spartaxoxo wrote: »
They are proposing that.
Right now they can get all achievements and associated rewards through normal questing. With this change, they cannot. This takes away ability to receive ALL achievements and associated rewards through normal questing by breaking it down into a tiered reward system that excludes some players
[/ If a player is really so obsessed with achievements, I hate to tell you but they will need to up their dps at some point anyway in that case. That's how every single game is.
I hate to tell you this, but if a player is really that obsessed with achievements, then they're going to need to obtain higher dps to get the many achievements in game anyway. Having achievements for harder content is a good thing, and for extreme casuals as you've described to me, literally nothing would have changed.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
If they are training with you, they are already changing over from casual players to mid tier players.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
Incorrect. Training as in teaching mechanics, and that every piece of content can be done as long as mechanics are followed. You misconstrued my intentions.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Some of the mechancis literally require more dps than that.
And yes, those players DO start out achievement hunting. That they will eventually have to get better if they want harder achievements is not a reason to take away their introductory completions and achievements.
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »I think you misunderstand the meaning of taking. You are not taking away something that has yet to be earned. Vet trials and dungeon achievements have not been taken from you. They have yet to be earned. You lose nothing from the addition of optional difficulty.
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »I think you misunderstand the meaning of taking. You are not taking away something that has yet to be earned. Vet trials and dungeon achievements have not been taken from you. They have yet to be earned. You lose nothing from the addition of optional difficulty.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
On normal they do not, and you can't change my mind after my own experiences. There is no dps check on normal that cannot be overcome by the most casual of casuals. And this is the last time I'll say this: the *introductory* achievements are proposed to stay the same. I will not keep arguing what was written in black and white in the OP's post. That is all.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Yeah. They do. I had to actually help an ill family member with normal Vateshran Hollows (I know them in RL life. I just took their controller and played for them). I can do about 25k on their character, they can do about 12. I could beat Vateshran and they could not. Other people have different experiences than you.
I also don't care what's written in the post.
These players can get all the rewards right now. And under their proposal, they will not. This objectively means that they could clear all avaiable rewards before, and won't under OP's proposal. People who claim things have no downsides aren't being objective and I don't have to follow all along with that.
The upsides are the quests would be more rewarding, and more exciting for established players and for the majority of the playerbase. The downside is that some players won't be able to get them, and that new and casual players won't be able to complete all the achievements anymore. Which you put more weight on is a matter of perspective, but none of those points change just because they are inconvenient to a particular argument.
Both up and downsides exist.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
If you don't care what's written in OP's post, please tell me why you're even commenting here?
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I don't care about one particular thing =/= I don't care about all of it.
Suna_Ye_Sunnabe wrote: »
That particular thing as you put it, is the premise of your disagreement here. We have nothing further to discuss in which case.
Seminolegirl1992 wrote: »But they already cannot complete *all* the achievements because they're not doing *all* the content. .
spartaxoxo wrote: »
The one thing being that it doesn't detract from anyone else/have any downsides is neither the main point of their post nor my disagreement.
The main point of my disagreement is the idea is tying achievements and additonal loot behind the quest bosses.
The OP claims that this is a side idea and not the main idea, and others have expressed they don't care as much about the loot but the experience.
In which case, there shouldn't be any problems with not tying loot and achievements to the OP'S idea. If it's purely about the story, there should not be a huge problem with making it a story thing only.
And yet I have had many replies trying to tell me that a group of players losing the ability to get all the achievements isn't taking away the ability to get all the achievements. Or that there are no downsides. Both of which I find pretty preposterous since I know people IRL that might uninstall over such a change.
Sylvermynx wrote: »I still think the whole "achievements" thing is just silly...
I don't know what this whole "achievement" thing is supposed to be good for. All it seems like to me (and family and friends) is kindergarten oneupsmanship.
To address questions.
Only the boss encounter would become repeatable, not the entire quest line, mainly for the sake of allowing the player to adjust the difficulty between normal and veteran. (also what if a player did on Normal but wants to try it on Veteran) These encounters would be on the map as "Lairs" to distinguish themselves from Dungeons and Trials.
The reason I proposed cosmetic rewards is because the last time I made a similar proposal with higher tier gear rewards it divided people and it became entirely about the reward. So I thought cosmetic reward was a good compromise seeing as how many MMOs (WoW in particular) have cosmetic rewards for endgame content including main story bosses.
The reason I propose any reward at all is because all in-game activities with difficulty options have a tier reward system, so I'm following that logic.
Bosses are not just easier because the player may be experienced. The bosses are specifically designed for the new player which is odd because the writing continues the narrative for longtime players - many of whom play endgame content.
Like I said in the OP; this is Not about a lack of difficult content, this is about how the gameplay experience affects the story and hyping up a main villain for a year only to have a mediocre, short lived fight is really anti-climatic and sours the story. It leaves us with a feeling of "That's it?" and to be quite honest I feel that it is a waste of resources to NOT at the very least have a difficulty option for the main boss of a story that a whole year was dedicated to.
Except you can’t do all of the quests without getting into the veteran content - the trial is still part of that.
But again as long as the “Lair” achievements are a separate section then your concern is taken care of.
Players still get an achievement for beating it like you normally do.
barney2525 wrote: »
Are you really trying to tell me, that very First time you ever completed the Main Quest, the final fight was ' too easy' for you?
Then don't comment if you're not going to read the whole thingspartaxoxo wrote: »I also don't care what's written in the post.
Factually untrue, you cannot get every achievement in a zone or all "worth getting" without playing Vet contentspartaxoxo wrote: »These players can get all the rewards right now. And under their proposal, they will not.
Untruespartaxoxo wrote: »This objectively means that they could clear all available rewards and achievements before, and won't under OP's proposal.
No they could not get ALL the achievements and this proposal doesn't make it less possible to do that.spartaxoxo wrote: »Newbies can get all the achievements now, and this proposal takes that away.
Again as long as the “Lair” achievements are a separate section then your concern is taken care of.spartaxoxo wrote: »They could before and then it changed, and now that ability is gone. That is taking.
spartaxoxo wrote: »You want to take away one of the only pieces of content they can complete on their own.
spartaxoxo wrote: »The main point of my disagreement is the idea is tying achievements and additonal loot behind the quest bosses.
The OP claims that this is a side idea and not the main idea, and others have expressed they don't care as much about the loot but the experience.
In which case, there shouldn't be any problems with not tying loot and achievements to the OP'S idea. If it's purely about the story, there should not be a huge problem with making it a story thing only.
And yet I have had many replies trying to tell me that a group of players losing the ability to get all the achievements isn't taking away the ability to get all the achievements. Or that there are no downsides. Both of which I find pretty preposterous since I know people IRL that might uninstall over such a change.
The only reason you have been getting so many replies is because you were fast to dismiss an optional difficulty mode for story bosses based purely on the reward design that the game already functions on "Harder Difficulties yield achievements with cosmetic rewards" Even though people presented reasonable workarounds to your desire to complete a zone (without doing the Trial)
What I find preposterous, even silly, is that anyone would be so mad over an optional difficulty that offered obtainable cosmetics - like much of the rest of the game does and has no effect on their ability to complete a quest line - that they ragequit and uninstalled the game.