Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

guild history all missing in guild roster

  • Sorries
    Weirdly enough the days count up, so 18722 days is the most recent and the ones I now that are long term inactive are less days.
    GM Tamriel Homes - PC EU
  • Veles

    Install the Medic addon. It fixes the problem.

    Thx. It works.
    Edited by Veles on April 5, 2021 3:24PM
  • davapoole
    Magdalina wrote: »
    davapoole wrote: »
    Ratinira wrote: »
    When will fixes be tested *before* they are uploaded, not after...

    Markarth, when you put a fix to fix the previous fix that was supposed to fix the fix before... now this...

    this was tested but shows what there testing system is like, so no wonder there are so many bugs in the game if there testing system finds nothing as bugged

    [Quoted post was removed]

    just letting you know in this topic they said they testedit and will get applied next fix but i didnt believe them either
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on April 5, 2021 3:32PM
  • davapoole
    I just uploaded a new version of the Medic addon which fixes this for PC at least.

    thank you this works great everything is back to normal maybe you should sell it to zos as they dont know how to fix it and you obviously do. but thank you
  • Sorries
    Sort by location is more accurate to find the correct order than activity.
    I still have the days instead of months, if I sort by location and go past online people and recently logged off people, who now have minutes/hours, the ones at the top is the most long inactive people.
    GM Tamriel Homes - PC EU
  • ZOS_ConnorG
    Greetings all,

    After review we have had to edit or remove several posts for Bashing. Ensure when engaging in a discussion that you keep said discussion civil, constructive, and within the rules.

    You are welcome to review the Community Rules here.
    Staff Post
  • OsManiaC
    A tongue in cheek solution...


    Since seems we are unable to fix the guild days offline bug I could ask to ask every guildie to BUY something from OUR GUILDSTORE. No this is not a corny plot to drum up sales :)

    When I randomly choose members to REMOVE I will be able to see that you are ACTIVE via my trader addon and will not remove you by mistake.

    The guild is full and we need a couple of slots on a daily basis for new applications.
    If you have been removed and want back in please mail me for a re-invite no questions asked.

    any other possible solutions that does not require player by player verification?
    Anyone? Anything? Please help!

    Install the Medic addon. It fixes the problem.

    Can we make it sticky? this is 100% fix for PC

    sid and his addons. usual stuff.
    GM of The Argonian Kebab, The Argonian Steak & The Argonian BBQ - PC - EU (The Tamriel Kitchen) @OsManiaC

    Don't worry, the tail grows back!
    if it breathes we eats. #justbosmerthings - we can detect stealth boy NPCs and hunt them thanks to our skill!
  • RedMuse
    ListerJMC wrote: »
    Hmmm... looking at it again, I think there might be a method to it?

    If I sort the roster by player status, *I think* it's showing everyone who's logged in post-maintenance + two guildies that have been bugged to not show any information whatsoever for ages at the top of the offline list. These timestamps are confirmed to be correct.

    All my 'Do Not Kick' players come next, they've been offline for 6 months+ but have notified they'll be away for a while so we haven't kicked them.

    So if I work backwards, I *think* what it means is:

    624 months = less than 1 month away
    623 = 1 month away
    622 = 2 months
    621 = 3 months
    620 = 4 months
    619 = 5 months
    618 = 6 months

    I'd be curious to know if that looks about right for other peoples' rosters?

    Edit 1: Mine is casual/social and we have a few players who pop in and out every new release so we sit around 3-4 months inactivity for that reason, so if this works maybe it'll help with inactivity timers of one month + until this is fixed :/

    Edit 2: According to Gina's response below the timestamps on the logouts ARE correct. I have updated this theory to reflect that information.

    Good eye! We were also able to identify the issue with the fix and will work on getting it corrected. In the meantime, this is pretty accurate and can be used as a temporary workaround. Another way to look at it is if you count up from the 12/31/1969 epoch time and subtract what is being displayed, that should display the actual value.

    Something something, Summer of Love.
  • shalalaA7X
    I had one I know for sure I have seen online since the patch that when I looked later it said 624 days offline
  • Ilbirs
    Soul Shriven
    I just uploaded a new version of the Medic addon which fixes this for PC at least.

    thanks you are the best :)
  • DragonRacer
    *cries in console*
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Serenez
    This is not fixed. Everything resets once you log completely out of the game to desktop and close out launcher. The data POST patch does not save.

  • Serenez
    While you remain 'logged into the game' and just merely swapping characters it seems to save. It is when you stop playing and shut down the game application/launcher. Then relaunch and reload the game . it all resets like a time warp.
  • upari
    Sorry had to make a meme...
    Edited by upari on April 5, 2021 8:47PM
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    I cannot believe that a "fix" that is this badly broken and displays such obviously wrong numbers ever made it to live code. Please, ZOS, take a thorough look at your quality assurance and testing routines for patch updates. Something is very, very wrong with that process, and your code is at risk of breaking much worse if you don't get it sorted.
  • Edenprime
    I just uploaded a new version of the Medic addon which fixes this for PC at least.

    Thank you a ton!
    Guildmaster of the largest Finnish community for ESO (, ESO-Hub contributor, co-leader of PC/EU's largest trading network, Occasional coordinator of Bethesda Nordic community events and a raider. Twitter Twitch | Youtube
  • MKintr
    I cannot believe that a "fix" that is this badly broken and displays such obviously wrong numbers ever made it to live code. Please, ZOS, take a thorough look at your quality assurance and testing routines for patch updates. Something is very, very wrong with that process, and your code is at risk of breaking much worse if you don't get it sorted.

    My already negative expectations were even underbid. :o
    If something easy like this doesn't work after 4 weeks, you can kiss bugged Cyrodiil goodbye forever.
    Forget all my roster work. What are the odds of PS4 being back up before the flip tomorrow? Gotta say I’m not feeling very confident at the moment.
    PS4 NA - GM Psijic Supreme Order
  • Kwoung
    Yup the Medic addon fixed it for me too. Apparently we lost over 100 members due to CP 2.0 and normal attrition (attrition is generally very low in my guild)
    Edited by Kwoung on April 5, 2021 8:32PM
  • SteveCampsOut
    But it's the 2nd...

    It was the first when I posted it.
    @ֆȶɛʋɛƈǟʍքֆօʊȶ ʀʋʟɨʄɛ⍟
    Sanguine & Psijic Group Beta Tester.
    Steve's Craftiness Find out what I can make for you at my Google Doc Spreadsheet.
    Pacrooti's Hirelings Website:

    NA Server:
    Steforax Soulstrong CH782 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH782 Dragonknight AD
    Rheticia Le Drakisius CH782 Nightblade DC
    Razmuzan Thrasmas CH782 Templar EP
    Sheenara Soulstrong CH782 Dragonknight DC
    Erik Ramzey CH782 Nightblade AD
    Growling Kahjiti CH782 Nightblade EP
    One of Many Faces CH782 Sorcerer DC
    Grumpasaurus Rex CH782 Warden DC
    EU Server:
    Guildmaster of Pacrooti's Hirelings AD Based LGBT Friendly Guild.
    Stefrex Souliss CH701 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH701 Dragonknight DC
    Slithisi Ksissi CH701 Nightblade EP
    Pokes-With-Fire CH701 Dragonknight AD
    Josie-The-Pussi-Cat CH701 Templar AD
    Stug-Grog M'God CH701 Templar DC
    One With Many Faces CH701 Nightblade DC
    Trixie Truskan CH701 Sorcerer EP
    Grumpetasaurus Rex CH701 Warden EP
    ESO Plus status: Canceled!
  • rotten333
    I just uploaded a new version of the Medic addon which fixes this for PC at least.

    This was really helpful thanks thanks thanks
  • fantomblub14_ESO
    I just uploaded a new version of the Medic addon which fixes this for PC at least.

    This fixed it for me as well! Thanks Sid! Zos needs to hire you.
    Guild Master of The Shivering Cheese (PC-NA)
  • Ratinira
    Solved, deleted
    Edited by Ratinira on April 5, 2021 9:11PM
  • twinkles21
    I just uploaded a new version of the Medic addon which fixes this for PC at least.

    Oh gosh! Thank you so much. It works perfectly <3
  • Veles
    Ratinira wrote: »
    I just uploaded a new version of the Medic addon which fixes this for PC at least.

    I have a problem with that addon. With it I have some person both not active for month (Medic-UIFixes) but also trading during this week (ATT). Where is the truth?

    Had same situation with some persons I knew for sure they were online. The reason turned out that they put offline status in the game more than a month ago and forgot about it.
    Edited by Veles on April 5, 2021 9:13PM
  • karliahquinn
    But it's the 2nd...

    It was the first when I posted it.

    Maybe in your country ;)
  • karliahquinn
    Sirinsidiator you are the best. ZoS should hire you. Game would be fixed in 3s flat
  • sharkclanb16_ESO
    Just to confirm that people logging in whilst I am offline are still not having the correct offline date set.

    I have people who logged in overnight and donated cash (I can see the donation times) who are still showing as offline for 624 months, so the fix you made will not fix things for GM's if they wait for their set AFK periods to process.

    This is not just a case of people who haven't logged in being incorrect.
  • ZAD1ST
    I’m glad there’s an add on to resolve this on PC but this is still a major issue on Console. I’m Xbox EU and it’s impossible to manage inactives at the moment and get active players in the guild. Once someone has quit the game (as opposed to swapping characters) their roster info changes to 600+ months offline. But it’s not like I can say oh if it’s 600+ they must be active as everyone is appearing that way whether they have been on in the last 10mins or a few weeks. Please can you let us know this is being addressed? Many thanks
  • ganzaeso
    I just uploaded a new version of the Medic addon which fixes this for PC at least.

    This is a life saver for PC users. Thank you @sirinsidiator
    (Math before coffee, except after 3, is not for me)
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