Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Dear PVPers in IC

  • Minyassa
    I can't stand Imperial City. People are just relentless. On the other hand last night in Cyrodiil I was dancing with a player from both opposing alliances as we jointly rejected the kill others mentally of pvp.

    I've gone into Cyro to meet up with a friend from a different alliance and show them where something is, like a particular fishing area, and I've always been really nervous about accidentally attacking them. Makes me think that an activity of mixed alliances where the object of the exercise is to not catch your friends in your attacks would be very interesting to attempt. We are all so used to being ignored by ally attacks in video games and don't have to worry about friendly fire, I wonder what sort of skills one would develop by playing with that condition and learning to work around it.
  • ACamaroGuy
    The Imperial Sewers should allow you to turn off being able to attack other players and from being attacked by other players. Some of us want to farm those Tel Var, skyshards and just explore. It's a great place to level a toon. Being forced to go into a PvP zone while being a PvE only player just sucks.
    Edited by ACamaroGuy on February 2, 2021 2:47AM
    For the Empire
  • vamp_emily
    I was AFK, NOT FIGHTING! EP why did you kill me!

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • hexnotic
    i’d definitely call myself a pve main, but i am close with some people who primarily pvp and that’s given me some perspective on the matter that pvp in this game is exciting content, and pvpers deserve events too. i’ve built a character specifically for IC/BG action, and it’s been a lot of fun learning different pvp tactics.

    the fact that this game has pvp modes is awesome, and i mean a bunch of esports is plaver vs player games anyways, so what’s wrong with TESO players enjoying a little bloodsports every now and then. pvp in this game could be a very enjoyable sport, if the lag wasn’t so bad and skills actually fired when you press the buttons! pvp combat is fast paced and chaotic, and you have to build for it but it can be very satisfying when you coordinate with other players and take down a big group, etc.
    Edited by hexnotic on February 2, 2021 3:10AM
  • Goregrinder
    ACamaroGuy wrote: »
    The Imperial Sewers should allow you to turn off being able to attack other players and from being attacked by other players. Some of us want to farm those Tel Var, skyshards and just explore. It's a great place to level a toon. Being forced to go into a PvP zone while being a PvE only player just sucks.

    Imagine being a PVP player being forced to go into PVE zones for gear.
  • hexnotic
    ACamaroGuy wrote: »
    The Imperial Sewers should allow you to turn off being able to attack other players and from being attacked by other players. Some of us want to farm those Tel Var, skyshards and just explore. It's a great place to level a toon. Being forced to go into a PvP zone while being a PvE only player just sucks.

    Imagine being a PVP player being forced to go into PVE zones for gear.
    imagine playing both game modes, and enjoying it :D
  • Goregrinder
    hexnotic wrote: »
    ACamaroGuy wrote: »
    The Imperial Sewers should allow you to turn off being able to attack other players and from being attacked by other players. Some of us want to farm those Tel Var, skyshards and just explore. It's a great place to level a toon. Being forced to go into a PvP zone while being a PvE only player just sucks.

    Imagine being a PVP player being forced to go into PVE zones for gear.
    imagine playing both game modes, and enjoying it :D

    Sorry I can't really imagine that, as I don't enjoy both game modes. I play both game modes because the only way to run certain PVP builds in ESO, is to get gear locked behind PVE content. I am sure some people enjoy both, but that is not me. I only enjoy PVP.

    The good news is, you PVErs have almost every other event in the year all to yourselves!
  • hexnotic
    hexnotic wrote: »
    ACamaroGuy wrote: »
    The Imperial Sewers should allow you to turn off being able to attack other players and from being attacked by other players. Some of us want to farm those Tel Var, skyshards and just explore. It's a great place to level a toon. Being forced to go into a PvP zone while being a PvE only player just sucks.

    Imagine being a PVP player being forced to go into PVE zones for gear.
    imagine playing both game modes, and enjoying it :D

    Sorry I can't really imagine that, as I don't enjoy both game modes. I play both game modes because the only way to run certain PVP builds in ESO, is to get gear locked behind PVE content. I am sure some people enjoy both, but that is not me. I only enjoy PVP.

    The good news is, you PVErs have almost every other event in the year all to yourselves!

    it sucks that there’s such a division between game modes, and most people just get outright salty about it. i would like more pvp content to freshen things up, and i guess it’s up to the devs how the gear in the game gets distributed. it would be pretty sweet if there was a golden vendor for body pieces as well, or something to help out pvpers who don’t wana gear farm in dungeons. most likely the devs want both modes to be populated, so they set it up that way. players gets mad at each other, but really you gotta take it up with the devs.

  • Goregrinder
    hexnotic wrote: »
    hexnotic wrote: »
    ACamaroGuy wrote: »
    The Imperial Sewers should allow you to turn off being able to attack other players and from being attacked by other players. Some of us want to farm those Tel Var, skyshards and just explore. It's a great place to level a toon. Being forced to go into a PvP zone while being a PvE only player just sucks.

    Imagine being a PVP player being forced to go into PVE zones for gear.
    imagine playing both game modes, and enjoying it :D

    Sorry I can't really imagine that, as I don't enjoy both game modes. I play both game modes because the only way to run certain PVP builds in ESO, is to get gear locked behind PVE content. I am sure some people enjoy both, but that is not me. I only enjoy PVP.

    The good news is, you PVErs have almost every other event in the year all to yourselves!

    it sucks that there’s such a division between game modes, and most people just get outright salty about it. i would like more pvp content to freshen things up, and i guess it’s up to the devs how the gear in the game gets distributed. it would be pretty sweet if there was a golden vendor for body pieces as well, or something to help out pvpers who don’t wana gear farm in dungeons. most likely the devs want both modes to be populated, so they set it up that way. players gets mad at each other, but really you gotta take it up with the devs.

    I'd love if all gear could be obtained by either PVE or PVP. Would be nice not to have to farm a boss 30+ times for a lead for a mythic for a PVP build. I'd settle on the golden vendor giving entire sets instead of just single pieces.
  • JamieAubrey
    If I'm alone and just jumping on to do the daily, I'll leave you alone but if you open up on me then I will open up and melt you
  • Ysbriel
    Good to see that PvPers are doing exactly what is intended to be done in a PvP zone.
    Edited by Ysbriel on February 2, 2021 7:24AM
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    jaws343 wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Dear PvEers in the ONLY TWO PvP zones (ok and also BGs were we can't even select game modes),

    Cyrodiil and imperial city are the Only PvP zones, you have MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY PvE zones, PvE events, PvE everything.

    PvPers need to do PvE quests for rewards too. What's the point of complaining PvP in PvP zones?

    Again we're going back to the where in the pve events can pvers prevent you or make it harder for you to complete said pve quests? Cause last time I checked that didn't happen

    Here is a thread from the most recent Undaunted event where a PvEer stopped the OP from getting their daily tickets/loot:

    Here is a thread also from the most recent Undaunted event where a group rushing through made it harder for the OP to complete the content because they couldn't keep up:

    Here is another thread from, you guessed it, the most recent Undaunted event also complaining about the other players in the group speeding through content so they missed out on loot:

    I could keep going, but I really don't think I need to. All three of these threads are from December 2020, so it's not even like I had to dig through years of posts to find a handful of suggestions. You need to stop suggesting that PvPers are the only people in this game who stop other people from completing their objective, because it's clearly not the case.

    So not getting dungeon loot = not getting tickets? Mmmkay sure. Besides you can always ask guildies or friends to do dungeon runs if you don't want randomers. Funnily in pve you can't actually prevent someone getting their tickets

    When the event requires you to kill the final boss to get the ticket and you are unable to loot the boss, then yes, not getting dungeon loot = not getting a ticket.

    And honestly, your suggestion that PVP player should find a group to help is literally the same thing PVE players should do. Find a group to help you complete super easy PVE quests in a PVP zone.

    Umm you do know that no one can stop you looting the final boss right? Once you've killed it they can't charge anywhere to stop you looting the final boss cause where they are doesn't mater.
    Edited by ZaroktheImmortal on February 2, 2021 8:12AM
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    Also some dungeons are easy enough to solo hell before I started doing group content I'd just solo fungal grotto 1 for tickets during the events. That one is super easy.
  • renne
    Umm you do know that no one can stop you looting the final boss right? Once you've killed it they can't charge anywhere to stop you looting the final boss cause where they are doesn't mater.

    They can absolutely stop you from looting the final boss. You have to have put damage on any boss in a dungeon to get a drop from it, and if someone has charged ahead and killed the boss before you get there you cannot loot because it doesn't have any loot or even a yellow outline for you.
    Edited by renne on February 2, 2021 8:18AM
  • renne
    Also some dungeons are easy enough to solo hell before I started doing group content I'd just solo fungal grotto 1 for tickets during the events. That one is super easy.

    Doing PvE quests in Cyrodiil and IC are easy without getting killed by another player, hell before I started doing PvP I'd just do the PvE quests like scouting in Cyrodiil and the IC Arena daily for tickets during events. Those quests are super easy.
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    renne wrote: »
    Umm you do know that no one can stop you looting the final boss right? Once you've killed it they can't charge anywhere to stop you looting the final boss cause where they are doesn't mater.

    They can absolutely stop you from looting the final boss. You have to have put damage on any boss in a dungeon to get a drop from it, and if someone has charged ahead and killed the boss before you get there you cannot loot because it doesn't have a loot or even a yellow outline for you.

    If you're in a group so you don' literally just have to be in the area of the dungeon boss when it dies. That's not how dungeons work at all.......have you done dungeons before? Or perhaps you're thinking of a world boss?
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    If it were the case that you had to get a certain amount of damage the tank and healer would never get drops sooo yeah. That's not true at all.
  • renne
    renne wrote: »
    Umm you do know that no one can stop you looting the final boss right? Once you've killed it they can't charge anywhere to stop you looting the final boss cause where they are doesn't mater.

    They can absolutely stop you from looting the final boss. You have to have put damage on any boss in a dungeon to get a drop from it, and if someone has charged ahead and killed the boss before you get there you cannot loot because it doesn't have a loot or even a yellow outline for you.

    If you're in a group so you don' literally just have to be in the area of the dungeon boss when it dies. That's not how dungeons work at all.......have you done dungeons before? Or perhaps you're thinking of a world boss?

    That is exactly how it works because I have *checks notes* Done Dungeons Before Where I Didn't Damage A Boss And Didn't Get Loot. I am, however, beginning to suspect you've never actually done dungeons with a group before since you're acting like it's not possible. People are going to back me up on this, not you, to be quite honest.
  • renne
    If it were the case that you had to get a certain amount of damage the tank and healer would never get drops sooo yeah. That's not true at all.

    Except it is absolutely true. You can even go back and reread the threads you didn't bother to read before last time where people were complaining abou this exact thing.

    You just need to put damage on the boss, I never said "a certain amount". You mustn't know very much about healing OR tanking if you think that a healer or a tank never damages a boss. What do you even think a taunt is?? Do you think a healer just double bars a resto and never light or heavy attacks? Doesn't cast anything on the boss?
  • Cirantille
    renne wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Umm you do know that no one can stop you looting the final boss right? Once you've killed it they can't charge anywhere to stop you looting the final boss cause where they are doesn't mater.

    They can absolutely stop you from looting the final boss. You have to have put damage on any boss in a dungeon to get a drop from it, and if someone has charged ahead and killed the boss before you get there you cannot loot because it doesn't have a loot or even a yellow outline for you.

    If you're in a group so you don' literally just have to be in the area of the dungeon boss when it dies. That's not how dungeons work at all.......have you done dungeons before? Or perhaps you're thinking of a world boss?

    That is exactly how it works because I have *checks notes* Done Dungeons Before Where I Didn't Damage A Boss And Didn't Get Loot. I am, however, beginning to suspect you've never actually done dungeons with a group before since you're acting like it's not possible. People are going to back me up on this, not you, to be quite honest.

    This actually happened to me quite few times

    Both during undaunted event and out of it

    I had lowbies to level and because my passives and stamina sucked, couldn't keep up with the guy running ahead

    So couldn't loot the boss

    Ps. I mainly PvP but I never criid in forums to complain about a few jerks I came across in PvE, however I am very sick of grinding undaunted, psijic, lorebooks, fighters guild each time just so I can PvP
  • Goregrinder
    Cirantille wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Umm you do know that no one can stop you looting the final boss right? Once you've killed it they can't charge anywhere to stop you looting the final boss cause where they are doesn't mater.

    They can absolutely stop you from looting the final boss. You have to have put damage on any boss in a dungeon to get a drop from it, and if someone has charged ahead and killed the boss before you get there you cannot loot because it doesn't have a loot or even a yellow outline for you.

    If you're in a group so you don' literally just have to be in the area of the dungeon boss when it dies. That's not how dungeons work at all.......have you done dungeons before? Or perhaps you're thinking of a world boss?

    That is exactly how it works because I have *checks notes* Done Dungeons Before Where I Didn't Damage A Boss And Didn't Get Loot. I am, however, beginning to suspect you've never actually done dungeons with a group before since you're acting like it's not possible. People are going to back me up on this, not you, to be quite honest.

    This actually happened to me quite few times

    Both during undaunted event and out of it

    I had lowbies to level and because my passives and stamina sucked, couldn't keep up with the guy running ahead

    So couldn't loot the boss

    Ps. I mainly PvP but I never criid in forums to complain about a few jerks I came across in PvE, however I am very sick of grinding undaunted, psijic, lorebooks, fighters guild each time just so I can PvP

    I've also been kicked out of many pug groups for whatever reason they wanted to kick me out for, which prevented me from looting any gear from bosses. It's usually worse when the game puts you in with a 3-man stack, they'll just kick you for liking pineapples on your pizza. As a PVPer, I just want the gear you know? So it's pretty unfair that PVErs can prevent me from getting the rewards I want just like that.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    wolfbone wrote: »
    They don't care anyway. They just like to spoil people's mood and get pleasure from it, lol.

    It's pvp. if you dont like being killed then you shouldnt go to a pvp zone.
    Except it's PvA more often than not now.

    I think they should have separate Alliance ranks: One for the player, another for the proc set and/or poison that's actually doing the killing most of the time.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Kiyakotari
    Saucy_Jack wrote: »
    I carry exactly zero telvar on me when I go walking - yes, walking - around the IC districts, but I salute your gusto. ;)

    - Pie King

    Yeah, I purposefully let NPC mobs kill me on the regular, just so that PvP players in IC will get no Tel Var from me when they're griefing me as I try, over and over, to achieve that one quest objective that they're camping.

    I can't stop them from getting AP, but at least I can prevent those big piles of Tel Var loot.

    On the flip side, when I've finished the quests in a district, I'll usually build up a bit of Tel Var killing some mobs, then prance up to a random player from another faction and jump around in front of them until they get the idea and kill me. That way, they get a reward for giving me the suicide teleport back to my base!
  • renne
    Kiyakotari wrote: »
    Saucy_Jack wrote: »
    I carry exactly zero telvar on me when I go walking - yes, walking - around the IC districts, but I salute your gusto. ;)

    - Pie King

    Yeah, I purposefully let NPC mobs kill me on the regular, just so that PvP players in IC will get no Tel Var from me when they're griefing me as I try, over and over, to achieve that one quest objective that they're camping.

    I can't stop them from getting AP, but at least I can prevent those big piles of Tel Var loot.

    On the flip side, when I've finished the quests in a district, I'll usually build up a bit of Tel Var killing some mobs, then prance up to a random player from another faction and jump around in front of them until they get the idea and kill me. That way, they get a reward for giving me the suicide teleport back to my base!

    I love running up to other players for that handy blood port.

    Here's a tip, if you can (like if they haven't immediately gone the chop on you) put your weapon away deliberately so they see you do it. You can get some HILARIOUS reactions that way.

    I actually clipped this happening in Cyro the other day because it pleased me so much. I was on my blue and realised I was way behind the yellow zerg and wouldn't be able to get back to our outpost they were heading for in time. I saw someone appear coming towards me and then the yellow shield popped in, so I shot a fire light attack to get their attention, they started coming at me, I ran forward a bit and put my staff away.

    Anyway, they dismounted, ran up, put on a bunch of buffs like they thought I was bait or a trap or something and then... look, I don't know how to describe it when it's the teabag gesture except no one is carpet... respectful kneeling, I guess. Anyway, they started doing that, so I started doing that, and so we did that at each other for a bit then a second yellow came in on a gap closer, swung like twice instinctively then backed off when they realised neither of us were fighting (it was too late for me then haha I am VERY squishy).

    I have had some in IC too (especially if I'm in on baby toons) where they'll come roaring up at me ready to execute, I put my weapon away and they veer off. I assume this is one of the kindly type who let PvEers bee. Once I had to keep running at someone (still with my weapon away) 'til they realised what I wanted. :D
  • WaywardArgonian
    It happens all too often that I leave alone the poor defenseless PVE'ers who are just questing, only for them to try and jump me when my back is turned or they outnumber me.
    PC/EU altaholic | Smallscale & ballgroup healer | Former Empanada of Ravenwatch | @ degonyte in-game | Nibani Ilath-Pal (AD Nightblade) - AvA rank 50 | Jehanne Teymour (AD Sorcerer) - AvA rank 50 | Niria Ilath-Pal (AD Templar) - AvA rank 50
  • Larcomar
    It's all very well pve'rs complaining about getting killed but an awful lot of you don't seem adverse to taking a pot shot at other players when they're otherwise engaged. Or indeed, patiently waiting for you to grab the skyshard / do your quest. Usually right before running off at high speed when you realise it isn't going to work. There's only so many times someone does that before you start shooting first and asking questions later.
  • ACamaroGuy
    ACamaroGuy wrote: »
    The Imperial Sewers should allow you to turn off being able to attack other players and from being attacked by other players. Some of us want to farm those Tel Var, skyshards and just explore. It's a great place to level a toon. Being forced to go into a PvP zone while being a PvE only player just sucks.

    Imagine being a PVP player being forced to go into PVE zones for gear.

    ZoS should separate the game play, champion point system, etc.
    This is a PvE game with PvP as a bonus play.
    Edited by ACamaroGuy on February 2, 2021 12:05PM
    For the Empire
  • caperb
    It happens all too often that I leave alone the poor defenseless PVE'ers who are just questing, only for them to try and jump me when my back is turned or they outnumber me.

    Haha this happens quite often actually.

    Yesterday had this nightblade who was cloaking in front of me obviously on his way to a quest objective (I'm pretty sure he saw me though). I see him using the objective and cloak again, so I just streak around the objective to continue my way. What do you think? 2 seconds later an incap in my back. So I dodge, streak and curse him and then continue to ignore him. 15 seconds later I hear the arrows flying in my back. Turned out he had another nightblade friend and they were both shooting arrows at me. Of course this didn't work out very well for them, since nightblade is one of sorcs favourite snacks, basically a free kill.
  • VaranisArano
    ACamaroGuy wrote: »
    ACamaroGuy wrote: »
    The Imperial Sewers should allow you to turn off being able to attack other players and from being attacked by other players. Some of us want to farm those Tel Var, skyshards and just explore. It's a great place to level a toon. Being forced to go into a PvP zone while being a PvE only player just sucks.

    Imagine being a PVP player being forced to go into PVE zones for gear.

    ZoS should separate the game play, champion point system, etc.
    This is a PvE game with PvP as a bonus play.

    Well, technically it's an MMO that originally intended for players to level up in PVE and then play PVP for the rest of their gameplay until they realized that this is a TES MMO and so players actually want more than just PVP in Cyrodiil for their gameplay.

    So now its an MMO where you can overland quest wherever you want, do PVE group content, and play PVP as your personal "endgame" however you like. Sure, over time the design of ESO has shifted away from the very PVP-centric "Cyrodiil is your only endgame" philosophy it started with, but that doesn't make it a "bonus" part of ESO.

    I think that's important to keep in mind, because I see players who use "PVP is just an extra, its not really a full part of this PVE game" not just to ask for seperate balancing, but as the basis for their calls to remove PVP entirely from ESO, even though many players enjoy both forms of gameplay.

    So I want to emphasize that while PVP may be "bonus play" for you, that PVP endgame is a major reason why I'm still playing as much as I am. I enjoy both PVP and PVE. Thankfully, the Devs also seem to view PVP as an integral part of ESO, as we see in events like Midyear Mayhem.
  • nukk3r
    ACamaroGuy wrote: »
    ACamaroGuy wrote: »
    The Imperial Sewers should allow you to turn off being able to attack other players and from being attacked by other players. Some of us want to farm those Tel Var, skyshards and just explore. It's a great place to level a toon. Being forced to go into a PvP zone while being a PvE only player just sucks.

    Imagine being a PVP player being forced to go into PVE zones for gear.

    ZoS should separate the game play, champion point system, etc.
    This is a PvE game with PvP as a bonus play.

    It's not even a bonus play, at this point it's an afterthought.
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