Do you have any other general feedback?
Do you have any other general feedback?
I have met Jarl Woof, and I was absolutely not ready for such cuteness and fun
We danced so much that he was tired
Overall I loved the new zone. It is very large, and so far I haven't found any mountains blocking my way through the map - I could ride in any direction without having to take detours.
RemanCyrodiil_I wrote: »It's a lovely detail that you can see the White-Gold Tower from some places with clear weather.
phantasmalD wrote: »I've yet to do anything other than exploring, so I'll just leave generic feedback:
Please, for the love of god, stop being so stingy with Wayshrines. A zone of this size needs more than 8. Or more accurately, more than 7. Because there are 2 wayhrines within running distance near Leyawiin, for whatever pointless reason. The lack of sensible wayshrines is what killed Northern Elsweyr and why nobody is doing dragons and WBs outside of events, so please take preemptive actions.
Pictures to illustrate my point:SpoilerThe red circles show the wayshrines area of influence, marking the POIs that are within reasonable riding distance.
See how redudantly the area around Leyawiin is covered? 3 out of 8 wayshrines are essentially dedicated to the exact same area and almost nothing but one-time quest stuff is located there. Meanwhile the east is almost completely barren.
I haven't checked yet but i assume the dailies in Blackwood follow the established formula, sending you to WBs/delves. I can tell you right now that 4 out of 6 WBs are too far for me to bother with the dailies outside of maybe getting the achivement.
Therefore here's a proposed fix, green denoting the new or moved wayshrines:
While there are still uncovered areas and a bit of redundancy, thiswould overall be a much more balanced coverage, providing reasonable shortcuts to daily objectives. (Which is what a wayshrine should do)
Northern Elsweyr - Blackwood gate
Thank you for keeping in mind the importance of zone gates.
But please don't forget to mark in on the northern Elsweyr map as well, draw a road leading up to it so people are aware of its existence.
Stone bridges on Niben
I know this is kind of a remnant of TES IV's design, but these are vastly illogical. There's no way for ships to travel past them , even tho the Niben is supposed to be one of the busiest rivers on Tamriel (in peace time, at least)
Consider replacing them with very sensible drawbridges; it's not like new assets need to be made for that, they already exist and are used within the PvP Cyrodiil zone.
Invisible walls on the water near Pantherfang Chapel
I assume this will eventually be replaced with slaughterfishes but I think they start too far out from the wall. The walls are pretty unscalable, so no harm in letting players swim all the way up to it :B
Xanmeer building style
This is more of a note for the future, but consider creating a second style for argonian xanmeers. One of the biggest dangers Black Marsh is facing is that all the areas will end up collapsing into a single mash of indistinguishable landmass. In other words, that all the areas will end up looking the same. Having a second architecture style would greatly help preventing this.
(like how dwemers have slightly different alternate styles, helping Markarth and Volenfell to stand apart)
Even just a slight colour swap would go miles.
To end on something positive:
I love all the gorgeous waterfalls.
Especially the one south from Pantherfang Chapel.
And all rivers/lakes, prob the most serene looking zone up to this point.
Now that a more sensible location for it exist, can we move the entrance to Grand Topal Hideaway over to Blackwood? It's currently located in southern Grathwood, but it would make more sense in Blackwood in my opinion as it's much closer to the island and it IS an argonian themed home.
Lady_Rosabella wrote: »Completed writs quests, in Leyawiin, to get a layout of the crafting stations but did not find a writ turn-in area in the city. Will you be putting those in the city? It's crazy to have the convenience of doing the writs there and then have to travel to another zone to turn in your writs.