Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Things that annoy me... (feel free to add your own pet peeves)

  • pelle412
    The prayer shawl set is very annoying. When I pug dungeons, I turn off all sound so I don't have to hear it. Does it happen often? No, maybe once a week. It's the annoying sound effect when the set procs, and it can proc every 2 seconds. An overzealous healer will make that 2 second proc happen :)
  • Necrotech_Master
    Destai wrote: »
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    "Target is immune" in the top right of the screen.

    Bastian being called Bastion.

    "Target is immune" is such an unhelpful message. Doesn't tell me what it's immune to or what the consequences are.

    that message usually comes up when you try to use a cc ability on an npc that is cc immune, and its trying to let you know the target is immune to the cc

    if you have been playing a long time, its very obvious what is or is not immune to cc, but you get the message literally every time you use the skill (a good example would be dk talons, its great for dmg, but at the same time you will constantly get the "target immune" message from bosses)

    if on pc the "no thank you" addon can suppress that message lol
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • AzuraFan
    Horses that can't swim.

    Areas that force me to dismount, just to have to mount up again. (example: one of hollow logs along a path in Galen - why do I have to dismount, run for five seconds, and mount again? Who thought that this would in any way reflect well on the zone design and player experience?)

    Players casting stuff on me in towns. Happens when I'm just standing around, when I'm crafting, etc. If we can have a toggle to not view pets, there should be a toggle to prevent this crappy behaviour in towns.

    Can't do X while in combat.

    Inability to stack treasure maps in inventory.

    Longstanding gamepad bugs.

    No search on many screens when in gamepad mode.

    The map completion being tied to achievements.
  • Mik195
    Not being able to remove the quest markers for battlegrounds. I have no intention of playing a battleground and it means either (because I'm not playing) harm others stuck on my team (because I will not be playing) or be annoyed by the markers. Change the quest to end with talking to the contact, not having to play.
    Edited by Mik195 on February 7, 2023 8:16PM
  • shadyjane62
    Missed many dragons being stuck in combat. Just sayin...
  • Elvenheart
    After reading this thread I’m surprised to see all the things that should have annoyed me over the years. It makes what really annoys me seem so small, but here goes. I’m annoyed that we can’t accurately color the Psijic motifs like the outfits worn by the npcs because the dye channels are not correctly set on some of the motifs, notably the legs. There are these little triangle pieces that should be gold, but if you set them that way it also colors the leather parts that should be brown gold too, a glaring mistake. So to get the leather parts right my Psijics have to live with brown embellishments while the npcs get to have the correct colors. Oh, the horror! 🧙‍♂️
  • Destai
    Destai wrote: »
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    "Target is immune" in the top right of the screen.

    Bastian being called Bastion.

    "Target is immune" is such an unhelpful message. Doesn't tell me what it's immune to or what the consequences are.

    that message usually comes up when you try to use a cc ability on an npc that is cc immune, and its trying to let you know the target is immune to the cc

    if you have been playing a long time, its very obvious what is or is not immune to cc, but you get the message literally every time you use the skill (a good example would be dk talons, its great for dmg, but at the same time you will constantly get the "target immune" message from bosses)

    if on pc the "no thank you" addon can suppress that message lol

    I usually get it when using my frost staff, so I'm mostly aware of what's triggering it. It's just pointless for me. Appreciate the suggestion on the add-ons, but I'm on consoles.
  • Vevvev
    Destai wrote: »
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    "Target is immune" in the top right of the screen.

    Bastian being called Bastion.

    "Target is immune" is such an unhelpful message. Doesn't tell me what it's immune to or what the consequences are.

    that message usually comes up when you try to use a cc ability on an npc that is cc immune, and its trying to let you know the target is immune to the cc

    if you have been playing a long time, its very obvious what is or is not immune to cc, but you get the message literally every time you use the skill (a good example would be dk talons, its great for dmg, but at the same time you will constantly get the "target immune" message from bosses)

    if on pc the "no thank you" addon can suppress that message lol

    Or just DK in general lol. All of DK's Ardent Flame abilities apply a little snare meaning that tool tip will pop up for anything with snare immunity!
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Androrix
    Quackery wrote: »
    A few things that irritate me to no end:

    *Aim priority for bugs, rabbits etc when my aim assistant isn't even pointing at them. I'M NOT AIMING MY DAMN METEOR OR FRAGS AT THAT BUG 20 METERS AWAY FROM THE ENEMY THAT MY AIM ASSISTANT IS POINTED AT!!! It needs to be fixed, frustrates me to no end.

    *Disease pools that linger on for 30 seconds after killing zombies... For instance, when doing a dolmen and the entire area is covered with this disease pool that makes it impossible to move through...what is that?!? Or when it's a narrow hallway like in "Forgotten Crypts" public dungeon in Deshaan where such disease pools cover a large area that AGAIN makes it impossible to walk through... Cut it down to 5 seconds, not 30!

    *Mirri rapport being affected by picking up torchbugs and butterflies - remove it PLEASE! There are so many times that these godawful things have appeared out of nowhere after a fight and finding myself picking them up. It's a stupid mechanic to have Mirri be affected by picking up a reagent. It's the same with Bastian and his cheese, I keep forgetting that I have him summoned when I'm doing provisioning daily quests. Don't have things that affect the core part of the game VERY negatively, please.

    For the love of God, ZOS, this is QOL that is needed.

    Ha ha. This list is so great. So many times I have drawn back the bowstring for a power shot and got that little bug squeek. I am not sure if Mirri's rapport actually declines when you have maxed her out, but I certainly put her on the low chat setting and she doesn't...err..."bug" me about that anymore. The bugs hover around plants you harvest (as is right) and it is so easy to grab them by mistake.
  • MrGarlic
    - Invisible walls.

    - Dismounted just passing a wayshrine. I'm looking at you Murkmire.

    - Graphics de-syncs due to server lag. Especially noticeable with bow skills. Lethal arrow not landing until after the NPC is dead to other skills, even though it was the first skill to launch.

    - Target aim not being accurate when interacting with objects and NPCs. Reaper's March blacksmithing station or NPC 'Threg,' or the pedestals outside Erlibru's home in the Isobel quest. (Check them out Zos)

    Trading system needs a rework.

    EDIT: I almost forgot, NPC's who I am attacking who run through and behind me.
    Edited by MrGarlic on February 7, 2023 9:38PM
    'Sharp Arrows'Mr.Garlic
    Hidden by darkness, a shadow in the night,A sped arrow dissecting the gloom,Finding it's target, such delight.
  • katanagirl1
    Class clown players. Fat Orcs in dresses wearing pots on their heads got old back in 2014. There's little variation on the theme: always a large male character crammed into the ugliest frock ever. Be more creative lads!
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    "Bastian being called Bastion.
    Yeah, I don't understand that one, especially when they've just seen it written correctly in conversation and they still spell it wrong. It's obviously a variation of the name Sebastian which most people are able to spell right? Even if it's done to be flippant - it just makes the character sound like a tough immovable object.

    I have spelled Bastian as Bastion before and I am a stickler for spelling and grammar.

    Bastion is a real word so when typing I just space out and do that instead.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • WoodenHeart
    The name of the dead thing on the ground taking priority over anything else you're trying to look at.
  • Snamyap
    MrGarlic wrote: »
    - Dismounted just passing a wayshrine. I'm looking at you Murkmire.

    What annoys me the most is the sheer inconsistency with some wayshrines forcing dismount and others not.
  • ApoAlaia
    fizl101 wrote: »
    Swipe fish...swipe fish...swipe fish

    Screams internally...
  • Dr_Con
    when you interrupt something with a bash and it is now cc immune
  • FishForce
    That you can't abandon catwell silver and gold
  • xilfxlegion
    people that shop at old navy
  • Mofasa
    The name of the dead thing on the ground taking priority over anything else you're trying to look at.

  • gabbo1928
    Mobs that will chase you for half a mile (with you "in combat" the whole time), only to finally catch up, engage in combat for 1/10th of a second, then turn around and run back. Every enemy has a radius at which they will de-aggro, heal, and return to their starting position. Why can a mob chase you many times farther than that? The moment they are outside the radius where they would give up combat, they should likewise give up chasing you.
  • Snamyap
    The name of the dead thing on the ground taking priority over anything else you're trying to look at.

    Everquest had a /hidecorpse command, I miss that every day.
    Edited by Snamyap on February 8, 2023 4:09PM
  • Robvenom
    - Half Looted Treasure Chests.
    - Sorcerer Pets.
    - Negative Companion Rep for doing normal things.
    - Stupidly low Endeavour Point Gains
    - Too much in cash shop and not enough earnable rewards in-game.
    - Stuck in combat and cant mount.
    - The Events. Its all the same thing with a different name. Put some effort into them and make them special.
    Puppet the Peanut - Templar Tank/Healer
  • Destai
    Ok, some additional pet peeves:

    1. Mobs that chase you forever only to run around away once you hit them, or when they launch you in the air and run away.
    2. When my auto-cast of an AOE skill just lingers instead of completing, despite me being 3 skills past it.
    3. Having to press a skill multiple times to get it to activate.
    4. When the game stops recognizing input after zoning.
    5. "Group or instance is full" It's not.
    6. Fake tanks/healers who don't even pull good DPS.
    7. Any NPC that greets me right at a Wayshrine.
    8. The mere existence of Bera Moorsmith.
    9. Curtaros. Good vibrato bro, but how about no?
    10. Being dismounted in the outdoors. Looking at you Solitude Bard's College.
    11. Stuck in combat, so can't do basically anything else.
    12. Timed. Deals.
    13. When I auto-open a lock, it fails, and someone else rushes in right before my cooldown ends. Despite me standing right there.
    14. People rushing a resource node that I'm already walking towards. Or worse when I'm at it, but jump instead of harvesting for some reason.
    15. Mudballs.
    16. People who spam spells at the outfit station.
    Edited by Destai on February 8, 2023 6:06PM
  • duagloth
    The acceptance of what this game has become.
  • BaalMelqartu
    -People assuming in a random normal dungeon that EVERYONE wants to "speed run". In my experience, cleanly and efficiently clearing the map is usually quicker or the same amount of time than the mad dash, trying to run through all the mobs, letting group members die along the way just to get to the next boss to POSSIBLY save a minute of precious time. UGH.

    -Sorc pets. I run a sorc and don't use them, hate them. STOP FLAPPING IN MY FACE.

    -Only being able to jump one inch high.

    -Quest locations on my map and compass being completely unhelpful a lot of the time.
  • Mik195
    I'd like the option that once you grund a companion to max combat and rapport, you get the option to remove one if their dislikes (even if you have to give up their "perk"). So Mirri can comment that your potions are awesome so she's ok with killing torchbugs or Isobel decides stealing from thieves troves is fine.

    And can we remove treasure maps from thieves troves or let me destroy the map in the trove so I don't leave a nearly empty trove behind. (Yes, I can destroy the one in inventory but I always forget what one I'm looking for and keep going back and forth between inventory and trove. I play after work and my attention to detail is all used up.)
  • BaalMelqartu
    The name of the dead thing on the ground taking priority over anything else you're trying to look at.

    I felt annoyed as soon as I read this one, out of empathy.
  • barney2525
    Things that annoy me -

    Placement of interactable pointless books on top of crafting stations

    Placement of multiple items that are STEAL items all around NPCs you need to interact with.

    stones that are one inch high that stop normal walking or running.

    " Can't see target " because of a blade of grass.

    Bl;ocking the Player's view of the game - We can play in first person or third person. However, in Third person the whole point is then PLAYER wants to SEE what the character is doing. We are the PLAYER, Not the character. Trees and ceilings should NOT block what we see. Other games handle this just fine, Why not ESO?

    Going to the kitchen and finding out we are out of coffee

    Edited by barney2525 on February 8, 2023 9:11PM
  • The_Boggart
    Players not knowing how to use the boats& carts for transport
  • spartaxoxo
    Zone chat drama about minor things e.g. when someone opens a chest without looting everything.

    Hitting x to loot something but jumping instead of dying because a skill wouldn't fire or a bar wouldn't swap.

    That there's no filet all option yet

    That all motifs need hip flaps etc

    Biased polls

    Stuck in combat

    That the game doesn't tell you where previously acquired mage guild books, treasure maps, and surveys are on your map. Especially the surveys.

    Surveys don't stack

    Can't filter by unknown in guild stores

    No lore library for furnishing plans

    No way to break down old furniture or store it properly.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on February 9, 2023 6:34AM
  • Snamyap
    barney2525 wrote: »
    Placement of interactable pointless books on top of crafting stations.

    That reminds me: the stack of books right in front of the daily delve questgiver in Fargrave. 🤦

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