Bug some players received 60k-100k crowns

  • mairwen85
    Here's a thing. I once left a job in October and started a new one in November. For November I received 2 months salary: the final payout from my previous job (monies accrued and days owed to me), and my first payment for my new job. In December I received 2 salaries again. Of course, I was really happy at first; "that's Christmas sorted", I thought, but then I realized that my old job didn't owe me anything, and they certainly wouldn't be paying a former employee a Christmas bonus... so what was it for? having contacted them, it transpired that not only was I still on the pay-roll and received that December salary in error, but also a large portion of the November payment was unintended. Even though this was their error, I had legally committed fraud by spending the November money; luckily I was able to come to a payment agreement for the November over-payment and was able to transfer the December amount in full. This situation with individuals receiving large amounts of free crowns they did not purchase is no different--it is ZOS' error, but spending them is theft/fraud.
    Edited by mairwen85 on August 22, 2020 12:30AM
  • UrQuan
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    but in monopoly when there is a bank error its in your favour....

    here in the united states that is also the Law.
    if your bank is telling you that you have 2 million and gives you a reciept saying that.
    then you are not going to get arrested for spending it even tho you KNOW for a Fact that money was not there yesterday and its an error.
    the Bank is at fault here - Not the Customer.
    OMG, you could not be more wrong. If that happens IRL you WILL be arrested and you WILL be prosecuted. There are many cases when people have gone to prison for exactly such situations.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • theenglander
    The law of theft by finding is here in the uk, you know its not yours do not touch it, make contact to try and find the owner even if just handing in to police station.( we all know how long that can take, but it is the right decission to make).
    With regards to this Zos knows where the crowns went so just reset the servers back to before this time.
    No bans it was good for a minute/hour for those that got them but lets put it to rest.
    I would admit though some clarification from Zos would be good for all concerned, for long standing members the lack of communication could/would be worrying, i personally recieved nothing but did advise people who had, not to spend till some clarification to the means of aquiring them was proven legit.
  • AshfieldLad
    So are they gonna offer a repayment plan then?
  • SeaGtGruff
    If I found that a manilla envelope filled with $100,000 USD had been slipped through my mailslot, I would definitely know that it wasn't mine, that it would be wrong to immediately go on a shopping spree with it, and that if I were to spend it and then the rightful owners came looking for it then bad things would happen to me. I don't see how this is any different.

    "Gosh, I thought it was mine and that it must be something to do with ESO Plus or something." Really?

    How many years of ESO Plus would you need to subscribe to in order to get a lump sum of 60,000 to 100,000 Crowns? I don't know, but it must be several, because when I subscribed to one year of ESO Plus I didn't get anywhere near 60,000 Crowns, let alone a third that many.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Khatou
    There have been bugs in this game since I started playing in 2015. Some minor, some major. But still haven't been fixed in 5 years.....how long will it take them to comb through everyone's account and their purchases of the spent crowns that weren't theirs, if some were spent? weeks? Months? Years? And of those that got extra crowns and spent them, how many of those people will quit playing this game by the time everything gets sorted out?

    This'll be interesting to see how it all pans out.

    It doesn't pay to fix bugs, so they don't care...
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    I wonder how many people have sold the crowns for gold and then sold the gold for real money already?
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • Clone4423
    Lmao! Crown store glitch. Shut down server next day. No abilities work...3 to 5 months
  • Welkynar
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    but in monopoly when there is a bank error its in your favour....

    here in the united states that is also the Law.
    if your bank is telling you that you have 2 million and gives you a reciept saying that.
    then you are not going to get arrested for spending it even tho you KNOW for a Fact that money was not there yesterday and its an error.
    the Bank is at fault here - Not the Customer.

    I highly discourage anyone spend money they know is not theirs, even if it is someone else’s fault.

    Read the case of Robert and Tiffany Williams. In May 2019, their bank mistakenly deposited $120,000 to their account and, while knowing it was not theirs, they spent the money on vehicles, bills, and gifts to friends. They were arrested in September, admitted to investigators they knew the money was not theirs, and pled guilty to theft charges. They had around $1,000 in their account before the mistake.They got off easy with no jail time, but require 100 community service hours and have to repay $107,416.

    So the lesson is, don’t spend money that is not yours!
  • rpa
    Crowns have no monetary value. Using undeserved Crowns would be an exploit, not illegal. (If Crowns had value, gamble crates would be illegal.)
  • redgreensunset
    rpa wrote: »
    Crowns have no monetary value. Using undeserved Crowns would be an exploit, not illegal. (If Crowns had value, gamble crates would be illegal.)

    Correct. But a lot of people on here seem invested in the idea that ZOS punishing people for having used the crowns wpuld be unfair because in real life, if it was real money, it wouldn't be illegal. Which is not only incorrect but also this is happening in ZOS's game and everyone is subjected to their rules, like you're subjected to the laws of whatever country you live in.
  • Mizael
    So what? They want to ban half server? This is ridiculus
  • kargen27
    I forgot to check if I received ill-gotten crowns or not. Good thing I forgot to look. If I did get them I might have spent them on things I don't even want or need because I have had an adult beverage or several.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Cadbury
    Now I'm positively giddy of the mental image of players spending their ill-gotten gains when suddenly cops burst down the door, grab them, and haul them away in cuffs.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Nairinhe
    Mizael wrote: »
    So what? They want to ban half server? This is ridiculus

    If half the players on server are stupid enough to spend crowns that are not theirs - why not?
  • Cadbury
    Nairinhe wrote: »
    Mizael wrote: »
    So what? They want to ban half server? This is ridiculus

    If half the players on server are stupid enough to spend crowns that are not theirs - why not?

    Plus the servers might improve with less riffraff :trollface::
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • rpa
    Mizael wrote: »
    So what? They want to ban half server? This is ridiculus

    I do not believe half of server is stupid enough to deserve ban.
    Edited by rpa on August 22, 2020 7:02AM
  • HoolDog
    They may as well close the Xbox Eu server if the ban everyone that used them lol

    They gave everyone crowns a while ago... unannounced. Thinking back I got 30-40k crowns just put onto my account with no knowledge why. Turned out they were for the persistent ESO plus problems were you didn’t get your crowns as you should every month.

    I just hope everyone had fun with some crown crates etc
  • Ishtarknows
    So I had a rummage through the terms of service and found this:

    "ZeniMax may, from time to time and in its sole discretion, grant Virtual Currency to Users of one or more Services as a gesture of goodwill or in connection with promotions"

    Taken from their terms of service here: https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/terms-of-service

    How was anyone to know it wasn't a gesture of goodwill? Could have been an apology for the terrible state of the game since maintenance on Thursday.

  • Ishtarknows
    rpa wrote: »

    I do not believe half of server is stupid enough to deserve ban.

    Maybe not half the server, it happened in the middle of the afternoon in EU so number of players affected would be low, but the vast majority of the EU xbox end game community recieved and spent the crowns. Losing these players would be the beginning of the end of the server.

    It also appears to only be eso+ payers who received the crowns. Banning those who actually pay to use the game seems counterintuitive to me.
    Edited by Ishtarknows on August 22, 2020 8:21AM
  • RefLiberty
    So I had a rummage through the terms of service and found this:

    "ZeniMax may, from time to time and in its sole discretion, grant Virtual Currency to Users of one or more Services as a gesture of goodwill or in connection with promotions"

    Taken from their terms of service here: https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/terms-of-service

    How was anyone to know it wasn't a gesture of goodwill? Could have been an apology for the terrible state of the game since maintenance on Thursday.

    As so they can take it back at their discretion, the same way. You don't own anything here pal.
    They can declare bankruptcy and close the company and servers tomorrow, all is gone regardless what you spent, from crown boxes to everything else. The end.
    Maybe ONLY yearly subscriptions would be refundable.

    Anyhow, I believe there will be no bans, I'm pretty sure of that, but they will probably roll back the accounts.
    I'm just not sure will it be Xbox wide or just the accounts that were involved in spending or trading those crowns.
    We will know soon :#
    Edited by RefLiberty on August 22, 2020 8:41AM
  • Banana
    You get sent to join the server team for those sort of mistakes
  • Raudgrani
    I don't buy any of that "Ohh, I thought [insert bad explanation], so I spent all the 100k crowns!". Everyone who did, unless it was some tiny amount (say, below 10k crowns) who had them - know very well they had something they shouldn't. Things like these more often than not comes around and bite you in your behind.

    Me and my former "fiance" (I don't know what you call someone in English, that you have a kid with but are not married to) had an insurance payout, of the same amount - to both of our accounts. This was obviously wrong, we only should have had one. I was like "Ok. I GUESS, we can just shut up about this - and save one of the payouts until next years tax accounting, and see if they miss their money, or we can contact them and see that we pay them back - in the meantime, don't go spend that money, alright?" (I was suggesting something illegal of course, I know).
    And of course, she spent every single penny on typical nonsensical junk - probably within hours. After less than a week, we were contacted, and all we were left with was the money I didn't touch yet, which we had to pay back. LOL
    SO... In short, we didn't have any problems, other than that we in practice didn't really have that insurance money, that we were expecting and actually needed. She had lots of pointless consumer garbage though. Only good outcome of this, was that I didn't need to hear that **** go on about money and **** for like half a year.

    In short. If you have any kind of brains, you know loads of riches don't appear out of nowhere, if they do - you better find out why, and think twice about touching them before you know its safe. If you have 100k crowns, don't spend them some like hunter/gatherer caveman, at least until you know the error is acknowledged, and that it's safe to use them (ZOS saying like "Yeah, it's an error - but we can't do anything about it, enjoy..."). Spending what's not yours is never a good idea. It's like the universal law of balance in practice.
  • rpa
    rpa wrote: »

    I do not believe half of server is stupid enough to deserve ban.

    Maybe not half the server, it happened in the middle of the afternoon in EU so number of players affected would be low, but the vast majority of the EU xbox end game community recieved and spent the crowns. Losing these players would be the beginning of the end of the server.

    It also appears to only be eso+ payers who received the crowns. Banning those who actually pay to use the game seems counterintuitive to me.

    I'd bet they just take the ill gained goods away from the majority of people who spent the crowns for their own account and ban only the minority who tried to launder their ill gained riches or something. But I don't know anything and discussing disciplinary actions would be against forum TOS anyway. We'll see when the whining of the "honest mistake" affected begins.

    Edit: Might be a good idea to not buy cheap Crowns just now.
    Edited by rpa on August 22, 2020 8:47AM
  • rluke
    Hmm many cheap crown sellers in Chats haha
  • thorwyn
    If I find a $20 on the ground while walking into the grocery store, it becomes mine unless someone is standing right there trying to pick it up because they just dropped it.

    I don't know where you live but in my country, it's not yours. You are obliged to bring the 20$ to the lost property office.
    And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
    And if there is no room upon the hill
    And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
  • jaygao79
    Gilvoth wrote: »

    ...to uh, ya, this.....um....punishing players because ZOS made a deposit in their bank that shouldn't have happened. ZOS messes up, then punishes the players for the ZOS mistake.

    wow. just wow.

    Spending crowns or gold that the game auto deposits to you is definitely not an exploit. If I find a $20 on the ground while walking into the grocery store, it becomes mine unless someone is standing right there trying to pick it up because they just dropped it. ...and $20 real money is worth $20 more than 100k crowns.

    ..and on that note, I better log in and check my crown supply! This kind of thing never happens to me for some reason.

    The fact that you get to keep it and spend it doesn’t mean that you are legally or morally entitled to it. Making the difference between picking up one from the floor and picking up one from someone’s pocket largely is just to ease your conscience really, so that you can sleep at night.

    This is how the world is so *** up.
  • jaygao79
    f047ys3v3n wrote: »
    None of my accounts got the bug :( so I guess I don't have to ponder the moral dilemma of gambling it all on crowns and then trying to argue when ZOS takes it back that the crate I got a radiant mount from was the one I bought with my 7k crowns and not the 100k they misplaced.

    Sad thing is that everyone on the server will lose their progress yesterday because they are rolling the server back now, not to mention the down time today.

  • Raudgrani
    thorwyn wrote: »
    If I find a $20 on the ground while walking into the grocery store, it becomes mine unless someone is standing right there trying to pick it up because they just dropped it.

    I don't know where you live but in my country, it's not yours. You are obliged to bring the 20$ to the lost property office.

    There are laws, and there are extremes. If you went into the police office with $20 you found on the street, they would literally tell you to get lost for wasting their time - or laugh at you and tell you to keep it.

    I was in a very similar situation in the army. I found a Swedish 500:- (probably worth like $50) bill on the ground, as I picked it up - I saw a colonel approaching, and I think he saw me picking it up. So just to be safe I was like "Colonel! I found this 500:- on the ground, may I hand it over to you, to hand it over to someone appropriate to deal with it, or can you tell me where to go with it?". He looked at me with skewed eyebrows and said like "Boy... I'm not your errand boy, shove it in your tiny wallet and enjoy. Dismissed...".

    If you find $20 on the street, enjoy. If you find $20 000 on the street, you better go to the police with them. This thing is most similar to the $20 000 thing, needless to say. Common sense takes you far.
  • Jinxxy85
    So I had a rummage through the terms of service and found this:

    "ZeniMax may, from time to time and in its sole discretion, grant Virtual Currency to Users of one or more Services as a gesture of goodwill or in connection with promotions"

    Taken from their terms of service here: https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/terms-of-service

    How was anyone to know it wasn't a gesture of goodwill? Could have been an apology for the terrible state of the game since maintenance on Thursday.

    The thing with that is I would sure as hell want to be sure before touching the crowns that I wasn't putting my account at risk. I'm on PS4 and Xbox and although I didn't notice any additional crowns on my Xbox account, I know my first thought would of been to ask here, Reddit, Twitter, Discord etc before using any of them. It's not hard to do and not very time consuming so the whole idea that you could just take it as a goodwill gesture seems daft. This also isn't a small measly sum we're talking about.

    At the end of the day most who spent them know it was an unintentional occurrence and trying to talk their way out of a very likely ban will probably be very useless.

    If in doubt then check things out. If your account means that much to you you'll definitely be more interested in holding off for a few minutes while you ask around.

    My only hope is that anyone daft enough to of sold the crowns on doesn't get any innocent buyers caught up in all this mess.

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