Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

guild history all missing in guild roster

  • CynderzLite
    The problem is the guilds are not and never have been a priority for ZOS that is why they have messed up the guild roster during so many of their updates! They either don’t have anyone testing on beta that uses guild rosters or they just don’t care! The problems that we have had to continuously figure out work arounds for do to them not having a clue is totally unacceptable :/
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • Sharlikran
    Caro's Last Online Workaround: Using LibGuildRoster

    Provides a column on the guild roster compatible with MM 3.0

    Advanced Member Tooltip: Using LibHistoire

    Provides a tooltip with basic information such as joined date, last seen online, gold deposits and withdraws. (with export capabilities) Compatible with MM 3.0 or other mods that alter the guild roster since it only adds additional information to the tooltip.
    Edited by Sharlikran on March 18, 2021 2:41PM
  • Sharlikran
    @CynderzLite It is unfortunate but the modding community will have to provide the workaround for now while we wait for a more proper solution. Myself and some others do know that one of the ZOS developers only has certain visibility into the matter. The UI Developer has been asking about the issue trying to get some information on it but at this time all he knows is that it is being looked into.
    Edited by Sharlikran on March 18, 2021 2:42PM
  • QenQuni
    Sharlikran wrote: »
    Caro's Last Online Workaround: Using LibGuildRoster

    Provides a column on the guild roster compatible with MM 3.0

    Advanced Member Tooltip: Using LibHistoire

    Provides a tooltip with basic information such as joined date, last seen online, gold deposits and withdraws. (with export capabilities) Compatible with MM 3.0 or other mods that alter the guild roster since it only adds additional information to the tooltip.

    Thats very nice for PC players but on consoles it is impossible to use addons or mods so that still does not make a difference for console players
    Order of the Panda, Red Pandas and Golden Pandas Trading guilds PS4 EU
  • QenQuni
    As for the problem its pretty obvious to most people who have a bit of understanding about how gamefiles work that they made a duckup in how they connected the player tables to guildroster and their database, most likely a faulty or missing coding line.. I might be mistaken but this problem includes more then just the UI work that has been done so certain Developers will have to put their heads together and doublecheck the work they did ;)
    Edited by QenQuni on March 18, 2021 4:46PM
    Order of the Panda, Red Pandas and Golden Pandas Trading guilds PS4 EU
  • AaronGuilder
    Once again ESO does a update and they have to screw up the guild roster why does this always seem to happen? You were aware of this before the update got to the console format once again but not fixed before hand why? Here I am again asking questions that won’t be answered nice to no in 6 years this is the one thing you all don’t change!

    Why am I not surprised, a known bug from the PTS gets put on EVERY variation of patch?
    Why do Devs not listen that is why the PTS (Meaning TEST SERVER) is there and this was reported and just opted to be ignored?

    This is very frustrating, not just for GMs, but for all users looking across guilds they are in to see where their friends are and if they are OK?

    Please as every other poster has said, fix it!

    XBOX EU / NA: Magplar x4 Magsorc x3 StamDK x2 Stamsorc x1 Magsorc x1 Warden x1 Necro x1 Stamblade x1 Magblade x1 MagDK x1
  • furball_82dk
    would love an update since this is starting to be an issue
  • Kwoung
    This is beyond ridiculous. I am supposed to be playing a game and having fun, but every couple months ZOS turns running a guild into a complete stress fest and managerial nightmare. We are sitting at 497 members and have 45 applications waiting.

    So at the very least...
    I NEED TO KNOW when someone was last online in order to manage my guild!!!!!

    Oh BTW ZOS, when you finally get around to fixing this 6 months from now (like the last time you screwed up the roster), I need the complete missing history, not another huge blank period again!

  • Loralai_907
    Could we maybe get an update on where we are at with this? If this is going to take a while, we will need to work out some other way to track our members activity temporarily. Our guild is sitting at 499 members and we have close to 90 applications right now. If this is going to be fixed soon, great. But if not, we cant just let this sit like this forever and do nothing. But going through all the work to implement some other thing and track it in an excel spreadsheet is a lot of work. I dont want to do that if this is going to be fixed soon. Either way though, we just need to know so we can handle things in the best way we can.
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • CynderzLite

    Sharlikran wrote: »
    @CynderzLite It is unfortunate but the modding community will have to provide the workaround for now while we wait for a more proper solution. Myself and some others do know that one of the ZOS developers only has certain visibility into the matter. The UI Developer has been asking about the issue trying to get some information on it but at this time all he knows is that it is being looked into.

    Thanks for response but unfortunately that’s not a feature we have on PS4 and this time they have not left us much to work with!
    What they usually do next is shut down this thread all together because they don’t want to hear our negative feedback!
    I also appreciate what many others have had to say here. I guess I will have to rely on the guild finder to know how many members of my guild have been offline over 2 weeks. Or that it matters because I am not going to put the time in to figure out a way around this until they fix it! Let’s just hope our guilds aren’t all gutted too bad by the time they fix this with all the people that are quitting the game!
    Edited by CynderzLite on March 18, 2021 9:07PM
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • Tezzaa
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_SarahHecker

    Any updates?? Or are we the paying gaming community expected to just go away and forget about this? We all have guilds to manage and effectively you have tied our hands on how we can even do this in the short term let along the long term. So please -- update us with something that is being done about this HUGE ISSUE.
  • ruifeio
    Sharlikran wrote: »
    Caro's Last Online Workaround: Using LibGuildRoster

    Provides a column on the guild roster compatible with MM 3.0

    Advanced Member Tooltip: Using LibHistoire

    Provides a tooltip with basic information such as joined date, last seen online, gold deposits and withdraws. (with export capabilities) Compatible with MM 3.0 or other mods that alter the guild roster since it only adds additional information to the tooltip.

    Important part of those problems are addons for PC players.

    When a bug coming with a patch for guilds UI, we (console players) wait that an addon will fix it for PC players,
    then if not, we got a fix ... remember jump guild roster 1 year ago.

    On consoles it is impossible to use addons or mods.

    We can't even have

    1. In deposits menu
    * an option to scroll deposits by members, since last trader change (weekly)

    2. In Purchases menu
    * an option to scroll sellers by user, since last trader change (weekly)

    Both options with addons on PC

    Edited by ruifeio on March 19, 2021 2:31PM
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're still working on getting this fixed. As such, it will not be included in Monday's PC incremental patch.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • fantomblub14_ESO
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're still working on getting this fixed. As such, it will not be included in Monday's PC incremental patch.

    Thanks Gina, we are eagerly awaiting a fix for this. Please keep us updated!
    Guild Master of The Shivering Cheese (PC-NA)
  • Edenprime
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're still working on getting this fixed. As such, it will not be included in Monday's PC incremental patch.

    Do you know if this something that can be hotfixed without needing an incremental?
    Guildmaster of the largest Finnish community for ESO (, ESO-Hub contributor, co-leader of PC/EU's largest trading network, Occasional coordinator of Bethesda Nordic community events and a raider. Twitter Twitch | Youtube
  • Tezzaa
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're still working on getting this fixed. As such, it will not be included in Monday's PC incremental patch.

    Do we have any kind of ETA when this can be fixed so those os us who run guilds can make short or long term plans to accommodate this breakage?
  • Ramber
    That sucks IDK what to do :(
  • MKintr
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're still working on getting this fixed. As such, it will not be included in Monday's PC incremental patch.

    However, any fix is too late already! Countless applications of new members have already expired. The guild is blocked from development and activity levels drop. Restoring the history with the fix is quite unlikly. Damage to our guilds will persist.

    This mess is the final dealbreaker for me. Especially as it was already known on PTS and ignored!
  • Ramber
    That add on ony helps going forward btw and only when you are online to record others that are ONLINE. we need to know how long its been since players have logged in :/ this is making me ill that i cant manage my guild properly.

    Maybe ZoS doesnt want us to know how many people stopped playing the game for some reason?
  • CynderzLite
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're still working on getting this fixed. As such, it will not be included in Monday's PC incremental patch.

    It’s very discouraging that no acknowledgement or mention has been made about the PS4! Do you need for us to start a separate post? :|
    PSN ID CynderzLite GM of The Purple Gang NA PS4
  • virtus753
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're still working on getting this fixed. As such, it will not be included in Monday's PC incremental patch.

    It’s very discouraging that no acknowledgement or mention has been made about the PS4! Do you need for us to start a separate post? :|

    They will just close such a post as a duplicate, since it’s the same bug.

    The reason they only mentioned the PC patch is likely because there’s already been an announcement of a PC/Mac patch, and they didn’t want us to think it might be included in there when it wasn’t. Unless they can be done as back-end fixes, these things get rolled out to PC first, then they get included in the console patches. For them it goes without saying that if PC is not getting it this week, then console definitely isn’t either.
  • NeeScrolls
    MKintr wrote: »
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're still working on getting this fixed. As such, it will not be included in Monday's PC incremental patch.

    Countless applications of new members have already expired. The guild is blocked from development and activity levels drop. Restoring the history with the fix is quite unlikly. Damage to our guilds will persist.

    This mess is the final dealbreaker for me.

    Especially as it was already known on PTS and ignored!

    Wait, seriously? Why would they (Zenimax) ignore such a practically guild/gamebreaking type issue like this?

    I've never been on ESO's PTS before, so i won't presume how it operates but i have worked as QA before (on another mmo) and i find it strange that they would've just intentionally ignored such an obvious issue. Was there any acknowledgement from Zenimax (or indication as to the root-cause) from the PTS forums prior to U29 being pushed?
  • MKintr
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    MKintr wrote: »
    Hi everyone, just to update, we're still working on getting this fixed. As such, it will not be included in Monday's PC incremental patch.

    Countless applications of new members have already expired. The guild is blocked from development and activity levels drop. Restoring the history with the fix is quite unlikly. Damage to our guilds will persist.

    This mess is the final dealbreaker for me.

    Especially as it was already known on PTS and ignored!

    Wait, seriously? Why would they (Zenimax) ignore such a practically guild/gamebreaking type issue like this?

    I've never been on ESO's PTS before, so i won't presume how it operates but i have worked as QA before (on another mmo) and i find it strange that they would've just intentionally ignored such an obvious issue. Was there any acknowledgement from Zenimax (or indication as to the root-cause) from the PTS forums prior to U29 being pushed?

    I don't know if there was an acknowledgement or not, but I guess it was not. However, they are famous for ignoring bugs on PTS and ignoring feedback from customers on PTS. For what do they have it at all? Seems like PTS is just on the to-do-list, they tick it off and do the next step. [snip]

    [Edited to remove Bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 21, 2021 3:55PM
  • DragonRacer
    Yeah, this has ground recruiting to a halt. We're at 500 and I cannot see who is inactive to remove with our 21-day inactive policy so that folks requesting to join can actually be sent an invite.

    Feels bad, man.
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • ZOS_ConnorG
    Greetings all,

    After review we have had to edit or remove several posts for Bashing. Ensure when engaging in a discussion that you keep said discussion civil, constructive, and within the rules.

    You are welcome to review the Community Rules here.
    Staff Post
  • MKintr
    I still say, its a organisational fail, when ZOS doesn't use the feedback from PTS!

    [Edited for discussing moderator action.]
    Edited by ZOS_GabeS on March 21, 2021 8:04PM
  • Renegader
    same as the mounting stamina bug a few months back.

    Zos will take your money in less than a second, and fix any crown store issue before you can blink. But any gamebreaking bug will stay in the game, let players deal with it for 4-5 weeks then finally fix it.

    This is becoming an old song and dance, and a tiring one at that
  • Exquisition
    Since this is issue is not getting fixed anytime soon, does anyone know if there is an addon that solves the guild history problem?
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Orejana
    Soul Shriven
    Since this is issue is not getting fixed anytime soon, does anyone know if there is an addon that solves the guild history problem?

    Not solving, no. But, as has been said, there is "Caro's Last Online Workaround", which collects data while you yourself are online - you can also import data from other guild members who use the same addon.
  • Veles
    Nothing at patch notes about this issue or am I blind?

    It is very important for guild master to fix this issue.

    Hi everyone, just to update, we're still working on getting this fixed. As such, it will not be included in Monday's PC incremental patch.

    Oh, I see. Gina,

    [Edited to remove Rude and Insulting Comments]
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 22, 2021 3:18PM
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