I think I'm very glad the new XP curve will let the vast majority of us get a lot more CP a lot faster! They've given us a reason to want to reach for more CP, and now they've made it reasonably accessible. I hope they keep it that way.
I was hoping we'd have valid testing numbers long before this, but with the resistance debuff bugs that hasn't been possible until today. My main concern with the axe change is that (as others pointed out back at the beginning of the PTS cycle) it seems out of line with the other weapon bonuses now, and I think all four weapons really need to offer something *comparable* to each other, even if there will always be a numerical best-in-slot for PvE.
I'll be very curious to see more parses forthcoming this week as people finally get to test.
If I understand the math right, on a stam warden you'll want both crit stars plus Deadly Aim and Thaumaturge to buff your light attacks and spammable. The only AoE in a meta stamden rotation is Volley, which already gets buffed by Thaumaturge. Biting Aura would only buff Volley by another 10%. That won't be worth sacrificing Fighting Finesse or Backstabber to do it.
Maxing out your four active nodes plus the important passives like Tireless Discipline, Precision, and Piercing will add up. Reaching for Mighty (which requires 30 CP plus the 20 CP prereq in Battle Mastery) will increase your dps but not by all that much in the grand scheme of things.
Wait you don’t use sub assault as a stamden? Any reason?
skinnycheeks wrote: »i feel like you missed something possibly in your testing. shouldn't have dropped from 103k to 83k. i think a 10k drop is more or less what you should be looking at there.
That's fine, frankly we have had far too much dps for a while now.
We were getting close to thrassian lvls of dps without thrassian for a while now.
15k seems fair and won't really be game breaking.
SidraWillowsky wrote: »
My thoughts exactly... 88k is still really, really high, we're just used to these unnecessary, astronomically high DPS numbers being the norm.
Olupajmibanan wrote: »
On live I am doing 96k with the very same build. The dps loss is not really that bad, but DK is the only class that got buffed (Burning Talons doing fire dmg) and benefits more from the Status effect chance CP.
Also, it's 1413 CP character.
I've tried also magicka templar and the dps loss is more severe there (as expected), but nothing terrific. Went from 92k (live) to 85k (PTS)
So with the armour debuff's fixed we can start seeing the full impact of the nerfs and changes on the PTS.
Granted I'm working with 810 CP and there are probably better ways to optimise it, but on live i'm seeing 103k on my mag sorc, on PTS with a similar setup i'm looking at 83k
either something is broken still, or ZoS have gone way overboard with the nerfs.
Some of the dps loss is going to come from the sustain nerfs which hit the dummy disproportionally, I expect sustain to be better in actual content, but that aside things are looking somewhat grim.
I recently did portals on vSS HM and I can tell you now that if this level of dps loss is legit and across the board, then I won't be capable of that anymore.
Not sure what build is this, on my mDK I went from 83k to 77k on PTS using the same build (pSiro+Elfbane), seems the about right.
That's fine, frankly we have had far too much dps for a while now.
We were getting close to thrassian lvls of dps without thrassian for a while now.
15k seems fair and won't really be game breaking.
@CleymenZero if you scroll down the thread i did another parse with exactly the same setup as my live parse, hit 88k.
after work i did a few more parses yesterday and everything sits between 83k and 88k
with 810CP i'm missing some passives:
+520 mag - 20pts
+100 spell damage - 30pts
+60% status effect - 40pts
which from previous experience these stats should be around 3k dps?
It's also possible that the slotted CP I chose were not optimal. I considered parsing with different slotted cp to get a feel for it but didn't really have time and it's hard to really lock that down because the difference of a single change are often within the margin of error anyway.
@Firstmep dps had a massive jump on the dummy last patch because they added a bunch of buffs including major vulnerability to the 21m. For dps to drop back to this level is actually a pretty big nerf.
@preevious I wouldn't consider backstabber cheese any more than i'd consider zaan cheese. most fights you want to be behind the target to avoid cleave etc. Sure you can't use it in vSS, but you can't use Zaan either. Night blades in particular have been doing all their parses from the flanks for a while now to take advantage of their class passive, so I don't see this as any different.
Everyone is comparing the live/PTS with the same sets, which makes of course perfect sense.
However, with the changes happening to crits, there is also the possibility that different sets and builds might perform better? It will not be a perfect comparison but interesting to see if some people have already theorycrafted and tested builds better adapted to the changes.
phantasmalD wrote: »How much do you parse for with 0CP tho?
So we can see how much the floor was brought up.
phantasmalD wrote: »How much do you parse for with 0CP tho?
So we can see how much the floor was brought up.
Nchuleftingth wrote: »For those who are comparing the parses from Elsweyr to now while they do look similar in some cases, it's still a rather big nerf because major vulnerability was still added to the dummy. It's a dps loss compared to Elsweyr patch if you're comparing numbers from then till now.
The bigger problem is that meaningful testing still can't be achieved because for some reason there is no higher CP character template on the PTS, so we don't know the ~% loss of your character at max potential.
SidraWillowsky wrote: »
A very fair point- I actually really hate that they added the major vulnerability; it results in a massive DPS increase and isn't really reflective of something that's achievable in most groups unless you want to run a handful of necros. IIRC it's the only meaningful DPS buff on the trial dummy that's class-specific.
But I digress. Even in "real world" play, DPS has increased for no apparent reason. My single-target DPS is up 5-6k on Ra Kotu in vHRC and Ozara in vSO, for example, that's with my guild running the exact same setups as before this patch (we forgot to have someone run a frost staff). I'm not sure where I'll be in U29 with 1150 CP...
I agree that it's going to be a substantial nerf for people with lower CP, however, and I don't agree with that. Someone should go into the PTS and only allocate ~500 CP to see the affect on people like that. I don't think that I have the energy after extensive and obsessive testing every patch over the past few years. I cannot bring myself to test this time.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
Thats weird, it might be interesting to compare CMX parses on the bosses from PTS and Live. DPS on the trail dummy is lowered while it has an somewhat unrealistic 100% uptime of major vulnerability but on bosses the DPS increased.
There are new status effects like Hemorrhaging, Sundered and Overcharged but I wouldnt expect that to make up for the overall power reduction of the CP system plus give 5-6k extra single target DPS, maybe the trail dummy is still bugged?
SidraWillowsky wrote: »
Oh, the 5-6k increase is on live, not in the PTS. I've not seen non-dummy DPS data from the PTS, but that would be really interesting to see, and probably a better indicator of where DPS is at.
Olupajmibanan wrote: »
StamDK is definitely not bad.
It's 2H (Maul) / DW (Mace+Mace) build.
what was the setup? relequen and?