Things that annoy me... (feel free to add your own pet peeves)

A few things that irritate me to no end:

*Aim priority for bugs, rabbits etc when my aim assistant isn't even pointing at them. I'M NOT AIMING MY DAMN METEOR OR FRAGS AT THAT BUG 20 METERS AWAY FROM THE ENEMY THAT MY AIM ASSISTANT IS POINTED AT!!! It needs to be fixed, frustrates me to no end.

*Disease pools that linger on for 30 seconds after killing zombies... For instance, when doing a dolmen and the entire area is covered with this disease pool that makes it impossible to move through...what is that?!? Or when it's a narrow hallway like in "Forgotten Crypts" public dungeon in Deshaan where such disease pools cover a large area that AGAIN makes it impossible to walk through... Cut it down to 5 seconds, not 30!

*Mirri rapport being affected by picking up torchbugs and butterflies - remove it PLEASE! There are so many times that these godawful things have appeared out of nowhere after a fight and finding myself picking them up. It's a stupid mechanic to have Mirri be affected by picking up a reagent. It's the same with Bastian and his cheese, I keep forgetting that I have him summoned when I'm doing provisioning daily quests. Don't have things that affect the core part of the game VERY negatively, please.

For the love of God, ZOS, this is QOL that is needed.
  • Treeshka
    For those disease pools. I think they are called Desecrated Ground and they apply Desecrated Ground Snare when you are inside. For some reason these things also appear in Dreadsail Reef trial even. Where there are no zombies at all.
  • Thormar
    Forum Polls with no "Other" option.
    What if I go north? Disappear.
    Would you come after me?
  • El_Borracho
    The steady increase in stuns. They [snip] and should not be part of nearly every mob or trash pack in new content. Players hate stuns.

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on February 7, 2023 3:07PM
  • Quackery
    Treeshka wrote: »
    For those disease pools. I think they are called Desecrated Ground and they apply Desecrated Ground Snare when you are inside. For some reason these things also appear in Dreadsail Reef trial even. Where there are no zombies at all.

    I don't understand why it has to be for 30 seconds? It is so detrimental to the gameplay flow to get stuck in pools that cover entire areas.
  • Tandor
    Forum polls in which the OP's bias is transparently obvious in the wording of the options, and in which the OP then proceeds to contest every single post that expresses a contrary opinion to his own.

    Game-wise, the only thing that has annoyed me since I started playing at launch has been account-wide achievements. Not that they were introduced, nor even the way in which they were implemented. Simply the way that there was no engagement with the community over what was clearly a controversial issue.

    That one thing aside, and an inherent dislike of a core feature like the trading system being locked behind guild membership for no good reason, I'm fine with the game!
    Edited by Tandor on February 6, 2023 8:28PM
  • Destai
    Honestly, my biggest gripe is just NPCs that bother me. Stalking NPCs are the worst. They're particularly problematic in the base game, especially Bera and Darius in Alik'r. I also dislike all the DLCs where the same questgiver pops up in several locations. Gets a bit irritating when you're just cruising through the zone and I have to hear "GET AWAY FROM ME STUPID THING" in 4 separate locations, just meters apart. The NPC dialogues in this game get to be too much after a while, so I play their volume low or off entirely unless I'm questing.
    Quackery wrote: »
    A few things that irritate me to no end:

    *Aim priority for bugs, rabbits etc when my aim assistant isn't even pointing at them. I'M NOT AIMING MY DAMN METEOR OR FRAGS AT THAT BUG 20 METERS AWAY FROM THE ENEMY THAT MY AIM ASSISTANT IS POINTED AT!!! It needs to be fixed, frustrates me to no end.

    On console I feel like it's completely unforgiving otherwise. I have seen so many skills refuse to fire because the stringent window of space didn't line up just right. But no, that one critter gets the ultimate dropped on him. The targeting system has some weird priorities. I get tired of jumping when I'm just trying to loot an enemy too. Like why does it give me the option to loot something if it's not ready?

    I also feel like my skills don't always activate when I press them, which makes healing/tanking in any high pressure setting even more stressful. They really need to fix that already, it's been like this for over a year.
    Edited by Destai on February 6, 2023 8:35PM
  • Marcus684
    1 - Can’t mount because I’m stuck in combat.
    2 - Can’t use a wayshrine because I’m stuck in combat
    3 - Can’t open mail because I’m stuck in combat.

    I feel like there’s a common theme here…
  • wilykcat
    Thormar wrote: »
    Forum Polls with no "Other" option.

    Good one👍 also I agree.

    What pet peeve I got is when I'm doing a dungeon in Elderscrolls and then my cat walks across my keyboard.
    Edited by wilykcat on February 6, 2023 9:56PM
  • FeedbackOnly
    Pvp players in pvp gear trying to do veteran dungeons...
  • merpins
    Not having a dedicated house item bag, like the crafting bag, for all of my housing items, and thus I have to dedicate the inventory space of multiple toons + a lot of bank space ++ an entire house which just has stuff placed all around to free up space, making it annoying to work on new houses so I just don't work on my houses at all.
  • cyclonus11
    Delay when hitting "jump". I love hitting the jump button on my mount to jump over a river, only to fall straight in and then "jump" straight up while in the water
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    Account wide achievements. I loathe them with the ferocity of ten thousand burning suns.
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • jtm1018
    No elemental mechanics.
    Like, ice element does more damage to players using fire element staff, fire element does more damage to players using lightning staff, etc.
  • BretonMage
    Having to constantly swap between green slottable stars.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    jtm1018 wrote: »
    No elemental mechanics.
    Like, ice element does more damage to players using fire element staff, fire element does more damage to players using lightning staff, etc.

    Why would players take more damage from what staff they use? It makes a lot more sense for creatures made from fire to take more damage from ice. Players aren't made from fire.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • jtm1018
    jtm1018 wrote: »
    No elemental mechanics.
    Like, ice element does more damage to players using fire element staff, fire element does more damage to players using lightning staff, etc.

    Why would players take more damage from what staff they use? It makes a lot more sense for creatures made from fire to take more damage from ice. Players aren't made from fire.

    Exactly what I was trying to point out.

    But didnt explain quite well I guess.

    I wanted to say that elemental damage should apply to elemental base, ice base entity should take more damage from fire elemental base attacks.
  • Maitsukas
    "Target is immune" in the top right of the screen.

    Bastian being called Bastion.
    PC-EU @maitsukas

    Posting the weekly Infinite Archive vendor updates.

    Also trying out new Main Quests, Companions, ToT decks, Events and Styles on PTS.
  • Tantala
    I'll go with account wide achievements - particularly since they screw up the use of the map on if you are trying to run a second character through a zone. They are not even consistently applied to the zone features.

  • lusshtgarel
    Tantala wrote: »
    I'll go with account wide achievements - particularly since they screw up the use of the map on if you are trying to run a second character through a zone. They are not even consistently applied to the zone features.

    Gotta disagree with this one, it's quite helpful for dungeon achievements if your class falls out of meta before you complete all of them and things like Black Market Mogul.

    Now the most annoying things for me personally atm are the frequent being stuck in combat even after it's over, mobs running off after you turn to face them but rarely leaving you alone even if you run far from them and the dungeon queue which takes ages unless you're queuing alone.
  • Treselegant
    Class clown players. Fat Orcs in dresses wearing pots on their heads got old back in 2014. There's little variation on the theme: always a large male character crammed into the ugliest frock ever. Be more creative lads!
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    "Bastian being called Bastion.
    Yeah, I don't understand that one, especially when they've just seen it written correctly in conversation and they still spell it wrong. It's obviously a variation of the name Sebastian which most people are able to spell right? Even if it's done to be flippant - it just makes the character sound like a tough immovable object.
  • Highstake
    I hate it and it makes me uncomfortable when:

    - can't mount while crouching (stoopid).
    - can't mount while under invisible attack (stoopid).
    - can't call companion while mounted (so stoopid).
    - can't tp, because after almost a minute add been down, i'm still under attack.
    - can't use shrine, because after almost a minute add been down, i'm still under attack.
    - i press the button to gather resources, rigth after another and my char does nothing (aka surveys).
    - there is an almost invisible stair or little rock, that blocks my way, while normally half man tall walls can be run over.
    - i can't use bird of prey on my warden, without him pulling in-and-off all weps like a swiss army knife.
    - i bougth the new druid interactions. Why can't they be a little faster than the normal one?? 100 dam gems throwed away.
    - big adds and bosses don't scale to the number of players present. If so, take the the predefined number of rewards off, to prevent that 12 peeps groups get everything and solo players get pfff...
  • fizl101
    Swipe fish...swipe fish...swipe fish
    Soupy twist
  • Quackery
    Highstake wrote: »
    - i bougth the new druid interactions. Why can't they be a little faster than the normal one?? 100 dam gems throwed away.

    This one annoys me too. I wasted endeavor points on it and there are no benefits at all. I first thought it would allow you to do more ranged farming but it's exactly the same as before, just new animation. It doesn't even go faster, it's just pointless.

  • pottedfrog
    Highstake wrote: »
    - can't mount while crouching (stoopid).
    - can't mount while under invisible attack (stoopid).
    - can't call companion while mounted (so stoopid).
    - can't tp, because after almost a minute add been down, i'm still under attack.
    - can't use shrine, because after almost a minute add been down, i'm still under attack.
    - i press the button to gather resources, rigth after another and my char does nothing (aka surveys).
    - there is an almost invisible stair or little rock, that blocks my way, while normally half man tall walls can be run over.
    - i can't use bird of prey on my warden, without him pulling in-and-off all weps like a swiss army knife.....

    fizl101 wrote: »
    Swipe fish...swipe fish...swipe fish

    Hell yes to all of them :)

    My biggest pet hate though, is getting spammed with unrequested guild/group/duel invites without a single word from the other person. Has common courtesy and simple politeness gone so far down the tubes that people don't even say 'Hello! ..', 'Morning! ..', 'Hi..', 'Would you like to join our guild/group/ fight MEH! ?'. Maybe I'm just old, I am a Gen-Xer after all :wink:
  • Highstake
    pottedfrog wrote: »
    Highstake wrote: »
    - can't mount while crouching (stoopid).
    - can't mount while under invisible attack (stoopid).
    - can't call companion while mounted (so stoopid).
    - can't tp, because after almost a minute add been down, i'm still under attack.
    - can't use shrine, because after almost a minute add been down, i'm still under attack.
    - i press the button to gather resources, rigth after another and my char does nothing (aka surveys).
    - there is an almost invisible stair or little rock, that blocks my way, while normally half man tall walls can be run over.
    - i can't use bird of prey on my warden, without him pulling in-and-off all weps like a swiss army knife.....

    fizl101 wrote: »
    Swipe fish...swipe fish...swipe fish

    Hell yes to all of them :)

    My biggest pet hate though, is getting spammed with unrequested guild/group/duel invites without a single word from the other person. Has common courtesy and simple politeness gone so far down the tubes that people don't even say 'Hello! ..', 'Morning! ..', 'Hi..', 'Would you like to join our guild/group/ fight MEH! ?'. Maybe I'm just old, I am a Gen-Xer after all :wink:

    Tho you can auto deny duel and pity card games requests.
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    A lot of things...But to name a few:

    - AwA.
    - Being stuck in combat when the enemy is on the other side of the map.
    - Unnecessary load screens while entering some banks/NPC Guilds/districts,etc.
    - Survey maps.
    - The fact that mount training takes 180 days.
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • Mofasa
    My turn...
    • [snip] quest writings/mechanics.. Like just leaving the quest NPC in the same spot as they where when the quest ended. I can still see quest NPCs standing where I left them "years ago" and still have the same responses.
    • Flapping pets everywhere...
    • Quest text is not flexible and based on my char. If I do quests as a Khajiit, I want the quest text reflect that.
      Like when I do quests in Elsweyr I would be treated as a Khajiit, as one of them so to speak.
    • Not being able to select tune when /flute /lute
    • /drum only have one melody..
    • The cities being to quiet, the ambient sounds should be more lively. (Yes, I know I can turn up the volume but there is still to few sounds)
    • The devs not fixing old and well knows bugs...!!

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on February 7, 2023 3:08PM
  • gwdodd
    Pets (both combat AND non-combat) and the "parade" players insist on having following them around everywhere.
    Really. Irritating.
    Platform: PC
    Server: NA
  • Destai
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    "Target is immune" in the top right of the screen.

    Bastian being called Bastion.

    "Target is immune" is such an unhelpful message. Doesn't tell me what it's immune to or what the consequences are.
    Edited by Destai on February 7, 2023 5:46PM
  • SilverBride
    When players call out for help with a World Boss but don't say where the boss is.

    The symbol on the map rarely has the name of the boss in it and I haven't memorized which bosses are where. So instead of saying "Need help with Bad Guy" say "Need help with Bad Guy at Dark Cave". This will get help faster.
    Edited by SilverBride on February 7, 2023 6:41PM
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