Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »
I for one would like to start fighting things with a well thrown acorn now, please and thanks.
LOL in all seriousness, yesssss. Why does there have to be a divide between veteran player and quester? Can we not have fun in questing because we can hit harder?
No. My present viewpoint is that they should not alter the fundamental structure of this game by changing the storyline "boss" into something more, and attach a special reward that is now excluded from those who do the normal story as already established.... your present argument is from the concern of being able to obtain cosmetics in the game.
When there are already plenty of cosmetics gated behind veteran achievements.
You are trying to change how the game already works.You’re essentially arguing against how the game already works.
See above.How is my proposal any different than from the systems already in-place?
spartaxoxo wrote: »
That's the problem.
You are talking taking content from people who have only a little content and giving it to people who already have a lot. It's like if poor people were being asked to donate money to make Kylie Jenner a billionaire because being a multi-millionaire isn't enough.
The new player can only complete and get all the associated achievements from quests and delves. Every other system caters to established players instead. Those established players don't need to take over introductory content meant for newer players to feel rewarded and accomplished too. And yes, many of them do care about cosmetics and achievements.
That's fine. But no exclusives rewards for it should be introduced. You do not need a fancy cosmetic that some new player couldn't get because they didn't really complete the quest missions beating it on normal.
They saved the world, they get the prize. Same as you. I would be supportive of boss difficulty scaling automatically based on your stats, or some kind of challenge banner designed to be changed for role play.
My objection is not to the increased difficulty for immersion, it's to tying exclusive rewards to those missions and gate keeping new players out of it.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
That's the problem.
You are talking taking content from people who have only a little content and giving it to people who already have a lot.
The new player can only complete and get all the associated achievements from quests and delves.
Sylvermynx wrote: »
Well, I think (having read so many many threads about this over the last 2.5 years) there are a few "vet players" who are totally bored with this game, but they are not finding anything else to play that fits whatever it is they're jonesing for.
So we get these threads over and over....
[Oh, as far as acorns go.... I have to hire people to clean up the acorns and leaves the oak drop when it gets cold.... so like Monday, the guys will be here to deal with the mess.... at a cost of hundreds.... I would be very happy to provide acorns for people to throw; maybe it wouldn't cost me so much....]
SilverBride wrote: »No. My present viewpoint is that they should not alter the fundamental structure of this game by changing the storyline "boss" into something more, and attach a special reward that is now excluded from those who do the normal story as already established.
You are trying to change how the game already works.
See above.
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »
I am definitely not one of those players. I am not totally bored because I am a part of two roleplay guilds and a trials guild, so there will always be something to do. But it just makes me a little sad that quest content is so anti-climactic, is all. I long for those encounters to be *meaningful*. I crave it.
Gives meh all the acorns
You have given your view as to why you don't think it fundamentally changes the game. I don't agree with it.We have already addressed every single one of your points as to why it doesn’t fundamentally change the game at all.
Don't feel obligated to respond if you feel it would be fruitless.As someone in the thread has already pointed out, this is just going in circles.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
I too have beaten every almost all veteran content, I have almost almost all skins, I have all personalities from veteran content, etc. But questing is what drew me to the game. And because I outgrew the overland bosses well before I ever hit level 20, with no cp, I mostly stopped questing. At cp1356 now, I would dearly love to just go out in the world and quest again, and for the joy of it...not the drudgery. I want to feel that sense of adventure, and accomplishment, just as I did in all the other Elder Scrolls games.
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »You're not taking content from anyone. You're offering it to people who want to earn it. That's not taking. The majority of the game is catered to a casual playstyle, not the other way around. Dungeons and trials are a tiny part of the game. I don't understand the mindset that adding an optional difficulty is an issue, because it's optional.
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »You're not taking content from anyone. You're offering it to people who want to earn it. That's not taking. The majority of the game is catered to a casual playstyle, not the other way around. .
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »
Niice! With you there.1250 something I think. I've completed the AD storyline four times? DC twice? EP once but it's my least favorite. Hell. I haven't even started on Western Skyrim, Southern Elsweyr, and the Reach because I rppve all the questlines. Impatiently waiting to do that with my friend who only logs in to rp with me now lol
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »
Completing things on a harder difficulty should earn exclusive achievements at the very least. Dyes, titles, skins should be earned on harder content, but I'd be so danged happy if they offered an optional increased difficulty that I'd gladly take a compromise.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Dungeon, Trials, arenas, the past 2 years of world bosses, and world events = not new player friendly
New player friendly content for the past 2 years = quests and delves.
That's it. Most of the content that is actually new has NOT been new player friendly. Most of it has been for vet players. Even the world events and world bosses changed from being casual content to vet content.
So much so that the devs are actually beginning to scale it back because casual players have in fact taken issue with all the new content for years now being primarily catered toward vet players.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Dungeon, Trials, arenas, the past 2 years of world bosses, and world events = not new player friendly
New player friendly content for the past 2 years = quests and delves.
That's it. Most of the content that is actually new has NOT been new player friendly. Most of it has been for vet players. Even the world events and world bosses changed from being casual content to vet content.
So much so that the devs are actually beginning to scale it back because casual players have in fact taken issue with all the new content for years now being primarily catered toward vet players.
Sylvermynx wrote: »
The problem is that there are people who choose - or in my own case - don't really have the ability - to do "harder content" for whatever reason. And for some people who post about this from that direction, it means that some people who choose that harder content level will get "cosmetics" or other rewards that those on the "other side" cannot for whatever reason obtain.
Really though - there is so much of the content (and rewards, and achievements) in this game that is already "out of the reach" of casual players like me.... I don't see the point to belaboring it. Personally. Of course everyone else who posts here (which is a totally minor subset of the players of this game) is certainly entitled to posting their own opinion.
And I still think the whole "achievements" thing is just silly. I mean.... it's not just me - it's my daughter (in her 50s), my granddaughters (mid to late 20s), my sister (a decade younger than I am), her son and his wife (millennials) and many people I know in the gaming world around the world.
I don't know what this whole "achievement" thing is supposed to be good for. All it seems like to me (and family and friends) is kindergarten oneupsmanship.
Achievements in an MMO aren't going to feed your family - unless you're leveraging them into monetization. If that's where you're at, well.... good luck to you.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
You must be joking. All content that's been released has had a normal mode, and any player over cp160 (which takes less than two weeks to reach) can run them for gear. Less cp than that if they just want to run it. Same with dungeons, same with arenas. The overwhelming majority of content in this game has and always will be very noob friendly.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Even normal mode on that content isn't for new players, it's for mid-tier players. I have had plenty of people drop group in normal dlc dungeons and who struggle with stuff like NMA.
That's for mid tier players not new or casual players.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I guess an achievement that wasn't tied to any reward would be an alright compromise. I just know so many casual players that have so much trouble with stuff being out of their reach because it's for the elite. One of the reasons they keep coming back anyway is they love the quests and that this is something they can do and feel accomplished. I wouldn't want that taken away from them. I don't think it's good for the game's longevity to only cater to established players for one thing, but also because I want them to enjoy the game too.
Plus as someone who does Vet content, there is genuinely never nothing to do. Sometimes I get overwhelmed honestly and go enjoy the easier content because it's easier. Knocking out some simple quest achievement can be a nice break when you and your raid group leader are fighting because you're stuck on a boss in a dlc trial prog
For me it's a matter of just wanting to relax, for others I know it's a matter of can or cannot rather than desire. They cannot do vet content, period.
Thechuckage wrote: »
Taking your reasoning out to the logical conclusion - Questing should be a walking simulator. Once you reach the appropriate NPC, you work thru the dialogue options. Friendly NPCs take care of all combat necessary for the story.
No one can possibly be excluded, everyone gets to see the story. Everyone gets the rewards.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
You and I have a drastically different definition of casual, in which case.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I guess an achievement that wasn't tied to any reward would be an alright compromise. I just know so many casual players that have so much trouble with stuff being out of their reach because it's for the elite. One of the reasons they keep coming back anyway is they love the quests and that this is something they can do and feel accomplished. I wouldn't want that taken away from them. I don't think it's good for the game's longevity to only cater to established players for one thing, but also because I want them to enjoy the game too.
Plus as someone who does Vet content, there is genuinely never nothing to do. Sometimes I get overwhelmed honestly and go enjoy the easier content because it's easier. Knocking out some simple quest achievement can be a nice break when you and your raid group leader are fighting because you're stuck on a boss in a dlc trial prog
For me it's a matter of just wanting to relax, for others I know it's a matter of can or cannot rather than desire. They cannot do vet content, period.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I guess an achievement that wasn't tied to any reward would be an alright compromise. I just know so many casual players that have so much trouble with stuff being out of their reach because it's for the elite. One of the reasons they keep coming back anyway is they love the quests and that this is something they can do and feel accomplished. I wouldn't want that taken away from them. I don't think it's good for the game's longevity to only cater to established players for one thing, but also because I want them to enjoy the game too.
Plus as someone who does Vet content, there is genuinely never nothing to do. Sometimes I get overwhelmed honestly and go enjoy the easier content because it's easier. Knocking out some simple quest achievement can be a nice break when you and your raid group leader are fighting because you're stuck on a boss in a dlc trial prog
For me it's a matter of just wanting to relax, for others I know it's a matter of can or cannot rather than desire. They cannot do vet content, period.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I guess an achievement that wasn't tied to any reward would be an alright compromise. I just know so many casual players that have so much trouble with stuff being out of their reach because it's for the elite. One of the reasons they keep coming back anyway is they love the quests and that this is something they can do and feel accomplished. I wouldn't want that taken away from them. I don't think it's good for the game's longevity to only cater to established players for one thing, but also because I want them to enjoy the game too.
Plus as someone who does Vet content, there is genuinely never nothing to do. Sometimes I get overwhelmed honestly and go enjoy the easier content because it's easier. Knocking out some simple quest achievement can be a nice break when you and your raid group leader are fighting because you're stuck on a boss in a dlc trial prog
For me it's a matter of just wanting to relax, for others I know it's a matter of can or cannot rather than desire. They cannot do vet content, period.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
You're failing to see a very sizable portion of the playerbase in that case. They run around in Overland and crafted gear, decorate houses, pull 15k dps or less, and enjoy questing and random normals. But they really want an option to exclude dlc dungeons from random dungeons, because even on normal those are just too hard. They require help with world bosses and world events.
Most of them are just new. Some of them are dealing with things like bad internet or health problems. They deserve to have fun too. There is currently rewarding and accomplished content for them and everyone else. That shouldn't change.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
For the twentieth time, no one here is proposing anything be taken away from anyone. Only that there be options added. Which is in fact healthy for the longevity of the game, as it gives people like me something to do after they reach level 10.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
For the twentieth time, no one here is proposing anything be taken away from anyone. Only that there be options added. Which is in fact healthy for the longevity of the game, as it gives people like me something to do after they reach level 10.
Also makes the story bosses something for everyone to look forward to and not just one group.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
I am not overlooking that portion of the playerbase, as I have played this game for many years and made it my in game profession to teach said casuals in a large guild tailored to train them. 15k dps or even 10k dps is perfectly fine to run any normal dungeon, trial, or arena with. It is casual content.