That's not a good enough reason when you literally are not affected by it. It's an optional difficulty increase! Run the quest on normal! It's not hard!
That's not a good enough reason when you literally are not affected by it. It's an optional difficulty increase! Run the quest on normal! It's not hard!
That's not a good enough reason when you literally are not affected by it. It's an optional difficulty increase! Run the quest on normal! It's not hard!
spartaxoxo wrote: »
It would not be optional to completing the achievements. I do not have to only care about things that personally effect me.
Sylvermynx wrote: »I do have to say that there's one thing that leaves me shaking my head here. Achievements? I have ZERO interest in stuff like that.
Gold stars went out in kindergarten.
Sanguinor2 wrote: »you dont need to complete achievements for anything except your desire to do so.
SilverBride wrote: »That is as good a reason as any. And yes, everyone who plays this game will be affected by it, for reasons that have already been stated.
SilverBride wrote: »
And you don't need the fundamental storyline quests to be more challenging for anything except your desire to do so.
Sylvermynx wrote: »
Some folks are seeing the difference in rewards as a problem. I'm not one of them, but there are some....
spartaxoxo wrote: »
It would not be optional to completing the achievements. I do not have to only care about things that personally effect me.
SilverBride wrote: »
That is as good a reason as any. And yes, everyone who plays this game will be affected by it, for reasons that have already been stated.
Sanguinor2 wrote: »
Nah they wont be.
Sylvermynx wrote: »I do have to say that there's one thing that leaves me shaking my head here. Achievements? I have ZERO interest in stuff like that.
Gold stars went out in kindergarten.
SilverBride wrote: »Yes, they will. Changing anything this fundamental to the game does affect everyone because it's changing the basic game.
Sanguinor2 wrote: »
Exactly. Thats why it would be optional and not change anything for anyone that doesnt want a change.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
And the only way to do that is not have different rewards and achievements for it. Just a challenge banner you can use or perhaps have the boss have defenses and hp that scale off your stats to determine difficulty.
The way this is proposed does change things, because it makes it go from something new players can complete and get all the goodies associated with the quests to something they cannot.
Sanguinor2 wrote: »
But where is this change you speak of? What changes for the average player? Why does the option of a harder difficulty existing invalidate the normal difficulty? The default difficulty will still be the same. The fundamentals will still be the same. The Story will be the same. The dialogue will be the same. The characters will be the same. The mechanics will be the same. You simply have the option to do the same thing in a harder difficulty. Nothing more.
SilverBride wrote: »
You are forgetting new achievements and rewards that the average player will be excluded from. There are already vet dungeons and trials with better rewards for those players who complete them. How much more do you need?
Sanguinor2 wrote: »I couldnt care less if the average player gets excluded from something or not.
SilverBride wrote: »
Well this average player does care.
SilverBride wrote: »
But I still think this is more about wanting upgraded drops than the difficulty of the boss. And that would not be fair to the rest of the playerbase.
So using your logic - you feel that all cosmetic rewards for veteran achievements in dungeons & trials should be obtainable on normal difficulty?
Sanguinor2 wrote: »
Nah Im not. It simply doesnt change the reality of the average player already being excluded from getting some achievements and rewards because of difficulty.
SilverBride wrote: »
How does saying "Well this average player does care." translate to "you feel that all cosmetic rewards for veteran achievements in dungeons & trials should be obtainable on normal difficulty"?
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »
Multiple times people have stated they could care less about the drops. Completing it on harder difficulty in and of itself *is* the reward. As someone who has completed all three alliance stories and each side quest within, while roleplaying them with a friend, it is absolutely anti-climactic when the big bad boss dies before he can finish his monologue. I remove all armor and purposely gimp myself and it's still pathetically easy. I don't care if I still get the typical blue rewards. I don't care if I don't get an extra achievement. I would be so freaking happy for an optional difficulty where the big bad boss actually is harder to take down. It would feel more immersive. This is coming from an end game pve/pvp person who roleplays. It should be like literally any rpg where a main boss actually took some time and thinking to kill. Like Skyrim. Or Dragon Age. Literally any rpg. But make it optional so people who just joined the game can still cheese it.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
As one who roleplays the story with my friends as well (and I spend a great deal of time fleshing out these villains and building up suspense for boss encounters)...Just waltzing up to them and killing them with a well thrown acorn is horrid. Why must I be a veteran player OR a casual quester? Why can't I enjoy an optional setting to fulfill my own immersion?
Because your present argument is from the concern of being able to obtain cosmetics in the game.
When there are already plenty of cosmetics gated behind veteran achievements.
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »Like this apparently super strong boss actually had something to brag about. Now we know not everyone wants this, but leaving it as an option vastly improves a LOT of peoples' experience in the game.