Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Dear PVPers in IC

  • Klad
    Now Now....there will be no taking of anyone's shoes...Now run along and play pretend PVP like good little dock rats.

    You! put that apple down or I'll have yer hand.
  • jaws343
    amapola76 wrote: »
    I don't kill questers on purpose, but it's not always easy to tell.

    If someone is standing next to and interacting with a questgiver, that's usually a pretty clear sign.

    I am often standing and interacting with quest givers. But I am fully specced for PVP, so if you leave me alone to talk to the quest giver or interact with whatever the quest needs me to do, when I am done, I am going to turn around an kill you. It's a PVP zone, no mercy.
  • caperb
    amapola76 wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Ps, the camping in the safe zone and spamming snipe only happens during MYM, so I would assume, it is not the PvP-ers that are actually griefing.
    I think we all know that the most likely explanation is that it's PVPers, but they mostly behave this way during MYM because they are looking for easy targets during the events, because these are people who can't compete with their fellow PVPers the rest of the time.

    Well, PvP players look for good fights which is either against skilled opponents or against a big group of players. No PvP player gets enjoyment from killing an easy target over and over again, unless someone is gifting too much tel bar. If a fight gets boring because it is too easy, you will see PvP players leave pretty fast.
  • Goregrinder
    caperb wrote: »
    amapola76 wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Ps, the camping in the safe zone and spamming snipe only happens during MYM, so I would assume, it is not the PvP-ers that are actually griefing.
    I think we all know that the most likely explanation is that it's PVPers, but they mostly behave this way during MYM because they are looking for easy targets during the events, because these are people who can't compete with their fellow PVPers the rest of the time.

    Well, PvP players look for good fights which is either against skilled opponents or against a big group of players. No PvP player gets enjoyment from killing an easy target over and over again, unless someone is gifting too much tel bar. If a fight gets boring because it is too easy, you will see PvP players leave pretty fast.

    Some of us are actually looking for any and all PVP. Since 90% of the game is PVE, we take any scraps we can get.
  • iksde
    amapola76 wrote: »
    I don't kill questers on purpose, but it's not always easy to tell.

    If someone is standing next to and interacting with a questgiver, that's usually a pretty clear sign.

    missclicks? Im sure I with my friend are not the only ones with situation like:

    talking with quest to NPC in small house and at this time somoene hit us, hard or weak doesnt matter, it is going for basic reaction of defense and may be to attack back.....but as knowing PVP behaviour I stopped attacking to not kill this random and started outhealing jumping on block, dodge, just staying in defense showing I have no intentions of fight, after momen random see that he is "safe" and we both just stay neutrally and then we or know actually or also whisper about if that was missclick to attack insted to talk to npc which can be very often and Im sure not everyone will be able to behave like that because of unawarness this could be missclick ro even, sometimes by this it can be insta gib because it could be harder attack on someone very squishy

    so as staning at questgiver can be clear sign it is just quester you can alway get misslick to attack and someone who is in dialog with npc doesn't see if someone attacked him by mistake or on purpose and let it hit on actually on player knowing pvp who will very fast response to attack and might kill very fast because of simple reaction to defend
  • Araneae6537
    caperb wrote: »
    The thing is, for the event achievement, you have to rack up 50 player kills and I’ve learned that means killing blows, which I really don’t get a lot of, certainly not if I don’t go out of my way for it.

    Not sure if it have to be killing blows or you just have to deal a substantional amount of damage like the "kill 40 players" daily, but there are a couple of tricks to farm killing blows:
    - Spam ranged executes into a zerg, especially Sorc is fit for that task.
    - Use coldfire (or regular fire) trebuchets during an offensive siege and aim where the defenders have their sieges set (hoping to hit someone in a siege). If you hit right this applies a heavy DoT on the opponent, often resulting in a killing blow.
    - Use either coldfire ballistas or siege oils during a defensive siege. Using an oil usually results in a couple of killing blows when opponents enter a keep, coldfire ballistas are especially useful for defending choke points. Not sure if it still works or not, but you might try Vicious Death for extra cheese.

    It’s definitely not the same as the bounty quests as I’ve already gone through several of those this event already yet my kill count for the achievement last I checked was only three — THREE! :disappointed:

    I’ve been going for the achievements on my mag warden — of course I would choose an option without an execute ability! :joy: What kills I have gotten counted probably have been siege oils in keep defense. I’ll be sure to keep working the siege weapons and add coldfire to a quickslot!

    Thank you for the tips! :)

    Edit: Apparently, the bounty quests can be completed by group members it seems. I’ve had numbers increase while dead, but then I assumed my group had finished off a player I’d at least gotten a hit on. Yesterday I had numbers tick up while I was working on repairing a keep! :lol:
    Edited by Araneae6537 on February 2, 2021 3:29PM
  • SeaGtGruff
    zvavi wrote: »
    Sarannah wrote: »
    They don't care anyway. They just like to spoil people's mood and get pleasure from it, lol.
    This isn't always true. Me as a non-PvPer try to leave PvEers alone. The problem is, the players I leave alone often attack me, even when they see I'm going somewhere else. When I obviously could have attacked them.

    Which means I die, while I could have had the drop on them.

    It is easier to believe in boogie monsters than to understand that it is dog eats dog in some situations. Ps, the camping in the safe zone and spamming snipe only happens during MYM, so I would assume, it is not the PvP-ers that are actually griefing.

    I guess you have a different definition of "griefing" than I do.

    Last night I was in the Memorial District trying to complete the quest so I could wrap things up and hit the sack. The district was owned by Red, and I'm Blue. The place looked fairly deserted, so I jumped down and killed 1 Xivkyn, but as I was trying to kill the second one a couple of Reds came bouncing along and killed me. I'm pretty sure they were PvPers, because they didn't bother killing any Xivkyns or place thingies in any skeletons; they were strictly looking for PvE questers to harvest. Edit: I just released, jumped back down, killed my second Xivkyn, placed thingies in 3 skeletons-- and got killed again by Reds as I was trying to put the thingie in the 4th skeleton. I released again, jumped back down again, put the thingie in the 4th skeleton, and let the Reds kill me yet again to give me a quick trip back to base.

    Earlier, before the 1 AM EST rollover, I was in the sewers farming bosses in Blue's territory in hopes of getting the style pages. I killed Gati, then moved on to General Zamachar. I had just started fighting him when a Yellow came up behind me. I left her alone, curious as to whether she was going to help me kill Zamachar or kill me instead. Guess which one she did? Yep, she killed me first, even though I was clearly leaving her alone, and then she killed Zamachar. I didn't release right away, so I could watch her. After she finished Zamachar-- which took a couple of minutes-- she must have noticed that I hadn't released, so she started bouncing around the room shooting off those sparks or whatever to see if another Blue was hiding somewhere waiting to resurrect me. Question: Do you think she was a PvEr or a PvPer? Because I think she was a PvPer.

    To provide some contrast, I was doing the dailies in Chorrol and the Weynon Priory several nights and ran into a number of Yellows and Reds who were on their way to or from the quest givers. I left them alone and they left me alone. Question: Do you think they were PvErs or PvPers? Because I think they were PvErs.

    Edit: Also, I've had many encounters with Reds and Yellows in the IC districts where we left each other alone so we could all just finish the quests and move on. Again, I'm pretty sure they were PvErs, not PvPers.

    When one player kills another player, that is PvP by the very definition of PvP. And I'm not complaining about it, because I just release, jump back in, and try to complete the quest, no matter how many times it takes. I actually find it to be more thrilling than most PvE questing, now that I've lost my fear of PvP. I still prefer PvE over PvP, but I also have a lot of fun with AvA warfare.
    Edited by SeaGtGruff on February 1, 2021 6:53PM
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Goregrinder
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Sarannah wrote: »
    They don't care anyway. They just like to spoil people's mood and get pleasure from it, lol.
    This isn't always true. Me as a non-PvPer try to leave PvEers alone. The problem is, the players I leave alone often attack me, even when they see I'm going somewhere else. When I obviously could have attacked them.

    Which means I die, while I could have had the drop on them.

    It is easier to believe in boogie monsters than to understand that it is dog eats dog in some situations. Ps, the camping in the safe zone and spamming snipe only happens during MYM, so I would assume, it is not the PvP-ers that are actually griefing.

    I guess you have a different definition of "griefing" than I do.

    Last night I was in the Memorial District trying to complete the quest so I could wrap things up and hit the sack. The district was owned by Red, and I'm Blue. The place looked fairly deserted, so I jumped down and killed 1 Xivkyn, but as I was trying to kill the second one a couple of Reds came bouncing along and killed me. I'm pretty sure they were PvPers, because they didn't bother killing any Xivkyns or place thingies in any skeletons; they were strictly looking for PvE questers to harvest.

    Earlier, before the 1 AM EST rollover, I was in the sewers farming bosses in Blue's territory in hopes of getting the style pages. I killed Gati, then moved on to General Zamachar. I had just started fighting him when a Yellow came up behind me. I left her alone, curious as to whether she was going to help me kill Zamachar or kill me instead. Guess which one she did? Yep, she killed me first, even though I was clearly leaving her alone, and then she killed Zamachar. I didn't release right away, so I could watch her. After she finished Zamachar-- which took a couple of minutes-- she must have noticed that I hadn't released, so she started bouncing around the room shooting off those sparks or whatever to see if another Blue was hiding somewhere waiting to resurrect me. Question: Do you think she was a PvEr or a PvPer? Because I think she was a PvPer.

    To provide some contrast, I was doing the dailies in Chorrol and the Weynon Priory several nights and ran into a number of Yellows and Reds who were on their way to or from the quest givers. I left them alone and they left me alone. Question: Do you think they were PvErs or PvPers? Because I think they were PvErs.

    If they are in a PVP zone, they are a PVPer. That's really all it comes down to.

    Whether they are good at it or not is another story. The Terms of Service for PVP zones is that if you choose to enter for whatever that reason may be, you can be attacked at any time by anyone for the duration you're in a PVP zone for whatever reason they decide to attack you for.
  • VaranisArano
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Sarannah wrote: »
    They don't care anyway. They just like to spoil people's mood and get pleasure from it, lol.
    This isn't always true. Me as a non-PvPer try to leave PvEers alone. The problem is, the players I leave alone often attack me, even when they see I'm going somewhere else. When I obviously could have attacked them.

    Which means I die, while I could have had the drop on them.

    It is easier to believe in boogie monsters than to understand that it is dog eats dog in some situations. Ps, the camping in the safe zone and spamming snipe only happens during MYM, so I would assume, it is not the PvP-ers that are actually griefing.

    I guess you have a different definition of "griefing" than I do.

    Last night I was in the Memorial District trying to complete the quest so I could wrap things up and hit the sack. The district was owned by Red, and I'm Blue. The place looked fairly deserted, so I jumped down and killed 1 Xivkyn, but as I was trying to kill the second one a couple of Reds came bouncing along and killed me. I'm pretty sure they were PvPers, because they didn't bother killing any Xivkyns or place thingies in any skeletons; they were strictly looking for PvE questers to harvest. Edit: I just released, jumped back down, killed my second Xivkyn, placed thingies in 3 skeletons-- and got killed again by Reds as I was trying to put the thingie in the 4th skeleton. I released again, jumped back down again, put the thingie in the 4th skeleton, and let the Reds kill me yet again to give me a quick trip back to base.

    Earlier, before the 1 AM EST rollover, I was in the sewers farming bosses in Blue's territory in hopes of getting the style pages. I killed Gati, then moved on to General Zamachar. I had just started fighting him when a Yellow came up behind me. I left her alone, curious as to whether she was going to help me kill Zamachar or kill me instead. Guess which one she did? Yep, she killed me first, even though I was clearly leaving her alone, and then she killed Zamachar. I didn't release right away, so I could watch her. After she finished Zamachar-- which took a couple of minutes-- she must have noticed that I hadn't released, so she started bouncing around the room shooting off those sparks or whatever to see if another Blue was hiding somewhere waiting to resurrect me. Question: Do you think she was a PvEr or a PvPer? Because I think she was a PvPer.

    To provide some contrast, I was doing the dailies in Chorrol and the Weynon Priory several nights and ran into a number of Yellows and Reds who were on their way to or from the quest givers. I left them alone and they left me alone. Question: Do you think they were PvErs or PvPers? Because I think they were PvErs.

    I do have a different definition of griefing.

    As mentioned by Gina here:

    All your examples where you got killed were pretty normal interactions in a PvPvE zone, as is expected.From what you describe, it seems pretty clear you weren't being harassed, but were a target of opportunity. Now, if you feel otherwise or you feel your repeated deaths reached the level of targeted harassment, obviously you can report those players.
    Edited by VaranisArano on February 1, 2021 6:57PM
  • SeaGtGruff
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Sarannah wrote: »
    They don't care anyway. They just like to spoil people's mood and get pleasure from it, lol.
    This isn't always true. Me as a non-PvPer try to leave PvEers alone. The problem is, the players I leave alone often attack me, even when they see I'm going somewhere else. When I obviously could have attacked them.

    Which means I die, while I could have had the drop on them.

    It is easier to believe in boogie monsters than to understand that it is dog eats dog in some situations. Ps, the camping in the safe zone and spamming snipe only happens during MYM, so I would assume, it is not the PvP-ers that are actually griefing.

    I guess you have a different definition of "griefing" than I do.

    Last night I was in the Memorial District trying to complete the quest so I could wrap things up and hit the sack. The district was owned by Red, and I'm Blue. The place looked fairly deserted, so I jumped down and killed 1 Xivkyn, but as I was trying to kill the second one a couple of Reds came bouncing along and killed me. I'm pretty sure they were PvPers, because they didn't bother killing any Xivkyns or place thingies in any skeletons; they were strictly looking for PvE questers to harvest.

    Earlier, before the 1 AM EST rollover, I was in the sewers farming bosses in Blue's territory in hopes of getting the style pages. I killed Gati, then moved on to General Zamachar. I had just started fighting him when a Yellow came up behind me. I left her alone, curious as to whether she was going to help me kill Zamachar or kill me instead. Guess which one she did? Yep, she killed me first, even though I was clearly leaving her alone, and then she killed Zamachar. I didn't release right away, so I could watch her. After she finished Zamachar-- which took a couple of minutes-- she must have noticed that I hadn't released, so she started bouncing around the room shooting off those sparks or whatever to see if another Blue was hiding somewhere waiting to resurrect me. Question: Do you think she was a PvEr or a PvPer? Because I think she was a PvPer.

    To provide some contrast, I was doing the dailies in Chorrol and the Weynon Priory several nights and ran into a number of Yellows and Reds who were on their way to or from the quest givers. I left them alone and they left me alone. Question: Do you think they were PvErs or PvPers? Because I think they were PvErs.

    If they are in a PVP zone, they are a PVPer. That's really all it comes down to.

    Whether they are good at it or not is another story. The Terms of Service for PVP zones is that if you choose to enter for whatever that reason may be, you can be attacked at any time by anyone for the duration you're in a PVP zone for whatever reason they decide to attack you for.

    No, if they are attacking other players while they're in a PvP zone-- or, for that matter, in a PvE zone (i.e., dueling)-- then they are PvPers. But if they are leaving other players alone while they're questing in a PvP zone, then they are PvErs. It depends on whether they're fighting versus other players or versus NPCs. And it follows that any player can be both a PvEr and a PvPer. But when people use those terms to categorize members of the playerbase into an artificial dichotomy, it's understood that the dichotomy is based on which activity a given player prefers and spends the most time and effort on.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Goregrinder
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Sarannah wrote: »
    They don't care anyway. They just like to spoil people's mood and get pleasure from it, lol.
    This isn't always true. Me as a non-PvPer try to leave PvEers alone. The problem is, the players I leave alone often attack me, even when they see I'm going somewhere else. When I obviously could have attacked them.

    Which means I die, while I could have had the drop on them.

    It is easier to believe in boogie monsters than to understand that it is dog eats dog in some situations. Ps, the camping in the safe zone and spamming snipe only happens during MYM, so I would assume, it is not the PvP-ers that are actually griefing.

    I guess you have a different definition of "griefing" than I do.

    Last night I was in the Memorial District trying to complete the quest so I could wrap things up and hit the sack. The district was owned by Red, and I'm Blue. The place looked fairly deserted, so I jumped down and killed 1 Xivkyn, but as I was trying to kill the second one a couple of Reds came bouncing along and killed me. I'm pretty sure they were PvPers, because they didn't bother killing any Xivkyns or place thingies in any skeletons; they were strictly looking for PvE questers to harvest.

    Earlier, before the 1 AM EST rollover, I was in the sewers farming bosses in Blue's territory in hopes of getting the style pages. I killed Gati, then moved on to General Zamachar. I had just started fighting him when a Yellow came up behind me. I left her alone, curious as to whether she was going to help me kill Zamachar or kill me instead. Guess which one she did? Yep, she killed me first, even though I was clearly leaving her alone, and then she killed Zamachar. I didn't release right away, so I could watch her. After she finished Zamachar-- which took a couple of minutes-- she must have noticed that I hadn't released, so she started bouncing around the room shooting off those sparks or whatever to see if another Blue was hiding somewhere waiting to resurrect me. Question: Do you think she was a PvEr or a PvPer? Because I think she was a PvPer.

    To provide some contrast, I was doing the dailies in Chorrol and the Weynon Priory several nights and ran into a number of Yellows and Reds who were on their way to or from the quest givers. I left them alone and they left me alone. Question: Do you think they were PvErs or PvPers? Because I think they were PvErs.

    If they are in a PVP zone, they are a PVPer. That's really all it comes down to.

    Whether they are good at it or not is another story. The Terms of Service for PVP zones is that if you choose to enter for whatever that reason may be, you can be attacked at any time by anyone for the duration you're in a PVP zone for whatever reason they decide to attack you for.

    No, if they are attacking other players while they're in a PvP zone-- or, for that matter, in a PvE zone (i.e., dueling)-- then they are PvPers. But if they are leaving other players alone while they're questing in a PvP zone, then they are PvErs. It depends on whether they're fighting versus other players or versus NPCs. And it follows that any player can be both a PvEr and a PvPer. But when people use those terms to categorize members of the playerbase into an artificial dichotomy, it's understood that the dichotomy is based on which activity a given player prefers and spends the most time and effort on.

    I'll reword it for you:

    If you are flagged for PVP, you are a PVPer. If you don't want to be attacked by random players, then I suggest you don't flag yourself for PVP. Entering PVP zones automatically flags you for PVP, which means you can (and probably will) be attacked by anyone for any reason they want to.
  • VaranisArano
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Sarannah wrote: »
    They don't care anyway. They just like to spoil people's mood and get pleasure from it, lol.
    This isn't always true. Me as a non-PvPer try to leave PvEers alone. The problem is, the players I leave alone often attack me, even when they see I'm going somewhere else. When I obviously could have attacked them.

    Which means I die, while I could have had the drop on them.

    It is easier to believe in boogie monsters than to understand that it is dog eats dog in some situations. Ps, the camping in the safe zone and spamming snipe only happens during MYM, so I would assume, it is not the PvP-ers that are actually griefing.

    I guess you have a different definition of "griefing" than I do.

    Last night I was in the Memorial District trying to complete the quest so I could wrap things up and hit the sack. The district was owned by Red, and I'm Blue. The place looked fairly deserted, so I jumped down and killed 1 Xivkyn, but as I was trying to kill the second one a couple of Reds came bouncing along and killed me. I'm pretty sure they were PvPers, because they didn't bother killing any Xivkyns or place thingies in any skeletons; they were strictly looking for PvE questers to harvest.

    Earlier, before the 1 AM EST rollover, I was in the sewers farming bosses in Blue's territory in hopes of getting the style pages. I killed Gati, then moved on to General Zamachar. I had just started fighting him when a Yellow came up behind me. I left her alone, curious as to whether she was going to help me kill Zamachar or kill me instead. Guess which one she did? Yep, she killed me first, even though I was clearly leaving her alone, and then she killed Zamachar. I didn't release right away, so I could watch her. After she finished Zamachar-- which took a couple of minutes-- she must have noticed that I hadn't released, so she started bouncing around the room shooting off those sparks or whatever to see if another Blue was hiding somewhere waiting to resurrect me. Question: Do you think she was a PvEr or a PvPer? Because I think she was a PvPer.

    To provide some contrast, I was doing the dailies in Chorrol and the Weynon Priory several nights and ran into a number of Yellows and Reds who were on their way to or from the quest givers. I left them alone and they left me alone. Question: Do you think they were PvErs or PvPers? Because I think they were PvErs.

    If they are in a PVP zone, they are a PVPer. That's really all it comes down to.

    Whether they are good at it or not is another story. The Terms of Service for PVP zones is that if you choose to enter for whatever that reason may be, you can be attacked at any time by anyone for the duration you're in a PVP zone for whatever reason they decide to attack you for.

    No, if they are attacking other players while they're in a PvP zone-- or, for that matter, in a PvE zone (i.e., dueling)-- then they are PvPers. But if they are leaving other players alone while they're questing in a PvP zone, then they are PvErs. It depends on whether they're fighting versus other players or versus NPCs. And it follows that any player can be both a PvEr and a PvPer. But when people use those terms to categorize members of the playerbase into an artificial dichotomy, it's understood that the dichotomy is based on which activity a given player prefers and spends the most time and effort on.

    You, ah, do see how that definition means that you can never be attacked by a PVEer, right? Once they attack you, you say they are by definition a PVPer, even if they spend the majority of their time in PVE and are only out for Midyear Mayhem kills.

    I guess that makes it easy to put all the blame on PVPers, though.
  • renne
    renne wrote: »
    Dear PvEers in the ONLY TWO PvP zones (ok and also BGs were we can't even select game modes),

    Cyrodiil and imperial city are the Only PvP zones, you have MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY PvE zones, PvE events, PvE everything.

    PvPers need to do PvE quests for rewards too. What's the point of complaining PvP in PvP zones?

    Again we're going back to the where in the pve events can pvers prevent you or make it harder for you to complete said pve quests? Cause last time I checked that didn't happen

    Here is a thread from the most recent Undaunted event where a PvEer stopped the OP from getting their daily tickets/loot:

    Here is a thread also from the most recent Undaunted event where a group rushing through made it harder for the OP to complete the content because they couldn't keep up:

    Here is another thread from, you guessed it, the most recent Undaunted event also complaining about the other players in the group speeding through content so they missed out on loot:

    I could keep going, but I really don't think I need to. All three of these threads are from December 2020, so it's not even like I had to dig through years of posts to find a handful of suggestions. You need to stop suggesting that PvPers are the only people in this game who stop other people from completing their objective, because it's clearly not the case.

    So not getting dungeon loot = not getting tickets? Mmmkay sure. Besides you can always ask guildies or friends to do dungeon runs if you don't want randomers. Funnily in pve you can't actually prevent someone getting their tickets

    Now you're just deliberately moving the goalposts. You said, and I quote: "where in the pve events can pvers prevent you or make it harder for you to complete said pve quests?"

    The threads I linked to were all about that PvEers preventing or making it harder to complete PvE quests - and "completing a dungeon for Undaunted event" is yes, actually a quest. As are pledges. It's okay to admit when you're wrong, especially when proven so and that yes, PvEers ABSOLUTELY will stop or make it harder for other PvEers to complete content and quests. Arguing that no, actually, you're still not wrong because you don't want to be wrong, doesn't actually make it the case.
  • renne
    renne wrote: »
    Dear PvEers in the ONLY TWO PvP zones (ok and also BGs were we can't even select game modes),

    Cyrodiil and imperial city are the Only PvP zones, you have MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY PvE zones, PvE events, PvE everything.

    PvPers need to do PvE quests for rewards too. What's the point of complaining PvP in PvP zones?

    Again we're going back to the where in the pve events can pvers prevent you or make it harder for you to complete said pve quests? Cause last time I checked that didn't happen

    Here is a thread from the most recent Undaunted event where a PvEer stopped the OP from getting their daily tickets/loot:

    Here is a thread also from the most recent Undaunted event where a group rushing through made it harder for the OP to complete the content because they couldn't keep up:

    Here is another thread from, you guessed it, the most recent Undaunted event also complaining about the other players in the group speeding through content so they missed out on loot:

    I could keep going, but I really don't think I need to. All three of these threads are from December 2020, so it's not even like I had to dig through years of posts to find a handful of suggestions. You need to stop suggesting that PvPers are the only people in this game who stop other people from completing their objective, because it's clearly not the case.

    Funnily most I see speed running and running ahead of group are people with obvious pvp builds and gear and pvp ranking. Then they often die cause they run ahead of everyone else.

    I'm an endgame PvEer, with a PvP rank as well. Having a PvP rank doesn't automatically equal "doesn't do PvE." You're just doing that moving the goalposts thing again to make yourself right. Like I just said, you can admit when you're wrong.

    Heck, you don't even have to admit it, you can just ignore my comments and not reply!
  • renne
    caperb wrote: »
    The thing is, for the event achievement, you have to rack up 50 player kills and I’ve learned that means killing blows, which I really don’t get a lot of, certainly not if I don’t go out of my way for it.

    Not sure if it have to be killing blows or you just have to deal a substantional amount of damage like the "kill 40 players" daily, but there are a couple of tricks to farm killing blows:
    - Spam ranged executes into a zerg, especially Sorc is fit for that task.
    - Use coldfire (or regular fire) trebuchets during an offensive siege and aim where the defenders have their sieges set (hoping to hit someone in a siege). If you hit right this applies a heavy DoT on the opponent, often resulting in a killing blow.
    - Use either coldfire ballistas or siege oils during a defensive siege. Using an oil usually results in a couple of killing blows when opponents enter a keep, coldfire ballistas are especially useful for defending choke points. Not sure if it still works or not, but you might try Vicious Death for extra cheese.

    It’s definitely not the same as the bounty quests as I’ve already gone through several of those this event already yet my kill count for the achievement last I checked was only three — THREE! :disappointed:

    I’ve been going for the achievements on my mag warden — of course I would choose an option without an execute ability! :joy: What kills I have gotten counted probably have been siege oils in keep defense. I’ll be sure to keep working the siege weapons and add coldfire to a quickslot!

    Thank you for the tips! :)

    Some of the kill quests can be bugged, I know the 40 player one does sometimes. I'd honestly suggest abandoning the quest and picking it back up as soon as you notice. It sucks you lose your kill count, but you at least have a chance to try again or get a different version.

    My main is a PvE toon and my most used skill is probably the jesus beam execute. It's how i managed to kill the emperor of my campaign twice! :D
  • vamp_emily
    Dear PVE players,

    Please carry me though all the content I can't complete because I don't know the mechanics. I don't have any gold to give you. I would like this service for free.

    Thank You.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Goregrinder
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    Dear PVE players,

    Please carry me though all the content I can't complete because I don't know the mechanics. I don't have any gold to give you. I would like this service for free.

    Thank You.

    Goes both ways right?
  • Saucy_Jack
    My friends, my friends.

    Midyear Mayhem is all about spreading cheer and happiness throughout Tamriel, in the form of brutally slaughtering those your faction's leader considers to be enemies!

    Why fight on the forums? Fight on the battlefield! Fight with pride! Fight with honour! Or no honour if you're a gankbombing nightblade!

    Can we not join together as one in this merriment?
    Edited by Saucy_Jack on February 1, 2021 8:13PM
    ALL HAIL SNUGGLORR THE MAGNIFICENT, KING OF THE RNG AND NIRN'S ONE TRUE GOD! Also, become a Scrub-scriber! SJ Scrubs: Playing games badly to make you feel better about yourself.
  • Kartalin
    Irrespective of OP's irreverence, if you're in a PVP zone and PVP happens then you should not be surprised or angered by this. If you're by yourself, try whispering the individual (if it's one person) -- not saying all pvpers are reasonable people but some are at least.

    While solo and in groups, I've generally left alone solo questers. But if people look like they're buffing up to fight or positioning to attack then it's fair game. In Cyrodiil I've spent a little time this event as kind of a break just hanging out in Vlastarus and Cropsford when they're controlled by AD just keeping an eye on the questers and fighting any opponents that show up. Except for the one that showed up to get the skyshard and left immediately, I left them alone. Nice little bit of RP and the fights are smaller scale than on the front lines.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Araneae6537
    renne wrote: »
    caperb wrote: »
    The thing is, for the event achievement, you have to rack up 50 player kills and I’ve learned that means killing blows, which I really don’t get a lot of, certainly not if I don’t go out of my way for it.

    Not sure if it have to be killing blows or you just have to deal a substantional amount of damage like the "kill 40 players" daily, but there are a couple of tricks to farm killing blows:
    - Spam ranged executes into a zerg, especially Sorc is fit for that task.
    - Use coldfire (or regular fire) trebuchets during an offensive siege and aim where the defenders have their sieges set (hoping to hit someone in a siege). If you hit right this applies a heavy DoT on the opponent, often resulting in a killing blow.
    - Use either coldfire ballistas or siege oils during a defensive siege. Using an oil usually results in a couple of killing blows when opponents enter a keep, coldfire ballistas are especially useful for defending choke points. Not sure if it still works or not, but you might try Vicious Death for extra cheese.

    It’s definitely not the same as the bounty quests as I’ve already gone through several of those this event already yet my kill count for the achievement last I checked was only three — THREE! :disappointed:

    I’ve been going for the achievements on my mag warden — of course I would choose an option without an execute ability! :joy: What kills I have gotten counted probably have been siege oils in keep defense. I’ll be sure to keep working the siege weapons and add coldfire to a quickslot!

    Thank you for the tips! :)

    Some of the kill quests can be bugged, I know the 40 player one does sometimes. I'd honestly suggest abandoning the quest and picking it back up as soon as you notice. It sucks you lose your kill count, but you at least have a chance to try again or get a different version.

    My main is a PvE toon and my most used skill is probably the jesus beam execute. It's how i managed to kill the emperor of my campaign twice! :D

    It’s not the quests, which seem to be working fine for me, but the achievement, which I’ve been told requires a killing blow, unlike the quests. But I shall keep that in mind if ever I have a bounty quest that seems bugged — thank you! :)

    A beam execute? Does that refer to a templar ability? So far I’ve been happy to finally have a character that can survive at least a few hits from most players unless they stun me as well (and many do), but have to work on doing more damage myself! :sweat_smile:
  • renne
    renne wrote: »
    caperb wrote: »
    The thing is, for the event achievement, you have to rack up 50 player kills and I’ve learned that means killing blows, which I really don’t get a lot of, certainly not if I don’t go out of my way for it.

    Not sure if it have to be killing blows or you just have to deal a substantional amount of damage like the "kill 40 players" daily, but there are a couple of tricks to farm killing blows:
    - Spam ranged executes into a zerg, especially Sorc is fit for that task.
    - Use coldfire (or regular fire) trebuchets during an offensive siege and aim where the defenders have their sieges set (hoping to hit someone in a siege). If you hit right this applies a heavy DoT on the opponent, often resulting in a killing blow.
    - Use either coldfire ballistas or siege oils during a defensive siege. Using an oil usually results in a couple of killing blows when opponents enter a keep, coldfire ballistas are especially useful for defending choke points. Not sure if it still works or not, but you might try Vicious Death for extra cheese.

    It’s definitely not the same as the bounty quests as I’ve already gone through several of those this event already yet my kill count for the achievement last I checked was only three — THREE! :disappointed:

    I’ve been going for the achievements on my mag warden — of course I would choose an option without an execute ability! :joy: What kills I have gotten counted probably have been siege oils in keep defense. I’ll be sure to keep working the siege weapons and add coldfire to a quickslot!

    Thank you for the tips! :)

    Some of the kill quests can be bugged, I know the 40 player one does sometimes. I'd honestly suggest abandoning the quest and picking it back up as soon as you notice. It sucks you lose your kill count, but you at least have a chance to try again or get a different version.

    My main is a PvE toon and my most used skill is probably the jesus beam execute. It's how i managed to kill the emperor of my campaign twice! :D

    It’s not the quests, which seem to be working fine for me, but the achievement, which I’ve been told requires a killing blow, unlike the quests. But I shall keep that in mind if ever I have a bounty quest that seems bugged — thank you! :)

    A beam execute? Does that refer to a templar ability? So far I’ve been happy to finally have a character that can survive at least a few hits from most players unless they stun me as well (and many do), but have to work on doing more damage myself! :sweat_smile:

    Ahhh okay that makes sense. Actually that would explain why the achievement numbers aren't as high as I thought they should be!

    Yeah it's a templar skill I mean to mention that!

    I am having all the problems in the world with being stunned though, even with full stam I can't seem to break free 90% of the time and seem to get cc locked and so I just resign myself to dying since I can't break free.
  • SeaGtGruff
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Sarannah wrote: »
    They don't care anyway. They just like to spoil people's mood and get pleasure from it, lol.
    This isn't always true. Me as a non-PvPer try to leave PvEers alone. The problem is, the players I leave alone often attack me, even when they see I'm going somewhere else. When I obviously could have attacked them.

    Which means I die, while I could have had the drop on them.

    It is easier to believe in boogie monsters than to understand that it is dog eats dog in some situations. Ps, the camping in the safe zone and spamming snipe only happens during MYM, so I would assume, it is not the PvP-ers that are actually griefing.

    I guess you have a different definition of "griefing" than I do.

    Last night I was in the Memorial District trying to complete the quest so I could wrap things up and hit the sack. The district was owned by Red, and I'm Blue. The place looked fairly deserted, so I jumped down and killed 1 Xivkyn, but as I was trying to kill the second one a couple of Reds came bouncing along and killed me. I'm pretty sure they were PvPers, because they didn't bother killing any Xivkyns or place thingies in any skeletons; they were strictly looking for PvE questers to harvest.

    Earlier, before the 1 AM EST rollover, I was in the sewers farming bosses in Blue's territory in hopes of getting the style pages. I killed Gati, then moved on to General Zamachar. I had just started fighting him when a Yellow came up behind me. I left her alone, curious as to whether she was going to help me kill Zamachar or kill me instead. Guess which one she did? Yep, she killed me first, even though I was clearly leaving her alone, and then she killed Zamachar. I didn't release right away, so I could watch her. After she finished Zamachar-- which took a couple of minutes-- she must have noticed that I hadn't released, so she started bouncing around the room shooting off those sparks or whatever to see if another Blue was hiding somewhere waiting to resurrect me. Question: Do you think she was a PvEr or a PvPer? Because I think she was a PvPer.

    To provide some contrast, I was doing the dailies in Chorrol and the Weynon Priory several nights and ran into a number of Yellows and Reds who were on their way to or from the quest givers. I left them alone and they left me alone. Question: Do you think they were PvErs or PvPers? Because I think they were PvErs.

    If they are in a PVP zone, they are a PVPer. That's really all it comes down to.

    Whether they are good at it or not is another story. The Terms of Service for PVP zones is that if you choose to enter for whatever that reason may be, you can be attacked at any time by anyone for the duration you're in a PVP zone for whatever reason they decide to attack you for.

    No, if they are attacking other players while they're in a PvP zone-- or, for that matter, in a PvE zone (i.e., dueling)-- then they are PvPers. But if they are leaving other players alone while they're questing in a PvP zone, then they are PvErs. It depends on whether they're fighting versus other players or versus NPCs. And it follows that any player can be both a PvEr and a PvPer. But when people use those terms to categorize members of the playerbase into an artificial dichotomy, it's understood that the dichotomy is based on which activity a given player prefers and spends the most time and effort on.

    I'll reword it for you:

    If you are flagged for PVP, you are a PVPer. If you don't want to be attacked by random players, then I suggest you don't flag yourself for PVP. Entering PVP zones automatically flags you for PVP, which means you can (and probably will) be attacked by anyone for any reason they want to.

    No, if you are targeted by a PvPer but don't fight back because you don't want to fight the other player, then you are a victim of PvP, not an active and willing participant. And see below for more comment.
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Sarannah wrote: »
    They don't care anyway. They just like to spoil people's mood and get pleasure from it, lol.
    This isn't always true. Me as a non-PvPer try to leave PvEers alone. The problem is, the players I leave alone often attack me, even when they see I'm going somewhere else. When I obviously could have attacked them.

    Which means I die, while I could have had the drop on them.

    It is easier to believe in boogie monsters than to understand that it is dog eats dog in some situations. Ps, the camping in the safe zone and spamming snipe only happens during MYM, so I would assume, it is not the PvP-ers that are actually griefing.

    I guess you have a different definition of "griefing" than I do.

    Last night I was in the Memorial District trying to complete the quest so I could wrap things up and hit the sack. The district was owned by Red, and I'm Blue. The place looked fairly deserted, so I jumped down and killed 1 Xivkyn, but as I was trying to kill the second one a couple of Reds came bouncing along and killed me. I'm pretty sure they were PvPers, because they didn't bother killing any Xivkyns or place thingies in any skeletons; they were strictly looking for PvE questers to harvest.

    Earlier, before the 1 AM EST rollover, I was in the sewers farming bosses in Blue's territory in hopes of getting the style pages. I killed Gati, then moved on to General Zamachar. I had just started fighting him when a Yellow came up behind me. I left her alone, curious as to whether she was going to help me kill Zamachar or kill me instead. Guess which one she did? Yep, she killed me first, even though I was clearly leaving her alone, and then she killed Zamachar. I didn't release right away, so I could watch her. After she finished Zamachar-- which took a couple of minutes-- she must have noticed that I hadn't released, so she started bouncing around the room shooting off those sparks or whatever to see if another Blue was hiding somewhere waiting to resurrect me. Question: Do you think she was a PvEr or a PvPer? Because I think she was a PvPer.

    To provide some contrast, I was doing the dailies in Chorrol and the Weynon Priory several nights and ran into a number of Yellows and Reds who were on their way to or from the quest givers. I left them alone and they left me alone. Question: Do you think they were PvErs or PvPers? Because I think they were PvErs.

    If they are in a PVP zone, they are a PVPer. That's really all it comes down to.

    Whether they are good at it or not is another story. The Terms of Service for PVP zones is that if you choose to enter for whatever that reason may be, you can be attacked at any time by anyone for the duration you're in a PVP zone for whatever reason they decide to attack you for.

    No, if they are attacking other players while they're in a PvP zone-- or, for that matter, in a PvE zone (i.e., dueling)-- then they are PvPers. But if they are leaving other players alone while they're questing in a PvP zone, then they are PvErs. It depends on whether they're fighting versus other players or versus NPCs. And it follows that any player can be both a PvEr and a PvPer. But when people use those terms to categorize members of the playerbase into an artificial dichotomy, it's understood that the dichotomy is based on which activity a given player prefers and spends the most time and effort on.

    You, ah, do see how that definition means that you can never be attacked by a PVEer, right? Once they attack you, you say they are by definition a PVPer, even if they spend the majority of their time in PVE and are only out for Midyear Mayhem kills.

    I guess that makes it easy to put all the blame on PVPers, though.

    I guess you missed or discounted the point where I said that the categorization of the playerbase into PvPers and PvErs is "an artificial dichotomy," since most if not all self-proclaimed PvPers engage in some PvE, and most if not all self-proclaimed PvErs will fight back if attacked by another player; as well as the point where I said that these two terms-- as used to label players into one or the other side of this artificial dichotomy-- are understood to mean overall preference.

    Personally, I find the whole "PvP versus PvE" topic to be overblown and very divisive. Yet players keep identifying themselves as being either a PvPer or a PvEr, or occasionally (as in my case) some of both although usually more toward one side or the other (in my case, toward PvE). And players keep labeling other players as either PvPers or PvErs. People just can't let go of this artificial, divisive dichotomy.

    Your comment about "that makes it easy to put all the blame on PVPers" seems to assume that I "blame" PvPers. Blame them for what, exactly, I wonder? I don't run from PvP, although neither do I run toward it except when I'm in Cyrodiil participating in alliance warfare, or in the Imperial City helping my fellow Blue players make a district safe from Red or Yellow players who are very obviously running around killing everyone who isn't in their alliance, as opposed to running around hoping to avoid them while trying to complete the district's daily quest. And yes, I enjoy it, even if I'm not particularly good at it-- although every now and then I get lucky and win, or manage to draw out the fight for a minute or longer.

    I got into one of those last night at an EP resource I was trying to solo for a quest; I eliminated all of the mages and guards, and was sitting on my horse waiting for the flag to flip when a Red player came up to put a stop to it. It turned out he wasn't strong enough to kill me, but he kept on, and the flag stopped flipping and started flipping back because a mage respawned. Then the other mages and guards respawned, and eventually they killed me while I was defending myself against this guy. It was the most fun I had all night, and I wanted to whisper to the guy afterward to say "That was fun!" but he wasn't listed at all on my death recap; everything on the recap was from the Pact Honor Guards.

    But even though I enjoy engaging in PvP on occasion, my preference is definitely PvE, so I tend to think if myself as a PvEr. Just as a player who enjoys running around farming bosses in the sewers or districts for Tel Var and other loot (style pages or gear) are absolutely engaging in PvE even though they might identify themselves as a PvPer.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • kargen27
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Dear PvEers in the ONLY TWO PvP zones (ok and also BGs were we can't even select game modes),

    Cyrodiil and imperial city are the Only PvP zones, you have MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY PvE zones, PvE events, PvE everything.

    PvPers need to do PvE quests for rewards too. What's the point of complaining PvP in PvP zones?

    Again we're going back to the where in the pve events can pvers prevent you or make it harder for you to complete said pve quests? Cause last time I checked that didn't happen

    Some players despise PvE. They can't complete the PvE events without doing some PvE. Some people despise PvP. Thing is they can complete this event without PvP. Your argument might fly if the Witches Festival had a way to get tickets without the need for any PvE.

    Also by this argument we're back to the argument that pvers should be able to prevent pvpers from completing the quests for dailies in pve events. So no, it's not the same.

    Nope not back to that argument. You can complete your dailies without PvP. There is a threat of attack of course. Others have posted dailies that require no PvP at all. They are boring but it is possible to get your tickets without engaging with any other players. I did all ten of the Chorrol Weynon Priory quests early last night and the only other players I saw were ones inside a keep a traveled to. Doing the Imperial City daily I died a couple of times but that is because I wasn't being careful.
    And I don't know why people that only want to PvP stick with this game. Some do though. They enjoy PvP and really don't want to do anything else.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • erio
    I dont pvp for stones or ap. I pvp to kill people. Suck it up.
  • Tryxus

    "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"
    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • kargen27
    I decided to take one of my PvP characters into Imperial City for a while. I planned on just doing a few dailies like I would on my PvE characters. Did the same in previous events and I am going to throw out a few opinions based on my experience.

    A good portion of the players jumping me when I was engaged with fighting NPCs are not usually PvP players. I'm average at best with solo PvP and I killed the majority of players that jumped me while I was fighting NPCs. There were some exceptions. I ran into a few obvious bombers that were camping drop down locations.
    When I was spotted by a group most in the group would ignore me. The ones that did come after me usually couldn't kill me without help. Again I'm guessing either not good at small PvP or not PvP at all. I've run into a few ball groups that would kill anything and any one. No way of telling how many were actual long time PvP'rs.
    My experience this event and past events has me believing we are seeing a few trolls and the majority of the players doing the jumping are taking advantage of what they think is an easy target because the rest of the year they have a rough time getting any kills.
    I know some of the people that jumped me when I was on my PvE characters were not experienced with PvP. If they didn't get me down with one or two shots they tried to run away.

    My opinion is a lot of the grief PvE'rs are getting in this event is actually coming from other PvE'rs. I'm hoping after this event is over some of those causing grief will decide they like PvP and will stick around a while.

    Just my thoughts based on my experience. I could be completely off base?
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • vamp_emily
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    Dear PVE players,

    Please carry me though all the content I can't complete because I don't know the mechanics. I don't have any gold to give you. I would like this service for free.

    Thank You.

    Goes both ways right?

    LOL.. you best get all the PVE players to agree with that. As far as I know, unless you are in a special guild, players charge a fee to carry players.

    I mostly play PVP. I don't see what the big deal is. If you die, rez and try it again. If I see an enemy there is a good chance one of us are going to die. If I see someone sneaking around a quest area there is a good chance I might ignore them. If I see someone jumping up and down holding block, I might stop fighting. Kind of depends If you are EP and I just got zerged down by 20 EP, you might have to take the hit for them.

    I die all the time. With the population I don't carry stones in the district because I know I will get zerged down. If I die and have stones left, I will take them all to the bank.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Jaraal
    Vevvev wrote: »
    amapola76 wrote: »
    I don't kill questers on purpose, but it's not always easy to tell.

    If someone is standing next to and interacting with a questgiver, that's usually a pretty clear sign.

    Assuming they live long enough to get to said quest giver.

    All of the quest givers in Imperial City are in reasonably safe spots. Just stay away from the edges, so you don't get range hit from below.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Minyassa
    Yesterday I was doing a daily on my blue, and there was a yellow doing the same daily right ahead of me. When we saw each other we did that little "ack" bounce backward, looked at each other, nobody attacked so we continued doing the daily. I kind of liked running along with my new yellow buddy but then another blue came up from behind me and killed her and I was sad. Oh well.

    One complaint I have is when I'm doing dailies and someone runs up on me while I'm clicking on a ballista and it takes them three or four hits to kill me while I stand there waiting for them to be done, so I think from now one I'm going to go in there completely ungeared and naked, and laugh at the mental image of just instantly evaporating at the first hit.
  • volkeswagon
    I can't stand Imperial City. People are just relentless. On the other hand last night in Cyrodiil I was dancing with a player from both opposing alliances as we jointly rejected the kill others mentally of pvp.
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