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Overland Content Feedback Thread

  • Callosum
    Way to much to read everything.

    I'm sure i said it in this post pages and pages ago but i still think a debuff food (or slider) would be simple to add, each player could choose his debuff level (for those wanting a little challenge up to those "leet" types who want every mob to be a raid boss), if it gets hard or boring you can click it off, etc.... Chicken leg +10 attack ---> Rancid chicken leg -10 attack

    No new servers, no new modes, everything already in game just add a reversed debuff type of food or drink or whatever.

    Completely agree!
  • Kaladinar
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, as many of you have noted already from Rich's interview, there are no current plans for changing the structure of overland content. It is something we will continue to look at, so constructive feedback is always appreciated.

    The purpose of this thread is to collect constructive feedback so if there is an opportunity to make changes, we have feedback from players to possibly incorporate. However, if the conversation continues to be users arguing with each other, we will lock this thread. We understand not everyone will agree with the statement. However, you can disagree and voice it without pushing the buttons of other forum users.

    As always, please follow the community guidelines.

    IKYMI: Rich's Quote on Overland Content
    "That's a difficult one because difficulty is definitely subjective. We have millions of players that play The Elder Scrolls Online, and a large portion of them find the game hard and the Overland content challenging, especially as a new player when you don't have gold, all the gear, and Champion Points. Ultimately it comes down to, if we make the game harder, what are the incentives for players to play it at the harder level? That opens up a whole huge can of worms. I also look back and remember we had harder Overland content. We had Cadwell Silver, we had Cadwell Gold, and players really didn't like it. It was too hard for them, and when we did One Tamriel, we ripped all that out based on player feedback. Like, nobody did it. So it's a challenging subject and a difficult question to answer. All I can really say is we're definitely looking at it, but we don't have any major changes planned for the Overland difficulty."

    As the author of the interview, I appreciate the focus here. It was really the most important piece of feedback I wanted to get across to the development team, so I'm glad it's being talked about.

    I do hope the developers end up deciding to take all of this feedback and do something about the problem. The game is too easy right now when questing, no two ways about it. It completely undermines the epicness of any storyline the writers could possibly come up with. If you're finally going up against a supposed kick-ass villain and you kill him/her in three hits, it's just going to feel cheap no matter what.

    Please add an optional Veteran mode made to deliver a far more significant challenge. It wouldn't even take much when it comes to incentives, most people who feel bad about the current state of quest difficulty would probably be happy with an extra title or cosmetic item.
  • SilverBride

    Thank you for interviewing Rich. I know he didn't give the answer that some hoped for but it was nice to hear not only what they plan but why.

    I am happy with things just as they are but still advocate for debuffs and challenge banners even thought I would never use either myself. But I do not agree with a separate veteran overland and I especially don't agree with increased rewards.

    The whole reason given for wanting increased difficulty is because some players aren't satisfied with the current difficulty. Providing that would solve their issue and nothing more should be expected. It is not fair to reward players for something they asked for that others don't even want.
    Edited by SilverBride on April 19, 2022 5:56PM
  • spartaxoxo
    Callosum wrote: »
    casparian wrote: »
    Regarding debuff foods and similar solutions: I'm highly skeptical this would work. I can already debuff myself on the live server, and many of us in this thread have tried exactly that to achieve an immersive overland experience. It doesn't work: you just end up with exactly the same fights as we have now, except they take longer. If there's anyone who wants that, they can already get it by doing things like wearing white gear and deactivating CP. Same goes for just giving enemies more stats. Just giving us an easier way to do what we already can is not going to be a real solution anymore than the existing self-debuff options are.

    Doing this right would require making combat against quest NPCs exciting. The ideal outcome would be for enemies in overland and delves to behave more like enemies in dungeons. There need to be more of them, they need to put out more damage, and they need to have actually important mechanics.

    I'm skeptical that the devs would implement anything like this. It would simply take an enormous amount of time comparable to a "quick fix" like a debuff food.

    An easier way to do something like this would simply be to increase enemy damage and attack/cast speed. Make them attack more often/more quickly and make those attacks much more damaging when they connect. And if possible, simply place more enemies, too. This might get closer to a simple numbers tweak, which is likely all we can expect from ZOS.

    Another idea that could help is to increase enemies' tether range. Right now enemies don't chase for very long, so that even if I did get in trouble I could simply move a short distance away and the enemies would reset. But imagine a fight in which line of sight is actually important (because of the above increases to damage and attack speed) and a challenge to pull off, since enemies will actually give chase. That could go a long way toward making questing and traversal for interesting and immersive, for those of us who find challenge an important part of immersion.

    I don't think wearing white armor and no CP is the same as using some kind of debuff. With different debuffs your gear and CP choice would still matter which I think is an important part of making you feel like you progress. Also a debuff is not necessarily just decreased damage output but could also include increased damage taken an so on as you suggested. That being said I totally agree with what you are suggesting. I just think debuffs are our best chance of getting something because a bigger part of the player base would support it and can come with different options that fit different skill levels.

    This. A debuff slider can put harsher debuffs on you than you can get yourself, while still allowing you gear choices to remain valid. And also allows to them to do unique things like adding special attacks to bosses, or as another poster pointed allowing you to give random buffs to bosses. They can also unique environmental debuffs like making you take continuous cold damage in Eastmarch for example. It is absolutely NOT the same thing as running around without your gear anymore than buffing the bosses. It is a massive term that different games have used in all sorts of different and interesting ways.

    When discussing these things we should all be assuming that whatever solution they implement will not amount to the exact same thing as taking off you gear, IMO. Nobody here wants what we can already do.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on April 19, 2022 6:29PM
  • Kaladinar

    Thank you for interviewing Rich. I know he didn't give the answer that some hoped for but it was nice to hear not only what they plan but why.

    I am happy with things just as they are but still advocate for debuffs and challenge banners even thought I would never use either myself. But I do not agree with a separate veteran overland and I especially don't agree with increased rewards.

    The whole reason given for wanting increased difficulty is because some players aren't satisfied with the current difficulty. Providing that would solve their issue and nothing more should be expected. It is not fair to reward players for something they asked for that others don't even want.

    Hey SilverBride,

    Thanks for replying, I hope you enjoyed the interview.

    As for the rewards, it's a tough one. Rich himself pointed out that people would most likely want that, and it makes sense. After all, Veteran arenas, dungeons, and Trials are rewarded over Normal difficulty, so why would this be any different?

    Anyway, as I said, it wouldn't take much and I personally would be happy even if they introduced it without any extra rewards. Just give me something that fights back enough so I don't have to gimp my own character with grey gear and the like!
  • SilverBride
    Kaladinar wrote: »

    Thank you for interviewing Rich. I know he didn't give the answer that some hoped for but it was nice to hear not only what they plan but why.

    I am happy with things just as they are but still advocate for debuffs and challenge banners even thought I would never use either myself. But I do not agree with a separate veteran overland and I especially don't agree with increased rewards.

    The whole reason given for wanting increased difficulty is because some players aren't satisfied with the current difficulty. Providing that would solve their issue and nothing more should be expected. It is not fair to reward players for something they asked for that others don't even want.

    Hey SilverBride,

    Thanks for replying, I hope you enjoyed the interview.

    As for the rewards, it's a tough one. Rich himself pointed out that people would most likely want that, and it makes sense. After all, Veteran arenas, dungeons, and Trials are rewarded over Normal difficulty, so why would this be any different?

    Anyway, as I said, it wouldn't take much and I personally would be happy even if they introduced it without any extra rewards. Just give me something that fights back enough so I don't have to gimp my own character with grey gear and the like!

    I did enjoy the interview. And thank you for elaborating on your feedback.

    I may never understand why difficulty in overland is desired but I do hope they will consider some of the suggestions presented in this thread, especially the ones that don't impact others negatively in the process.
  • Aardappelboom
    Kaladinar wrote: »
    Anyway, as I said, it wouldn't take much and I personally would be happy even if they introduced it without any extra rewards. Just give me something that fights back enough so I don't have to gimp my own character with grey gear and the like!

    I agree, the only gripe I have is the immersion aspect of the game, the story is fine, heck, I'll even go as far as saying overland is fine, but delves and story dungeons should have some fight in them.

    I just finished northern Elsweyr (I won't spoil) but it's a great example of what I like in story content, the final battle isn't difficult but it takes time and it's not just you taking him down in 2 hits.

    I think Rich isn't exactly right here, people don't want this for the reward, people play ESO like any Elder Scrolls game and they want the battles to be more epic to enjoy the story, quest rewards aren't all that great anyway.

    Debuff sliders would be fine, battle spirit is exactly that, honestly, they could re-use that.

    In the mean-time I'm doing vet hm group dungeons solo to get some challenge out of playing solo, the mini stories are top notch and when you reach the end you're in for a fun fight, great stuff, right there. I would love that for zone stories.
    Edited by Aardappelboom on April 19, 2022 7:12PM
  • spartaxoxo
    Kaladinar wrote: »
    As for the rewards, it's a tough one. Rich himself pointed out that people would most likely want that, and it makes sense. After all, Veteran arenas, dungeons, and Trials are rewarded over Normal difficulty, so why would this be any different?

    Because you can only do quests once but those other activities are repeatable.
  • Goscalyon
    With regards to overland zones, there's a lot to say. I've broken it down in a few sections

    Starting Player Experience
    With regards to new players and having the freedom to start wherever you want, I've always felt that the original starting Islands for each faction were a thinned version easing the new player in and at the same time an introduction to the story. When you start in the newest DLC you enter in a big zone (sometimes bigger than a base zone) and are easily overwhelmed by everything.

    When it comes to the main story of the game, Molag Bal and the Dark Anchors, while the main zones are all focused on this story and all lead up to it, the DLC zones are completely disconnected from this. And don't even get me started on how irrelevant the Alliances are (let alone their leaders) when it comes to certain DLC's.

    If we talk about how relevant zones are late game and why you would want to visit certain zones, then the base zones are by far the least relevant, besides the few sets that are used to start out more difficult content (medusa for example). DLC zones have a lot more to offer, including multiple Daily Quests with rewards tied to them.

    I hear a lot of talk about how a lot of people apparently find the game difficult, while that might be true for a new player just starting out. If that player gets some gear and gains some level, at some point not too far from the start they will find all the zones pretty much the same and a lot of story related "bosses" are basically stand still and damage them to death (for a good geared person this takes a few seconds and oops the very important boss person that was supposed to be powerfull is dead).
    With Markarth for example they at least had a few mechanics to consider whilst doing the boss fight which made the fight a lot more interesting (still easy, but at least more fun).

    While some of the base parts of the base zones are still memorable, most DLC far outshine the base zones. While this is good, because that means the DLC were better in many ways, this leaves the old zones in the dust an uninteresting.
    A visual touch up, revisits with quests, small additions in terms of content or quests could populate these zones more.
    The same can be said for the furnishing items.
  • CP5
    Deter1UK wrote: »

    An interesting post

    Making mobs a little more realistic and interesting in the way you describe would go quite a long way to making overland more engaging in combat without necessarily making it too difficult.

    The issue here is, back when dark brotherhood went live, they explicitly went the other way, making tank mobs more damaging but less durable, while lowering the damage and buffing the health of all damage dealing mobs, so that each encounter would be more consistent. Then they did things like make npc menders require time for their heals to 'ramp up' which only means their allies die before their heals are at full power, though even then it wouldn't be enough. There's been a trend to make all encounters feel the same, and if all zones can be a players first, then all zones are built with the same level of difficulty in mind. Because of this, everything is just the same.
    Edited by CP5 on April 19, 2022 9:35PM
  • CP5
    Kaladinar wrote: »

    Thank you for interviewing Rich. I know he didn't give the answer that some hoped for but it was nice to hear not only what they plan but why.

    I am happy with things just as they are but still advocate for debuffs and challenge banners even thought I would never use either myself. But I do not agree with a separate veteran overland and I especially don't agree with increased rewards.

    The whole reason given for wanting increased difficulty is because some players aren't satisfied with the current difficulty. Providing that would solve their issue and nothing more should be expected. It is not fair to reward players for something they asked for that others don't even want.

    Hey SilverBride,

    Thanks for replying, I hope you enjoyed the interview.

    As for the rewards, it's a tough one. Rich himself pointed out that people would most likely want that, and it makes sense. After all, Veteran arenas, dungeons, and Trials are rewarded over Normal difficulty, so why would this be any different?

    Anyway, as I said, it wouldn't take much and I personally would be happy even if they introduced it without any extra rewards. Just give me something that fights back enough so I don't have to gimp my own character with grey gear and the like!

    I've always stood by the thought that the main incentive and reward would be actually doing the content. I've skipped years of chapter stories because I know that it won't be a worthwhile experience for me, so if this option were made, then all of that content would be of interest for me. Beyond that, the standard bonus exp and higher gear quality (both only from combat) would make sense to compensate for the increased time investment, despite the fact that even now it is better to get exp from normal black rose prison, and it is better to farm gear on normal, it at least better respects the players time but anyone engaging with this option doesn't really need either.
  • SilverBride
    I will give my perspective on a couple of your sections.

    Goscalyon wrote: »
    If we talk about how relevant zones are late game and why you would want to visit certain zones, then the base zones are by far the least relevant, besides the few sets that are used to start out more difficult content (medusa for example). DLC zones have a lot more to offer, including multiple Daily Quests with rewards tied to them.

    I play each of my characters as separate individuals. As such I want them to experience their base alliance zones, Cadwell's Silver and Gold zones and all the DLC's. I complete every quest and map objective in every zone in the game on all of my characters, so every zone is relevant to me.

    Goscalyon wrote: »
    I hear a lot of talk about how a lot of people apparently find the game difficult, while that might be true for a new player just starting out. If that player gets some gear and gains some level, at some point not too far from the start they will find all the zones pretty much the same and a lot of story related "bosses" are basically stand still and damage them to death (for a good geared person this takes a few seconds and oops the very important boss person that was supposed to be powerfull is dead).
    With Markarth for example they at least had a few mechanics to consider whilst doing the boss fight which made the fight a lot more interesting (still easy, but at least more fun).

    I am pretty well geared and I agree that overland is easy for me but I like it that way. Some players just want to relax and enjoy the story without every fight being an epic battle. As far as the story boss fights, I feel like I have really progressed from the days when I would die repeatedly to these bosses to being able to take them down now in short order. It gives me a sense of accomplishment that I have come this far.
  • Goscalyon
    I play each of my characters as separate individuals. As such I want them to experience their base alliance zones, Cadwell's Silver and Gold zones and all the DLC's. I complete every quest and map objective in every zone in the game on all of my characters, so every zone is relevant to me.
    I played all base zones and most of the DLC's and enjoyed the world and the story for each one, but it's after the story is completed that the base zones become far less relevant than DLC zones.
    I am pretty well geared and I agree that overland is easy for me but I like it that way. Some players just want to relax and enjoy the story without every fight being an epic battle. As far as the story boss fights, I feel like I have really progressed from the days when I would die repeatedly to these bosses to being able to take them down now in short order. It gives me a sense of accomplishment that I have come this far.

    I wouldn't want the bosses to become super hard or a long epic battle, but I would at least want to see the important story related ones to stand out from the rest, like they did with the Markarth DLC for example. The bosses were still easy, but they were interesting and didn't die within seconds without them doing anything cool or interesting that made me remember them.
  • FeedbackOnly
    I think the first step would be adding a match maker for zone events. I would do more harrowstorms and Summerset gysyers if I knew at least 1 other person would join me.
  • spartaxoxo
    CP5 wrote: »
    Kaladinar wrote: »

    Thank you for interviewing Rich. I know he didn't give the answer that some hoped for but it was nice to hear not only what they plan but why.

    I am happy with things just as they are but still advocate for debuffs and challenge banners even thought I would never use either myself. But I do not agree with a separate veteran overland and I especially don't agree with increased rewards.

    The whole reason given for wanting increased difficulty is because some players aren't satisfied with the current difficulty. Providing that would solve their issue and nothing more should be expected. It is not fair to reward players for something they asked for that others don't even want.

    Hey SilverBride,

    Thanks for replying, I hope you enjoyed the interview.

    As for the rewards, it's a tough one. Rich himself pointed out that people would most likely want that, and it makes sense. After all, Veteran arenas, dungeons, and Trials are rewarded over Normal difficulty, so why would this be any different?

    Anyway, as I said, it wouldn't take much and I personally would be happy even if they introduced it without any extra rewards. Just give me something that fights back enough so I don't have to gimp my own character with grey gear and the like!

    I've always stood by the thought that the main incentive and reward would be actually doing the content. I've skipped years of chapter stories because I know that it won't be a worthwhile experience for me, so if this option were made, then all of that content would be of interest for me. Beyond that, the standard bonus exp and higher gear quality (both only from combat) would make sense to compensate for the increased time investment, despite the fact that even now it is better to get exp from normal black rose prison, and it is better to farm gear on normal, it at least better respects the players time but anyone engaging with this option doesn't really need either.

    Same here. I especially don't want incentives if that's a primary reason for holding this back. They say it would open a can of worms? Leave it closed then. I don't need them. I just want a real option to increase difficulty.
  • Goscalyon
    I also want to add that one of the best additions they have done in my opinion so far is the Antiquities system, you interact with this system by doing any content that already exists (from delves, world bosses, looting chest or coffers etc etc) and then going to a specific zone to find it. This is a good example of how to make zones more relevant.
  • Kaladinar
    Goscalyon wrote: »
    I hear a lot of talk about how a lot of people apparently find the game difficult, while that might be true for a new player just starting out. If that player gets some gear and gains some level, at some point not too far from the start they will find all the zones pretty much the same and a lot of story related "bosses" are basically stand still and damage them to death (for a good geared person this takes a few seconds and oops the very important boss person that was supposed to be powerfull is dead).
    With Markarth for example they at least had a few mechanics to consider whilst doing the boss fight which made the fight a lot more interesting (still easy, but at least more fun).

    I am pretty well geared and I agree that overland is easy for me but I like it that way. Some players just want to relax and enjoy the story without every fight being an epic battle. As far as the story boss fights, I feel like I have really progressed from the days when I would die repeatedly to these bosses to being able to take them down now in short order. It gives me a sense of accomplishment that I have come this far.[/quote]

    This wouldn't be about taking away the easygoing nature of overland content for everyone. It would be about adding an optional, more challenging mode.
  • keto3000
    IKYMI: Rich's Quote on Overland Content
    "That's a difficult one because difficulty is definitely subjective. We have millions of players that play The Elder Scrolls Online, and a large portion of them find the game hard and the Overland content challenging, especially as a new player when you don't have gold, all the gear, and Champion Points. Ultimately it comes down to, if we make the game harder, what are the incentives for players to play it at the harder level? That opens up a whole huge can of worms. I also look back and remember we had harder Overland content. We had Cadwell Silver, we had Cadwell Gold, and players really didn't like it. It was too hard for them, and when we did One Tamriel, we ripped all that out based on player feedback. Like, nobody did it. So it's a challenging subject and a difficult question to answer. All I can really say is we're definitely looking at it, but we don't have any major changes planned for the Overland difficulty."[/quote]

    ESO is my first MMO. I've played and loved this game since beta. I've been a + member through thick & thin since 2014. Hell I still play on my 2013 27" iMac and since the switch to 64 bit a few yrs back, I don't get DC'd buy excessive lightning/intense battes--my game runs smoother than many of my friends who play on PC.

    I'm one of those perennially optimistic, just slightly above average skilled players who really enjoyed the orig WTF, no tutorial, wake up in the cave 'Cold Open.' It felt fresh, mysterious and was, at the time, on trend with other game stories.

    Since it was my first MMO and very first experience with the TES universe, I truly enjoyed the linear, faction-based storyline progression and increased boss/enemy difficulties per zone. The climactic quest end fights also felt more rewarding. I remember the excitement when my first major guild accepted me onto a Craglorn trial team for Hel Ra Citadel. My first trial clear-- I felt like an overjoyed little kid! SO REWARDING.

    I have since played most aspects of the game, love the highs/cringe at the lows over the years and still enjoy the experiences, friendships, camaraderie, including on other social media (Twitter, Twitch, etc).

    I guess my long-winded point here is that, although I completely understand the move to One Tamriel & the decision to 'battle-level' everyone, I still prefer the linear storyline progression model and power progression per zone/character lvl model.

    I see countless new players and returning players in starter zones, asking over and over, 'How do I start the story line in this game so it makes sense?' I know the newest 'portal-style' tutorial was intended to address this, and allthough I still prefer the original 'wake up with a concussion' 2014 open.. I get it.

    Thanks to the inspired, hard work by @VaranisArano , I have been able to refer many, many new players to this incredible guide:


    However, the battle-leveling thing still seems to be the sticky issue.
    Consider reverting overland content back to linear progression based on zone/character level. Many of us managed it and when we couldn't, we asked for higher level players to assist-- mixed level comraderie-building is a good thing for the game, imho!

    Why not add zone difficulty progession back into the game per faction storyline?

    I know the Linear Progression Model for Overland content certainly has its supporters and detracterss, but... it might just be a answer to issues posed in this thread.

    You could still have the One Tamriel concept- 'Go wherever you want to go' thing, but

    make overland content for each of the 5 zones per faction, progressively harder, like the original 2014 game.

    Even the group dungeons would make more sense to new players if their difficulty were progressively aligned to character lvl. The first AD zone dungeon, e.g. Banished Cells (lvl12+ difficulty) , etc. Just for reference ( for new players), here is a dungeon difficulty guide by an early ESO game website (now-defunct):

    Maybe my suggestions are most appropriate for first time players, but I think there are many out there who share my POV.
    Edited by keto3000 on April 20, 2022 8:25AM
    “The point of power is always in the present moment.”

    ― Louise L. Hay
  • vsrs_au
    I know I already mentioned it in this thread, but I still think that some of the unused areas of the zones could be turned into mini-challenges for those who wish to participate, simply by adding enemies of various types and/or abilities in sufficient numbers into such areas. This shouldn't be any different to the world bosses, except perhaps a bit easier, and could probably be implemented in much the same way.

    This way, everybody gets what they want, because they can accept the challenge, or simply go around it (or use wayshrines). It may not be a perfect solution, but it should be relatively easy to implement.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Arunei
    Goscalyon wrote: »
    I play each of my characters as separate individuals. As such I want them to experience their base alliance zones, Cadwell's Silver and Gold zones and all the DLC's. I complete every quest and map objective in every zone in the game on all of my characters, so every zone is relevant to me.
    I played all base zones and most of the DLC's and enjoyed the world and the story for each one, but it's after the story is completed that the base zones become far less relevant than DLC zones.
    I am pretty well geared and I agree that overland is easy for me but I like it that way. Some players just want to relax and enjoy the story without every fight being an epic battle. As far as the story boss fights, I feel like I have really progressed from the days when I would die repeatedly to these bosses to being able to take them down now in short order. It gives me a sense of accomplishment that I have come this far.

    I wouldn't want the bosses to become super hard or a long epic battle, but I would at least want to see the important story related ones to stand out from the rest, like they did with the Markarth DLC for example. The bosses were still easy, but they were interesting and didn't die within seconds without them doing anything cool or interesting that made me remember them.
    Here's another matter of subjectivity. I HATE invulnerability phases, especially ones where there's literally to do in the meantime. The Dragons in Elsweyr were like that, just waiting waiting waiting for minutes not able to do anything until that one second you could do damage with literally a single button press.

    The battle with Rada was boring and made no sense because it was the same sequence of events several times and during that you have to w a i t between each wave of mobs. Why would he keep doing the same thing over and over when it's clearly getting him hurt? He seemed like an intelligent guy for all of Greymoor and Markarth but then during this last battle he turns into an idiot. Same with Lady Belain, huge portions of doing the same sequence of events because she was arbitrarily invulnerable, which made it boring and stupid because she shouldn't have been that dumb when she realized she was actually getting hurt.

    I would personally much rather beat story bosses in a few minutes than have battles artificially stretched out with boring, repetitive invulnerability phases.
    Edited by Arunei on April 20, 2022 11:28AM
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
  • Snamyap
    Kaladinar wrote: »

    Thank you for interviewing Rich. I know he didn't give the answer that some hoped for but it was nice to hear not only what they plan but why.

    I am happy with things just as they are but still advocate for debuffs and challenge banners even thought I would never use either myself. But I do not agree with a separate veteran overland and I especially don't agree with increased rewards.

    The whole reason given for wanting increased difficulty is because some players aren't satisfied with the current difficulty. Providing that would solve their issue and nothing more should be expected. It is not fair to reward players for something they asked for that others don't even want.

    Hey SilverBride,

    Thanks for replying, I hope you enjoyed the interview.

    As for the rewards, it's a tough one. Rich himself pointed out that people would most likely want that, and it makes sense. After all, Veteran arenas, dungeons, and Trials are rewarded over Normal difficulty, so why would this be any different?

    Anyway, as I said, it wouldn't take much and I personally would be happy even if they introduced it without any extra rewards. Just give me something that fights back enough so I don't have to gimp my own character with grey gear and the like!

    I did enjoy the interview. And thank you for elaborating on your feedback.

    I may never understand why difficulty in overland is desired but I do hope they will consider some of the suggestions presented in this thread, especially the ones that don't impact others negatively in the process.
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    I know I already mentioned it in this thread, but I still think that some of the unused areas of the zones could be turned into mini-challenges for those who wish to participate, simply by adding enemies of various types and/or abilities in sufficient numbers into such areas. This shouldn't be any different to the world bosses, except perhaps a bit easier, and could probably be implemented in much the same way.

    This way, everybody gets what they want, because they can accept the challenge, or simply go around it (or use wayshrines). It may not be a perfect solution, but it should be relatively easy to implement.

    Kindda like the group areas in Craglorn. You get a warning when you approach those.
  • vilio11
    Dungeons and Trials are designed to give players a challenge beyond overland so it makes sense that they offer multiple difficulty levels. Technically the same could be done with overland but that doesn't mean it should be.

    So you have to grind many hours of fetch quest and kill many mobs in a boring and easy combat go get to the fun parts(trials and vet dungeons). So most new players that are finding the game easy do not want to waste time on a MMO with easy overland just to get to the endgame fun.
  • casparian
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    I know I already mentioned it in this thread, but I still think that some of the unused areas of the zones could be turned into mini-challenges for those who wish to participate, simply by adding enemies of various types and/or abilities in sufficient numbers into such areas. This shouldn't be any different to the world bosses, except perhaps a bit easier, and could probably be implemented in much the same way.

    This way, everybody gets what they want, because they can accept the challenge, or simply go around it (or use wayshrines). It may not be a perfect solution, but it should be relatively easy to implement.

    I don't think that would give a lot of us what we want. Like you say, this is basically world bosses 2.0. Ask yourself: why don't the already exiting world bosses suffice to make overland challenging? And why would adding more of them (in the form you suggest) in optional areas work any differently?

    We're not asking for dungeon-level content to be accessible without entering a dungeon. We're asking for the ability to play the already existing quests and story content in a way that is (to us) immersive and engaging. Adding hard enemies that aren't involved in quests would be beside the point.
    7-day PVP campaign regular 2016-2019, Flawless Conqueror. MagDK/stamplar/stamwarden/mageblade. Requiem, Legend, Knights of Daggerfall. Currently retired from the wars; waiting on performance improvements.
  • SilverBride
    vilio11 wrote: »
    Dungeons and Trials are designed to give players a challenge beyond overland so it makes sense that they offer multiple difficulty levels. Technically the same could be done with overland but that doesn't mean it should be.

    So you have to grind many hours of fetch quest and kill many mobs in a boring and easy combat go get to the fun parts(trials and vet dungeons). So most new players that are finding the game easy do not want to waste time on a MMO with easy overland just to get to the endgame fun.

    No one has to play overland to level. If all a player cares about is end game they can level by dungeons or getting in an Alkir group and power leveling, then continue their leveling and gearing in normal dungeons and Trials and arenas until they are ready for veteran modes.
  • FeedbackOnly
    vilio11 wrote: »
    Dungeons and Trials are designed to give players a challenge beyond overland so it makes sense that they offer multiple difficulty levels. Technically the same could be done with overland but that doesn't mean it should be.

    So you have to grind many hours of fetch quest and kill many mobs in a boring and easy combat go get to the fun parts(trials and vet dungeons). So most new players that are finding the game easy do not want to waste time on a MMO with easy overland just to get to the endgame fun.

    No one has to play overland to level. If all a player cares about is end game they can level by dungeons or getting in an Alkir group and power leveling, then continue their leveling and gearing in normal dungeons and Trials and arenas until they are ready for veteran modes.

    Thing is quests are to easy for most average players From other mmos. It's very obvious and undeniable
    Edited by FeedbackOnly on April 21, 2022 8:14AM
  • WiseSky
    I am looking for a Volunteer that will read the all the 100+ pages and will write down Each Suggestion Given.
    So we can see what constructive things have been suggested.

    I personally Would love a Set that goes kinda like this, Numbers are not really thought through

    Set of the Daedric Curse
    1 Item : - X1000 Armor , The Number of Daedric Curse Item you wear is the Multiplayer.
    2 Items : - X1000 Spell Pen , The Number of Daedric Curse Item you wear is the Multiplayer.
    3 Items : - X1000 Physical Pen , The Number of Daedric Curse Item you wear is the Multiplayer.
    4 Items : - X1000 Heath , The Number of Daedric Curse Item you wear is the Multiplayer.
    5Items : - X1000 Mana , The Number of Daedric Curse Item you wear is the Multiplayer.
    6 Items : - X1000 Health Regen , The Number of Daedric Curse Item you wear is the Multiplayer.
    7 Items : - X1000 Stamina Regen , The Number of Daedric Curse Item you wear is the Multiplayer.
    8 Items: - X1000 Mana Regen , The Number of Daedric Curse Item you wear is the Multiplayer.
    9 Items : - You get the picture.....
    10 Items You get the picture.....
    11 Items You get the picture.....
    12 Items You get the picture.....

    This is just a random Idea cause Kevin said to be Constructive, Would love to hear your Ideas

    Edited by WiseSky on April 21, 2022 2:50AM
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • SilverBride
    The main recurring suggestions I see are
    • Leave overland just as it is.
    • Make overland difficulty like it was before One Tamriel.
    • Create a separate optional veteran overland.
    • Create optional debuffs and challenge banners for story bosses
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    I think the content is a bit too easy (I'd like my characters to be Batman not Superman) but, I think some of the settings that most of us that find issue with the content use are a factor in just how easy the content feels.

    If you do PVP or run harder content it's pretty likely you've turned on either Resource Meters or Combat Text or you've got an addon that is doing the something similar because it's quite helpful.

    Both of those can make the player feel more impactful.

    It's nice to feel more impactful when you are fighting a boss with over a million hp but, it's not really great when you are fighting something that isn't a player with under 250k.

    I think ZOS might want to consider adding an option to have Resource Meters and Combat Text only kick in when you are in PVP, dungeon, trial, or fighting an enemy with over a million hp.

    In the longer term, I think ZOS might want to consider making the dungeon sets a bit less effective outside of instanced content, improving the Overland sets, increasing the quest rewards quality, and adding an off button option for each CP item for Overland content (some people might enjoy having some of the items on and some off). I believe that would cut down on the gap in effectiveness between players and add easier options for dumbing down a build.

  • vsrs_au
    casparian wrote: »
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    I know I already mentioned it in this thread, but I still think that some of the unused areas of the zones could be turned into mini-challenges for those who wish to participate, simply by adding enemies of various types and/or abilities in sufficient numbers into such areas. This shouldn't be any different to the world bosses, except perhaps a bit easier, and could probably be implemented in much the same way.

    This way, everybody gets what they want, because they can accept the challenge, or simply go around it (or use wayshrines). It may not be a perfect solution, but it should be relatively easy to implement.

    I don't think that would give a lot of us what we want. Like you say, this is basically world bosses 2.0. Ask yourself: why don't the already exiting world bosses suffice to make overland challenging? And why would adding more of them (in the form you suggest) in optional areas work any differently?
    Actually, if you read my last post, I'm proposing something in-between world bosses and normal overland enemies in difficulty. Personally, I have major problems defeating world bosses solo, but an enemy (or group) with about 1/3 (or at most 1/2) difficulty I could probably handle.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • casparian
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    casparian wrote: »
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    I know I already mentioned it in this thread, but I still think that some of the unused areas of the zones could be turned into mini-challenges for those who wish to participate, simply by adding enemies of various types and/or abilities in sufficient numbers into such areas. This shouldn't be any different to the world bosses, except perhaps a bit easier, and could probably be implemented in much the same way.

    This way, everybody gets what they want, because they can accept the challenge, or simply go around it (or use wayshrines). It may not be a perfect solution, but it should be relatively easy to implement.

    I don't think that would give a lot of us what we want. Like you say, this is basically world bosses 2.0. Ask yourself: why don't the already exiting world bosses suffice to make overland challenging? And why would adding more of them (in the form you suggest) in optional areas work any differently?
    Actually, if you read my last post, I'm proposing something in-between world bosses and normal overland enemies in difficulty. Personally, I have major problems defeating world bosses solo, but an enemy (or group) with about 1/3 (or at most 1/2) difficulty I could probably handle.

    My point was that as long as whatever difficulty system doesn’t affect quest enemies, which yours doesn’t, it will be beside the point of what most folks here are asking for. Maybe it would be good to have something intermediate between normal enemies and world bosses; I personally think that would be cool. But the main thing most of us are asking for is challenging enemies in quests.
    7-day PVP campaign regular 2016-2019, Flawless Conqueror. MagDK/stamplar/stamwarden/mageblade. Requiem, Legend, Knights of Daggerfall. Currently retired from the wars; waiting on performance improvements.
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