Proc sets were nerfed due to their over performance in pve. Too many people were complaining the game is too easy and you can run vet dungeons with 3-4 DDs or even solo them, this is an mmo, light attack builds and solo builds have no place in group content so now you actually have to have a well rounded group to finish the content at the same pace.
Proc sets were nerfed due to their over performance in pve. Too many people were complaining the game is too easy and you can run vet dungeons with 3-4 DDs or even solo them, this is an mmo, light attack builds and solo builds have no place in group content so now you actually have to have a well rounded group to finish the content at the same pace.
lol? noone in these 3-4dd runs in dungs (vet ofc) was using proc dmg setc, any "proc setc" was used for these runs was buffs sets like BSW, no proc set is good enough for good players with 3-4dd run dungs like stat sets for good enough players, exception can be mosnter sets but even here slimecraw is more efficient if you dont have minor berserk buffs from skill slotted or healer giving this buff
Zos should really make a comment on this because its really turning the player base on themselves at this point. Guilds are going to start excluding and shaming pvp if this continues, Ive already seen it start to happen since the Elsweyr chapter.
Proc sets were nerfed due to their over performance in pve. Too many people were complaining the game is too easy and you can run vet dungeons with 3-4 DDs or even solo them, this is an mmo, light attack builds and solo builds have no place in group content so now you actually have to have a well rounded group to finish the content at the same pace.
No one in pvp was complaining about proc sets being overpowered, there were only 3. Crimson, malacath, and vatashan staff, Zos could have just toned them down but the constant nerfs to Crit and the minimum 6400 sd/wp are indicators these changes were for pve since, 6400 damage should be still easily achievable in pve with a healer and a tank buffing the damage dealers.
The frustration is understandable but the hating on the fellow players is creating a culture I'm not proud to be a part of,we pvp players contribute to the game just as much.
It doesn't take procs to solo (some) vet dungeons, unless you count arena weapons and Pale Order as procs. Soloing is only really for fun, though. For example, if you're farming, there is a strong incentive to do it with a group so you can swap uncollected items with each other.Proc sets were nerfed due to their over performance in pve. Too many people were complaining the game is too easy and you can run vet dungeons with 3-4 DDs or even solo them.