Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

PTS Update 33 - Feedback Thread for Account Wide Achievements

  • wolfie1.0.
    Its more than just reduced playtime. its reduced incentive to play. Since this was announced i have found it difficult to login.
    silvereyes wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    I truly can't understand how there are people that are so against those of us that simply still want to be able to see what our individual characters have done in game.
    I don't want to put words into others' mouths, so if any of the following is inaccurate, please correct me.

    From what I've been able to glean reading others' posts, the main point of contention from people who are actively against keeping any sort of character tracking in achievements is that it defeats the point of what they want in an account-wide achievements system. They have a goal of completing all the achievements, of checking all the boxes. It's why they play the game, and it's what they find fun.

    They would like to try new characters, but any time they create a new character, it would create a brand new, empty checklist to fill in.

    One might tell them to simply ignore the character achievements and set their goals based upon earning all account achievements, but that's not how the completionist mindset works. As long as the game offers checkboxes somewhere, the fact that some are empty will compel such players to want to check them all, even if they are hidden.

    Would these players survive if character-specific tracking were added? Probably. The situation wouldn't be any worse for them than live is today, and it would have the added benefits for them of at least account-wide titles and achievement vendors. But it would be sad for them, after getting their hopes up that they would finally be able to make new characters without killing their completionist progression.

    I fail to understand exactly how they will be appeased by doing this. Even Account wide achievements are an illusion, because as long as ESO continues new achievements will be made, with likely increasing difficulty. the Only way to 100% any MMO is for it to close down. I understand the appeal i really do.

    but also consider this. If an achievement that was difficult is now easier to gain because of the change does that achievement hold the same value? if its easier to get Godslayer on a Templar than a Sorcerer and i achieve it on my stamina sorc instead of my magicka templar is the value the same? probably not. I would also add that sometimes there is more value in NOT achieving something. a character that is committed to not stealing or not killing has no proof of their commitment now.

    Really at the end of the day all this does is devalue achievements as a whole. So what if you "say" you can trifecta on all of your characters regardless of build. you can't prove it.

  • DarcyMardin
    If you have a "No Kill" character, like I do, and you use the Character achievements kill counts to validate that character's clean sheet, then you are [snip] out of luck, like I am. All I did with him on PTS is log in, and suddenly ...

    Live NA


    This is what moving the goal posts after 8 years does.

    I know this is a bit niche, but it is an example of playing the game as you want to play.

    Oh jeez, you’re right. I made a “no killing” character, too, because I thought it would be a cool challenge to see how far I could level without shedding any blood. (So sue me…but I’ve been playing this game every day for 8 years…subscribed!). I love looking at his blank kill count achievements page. Now he will be a killer without ever hurting a fly. :(:(

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on February 6, 2022 11:31AM
  • Kesstryl
    What happens if two characters completed a story quest and got the achievement? Will it display the first char who did it, or the second? This matters to me as a RPer because I consider the first character to have completed that story to belong to that char. The second play through is just me wanting to do the story again because I enjoyed it, like re-watching a favorite movie, but I don't consider it as being part of the second character's story (if anything the second char is having a dream, so to speak). I wouldn't want the wrong alts to get the achievements listed for RP purposes. This is such a mess they need to hold off on this until they can come up with a better solution.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Tandor
    wolfie1.0. wrote: »
    Its more than just reduced playtime. its reduced incentive to play. Since this was announced i have found it difficult to login.
    silvereyes wrote: »
    tmbrinks wrote: »
    I truly can't understand how there are people that are so against those of us that simply still want to be able to see what our individual characters have done in game.
    I don't want to put words into others' mouths, so if any of the following is inaccurate, please correct me.

    From what I've been able to glean reading others' posts, the main point of contention from people who are actively against keeping any sort of character tracking in achievements is that it defeats the point of what they want in an account-wide achievements system. They have a goal of completing all the achievements, of checking all the boxes. It's why they play the game, and it's what they find fun.

    They would like to try new characters, but any time they create a new character, it would create a brand new, empty checklist to fill in.

    One might tell them to simply ignore the character achievements and set their goals based upon earning all account achievements, but that's not how the completionist mindset works. As long as the game offers checkboxes somewhere, the fact that some are empty will compel such players to want to check them all, even if they are hidden.

    Would these players survive if character-specific tracking were added? Probably. The situation wouldn't be any worse for them than live is today, and it would have the added benefits for them of at least account-wide titles and achievement vendors. But it would be sad for them, after getting their hopes up that they would finally be able to make new characters without killing their completionist progression.

    I fail to understand exactly how they will be appeased by doing this. Even Account wide achievements are an illusion, because as long as ESO continues new achievements will be made, with likely increasing difficulty. the Only way to 100% any MMO is for it to close down. I understand the appeal i really do.

    but also consider this. If an achievement that was difficult is now easier to gain because of the change does that achievement hold the same value? if its easier to get Godslayer on a Templar than a Sorcerer and i achieve it on my stamina sorc instead of my magicka templar is the value the same? probably not. I would also add that sometimes there is more value in NOT achieving something. a character that is committed to not stealing or not killing has no proof of their commitment now.

    Really at the end of the day all this does is devalue achievements as a whole. So what if you "say" you can trifecta on all of your characters regardless of build. you can't prove it.

    It devalues a lot more than achievements, for a lot of people it devalues the game itself by removing a significant part of their gameplay.
  • HumbleThaumaturge
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    What happens if two characters completed a story quest and got the achievement? Will it display the first char who did it, or the second?


    To see which character got credit for an Achievement, move the cursor over the achievement until the "Earned by:" popup appears.

    I'm still going through achievement lists on the test server (PTS): I logged in my main character first, then I logged-in the remaining 17 characters (from top to bottom), without any consideration of their relative seniority (achievement-wise). I then deleted 1 character and created a new (non-Template) character. I have been looking through the achievements of this new (level 3) character: the collective Achievements of all characters seem to be there.

    At first, I thought that the date and "Earned by:" credit for the achievement were from the first character with that achievement to get logged-on. After further study, this is not true. For example, the first character I logged-on was my "main" character, who had all of the Skyshard achievements. However, after logging-on the other 17 characters, I noted that the skyshard achievements are now credited to the character who completed the achievement on the oldest date. So, it looks like you cannot choose which character gets "Earned by:" credit; credit is going to the character who got the achievement first.

    Hope this is correct: I'm still learning about the change (by comparing achievements between "live" and "PTS").
    Edited by HumbleThaumaturge on February 5, 2022 8:30PM
  • HumbleThaumaturge
    Someone has probably already mentioned this, but I'll post it anyway:

    In short: I think the achievement under Crafting/Alchemy for knowing the ingredient traits should be changed from account-wide achievements to characters-specific achievements.

    On the test server (PTD), I logged-on all 18 characters. Then I deleted 1 character and created a new (level 3) character.

    I noted that the new level 3 character got credit for all of the Crafting achievements, except for Enchanting. That is, Enchanting crafting achievements are character-specific, and not account-wide. In contrast, "General," Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Clothing, Enchanting, Jewelry, Provisioning, Jewelry, Woodworking, and Outfitting are account wide (i.e., the new character is born with these achievements completed).

    While my new character was born with all the Alchemy achievements completed, they did not have credit for knowing the 4 traits of each alchemy ingredient. Since this is the case, I would recommend that the Alchemy achievements related to knowing alchemy ingredient traits be character-specific, and not account-wide. For example, since a new character is born not knowing the 4 Torchbug traits, it would be logical that they also don't yet have the "Torchbug Thorax" Alchemy achievement (yet they do with this update).
    Edited by HumbleThaumaturge on February 5, 2022 8:09PM
  • Tandor
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    What happens if two characters completed a story quest and got the achievement? Will it display the first char who did it, or the second?

    The date of the (global) achievement will be for the first character with that achievement that is logged-in after the Update. There will be no indication of which character gets "credit" for the achievement, just the date.

    I'm still going through achievement lists on the test server (PTS): I logged in my main character first, then I logged-in the remaining 17 characters (from top to bottom), without any consideration of their relative seniority (achievement-wise). I then deleted 1 character and created a new (non-Template) character. I have been looking through the achievements of this new (level 3) character: the collective Achievements of all characters seem to be there, with the achievement date being the date for the first character with that achievement who got logged-in.

    Again, this update does not display which character got the achievement, just a date.

    On the contrary, there is both the date and - if you hover the cursor over the right spot, at least on PC - the name of the character who got it on that date. If you delete that character then the date remains but the character's name has gone as it no longer exists. At least, that was how it worked when I tested it in relation to a rare fish achievement.
  • HumbleThaumaturge
    Tandor wrote: »
    On the contrary, there is both the date and - if you hover the cursor over the right spot, at least on PC - the name of the character who got it on that date. If you delete that character then the date remains but the character's name has gone as it no longer exists. At least, that was how it worked when I tested it in relation to a rare fish achievement.

    Thanks for tip. I did not know about the "Earned by:" pop-up that appears when you move the cursor over the achievement. I have corrected my post. Thanks again.
    Edited by HumbleThaumaturge on February 5, 2022 7:49PM
  • Jaraal
    ealdwin wrote: »
    The other thing that needs added is a Setting to Hide Account-Wide titles. All this would do is change the dataset available in the title drop down in the character tab. With Hide Account-Wide titles on, players would only be able to see and use those titles which that character has earned.

    If account wide titles goes live, I would like to see what you describe..... but for other players.

    [ ] Show all titles displayed by other players' characters
    [x] Show only titles earned by other player's specific character

    so that the current system of earned titles can go forward.... if the individual chooses.
  • Mix
    Did you notice any achievements were missed or didn’t get captured the way you expected?
    At least one achievement didn't register for the first character logging in because it said "Earned by: 2nd character" rather than my first character. Characters had skyshard achievements they shouldn't have...based on what I understood these were supposed to be by character and not account wide. Many achievements were not handled as I expected (see general feedback below)

    Did you find your current Motif and Enchantment knowledge?
    Motifs in library yes, but on the announcement it sounded like the achievements for motifs were character specific. Enchantment knowledge is clearly character specific.

    Is it clear which achievements are still character-centered?

    Do you have any other general feedback?

    First off, different types of achievements need to be handled differently
    1. True Account-Wide Achievements: dropped collectibles like fishing and trophy collections, do "x" number of dailies or tasks, pickpocketing "x" times, etc. Basically, achievements whose completion has no effect on anything else. These would display as in-progress until completed and then would be complete and it really doesn't matter which character(s) contributed or not. For example the header banner for Account-Wide and Character tracked should be visibly different. (you could stick with the a multiple-head vs single head thing, or just multiple heads because there are fewer True Account-Wide achievements.
    2. Everything else needs to be tracked by character. If one character completes the achievement, the "look" of the achievement changes for all others, the points and rewards are given to all BUT it is not complete on the other character, clicking/mousing will show all the characters who have completed it. For example: currently completed is White Text and Incomplete is grey text, single-character is blue text header with a little head. Keeping with the them, mark true account wide with heads or head in a circle or something and selecting it will note it is account wide. keep the text and icon grey until complete and then colour it blue. For non-account wide style: one character has completed, either add colour/icon to the title, just turn the points white but keep the title grey and on mouse-over, the character(s) who have completed it will be listed. All the rewards/points are counted on all characters but you can still see specifically which character has done it and can track your progress. I could probably insert a terrible paint edit but hopefully the description is enough.
    3. This third type may not exist depending on what you intended. Alchemy traits, currently account wide but the actual knowledge is not. If you want this type to by truly account wide you need to then give ALL the characters on the account the actual trait knowledge. This may work very well with discovery of locations which could be shown on an alt's map but not marked complete where applicable. For Example: All striking locales can be marked in white but delves would be the black with white outline until that player clears the delve.

    I feel the true reason for wanting account-wide achievements is two-fold (maybe three-fold lol).
    1. To be able to progress an achievement using multiple characters (ie. complete 100 dailies for So-and-So)
    2. To not lose points and rewards when swapping main characters (ie. new class comes out and you love it, but your previous character has all the titles)
    3. To not have to repeat doing things like learning Alchemy Traits or discovering locations that have no associated quest.

    Gosh, I hate to say it, but please take a look at how WoW has done their account-wide achievements. I haven't played since 2014 when I switched to ESO but true-account wide vs some characters completed/tracked per character type achievements. It makes no sense to have a character who is brand new have ALL the story-quest achievements completed (some of these give skill points too), rather show that a different character has, but make it visually different so the new character can track their way along too (and get the achievement completed splash too)
  • HumbleThaumaturge
    After logging in all 18 characters on test server (PTS), I deleted 1 character and created a new (level 3) character.

    I just noticed that a new character is now born with "eidetic memory" (the ability to use Lore Library to see all books). This ability is earned (was earned) by completing the Mages Guild quest sequence and getting the "Arch-Mage" achievement. Apparently, now that a new character is born with the "Arch-Mage" achievement, the character also is born with "eidetic memory."

    Are there any more examples like this? (Of quest lines or activities that now have zero reward for completion by a new character.)
  • silvereyes
    Apparently, now that a new character is born with the "Arch-Mage" achievement, the character also is born with "eidetic memory."

    Are there any more examples like this? (Of quest lines or activities that now have zero reward for completion by a new character.)
    Not that the eidetic memory thing isn’t weird, but don’t mages guild quests still grant guild reputation for leveling mages guild?
  • Wolf_Eye
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Apparently, now that a new character is born with the "Arch-Mage" achievement, the character also is born with "eidetic memory."

    Are there any more examples like this? (Of quest lines or activities that now have zero reward for completion by a new character.)
    Not that the eidetic memory thing isn’t weird, but don’t mages guild quests still grant guild reputation for leveling mages guild?

    I was under the impression that any skill lines that have points added through quest progression no longer do so, but I haven't actually had the chance to test this so I cannot be 100% sure.

    I think the easiest way to do so would be to have the mages questline completed on one character, log into a new toon, and then see if that new toon gets skill progression points for completing the first couple of Mage's Guild quests. And this might also be applicable to Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Fighter's Guild, etc. and their respective guild quests too.
  • HumbleThaumaturge
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Not that the eidetic memory thing isn’t weird, but don’t mages guild quests still grant guild reputation for leveling mages guild?

    If I remember correctly, Mages Guild levels up only by finding lorebooks, not by completing mages guild quests.
  • Mix
    Jaraal wrote: »

    Yes, and let those who opt out and prefer having character specific achievements have their own perks. Like, let our titles reflect how many times we got the achievement on a different toon. "6 Time Emperor," "16 Time Master Fisher," "10 Time Flawless Conquerer," etc. It would give us reason to keep grinding... to keep updating our titles... while those who don't care and just want to do in-game things once can have their shared one time titles.

    That's an excellent idea to deal with the title issue. I know people who change mains, but don't have time to go back and do everything the previous main did want the points and titles. This suggestion though would let them get their title on their new main AND put a nod towards those who have done the title achievement multiple times.
  • KMarble
    When I first heard about the global achievements I thought it was cool that they were giving something that people wanted. Personally, it was never something I wanted, but I was OK with it - until I saw and read about the implementation.

    This seems, to me, as something that was originally created to stay in the PTS only as a solution for the people who go there to test cosmetics and housing.

    For example: being able to buy furnishing plans from Rolis and Faustina. Before the last PTS cycle we had to get vouchers on the template char, deposit those and log onto our main/most accomplish char to buy them. That, and other similar situations were mostly solved by adding new achievement items to the inventory of the max CP template chars.

    On PTS all those "side-effects" of global achievements would, in most situations, not even be known, and irrelevant for the most part.


    I too, as someone else posted above, lost the impetus to play the game. Granted, it's partially due to the many, events that become less eventful as more are added.


    This week feels like it has dragged on forever, and the deafening silence from the devs is worrisome. I know it's early to come up with strategies on how to move forward, but I am.

    As it stands, the alter-egos of my "main" will only serve the purpose of trying out other classes. I can have each character be dedicated to each aspect of the game, which in turn helps with inventory. In my case my "main" will no longer need to carry around a stealing, tanking and PvP sets. That frees up 37 slots (way more than what I'd gain if I bought the two inventory pets).

    The way I'm planning things if this goes through will change what I choose to buy from the crown store. I'll have no need for extra character or armory slots, no need for inventory pets and the desire to buy new houses also goes down.


    I'm terribly sorry for those of you who accomplished so much on so many different characters. I'm upset for the potential of what could be that is going to be denied to me, but I"m heart broken for you guys who actually got there and will now have your efforts erased.
  • spartaxoxo
    Hey does anyone know about how this change interacts with event achievement npcs like the adoring fan or Choixith? Some of them don't return after their achievement has been gotten, right?
    Edited by spartaxoxo on February 5, 2022 8:47PM
  • Wolf_Eye
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Hey does anyone know about how this change interacts with event achievement npcs like the adoring fan or Choixith? Some of them don't return after their achievement has been gotten, right?

    I've already confirmed the problems with Melina Cassel and Adoring Fan in a previous post.

    And yes, they will indeed treat Character B as if they are Character A.

    Here, I will add quotes from my previous post:

    Melina Cassel appears in Markarth for the Friend In Deed achievement.

    She does not give a quest, instead, her dialogue is directly attached to the achievement itself.

    I have already tested this.

    1. I did not have the achievement starting off.
    2. I went onto Character A and talked to her. I got through her first dialogue stage and got 1/5 completion on the achievement
    3. I then switched to Character B (a brand new character). I found her and talked to her.
    4. Instead of treating Character B like a new person, she treated them as though they were the same as Character A, and the dialogue went on to the second dialogue stage.
    Spent so long on Blackwood roads trying to find Adoring Fan (With Character B that I list below). Blackwood seems extra large when you don't have riding training.

    I finally found him Just as I suspected, he worked exactly like Melina did.

    1. I already previously had 1 set of dialogue completed on an already existing Character A, so the quest in my log read 1/5
    2. Used Character B (a brand new character. Literally only born today). Talked to the Fan with Character B
    3. He starts off immediately with his 2nd set of dialogue, treating Character B as though they are Character A.
    ("Remember me?" No, Mr. Fan, I do not remember you. This is literally a new person)

    I have never tried Choixith, the shadowscale from Murkmire, but if I had to guess she would probably act the same as Melina and the Adoring Fan.
    Edited by Wolf_Eye on February 5, 2022 8:56PM
  • tomofhyrule
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Hey does anyone know about how this change interacts with event achievement npcs like the adoring fan or Choixith? Some of them don't return after their achievement has been gotten, right?

    We do know that Melina Cassel is stuck in her "I talked to you 5 times" dialogue, so it seems likely.

    Someone did find the Adoring Fan for a second dialogue, so it's looking like that's a yes.
    Wolf_Eye wrote: »
    Spent so long on Blackwood roads trying to find Adoring Fan (With Character B that I list below). Blackwood seems extra large when you don't have riding training.

    I finally found him Just as I suspected, he worked exactly like Melina did.

    1. I already previously had 1 set of dialogue completed on an already existing Character A, so the quest in my log read 1/5
    2. Used Character B (a brand new character. Literally only born today). Talked to the Fan with Character B
    3. He starts off immediately with his 2nd set of dialogue, treating Character B as though they are Character A.
    ("Remember me?" No, Mr. Fan, I do not remember you. This is literally a new person)

    I'm sorry I'm just....I'm so tired.

    Please give me Melina Cassel back.

  • proprio.meb16_ESO
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Hey does anyone know about how this change interacts with event achievement npcs like the adoring fan or Choixith? Some of them don't return after their achievement has been gotten, right?

    ofc if the achievement is account wide and you do the same area on different toons you'll complete achv steps in parallel...
    those are examples of content exclusively tied to achievements (they're not even quests)... if achievement is account based, only one char will be able to see each of the steps, and if you get all on your main, it won't appear to any other toon.
    Edited by proprio.meb16_ESO on February 6, 2022 12:07AM
  • Bragerth
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    What happens if two characters completed a story quest and got the achievement? Will it display the first char who did it, or the second?


    To see which character got credit for an Achievement, move the cursor over the achievement until the "Earned by:" popup appears.

    I'm still going through achievement lists on the test server (PTS): I logged in my main character first, then I logged-in the remaining 17 characters (from top to bottom), without any consideration of their relative seniority (achievement-wise). I then deleted 1 character and created a new (non-Template) character. I have been looking through the achievements of this new (level 3) character: the collective Achievements of all characters seem to be there.

    At first, I thought that the date and "Earned by:" credit for the achievement were from the first character with that achievement to get logged-on. After further study, this is not true. For example, the first character I logged-on was my "main" character, who had all of the Skyshard achievements. However, after logging-on the other 17 characters, I noted that the skyshard achievements are now credited to the character who completed the achievement on the oldest date. So, it looks like you cannot choose which character gets "Earned by:" credit; credit is going to the character who got the achievement first.

    Hope this is correct: I'm still learning about the change (by comparing achievements between "live" and "PTS").

    Whats the point of having account wide achivements if there gonna say which character earned what to me its kinda pointless to say its account wide when there still using per character who earned what, they should be able to implement it without having an earned by feature or at that rate just keep the system the same, to me account bound achivements should be just that account bound not tied to just one character that earned it.

    Guild wars 2 you earned credit kill or earned the achivement on 4 diffrent toons you dont have 4 diffrent achivements that say this character got this and this character got that. Just doesnt make sense why they would call it account wide when its still basing it on what character did what.
  • kargen27
    kargen27 wrote: »
    So basically I won't be able to work for achievements on my main if another character reached that achievement. For achievements I've not yet finished on any character all characters contribute meaning I can't earn those achievements on any character.

    Going for one achievement multiple times is gone.

    So why have more than one character? Just open up all skills so a nightblade can use templar skills if they want and be done with it.

    They are wrecking the way many of us play the game. Not wrecking it. Removing it. I see this as akin to just scrapping PvP, or removing trials.

    When I have a half hour or so to goof off it is fun to get in game and kill things to try and get a trophy for those achievements on my main. Wow was that a run-on sentence but the point is now there is no incentive for me to bother.

    The fact of the matter is that account wide achievement should eliminate the problem of choosing a character to achieve. It doesn't matter which character got the achievement anymore, you can just play safely knowing that your progress is saved for the entire account. Thus, Maine becomes just a favorite character. Honestly, I have nothing against the RP, against the fact that would track the progress of the character. But when it directly harms the overall progress, it greatly spoils the impression. Right now I'm on the verge of getting an immortal redeemer, but this achievement will go past the main "big piggy bank" which will leave me unhappy. I don't have the option to get this on my main character, and I wouldn't want to either. I've already spent two months on this and I don't have the opportunity to spend that much time again. Maybe I'll come back to it someday, but I don't want to right now. I just want to get this achievement for myself, not for the character.
    Understand that not all characters have an army of twinks. Not everyone has the opportunity to get GS on at least two or three characters. Such achievements are the work of not only you alone. And I personally am not ready to spend more time for all the other 11 people in the raid to get achievements for all the characters. Yes, and usually no one asks for this, [snip] you need to value the time of other people, including those who are satisfied with the fact that they received an achievement on one character.
    Yes, I agree that due to the attachment of achievement to one character and date, there was confusion. But the very idea of a wide account must be implemented.

    [edited for baiting]

    "The fact of the matter is that account wide achievement should eliminate the problem of choosing a character to achieve. It doesn't matter which character got the achievement anymore, you can just play safely knowing that your progress is saved for the entire account. "

    And this is exactly the problem as I see it. I want to choose which character achieves it and I don't want other characters contributing to that achievement. I don't even let my characters use achievement furniture in their homes if the character doesn't have the achievement.
    Account wide is normal. Character specific is vet. This change takes away the challenge. Why have vet trials when there is a normal version? Just dump the vet content and let us have the rewards if we finish on normal level. Same thing. Maybe I don't want to take all that time in a progression group (I actually enjoy that) but want the rewards. Why should I have to spend all that extra time? That is the argument you are making. I am saying give us a choice. I want to go the harder route.

    Getting Master Fisher on one character takes a certain amount of dedication. I know players that have more than ten characters with that achievement. The reaction they get when others find out is fairly over the top. You can find threads in these forums attesting to that. Getting Master Fisher on an account can be done almost by accident. It really isn't so much an achievement but just a consequence of playing the game. The commitment is so much less and so will be the sense of accomplishment. Our guild goes kind of nuts when someone finally gets that achievement. I doubt that will continue as there really won't be much effort needed.
    This change takes away from how many of us play the game. I'm good with letting you play how you want. I simply want an option to do the same. Giving me a toggle that keeps achievements character specific wouldn't stop you getting achievements across your account.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • heaven13
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    Mycroftz wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »

    You can repeat quests and get the quest reward on as many characters as you like. You just won't get an achievement for it.

    You can’t repeat quests that can only be done once, and if the system overwrites your achievements in a way that auto-completes these for you, then you won’t be able to do these quests on all toons.

    As someone who has mutliple characters who I RP with, I DON'T WANT THIS! I don't want my other characters locked out of quest content because one of them already got the achievement for this. I don't want the stories messed up like this. I play ESO for the stories and quests, and this will ruin the reason I play big time!

    If this goes live and I lose the ability to replay content on my alts because of some account wide achievement, I will not buy more content from you ZOS! I will not buy another Chapter or DLC because being able to replay the stories is part of what I want. If you make it so I can ever only do it once, I'm out. I re-watch favorite movies, re-read favorite books, and re-play favorite games, this one included. I would not want to be locked out of doing Greymoor or Blackwood, or the Ravenwatch quests in Rivenspire just because of some global achievement. I want to be able to replay all the stories because I enjoy them enough to go through them again. This will destroy any reason to buy new content if I can't replay it.

    I agree with you. This change has completely soured the game for me. I haven't even opened the game once since patch notes came out and have no desire to do so. Why bother when in a few weeks all my stuff will be rolled together? At least this way, if I never log in once the patch goes live, my characters can preserve their individuality even if that means I don't play again. So be it.
    Mountain God | Leave No Bone Unbroken | Apex Predator | Pure Lunacy | Depths Defier | No Rest for the Wicked | In Defiance of Death
    Defanged the Devourer | Nature's Wrath | Relentless Raider | True Genius | Bane of Thorns | Subterranean Smasher | Ardent Bibliophile

    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vDSA | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+2 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA | vRG
    Meet my characters :
  • silvereyes
    silvereyes wrote: »
    Not that the eidetic memory thing isn’t weird, but don’t mages guild quests still grant guild reputation for leveling mages guild?

    If I remember correctly, Mages Guild levels up only by finding lorebooks, not by completing mages guild quests.
    You are correct, my friend. It'd been so long, I forgot. I just did the quest again on one of my newer alts, on live, and I actually gained more Fighters Guild rep during the quest from killing mobs than I did Mages Guild rep. :lol:

    They should at least add a T-shirt drop to the last quest:
  • spartaxoxo
    Thank you guys for confirming Melina is broken. I hope this point does not get overlooked due to the other more pressing concerns being discussed.
  • KhajiitLivesMatter
    thanks zos good feature wanted it for years - maybe show all chars who got a achievment not just the first but not neccesary
  • Parasaurolophus
    I just want to say. Guys, by no means do I want us to lose progress on several characters. I think everyone here understands that the system of account wide achievments that ZoS now offers is, to put it mildly, imperfect. Many also comment that it would be nice if we had a way to keep track of what achievements our specific characters got.
    However, some posters seem to be too belligerent against achievements and titles for the entire account, so much so that, in principle, they do not accept this in any form. And I'm really afraid that ZoS may abandon this idea forever.
  • Jaraal
    KMarble wrote: »
    I'm terribly sorry for those of you who accomplished so much on so many different characters. I'm upset for the potential of what could be that is going to be denied to me, but I"m heart broken for you guys who actually got there and will now have your efforts erased.

    Yes, it's a shame that all that time, money, and effort spent leveling and getting achievements on multiple characters will be thrown out like yesterday's garbage by ZOS when this goes live. As TMBrinks said, "disrespected" is the best term to describe it. But at least we (those of us who stick around, even after ZOS removes a large portion of the motivation to do so) will be able to tell the new players how awesome the game used to be, when you could go back and replay it with different characters, and actually feel like you were accomplishing good things, and could take pride in your efforts.

  • DarcyMardin
    Not on the PTS at the moment to check, but if one characters has completed the Mages Guild quests and opened up Eyevea, is that area now accessible to all our alts? What about the Fighter’s Guild forge and set construction area, if one character has completed the FG questline? If so, there’s no reason to complete those quests ever again.

    Seems to me there is an endless amount of weirdness to this new system.
  • silvereyes
    Not on the PTS at the moment to check, but if one characters has completed the Mages Guild quests and opened up Eyevea, is that area now accessible to all our alts? What about the Fighter’s Guild forge and set construction area, if one character has completed the FG questline? If so, there’s no reason to complete those quests ever again.

    Seems to me there is an endless amount of weirdness to this new system.

    I haven’t tested those yet, but I did test artaeum, and that whole intro quest “the queen’s decree” is working, along with the zone being locked until the portal appears.
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