Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Things that annoy me... (feel free to add your own pet peeves)

  • Displaced_Salad
    *cries* I feel so validatated,

    Adding to all the fine previous entries (especially those involving being stuck in combat), I have some issues with the Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood in general, but the heists and sacraments...hoo boy. Is it a me thing? Probably. Perhaps. Maybe.
    • The timed aspect of heists seems rather inconsistent. Some maps are a doddle and others seem rather unbalanced with a time limit.
    • A couple of heist maps feature traps that don't disarm. You get the audio and visual cues that they are disarmed, but then get caught in them anyway.
    • Guards whose detection area visual cues don't appear on the ground.
    • Being detected by a single npc, but getting multiple discoveries towards the limit of 5 during a sacrament.

    Self contained city areas that cause quest markers to point inside those borders instead of the actual target.

    ETA -Oh yes, that purge and it's counterparts have no duration. You can purge a negative effect in an effort to break from combat and immediately be affected again. All purge abilities should have at least some duration for protection.
    Edited by Displaced_Salad on February 21, 2023 12:14AM
    I_CraftwithPntButter: 2023 is the year your supposed to be doing better , remember ? Advice for the future : com·mu·ni·ca·tion (noun)the imparting or exchanging of information or news.KlauthWarthog: Well, they can definitely measure fun on their spreadsheets, otherwise they would not be able to nerf it so consistently.
  • Dragonlord573
    Quackery wrote: »

    *Disease pools that linger on for 30 seconds after killing zombies... For instance, when doing a dolmen and the entire area is covered with this disease pool that makes it impossible to move through...what is that?!? Or when it's a narrow hallway like in "Forgotten Crypts" public dungeon in Deshaan where such disease pools cover a large area that AGAIN makes it impossible to walk through... Cut it down to 5 seconds, not 30.

    Please! Doing Skyreach and having 30 Desecrated Grounds appear is crazy.
  • vsrs_au
    Others' pets flapping wings in my face, or swinging their tails in my face, in heavily-used areas. Learn some common politeness, people.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Riddari
    Floaty non impactful melee combat and animations. All the melee weapons feel like I'm waving a pool noodle around and just magically hurting something without even touching it.

    Its almost impossible to fix this given the state of the servers but imo a good simple start would be to increase melee damage but decrease melee range.

    Also add 1h weapon skills. Id be satisfied with just 1h + spell but ideally a melee oriented 1h would be cool too. Make a passive in the skill line count your 1h as 2 slots so you can still utilize armor sets.

    Finally actually being able to aim instead of auto aim would be awesome but will definitely never happen. Some kind of damage bonus or skill shot ability that you have to actually aim. (Seems like the arcanist beam spell is kinda doing this)
  • emilyhyoyeon
    misspelling khajiit. I know sometimes people can't help difficulties with spelling but omg this one still annoys me so much
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Snamyap
    Self contained city areas that cause quest markers to point inside those borders instead of the actual target.

    They should just pit in two separate markers, one for the destination and one waypoint.
  • Snamyap
    Had another treasure map for Blackwood just north of Doomvault Vulpinaz just now. Had Mirri in tow when I once again ran in to her past self still arguing with the Brigandine outside the Doomvault a year and a half later. Attention to details matter ZOS.
  • jecks33
    as a tank main I HATE maw infernal and sorcs atro. Countless times I asked Zos to make Maw visible just to the owner but... he is still on my screen every day.

    I hate the new sprint bug where my char or my mount sprint for 2 meters that stop, sprint, stop, sprint, stop, like if they hurt some invisible obstacle
  • akdave0
    Allow me to use both food and drinks at the same time, this would bring back the balance from the cp that you took away from us rather than choose just four.
  • Quackery
    Quackery wrote: »

    *Disease pools that linger on for 30 seconds after killing zombies... For instance, when doing a dolmen and the entire area is covered with this disease pool that makes it impossible to move through...what is that?!? Or when it's a narrow hallway like in "Forgotten Crypts" public dungeon in Deshaan where such disease pools cover a large area that AGAIN makes it impossible to walk through... Cut it down to 5 seconds, not 30.

    Please! Doing Skyreach and having 30 Desecrated Grounds appear is crazy.

    That's the reason why I'm not doing Skyreach and haven't for years. I don't want to call the anger management team to come with a straitjacket.
  • Veinblood1965
    Trying to jump and end up interacting with my companion. Nuff Said.
  • Pelanora
    Snamyap wrote: »
    Self contained city areas that cause quest markers to point inside those borders instead of the actual target.

    They should just pit in two separate markers, one for the destination and one waypoint.

    Quests where you look up the location and the map is just of a delve/dungeon without telling you where it is. So you have to click on zone guide, just to see which zone, and then peer at the zone map trying to find the delve/dungeon- only possible with an addon if you've not yet been there. Otherwise youre googling it. Nuts.
    Edited by Pelanora on February 24, 2023 12:13AM
  • Blkadr
    *cough* *cough*

    Stackable Treasure Maps, When? :D

    And! Only having to dig up 1 treasure chest that will contain the contents of every single map of that location in your inventory. No more running back and forth.
  • Braggar
    At first.I has to stretch my arms, and give you all a big hug at once . We just try to enjoy the game but....
    The ESO problems pile up, and no doubt even someone with strong nerves, lot´s of patience might explode soon or later. My biggest problem since Patch 33, are loading screens. Loading screens while I walk through cities, loading screens while I run around in woods, loading screens while I fight. Yes during fights, that is a huge problem. Dying cause of this ain´t fun! Especially if I enter a dungeon, with a group. I can´t help anyone during battles. I seriously has to wait, until that loading screen vanish?? Sucks a lot! Even less fun during trails. Worst part several loading screens, take 1-3 minutes! What the?? I really can´t say Patch 33 was a good idea.
  • Marcus684
    Braggar wrote: »
    At first.I has to stretch my arms, and give you all a big hug at once . We just try to enjoy the game but....
    The ESO problems pile up, and no doubt even someone with strong nerves, lot´s of patience might explode soon or later. My biggest problem since Patch 33, are loading screens. Loading screens while I walk through cities, loading screens while I run around in woods, loading screens while I fight. Yes during fights, that is a huge problem. Dying cause of this ain´t fun! Especially if I enter a dungeon, with a group. I can´t help anyone during battles. I seriously has to wait, until that loading screen vanish?? Sucks a lot! Even less fun during trails. Worst part several loading screens, take 1-3 minutes! What the?? I really can´t say Patch 33 was a good idea.

    I used to have lots of long loading screens until I got an SSD with my new computer. I immediately noticed a huge drop in the number and length of my loading screens.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Worst part of game is mount footsteps sound is completely broken when moving fast it breaks the entire games sound been like this for like a year.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • The_Boggart
    When crafting writ selection does not give the choice between leather and cloth, I have 6x leather to cloth but the writ gives cloth
  • Kesstryl

    How come this is not a thing yet...?

    ^^THIS, would love this to make up for the loss of my individual character achievements that I used to remember the stories of my alts.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • DTLight
    The writing of quests and overall stories just plummeted after the Daedric war arc. This is mostly, almost 100%, the fault of the Devs and Writers keeping up this genuinely bad idea of everything happening in whatever order you please. It's impossible to have any actual build-up that feels meaningful. Especially since it leads to your character being treated as a nobody *constantly*, even if they helped defeat Molag Bal, Kill dragons, travel to the Far Shores, and won one of Hircine's Hunts. There's no actual incentive narratively for accomplishing anything. It's frustrating, and I feel like I have to do almost all the narrative either in my head or by writing out my own stories.

    Kind of rambly, but this has made me upset since Daedric War ended and we went on to Elsweyr. Don't get me wrong, I love Season of the Dragon and Dark Heart of Skyrim. I just know things can be better, and I really just want *that*.

    So yeah, my biggest pet peeve is just the lack of continuity and narrative awards.
    PC EU - @Ender_Tender
    Sometimes I stream myself doing Vet. content/Normal trials -
    Gallaf ddarllen ychydig o Gymraeg
  • Dem_kitkats1
    MOUNT SPEED. It shouldn't take over a week of daily training and gold just to match the run speed of a toon.
    Edited by Dem_kitkats1 on February 28, 2023 6:28PM
  • LadyLavina
    Things that annoy me are watching the forums be 8 years of threads like this 65% of the time lol.

    Not griping at OP, it's just unfortunate that so many are

    Not sure if that's a "ESO's playerbase will never be happy" thing or a "ZOS needs to fix quite a bit" thing.

    Perhaps it's both lol
    Edited by LadyLavina on February 28, 2023 6:36PM
    PC - NA @LadyLavina 1800+ CP PvP Tank and PvP Healer
  • Pelanora
    It's carthartic. And who else cares, but people in here?
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    Always coming up with cool gear or mythic items just to sell the next DLC, then nerfing those items into oblivion after collecting cha-ching. Nerfing classes, skills, passive, everything in the interest of "balance" but the result is players become unkillable exploiting a different unintended effect of said nerfs, which results in lots of other players who never pvp suffering but doesn't address the intended nerf to "balance" pvp.
  • AliasRed
    Pet peeve.
    No Red Panda pet.
    No Red Panda mount.
  • Pelanora
    No new wolf pet. Huge black one. Huge white one.
  • The_Titan_Tim
    fizl101 wrote: »
    Swipe fish...swipe fish...swipe fish

    Master Angler here, 100% support this message.
  • Snamyap
    When crafting writ selection does not give the choice between leather and cloth, I have 6x leather to cloth but the writ gives cloth

    Buying the deconstruct assistant was way more helpful than I imagined in that regard. I pretty much deconstruct every light armor piece that dropped on every character I play and no longer run out of cloth for writs.

    I am now going to chastise myself for recommending something from the crown store.
  • Neoauspex
    Armory needs to save role
  • TechMaybeHic
    Other players that pull or knock back an enemy right when you go to hit them.

  • Dojohoda
    IRL, Stepping on an unnoticed bit of water while wearing nice clean socks.

    But regarding eso, usually the things that bug me most while playing are my fault such as crafting something wrongly. I saw that you mentioned aim priority for bugs. I will borrow that if you don't mind as my official pet peeve for eso.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
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