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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

"PVP" and "Cyrodiil" Gets you Banned on Twitch

Wanted to keep this discussion going since the previous thread was taken down without explanation. SawmanUk made a video showing that he got banned on twitch during a bethesda live stream for typing "pvp" and "cyrodiil." Here is the original video:
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DejGbtZFkI&t=3s

1:03 "pvp" is banned by a mod
2:28 "cyrodiil" is banned by a mod
3:12 "cyro" is banned by a mod
Edited by SimonThesis on May 3, 2022 7:17PM
  • doesurmindglow
    Yeah this is really silly. Time to scale back that moderation. We need to be able to discuss PVP in a game that includes it as a major feature, obviously.

    I can understand people who are way off-topic I guess but just the words "PVP" and "Cyrodiil" cannot, in any right mind, be bannable.
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
  • neferpitou73
    I'd like an official statement from ZOS on this. Because if they did it, it's utterly pathetic and they should apologize.
  • SimonThesis
    I agree, we need an official statement explaining this. This behavior is disrespectful to the pvp community that has thousands of players in Pvp guilds.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin
    Edited by SimonThesis on May 3, 2022 7:06PM
  • neferpitou73
    I understand not wanting to talk about PvP during a primarily PvE update and even banning trolls. But we were promised an update and better communication following the incident in January.

    I don't think banning people for using the words "PvP" or "Cyrodiil" communicates anything besides an utter lack of disrespect toward a portion of your community.
  • Kalle_Demos
    Zos is once again trashing their paying customers? Quelle surprise.

    I don't even play PVP but I'm really sorry the company many of you have poured time and money into doesn't think you're worth their time and actively hides your voice. I'm really sorry. This truly sucks.

    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • aurelius_fx
    oof that was fast
    i'm bookmarking op's profile
  • TechMaybeHic
    They instantly deleted Twitch chats. Does it really surprise you threads get removed?
  • folko
    Wait what?
  • aurelius_fx
    forcefully shutting down threads just make people want to be louder about the subject, tbh
    some respect and a paragraph or two about it explaining the current situation would go a long way
  • SimonThesis
    The video explains the twitch situation pretty well!
    some respect and a paragraph or two about it explaining the current situation would go a long way

    Couldn't agree more the video and the previous thread has already been shared in over a dozen pcna pvp discords. A short statement explaining the situation and promising to do better would go a long way and would help fulfill their promise of better communication.
    Edited by SimonThesis on May 3, 2022 7:40PM
  • neferpitou73
    forcefully shutting down threads just make people want to be louder about the subject, tbh
    some respect and a paragraph or two about it explaining the current situation would go a long way

    If what is in the video is actually untrue there is no reason to not make a statement stating as such. Deleting the thread just makes you look guilty.

    Now whether people would actually believe that...
    Edited by neferpitou73 on May 3, 2022 7:41PM
  • Chaos2088
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • Jaraal
    You don't have to answer any questions that don't exist.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • neferpitou73
    Quoted post has been removed.

    Wait what?
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on May 3, 2022 8:00PM
  • Vystari
    Soul Shriven
    MODS.. just wanna say I LOVE CYRO AND PVP... it's like what I do in the game 90% of the time because I'm tired of PvE... so please let us chat about Cyro and PvP and all its goodness and potential greatness.. once the fixes happen... <3
  • Arthtur
    Well it didnt take long xD Dont worry they will post "ESO PvP Update – May 2022" after that.
    PC/EU @Arthtur

    Toxic Tank for the win :x
  • Ominer
    well, it was nice hearing from you @SimonThesis thanks for letting people know. I don't know if we'll be hearing from you again in the future xd
  • Starlight_Knight
    Zos - " as we move forward with our comunication efforts we are deleting questions and subjects we dont want to talk about, from now on PVP shall outlawed and those who participate in such events will be shunned by the wider comunity. Please keep twith chat and forums as a positive as you can, khajiit rollplay is encouraged. Negativity and referances to pvp will be ignored and concidered toxic "

    This whole post will self destruct when a mod finds it.

    Love you :)
  • BlossomDead
    Woah woah, pvpers. They are working on it.
    - A great classic was saying.

    Is this how they are working on it?

    It feels odd to be contributing towards someone's salary that just wants to see you go.
    Edited by BlossomDead on May 3, 2022 8:07PM
  • Dojohoda
    We need an explanation about why Bethesda bans those particular ESO game terms during a twitch livestream.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    My reply to this thread has disappeared
  • SimonThesis
    ^ This is how communication with the community will be improved it seems.

  • BlossomDead
    We shall be known as the PVπ players from now on.
    Edited by BlossomDead on May 3, 2022 8:13PM
  • neferpitou73
    Just want to point out that on the day when we should be talking about new server hardware we're talking about this.

    Why does ZOS continue to create these controversies for themselves?
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    If certain words are no longer welcome on their twitch feeds, we have the right to know what those words are, in order to remain within the realm of acceptance.
  • Wolfpaw
    This is exactly how Riot will win the PvP community here if we always get shut down. Not a bash on ZOS, just saying it would be nice to have discussions and Q&A w/o worrying a comment will get you 86'd.
    Edited by Wolfpaw on May 3, 2022 8:31PM
  • VarisVaris
    I guess they had to make it clearer they don't want pvp to exist guess they thought people would get the hint when they didn't nerf magdk on pts.

  • Rogue_WolfESO
    ^ This is how communication with the community will be improved it seems.


  • Synaptic
    So they can't ban us for discussing "disciplinary actions" (let's be honest there was nothing to discipline in that video) taken on Twitch.tv which is not their platform so instead they just disappear the thread entirely.

    Imagine treating the PvP community so poorly just because they dare ask for something that is being "worked on" since 2015 (you can look that up btw right here on the forums)

    Nice one Mods.

    Edited by Synaptic on May 3, 2022 8:21PM
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    Someone reading the thread reported me to zos for discussing discipline. Lmao
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