Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Things that annoy me... (feel free to add your own pet peeves)

  • Nightowl_74
    The last couple days, rubberbanding. It's not normally a problem but so annoying when it starts happening. Especially how it seems almost malicious because I'm invariably about to click on something and "nope" suddenly back at the wayshrine completely disoriented from what I was doing.

    A little bit of fall damage and I scream like I'm dying, even though I'm not in combat or any danger at all. I don't mind a scream during battle if I actually am taking massive damage and near death.

    Everything aggros, even if I can kill it in five seconds. I'm used to it, but its annoying.

    I like to know the time of day in games, for screenshots mainly, and ESO has no clock.

  • Liedeke
    People who keep misspelling Bastian as Bastion. Not a big deal and I get the mix-up but it's still slightly annoying.

    And my biggest pet-peeve atm, when I res someone mid combat in cyrodiil and they do not decline or accept so I cannot res someone else for a minute. It's especially annoying since with my build I can res very quickly without too much risk but that is thrown out the window if someone doesn't react fast enough or at all. And I don't mean like a few seconds obviously, but someone waiting for 30+ seconds before accepting or declining is a pretty long time in an active fight.
    I get there might be reasons why someone is reacting slowly but it's still annoying.
    I'd love for an option where I, as the one resurrecting someone, can cancel my res if someone is taking too long so I can res someone else first.
    Edited by Liedeke on March 13, 2023 12:59PM
  • Nanasciro
    a pet that collects everything automatically would be useful, complete with a choice menu on what to collect
  • RedFireDisco
    PVP tanks that can do significant damage. If I put a 5 shot combo and they lose 10% health and they leap, execute and 2 shot me, then that's imbalance. A dps should have the exact same defense against a tank that the tank has against a dps because tanks should wet noodle. Skill should decide the battle

    Damn stuns. Hey, time to do the lorebooks for meteor or kill my spirit slowly by doing the Psiijic torture line. No probs, I'll just sprint between elements. HAHA, don't think it's that easy, We've got NPC stuns to slow your already tedious pain into a nice halt because... FUN!!!

    No empower for heavy attacks for PVper's. Mages guild passives should have been reworked to allow some benefit.

    Light armor penalties. There's absolutely no net benefit to light armor vs medium. Light should give a significant damage boost. Right now it's crit chance and pen vs crit damage and wep damage, & wep damage has several multipliers available, ergo; is superior with more resistance and NO penalties. Genius stuff.

    When I dismount my horse and then hit cloak only for it to cost 4k mag but not actually work

    When I get hit with a bleed effect and hit cloak only for it to not work twice in a row and cost 8k mag and leave me without the resolve bonus and make the squishiest class {magblade} even squishier because fun!!!

    When someone sneezes and cloak doesn't work

  • Kitziboo
    All the above plus the fact that dig spots don’t glow when you run past with the map in your pocket like the survey maps.
  • Ei8htba11
    Agree with so many of these. Here's one that kinda bugs me that will never be fixed, maybe it's just me..

    Having done blacksmithing, the fact that the anvil is so far away from the firepit in a lot of forges. You want to keep the heat, not wave the metal in the air as you walk over to the anvil..

    Ok, yeah, not important, it's a 'me' thing
  • DinoZavr
    right on the top of my iceberg:
    - flappy Twilight Matriarch. @ZOS, please, spray a repellent around banks, crafting stations and quest givers
    - annoying NPCs, ok, i even like Stuga as she deserves to be promoted to Companion, but Sorinne is a true overkill (please, add ingame "muted" filter and "unmute" icon for excessively vocal NPCs)
    - stuck in combat. often.
    - bugs not fixed for such a long long time, that makes them features
    - miserable house furnishing limits. the bigger house is, the more annoying the maximums are. Make smaller houses with bigger limits, maybe?
    - sudden brief ping spikes from 120..150 to 800..4000 mS
    - Cyrodiil performance. my toon dies from the hits the game client lags and displays way too late - postmortem
    - inability to hide flaps at the Outfit stations (please don't spend another EIGHT years to fix that, like in the shoulders case)
    - inability to effortlessly view staves styles at the Outfit stations as staff top is cut out
    - only FOUR slots for active stars in a Green Tree. It does not affect combat directly, please make these six!
    - inability to earn cosmetics by a gameplay as achievement rewards. total majority of mounts, personalities and costumes are CS exclusive (Seals of Endeavor are not OK as they are very slow to obtain and while we are slowly collecting them seals the desired goods may vanish from the CS)
    - the absence of the Guilds rewards. Guilds should have theirs competitions and leaderboards. They need more love from Zeni
    - the absence of AvA arena
    - the absence of new battlegrounds
    - the lack of inventory space (number of everything: recipes, furnishings, sets, surveys, treasure maps.. etc increases with each new Chapter, but bags/bank limits do not. why? is this logical?)
    - the lack of furnishing warehouse with thousands of slots. i have to buy houses and use them as a storage units, which is not right. also as we have no means to deconstruct furnishings: both selling to NPCs for cheap, or hoarding in "storage mules" are both inelegant approaches.
    - the lack of filtering recipes / furnishings by category

    and, yes, i still love and play the game, as it is still great, but it just needs some fixes and improvements :)
    PC EU
  • SilverBride
    One of my biggest pet peeves is players that no longer play the game coming to the forums and claiming how bad the game is now.
    Edited by SilverBride on February 11, 2023 6:38PM
  • wilykcat
    When old threads on the forums (from two weeks ago or more) get bumped.
  • DinoZavr
    oh. and one more thing: these two flashes when scrying.
    i have to close my eyes while they happen. @ZOS, please, allow to turn off this shiny effect in the game settings.
    PC EU
  • Lumenn
    Mobs that follow you halfway across a zone just to smack you once and become invincible unless you follow them ALL the way back to their reset spot. Just, why? They're trash mobs. If I'm going to have some ankle biters chase me that far and actually attack me let me squash them. If I can't engage, then let them stay in their place. It's like a developer added a big middle finger "how DARE you not stop every .5 seconds for this trash mob!"

    2nd? Bots. I know, I know, unpopular opinion, especially here on the forums where I have been "educated" quickly and rudely about how good bots really are for the economy . I just personally think if zos isn't going to be more active in removing them that zos should give it up and sell mats (except gold) in the same merchants that sell style(and for the same price) anything to kill the bots that are rampant on Xbox. It's gotten pretty bad.
  • DinoZavr
    Bots are, mostly, the Consoles bane.
    Playing at PC i have seen bots only once in three years, while "W$F is that?" videos from new console players are seriously common at ESO Reddit :(
    PC EU
  • Destai
    DinoZavr wrote: »
    oh. and one more thing: these two flashes when scrying.
    i have to close my eyes while they happen. @ZOS, please, allow to turn off this shiny effect in the game settings.

    1000% support. They really should remove it, just for accessibility reasons.
  • Quackery
    I will also add that my biggest frustration, BY FAR, with the game is crowd control. I've been playing some Mass Effect Legendary Edition to take a break from the game, and there are no words to describe how good it feels to not have to be knocked down/back, pinned down, rooted, bubbled, negated etc etc etc. Battle just flows soooo well and it's so much fun. I had forgotten how awesome those games are.

    I'll most likely start playing "Hogwarts Legacy" after ME; ESO is losing my interest rapidly nowadays and I don't think I'll be returning if I stop completely. I've taken break from the game before but it's different this time because I feel like I'm missing out on so many other games and on enjoying gaming as a whole. I'm done letting ESO torture me, I'm just over all the CC, it's not fun in the slightest. I barely log in nowadays, not even for daily rewards (which I've never done before, even when taking breaks).

    I just wish I could cancel my pre-purchase of the new expansion. I bought it on both Xbox and PC for nothing and I can't get the money back now. Ah well, those 100 dollars are worth it if it means having peace of mind nowadays.

    Anyone else on the verge of quitting the game permanently? If so, what is your reason?
  • SilverBride
    Destai wrote: »
    DinoZavr wrote: »
    oh. and one more thing: these two flashes when scrying.
    i have to close my eyes while they happen. @ZOS, please, allow to turn off this shiny effect in the game settings.

    1000% support. They really should remove it, just for accessibility reasons.

    These and the flashes that happen with some quests, too. I find these painful and don't always know when they are coming so I can turn away.
  • Lumenn
    DinoZavr wrote: »
    Bots are, mostly, the Consoles bane.
    Playing at PC i have seen bots only once in three years, while "W$F is that?" videos from new console players are seriously common at ESO Reddit :(

    Yep. I play both(but most of my time is Xbox. It has the years and crowns spent on it). I've personally seen bots 10-15 deep overlapping each other running around elden tree/vulkhel guard wayshrines. Mounting, running circles around players, speaking in unison (15 "hi" all at once). When they get bored showing off they port out. Thats not even counting them farming. Silent village in auridon, newbie zones etc.
  • BenevolentBowd
    *cough* *cough*

    Stackable Treasure Maps, When? :D
    Edited by BenevolentBowd on February 16, 2023 9:04PM
    Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
    Luxury Furniture Gallery [PC/NA]: Moon-Sugar Meadow, "Sharing My Notes With the World to Help Others"
    ESO Calendarmancer: (10+ timezones to choose from)
  • Bat
    When mount jumping over water - oops an insect that I stop to pick up instead

    When mount jumping over a ditch - oops an insect that I stop to pick up instead

    When mount jumping over water again - oops a fishing hole that my character had to get off the mount back to tell me I don't have bait for

  • Bat
    AzuraFan wrote: »
    Inability to stack treasure maps in inventory.

    Wanna know something even more annoying?

    Stolen treasure maps stack. :|
  • Alphawolf01A
    The camera spin when opening a crafting table. This just makes me nauseous. Times 7 tables for dailies, times the 11 toons I do daily crafting on. OOF!

    Add to that, the center of the screen "crawl" of,
    Craft ______
    Crafted _____
    Completed ____
    Turn in
    Sign invoice
    Quite often, I pick up the 7 dailies and have half of them done and the crawl is still going. Make it stop!
    I'm sure someone will say, "There is an add-on for that." I don't use add on or mods. I just think the crawl is unnecessary when the quest steps are already on the screen in the corner.
  • notyuu
    Bat wrote: »
    When mount jumping over water - oops an insect that I stop to pick up instead

    When mount jumping over a ditch - oops an insect that I stop to pick up instead

    When mount jumping over water again - oops a fishing hole that my character had to get off the mount back to tell me I don't have bait for


    literally how? spacebar and E are quite far apart
  • Amottica
    Thormar wrote: »
    Forum Polls with no "Other" option.

    Forum polls where all choices are in agreement with the OP.

  • Necrotech_Master
    notyuu wrote: »
    Bat wrote: »
    When mount jumping over water - oops an insect that I stop to pick up instead

    When mount jumping over a ditch - oops an insect that I stop to pick up instead

    When mount jumping over water again - oops a fishing hole that my character had to get off the mount back to tell me I don't have bait for


    literally how? spacebar and E are quite far apart

    probably console, since jump and interact i think are the same button (at least on some of the gamepad mappings)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Anumaril
    Probably when I put together a stunning outfit which *would* look perfect... if only I could hide 1 one of the gear slots. I swear most of my outfits have minimal shoulders because I've been waiting for years until ZOS finally adds a hide shoulder option for.
  • Anumaril
    Doing a quest and not being given any agency. I was playing through Shadowfen recently and was struck by how many quests have the red-text options where your decisions have a real impact on the game world. I feel like in recent Chapters ZOS hasn't done those as much, whereas in Shadowfen it felt like every other quest had a decision you could make (sometimes multiple!).

    It annoys me when I can't make the decision I would (or my character would) want to. I understand that giving the player the choice to side with the villain of a major questline would be difficult (but honestly, ZOS should consider doing this, it would be great and a lot of fun). But small, self-contained quests have no excuse for not allowing this. There's a quest in Alinor where an orc wants to spar with an Altmer noble, and before starting the quest I had a look at the UESP to see if we could choose to sabotage the orc and help the Altmer... there wasn't; we are forced to help the orc. I don't want to help the orc, I want to help the Altmer. To this day I've never completed the quest, yet it wouldn't have been a tall order to let us take a different path.
  • Rageypoo
    People who use the word "nor" when they don't know how to use it.
  • isadoraisacat
    Marcus684 wrote: »
    1 - Can’t mount because I’m stuck in combat.
    2 - Can’t use a wayshrine because I’m stuck in combat
    3 - Can’t open mail because I’m stuck in combat.

    I feel like there’s a common theme here…

    “Can not fast travel in combat”
    Or “can not rest in combat” is an elder scrolls
    Staple this is just esos version with in the series
  • Castagere
    Block delays because of performance issues.
  • Rasande_Robin

    How come this is not a thing yet...?
    PC/EU: Orcana "something"-stone
  • RevJJ
    When an NPC at the start of a dungeon has a quest marker over their head, but when you approach them they start reciting Homer’s Iliad and you have to wait 3-5 business days for them to finish their monologue before you can interact with them.
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