a companion to a WB fight.

    Not only that, but they don't have the intelligence to make use of synergies, in particular the DK's Shackle synergy. Oh no, don't want to hold it in one place so it melts away, let's grab aggro, pull it away from every one else... and then run!

    And no, you did not solo anything if you had a companion with you.
  • joergino
    One shot mechanics
  • SpiritKitten
    A lot of my annoyances have been fixed with addons.

    Being stuck in combat
    Combat pets are annoying, especially the matriarch.
    Having housing items like firelogs and basic brooms stuck behind the crown store
    The crown store limited-time items
    People asking for free money in zone chat
    People asking for help and then not responding when you offer
    Getting booted from server while crafting or turning in master writs
    Non-stacking treasure maps
    Having to run back and forth to get surveys and maps to respawn
    No furnishing bag to store all furnishings

    Mostly the game is awesome and I have loads of fun.
  • SpiritKitten
    People with companions who cannot control their companion's aggro.

    It's bad enough that they always aggro the boss (and seem to take priority over all other players), but they do it from a distance ... and then run.

    So now everyone is running around chasing after the boss, just because someone had to bring a companion to a WB fight.

    Not only that, but they don't have the intelligence to make use of synergies, in particular the DK's Shackle synergy. Oh no, don't want to hold it in one place so it melts away, let's grab aggro, pull it away from every one else... and then run!

    And no, you did not solo anything if you had a companion with you.

    This is fixed by having the companion use an ice staff.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Tia413 wrote: » kill a mob and try to loot it and if it's close to a Interactable Object you loot the Object before looting the mob

    This is actually a good thing - someone might steal that object from under your nose while you are looting the mob, but they can't loot the mob if you take the object first :)
    Tia413 wrote: »
    *Only being able to jump one inch high

    You need to get to the gym... work those thighs! ;)

  • Quackery
    I'm not aiming at the rat. I'm not aiming at the rat. I'M NOT AIMING AT THE BLOODY RAT!!! For the love of God, FIX THIS!!! I'm tired of wasting my procced skills and ultimates on wild animals that are A MILLION MILES AWAY OR BEHIND ME!!!

    I really, really, REALLY hate this aim priority.
    Edited by Quackery on March 16, 2023 6:16PM
  • Braggar
    This loading screen. Someone made that art, and forgot a tiny detail about how loading screen layout works. Oupsie?

    Hmmm? I see this in my game.


  • Sunegami
    I'm excited that we'll be able to hide shoulders soon, but what I'd really love to get rid of is those stupid hip guards on every single outfit. 95% of the time they just look like giant serving trays bolted to my hips, there are so many cool tops I just don't wear because the hip armor is atrocious :s
    Raava-daro [PCNA], a lithe leopard doing her best
    "Never steal from one who cannot afford to buy it back.”
  • whitecrow
    Bodies that continue to lie around even after the character has respawned.
  • Pelanora
    Npc Characters that continue to stand around, long after the quest has finished. Even when they're also busy somewhere else.
  • Braggar
    Sunegami wrote: »
    I'm excited that we'll be able to hide shoulders soon, but what I'd really love to get rid of is those stupid hip guards on every single outfit. 95% of the time they just look like giant serving trays bolted to my hips, there are so many cool tops I just don't wear because the hip armor is atrocious :s

    HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHLY AGREE! Man! Looks like gigantic uhmm car bumpers or something. I avoid most the armor sets, cause of this and ugh crutch/butt protections. I sometimes check the latest available armor sets in the list. But the design is really terrible. Weird taste.
  • wilykcat
    When I can't dye pants and shirts of costumes separately.

  • WaywardArgonian
    - NPCs bumping into me during a port animation, thereby cancelling it.
    - Players who whisper high-level players to beg for gold.
    - Stuck-in-combat bug preventing me from porting out of Cyrodiil or logging off, so I have to go via Imperial City or force-quit the game.
    - Finding the perfect combination of style motifs and then finding out there is no way to make the colors match as one of the pieces dyes weirdly.
    - That guy in Riften who was sent for me.
    - The 'complete 1 trial' daily Endeavor. I know I can choose another one but I just dislike it on principle as it's been a weekly before.
    - The 'complete [x] quests in [Cyrodiil town]' weekly endeavor. I really don't know who this is for. So bad gankers can farm PVE'ers?
    - The absence of an echatere mount.
    - Siege engines.
    PC/EU altaholic | Smallscale & ballgroup healer | Former Empanada of Ravenwatch | @ degonyte in-game | Nibani Ilath-Pal (AD Nightblade) - AvA rank 50 | Jehanne Teymour (AD Sorcerer) - AvA rank 50 | Niria Ilath-Pal (AD Templar) - AvA rank 50
  • colossalvoids
    - The 'complete [x] quests in [Cyrodiil town]' weekly endeavor. I really don't know who this is for. So bad gankers can farm PVE'ers?

    Reporting in, since endeavours launched have been ganked there on endeavour quests exactly zero times on pceu. Not sure if it's a regional thingy though or people past 27k health aren't that desirable targets overall.
  • Snamyap
    - The absence of an echatere mount.

    If it comes with the same migraine inducing shriek as the pet then please no.

  • MissPan3024
    From a housing standpoint…. We have so many architectural walls, ceilings, floors, doors etc. but not one single triangle. Really tough to create a building with a pitched roof without using triangles. Also, I would pay mad crowns for patches of healthy grass.
  • Quackery
    - That guy in Riften who was sent for me.

    Yeah, NPC's with quests stalking you is stressful because I never know if they're witnesses to thefts or murders.

  • katanagirl1
    On PS NA in Cyrodiil (and sometimes in PvE) when I finish the first battle and the combat music won’t stop - not after 45 minutes, changing zones multiple times, and logging off and switching characters. The battle music is still playing…
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • Displaced_Salad
    - The 'complete [x] quests in [Cyrodiil town]' weekly endeavor. I really don't know who this is for. So bad gankers can farm PVE'ers?

    Reporting in, since endeavours launched have been ganked there on endeavour quests exactly zero times on pceu. Not sure if it's a regional thingy though or people past 27k health aren't that desirable targets overall.

    Also reporting in, and I've been ganked twice in EU and once in NA in the last couple of months. Seems like some people need an even better hobby than ESO :D
    I_CraftwithPntButter: 2023 is the year your supposed to be doing better , remember ? Advice for the future : com·mu·ni·ca·tion (noun)the imparting or exchanging of information or news.KlauthWarthog: Well, they can definitely measure fun on their spreadsheets, otherwise they would not be able to nerf it so consistently.
  • Kendaric
    My list of annoyances:

    - The sheer amount of flashy glowing mounts/pets/skins

    - Players that choose the ugliest possible color scheme and look for their armor.

    - NPC stalkers like Stuga or the watch guy in Riften as well as quest giver NPCs that appear in multiple locations.

    - Being unable to turn off VFX for buffs/debuffs. Sorry, but I don't need or want a green glow around my feet after dodge rolling or a giant golden shield icon to indicate I or someone else is blocking or a glow around my arms/weapons when I'm empowered.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • LalMirchi
      The blinding FLASH TO WHITE effect. It's in a lot of places in this game and it is extremely annoying.

      I've combed through games settings but haven't found any setting to turn this flash off.

      This video effect is surely not compatible with accessibility guidelines. Light sensitivity in particular, I'm not light sensitive but this effect hurts my eyes.

      An option to turn this off would be very welcome.
    • Marcus684
      LalMirchi wrote: »
      The blinding FLASH TO WHITE effect. It's in a lot of places in this game and it is extremely annoying.

      I've combed through games settings but haven't found any setting to turn this flash off.

      This video effect is surely not compatible with accessibility guidelines. Light sensitivity in particular, I'm not light sensitive but this effect hurts my eyes.

      An option to turn this off would be very welcome.

      Agreed. This one of the biggest annoyances I have about the game. I now reflexively close my eyes when beginning to scry an antiquity and ESC out of the screen as soon as the last scry node is registered to avoid the flashes. I sent in a feedback complaint about this when the Antiquities system first dropped but I guess ZOS didn't see it as a problem.
    • Gargath
      Finding out that Heartland Conqueror Set, which at 5 items promises to "increase the effectiveness of Weapon Traits by 100% while not affecting only Ornate or Intricate traits", in fact also does not affect Infused trait with Oblivion damage enchantment.
      PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
    • Gadamlub14_ESO
      the game balance and class skills team. I swear its a goal for them to drastically change or break something that they then ignore feedback for every single patch.
    • mdjessup4906
      Npc snares. Ugh I hate hate hate being snared. Feels disgusting. Also unblockable knockdowns. Makes me think I missed block when I didn't.

      BAG AND BANK SPACE. I should not need to use my alts for gear storage with eso plus.
    • Braggar
      NPC enemies shoot with magic, arrows through walls and rocks. They never miss. But if I try this sometimes uhmm. Plus if a NPC archer shoots a arrow in my direction, and then I walk left or right, the arrow change the direction too. Yep makes sense.

      I deconstruct material. Jewelries Legendary level. I get zero chromium grains. It happened a couple of times now.
      I can deconstruct let say 20 x glyphs of the same kind, with one single click. But if I collected 20 x fish, I can´t fillet that with one click.WHY?

      The fact we can go fishing, but can´t use emotes at the same time anymore. I miss that! I never encountered any game issues, while doing it. So why is it over? Was rather funny to sit on a chair, dance, eat bread, sleep, drink mead, while waiting for a fish.

      I´m a housing fan in ESO. Uhm was! We usual ain´t got enough slots available, to decorate houses as we want to. WE NEED MORE SLOTS! Well the limitation killed the fun for me. I won´t subscribe to PLUS, in order to obtain more slots. So I just dump new furnitures in houses I own, with some space left and leave. What´s the point to offer more and more furnitures in the Crown Store, knowing many players ain´t got enough space at home anyway?

      The fact housing editor key settings reset, for new characters after shutting down the game. Futile to choose any.

      Edited by Braggar on March 25, 2023 12:53PM
    • Gargath
      Oakensoul Ring and similar pay to win items.
      PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
    • SilverBride
      Threads that complain about things specifically related to PvP and Cyrodiil without mentioning that fact in the subject line.

      Example: Saying "This Class is bad!" instead of "This Class is bad for PvP!"
    • HappyTheCamper
      Not being able to flay an entire stack of fish. I have like 15 stacks of fish in my bank ever since I got my Master Angler. Just waiting for them to let us…

      Edit: Xbox NA
      Edited by HappyTheCamper on April 7, 2023 1:47AM
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