priestnall.andrewrwb17_ESO wrote: »I’m pretty sure they could create a submenu for helpers. You buy the functionality for 5000 crowns and a default ‘skin’; any additional skins are 1000 - 2000’ish crowns a pop and you can swap them out easily. I think a lot more people would go for that than a handful of whales dropping 5000.
I own default assistants, so I don't need any reskins. Basic assistants are okay, and new reskins don't offer any new functionality.
But I will wait for showcase - if those crows really sit on the arm of my character, and fly behind when he moves (or maybe sit on the character's shoulder when he moves?)... I will buy merchant most likely, just for that roleplay Maybe I will even be patient and wait for sale someday.
So, the most important question: has anyone already bought these new assistants and can showcase them please?
Alphawolf01A wrote: »I own default assistants, so I don't need any reskins. Basic assistants are okay, and new reskins don't offer any new functionality.
But I will wait for showcase - if those crows really sit on the arm of my character, and fly behind when he moves (or maybe sit on the character's shoulder when he moves?)... I will buy merchant most likely, just for that roleplay Maybe I will even be patient and wait for sale someday.
So, the most important question: has anyone already bought these new assistants and can showcase them please?
Red_Feather wrote: »I caved in but could only comfortably afford one. So I go the banker crow. They are a flying pet that follows you and when you talk to them they land on your arm. Alphawolf01A's video is how it is!
Will you be getting the new Merchant and Banker?
I had been planning to buy the banker when the datamine was first posted, so long as it didn't come with a handler or have any other unforeseen drawbacks. I had foregone either assistant thus far, not really thinking I needed one as I could just run to town. But I decided that it would be good to have a banker in the house and while out and about for easier inventory management, especially when I don't have a Plus sub.
I just placed him in the house and can already see how helpful it will be to have a personal banker. Also, fyi for anyone who may be interested, the coin in his claw makes it difficult to place him on flat ground, as the coin floats a bit higher than the other claw. I had to rotate him a bit (a couple presses of 3 in the housing menu) in order to even him out so one claw wasn't floating or clipping. He also hops and flaps quite a bit when you're in the bank menu when he's placed in your house, which I know will bug some people, but I don't mind it. Overall, I love the uniqueness of this banker and how they managed to pull off the landing on your arm animation. Plus the writing and voice is delightful.
I hope that mini review is helpful to people considering the banker, and I imagine the merchant will be the same minus the minor coin-in-claw issue
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »No, because I'm still waiting on the imperial banker and altmer merchant which was datamined years ago!
They don't have to be some "premium" version, I honestly just want them as normal ones. We're now getting unusual daedra as banker/merchant before them.
Ravensilver wrote: »Will depend on the price. If they're 5000 crowns each, then I will pass...
Yes, eventually there will be a discount, either for everyone or for ESO Plus people.