KitsuneShoujo wrote: »* Option 5: Other
PVP isn't as popular as devs and marketing gurus and promoters think it is.
It failed because it isn't very good. Most of the time it only provides dull, one sided, unengaging, low skilled PvP which beyond something to occasionally screw about in is not very enticing to anyone actually interested in PvP.
You are missing the option: "PvP players themselves destroy PvP, and destroy the PvP population!"
PvP is a failed concept to begin with, as most PvP players will use/exploit anything they can. Even if it is by means permitted by the game. This isn't because they are PvP players, but this is because of the mindset that most PvPers have. PvPers have the mindset to want to be the best, and will do everything they can to feel like they are.
While players that play for fun, will more and more move away from that type of play. As they play to have fun. There is no way to step into PvP and actually have fun, because PvP players won't let you. Not saying PvP can't have fun moments, or that PvP players aren't helpful to others. But because of PvP players, most of the time PvP is only an 'I-don't-want-to-be-here-anymore'-fest for everyone else.
No amount of 'fixing' will ever change PvP to become actually fun to do, for players who do not have the PvP mindset. Every MMO thus far has proven this.
Parasaurolophus wrote: »[snip] Reason - oakensoul rung. What is it like in pvp now?
Lol "blame the casual direction of ESO".
ESO has always been a casual game right since the beginning, and any attempt to say otherwise is silly.
Craglorn adventure zone - harder than others - failed as a concept.
Trials - I would say less than half of the player base actually do these.
Dungeons - people have been clamouring for story versions of dungeons for years now, again, because a lot of people don't like grouping up and doing content.
And then we come to PvP. The player base for this has been in decline for years. In the beginning, people did it because it used to be fun. Now it is just balls and zergs of players running around together killing another zerg. There's no strategy, there's no big aims beyond siege the hell out of whatever keep is nearest. It is just not fun. This is also because of terrible performance, undeniably. But the player base for PvP is probably less than 20% of the total players, probably less going by how wmpty the campaigns are most of the time.
Again, people have been asking for a PvE Cyrodiil for years, because they just don't enjoy it.
People play ESO for the questing and stories. For the lore. For the cosmetics, for housing. It is an online RPG first, everything else second. The devs know this. Hell, I am willing to bet even Battlegrounds are more popular than Cyrodiil.
ESO is never and will never be a hardcore MMO. IN PvP or PvE. The overland content is very very easy and casual, and the devs see their biggest player population and go for that. The concept of hardcore MMO is mostly a dead concept, and people who think they want punishing mechanics or big lots of PvP soon leave MMO's when they get what they want and they become a ghost town.
ESO has been kept alive for so long for two reasons - one, it's Elder Scrolls. And since Morrowind, ES games have never been hard. They have never had PvP or group dungeons or trials. People play it like it is an Elder Scrolls game. It has also stayed alive for so long by catering to the biggest part of the players. The players who play it for the reasons stated. They keep it going.
Should they abandon PvP? No, of course not. I myself have enjoyed playing around in Imperial City and Cyrodiil. But that doesn't mean it is ever going to be a hardcore PvP MMO.
Lol "blame the casual direction of ESO".
ESO has always been a casual game right since the beginning, and any attempt to say otherwise is silly.
Craglorn adventure zone - harder than others - failed as a concept.
I'll give you a real life scenario that just happened about 30 minutes ago. I have been toying with a vampire/nightblade...initially for PvP, but finally settled on really just farming at speed. Still had all the PvP was setup to come out of stealth...vampire stage 2 or 3 for the extra bonus.
I'm not...super familiar with IC, but thought I'd be ok-ish in the least close to the base. 10 minutes exploring around and doing ok (cp 1222) a different faction member, DK, stuns, whips, dead. Repeat that a few times...and I give up...again, still pretty close to the base.
I come back maybe...15 minutes later. No DK so cool...let's try this again. This time, a different faction member shows up...still close to the base. Luckily, creature were around, so I was able to shadow cloak skill out of there until I ran out of which time this same MagDK had tracked me down and destroyed me. I switched back to my farm build/skills at the armory, decon'd all the gear...never to return to any sort of PvP with this character again.
So there. That's why. That's why PvP is/has and will continue to fail, to me at least. IT'S JUST NOT FUN ON YOUR OWN. I get wanna be ruthless and relentless in combat..I really do get it. Makes no difference to the standard PvE-er just testing the waters of insta kill someone enough times they give up. If I wanna get stunlocked and destroyed or ganked out of no-where, I'll reinstall PUBG.
The fact that you need a completely different set of skill and gear, while understandable as PvE threats are very different then PvP threats, is also another reason. Who wants to spend all that time leveling up new skills and golding out gear just to get rolled over by folks who have played PvP for years? Too much of a time sink for ultimately one reward:'s just not worth it. And yes...I know you can rack up on AP...the same AP that is worth half the value of gold.
francesinhalover wrote: »hopefully pvp fails soon because pve keeps getting butchered because of it.
At this point i just wish both game modes were seperate, perhapes it would help the server too. but one can only dream.