ZOS we need to talk about this outfit.

  • scorpius2k1

    OUTFITs 🙀 It is not pretty or cool.

    And even if you like 'stripper outfits', that crotch flap is awful. Who designed this mess?

    edit: and yeah, it would be better with either a skirt or pants. Although pants might make it too close to the Holiday in Balmora outfit.

    Why tf would I like stripper outfits!! they’re degrading and there is enough of that garbage already in ESO.

    I wanna see outfits that look like high-end haute couture and are artistically beautiful.

    They also need to add more eyeshadow and makeup. 😊

    If they want to make hooker outfits, they can magic mike the male population of ESO

    If you want to be a sophisticated looking player, then go for it. Not everyone wants that. I personally enjoy the look and styles of which you are poking fun at in your own personal distaste. This isn't the real world and pretty sure we ALL play ESO to have a brief escape from the daily IRL grind. To each their own, we all deserve to enjoy customizing OUR toons as we see fit. I find it annoying people running around in just their underwear on ESO, or having a super ugly helmet on, gigantic shoulders or a wedding dress on while running a dungeon lol... but you know what? who cares, it's just a game so whatever! You and many others complaining about this silly topic should really just pop the preferential bias bubble and just let people have fun, just as you are wanting to with your own preference. It's a bit ridiculous that the design department of this game has to feel so pressured in every direction because of "appropriateness" and they shouldn't. It's probably the exact reason why so many styles in ESO look so off. Everything is a mixed bag of "do's and don'ts". Put all the variety in the game as-intended and let it go where it goes, I'm sure there would also be a lot more sales of cosmetic items too for the company. In the end, we all win.

    If appearance of other players offends someone that bad, then maybe they should take a hard look at themselves and even if the game they are playing is right for them. Having an opinion is fine but fun is the entire point of a game, no one needs to force their preferential bias on anyone. It's just too bad that not everyone will be that respectful in the first place.

    Nah, this is just a mix of tacky and bad taste imo when I look at it. It is not sexy in the least, that is my issue.

    Of course it is not the real world. Though many, including myself waited for a vampire dlc for a long time. Bad enough we got an ulti that looks like a hairless ape with horns but now this outfit, smh 🤷🏻‍♀️

    The vampire lord outfit was made classy and well done.

    ZOS should give the same effort towards the female population for a vampiress outfit.

    They should create something that any Goth Goddess would be happy to have in one of her many extra coffins for clothes. I was certainly waiting for that and not this mess, I feel their creative team could fix very quickly.

    If the vampire lord outfit is changed to booty shorts and a leather cap, then talk....

    I certainly dress seductive irl just not gaudy. This outfit needs a rework to be alluring and sexy. Rn it is a fashion victim upon itself, which is why I am giving my feedback.

    Be careful you might just fall off of your tall horse with your keyboard opinions xD

    Glad we can agree to disagree on a few things. I respect that. Know my comment is in no way directly aimed toward you, but meant more as a general consensus that has continually gone in the community about what is "proper" when it comes to styles in ESO. It's entirely frustrating to say the least. Leave the lore and appropriateness in the story/zones/factions/classes and the rest well, whatever. Just my opinion.

    I don't really care for the new outfit wholly, but I do like the new design concept. I agree it should be a bit more touched up before release. Then again, if it isn't there is nothing forcing anyone to use it if they don't want to. Goth? Yes! Please!! MORE of that and better design, being serious here. The Vampiric and dark theming is one of my favorite's.

    Another thing, I don't care for horses, especially tall ones. I prefer Senche's, especially dark and full of mystery. Mine isn't very tall and has no clue about keyboards. Secondly, I rarely fall off of a horse in ESO. Usually it bugs out first and end up running on top of it. So there's that. ;)

    All the best. :)

    🌎 PC/NA
    🐧 Linux (Arch)
    🧑‍💻 ESO Addon Dev
    ⚔️ Stamplar | Magplar | Stamcro | Magsorc | Magcro Healer
  • Cameron991
    They do have a longer coat tail in the back which makes the flap fit there better. If they didn’t have the back flap it would look weird but it does have a back flap so I think it looks great!
  • Jaraal
    What is that thing hanging down in front, it’s hilarious!
  • MincVinyl
    I wonder when zos will just start splitting the already made costumes into outfit motifs to sell again. Some parts of costumes would be great to use in the outfit station.
  • Syldras
    In my opinion, everyone can wear that they want, whether in real life or in-game. It's their choice, and it's not my business. But, if a design is presented for discussion, it should also be possible to say that it's really ugly.

    Also, I don't think it's disdainful towards prostitutes to say that a costume looks like their typical working clothes (or what I believe they look like). It's not against the person, but just saying that those clothes don't look what most vampire nobles would probably wear.
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I also have to agree with others here that I'd like to see the cut out shoulder go away. I am neutral towards the cut out chest window. Can take it or leave it. But the weird cut out shoulder has also become ubiquitous in costuming in this game and I'm super tired of it.

    What I find weird about the chest cut-out is that it's traditional for female Dunmer clothing, or not? I think I haven't seen that in costumes of other races yet? My view on this might be a bit strict, but I think if something is extremely typical for one culture only, there should be a reason why it is used in a costume that does not belong to that culture.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • Myyth
    It looks like the name of the outfit is -

    Dark Passions *oops I forgot my pants* Regalia
  • Linaleah
    to be perfectly honest.. I kinda love the combination of that jacket, thigh high boots and bootie shorts. crotch flap, I'm ambivalent all, but the whole vampy go-go girl vibe is really doing it for me :P especially couple with some bright dyes (assuming it dyes well)

    that said, having an extra outfit with that jacket and full length skirt, as well as some sort of swim wear with those bootie shorts? yes please.

    but... that's just me. my fashion sense is... my own O_O
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Welkynar
    What’s with people here thinking this is a stripper outfit or too sexy? I don’t like how it looks but it’s not inappropriate.
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    Can the person who puts crotch flaps on everything be excommunicated or tossed into a volcano?
    Edited by Tsar_Gekkou on July 14, 2020 11:30PM
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • Rukia541
    Lol crotch flap is as bad as buttcape in gw2, why can these devs not design anything without these horrible attachments to every single outfit? Are they literally incapable, or just incredibly dense?
  • Syldras
    Raudgrani wrote: »
    It's obviously a big flirt with "goth" type of people

    I've been part of the subculture for quite a while (almost 20 years), and though fashion always changes from time to time (at the beginning it was more punk-looking, then rather romantic with big gowns and a lot of frills and lace, now there are lot of people with Victorian styles) - I have never seen ladies dress that way. The combination of elegant top and plain leather shorts would be really uncommon. The mix is the problem for me. But that's just my sense of aesthetics. If other people want their chars to wear it, I don't care. I still find it ugly, but I don't have to let my chars wear it, so it's fine.
    Welkynar wrote: »
    What’s with people here thinking this is a stripper outfit or too sexy? I don’t like how it looks but it’s not inappropriate.

    Sexy is not the problem. Cheap is.

    Compare it with this:
    Or even this:
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • Sylvermynx
    Y'know, one of the Skyrim mods (Immersive Jewelry) had the perfect vampire sexy thing.... It was like 3 pieces of metal plus chains.... Vampire Courtesan's Ruby Briolette Copper Chain Bodice (and a couple other versions). I'm NOT posting a screenie as I happen to like my account access here. You can look it up on Nexus in the SLE section.

  • BigBragg
    I think it has potential. There are lots of skirts and gown options, and I get people who like that wanting more. However, there are no real booty short options, and I would like that. Plenty of hot areas in the game, and it is a nice way to mix it up. Honestly I'd like some as a style or motif page.

    p.s. Short and revealing clothing doesn't mean somebody is a ***, not that there is anything wrong with what happens between consenting adults, so climb off your high horse.
  • Tigerseye
    Syldras wrote: »
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    I, on the other hand, do not like long, full skirts much.
    They're impractical and overly girly looking.

    Of course your personal opinion is valid, but I'm wondering why long skirts are "girly"? Masses of mages in ESO run around in robes - which are, actually, nothing else than dresses, if you look at the shape of the garment. The traditional Dunmer "robe" (in ESO as the "Sixth House robe" costume) isn't even a robe but a combination of long skirt, shirt, jacket and belt.

    Well, I wasn't referring to Mage's robes, or even a long, A-line skirt.

    I was, specifically, referring to a long, full skirt, that typically falls in a dirndl shape, from the waist, in gathers.

    When I played a Mage in WoW, I chose not to wear robes there, either, as I preferred to wear pretty much the only cloth outfit with leggings/pants.

    However, the unisex, A-line Mage's robe, although not a favourite of mine either, wasn't the look I was referring to when I was describing long, full skirts as "girly looking".

    That was a specific reference to the long, full, historical-looking skirts on many of the costumes, that are shown (in the previews) on female chars only.

    ...and even then I, of course, mean overly girly looking for me, personally - particularly when my char is supposed to be running around fighting things.

    Other people may not agree and that is obviously fine.

    Edited by Tigerseye on July 15, 2020 3:10AM
  • newtinmpls
    I feel bad. I am at the other end of the spectrum saying ZOS please make the outfit more [snip]. I’m so sorry guys. I know. I’m ashamed.

    Well if it was "all" [snip], I wouldn't mind. it's the contradiction that doesn't work for me.

    [edited for inappropriate content]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on July 15, 2020 12:49PM
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Tigerseye
    Pauls wrote: »
    This is special outfit for vampire brothel RP

    Without the flap, maybe.

    With it, it's neither one thing, nor the other.

    Whereas, if you added opaque tights and lost the flap it would suddenly be far more wearable.

    Just as wearable as leggings.

    AlienMagi wrote: »
    Really, everyone's losing their minds over a little loincloth? I'm more bothered about the shamelessly exposed cleavage.

    You're right, we should all be totally ashamed of our cleavages. :lol:

    They should just make the so called "crotch flap" a bit smaller and it would be totally fine.

    No, it would not.

    When you sit down, they stick out straight in front of you, like.....well, I'll leave what that looks like to your imagination.

    Edited by Tigerseye on July 15, 2020 4:01AM
  • MercilessnVexed
    Skipping from OP alllll the way to the back to put my opinion...

    This outfit looks like it was designed by a one-eyed meth spider with thumbs.

    SMDH. Booty shorts? Really? Which one of you came up with that?!?!?
  • Loulong
    Super rough sketch of what I imagine a powerful vampire to wear around the castle... Yeah, it's still got a little bit of the front piece, but it's not nearly as much of a trucker mud flap as the original.
    Anyway, as long as it doesn't have a giant crotch flap and boy shorts, I'd be happy.
  • MercilessnVexed
    Loulong wrote: »
    Super rough sketch of what I imagine a powerful vampire to wear around the castle... Yeah, it's still got a little bit of the front piece, but it's not nearly as much of a trucker mud flap as the original.
    Anyway, as long as it doesn't have a giant crotch flap and boy shorts, I'd be happy.

    Yeah that (planned) long crotch flap would end up chafing those bare legs when you run, don't you know that ZoS?? I agree with this guy ^^
  • Vevvev
    Loulong wrote: »
    Super rough sketch of what I imagine a powerful vampire to wear around the castle... Yeah, it's still got a little bit of the front piece, but it's not nearly as much of a trucker mud flap as the original.
    Anyway, as long as it doesn't have a giant crotch flap and boy shorts, I'd be happy.

    I'd totally buy that!
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Cloudtrader
    I really like it! Looks like a superhero costume. I like the shorts. Actually, I wish there were more styles and costumes in this game that included shorts. Not skirts, shorts.
  • Loulong
    Just had to...
    (Google "Yosemite Sam mud flaps" if the image doesn't show well enough.)

  • RefLiberty
    Holy crap the short pants are awesome.
    I have my plastic ready to be swiped. Can't wait to prance around in hot pants.
    For first time in this year, once in a year 2020, and most 2019, I'll say good job.
    Edited by RefLiberty on July 15, 2020 5:16AM
  • MornaBaine
    Loulong wrote: »
    Super rough sketch of what I imagine a powerful vampire to wear around the castle... Yeah, it's still got a little bit of the front piece, but it's not nearly as much of a trucker mud flap as the original.
    Anyway, as long as it doesn't have a giant crotch flap and boy shorts, I'd be happy.

    Holy smokes. ZOS please hire this person immediately. I'd buy this in a heartbeat.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • MornaBaine
    Loulong wrote: »
    Just had to...
    (Google "Yosemite Sam mud flaps" if the image doesn't show well enough.)

    This is amazing. Thank you for the laugh!
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • MornaBaine
    Skipping from OP alllll the way to the back to put my opinion...

    This outfit looks like it was designed by a one-eyed meth spider with thumbs.

    SMDH. Booty shorts? Really? Which one of you came up with that?!?!?

    "This outfit looks like it was designed by a one-eyed meth spider with thumbs." Might be the best thing I've heard in days. Thank you. ROFL

    And "booty shorts" is actually the term in use for the "shorts shorts" that are painted on like that. Google it. You'll either thank me or be appalled. LOL I've seen plenty of girls wearing them in nightclubs myself.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Integral1900
    I’m not really fussed about this one. For some reason every costume in the game is Half either okay or great and the other half absolutely terrible. This seems to be a universal rule about every single one of them. I mean how many times have you seen a costume and thought I’d love to take the lower body or the legs from that and put it with something else on you can’t because you have to put up with the rubbish bit.

    Ultimately if they wanna put something as badly designed as that on the crown store then that is entirely their prerogative as is the right of anyone to choose to ignore it Maybe someone will think that it might suit their particular character. The choice to look the way you want is one of the reasons that keeps people playing this game, and we’ve all seen some mad things out there let’s face it.

    Personally I’ve never had understood the desire to make female characters look so slender that they can fall down the gap between molecules. This game like most others seems to have a particular bias against female characters that look like they can do something with a sword other than just drag it around! That doesn’t mean I’m going to try and impose my preferences on anybody else…
  • redgreensunset
    Syldras wrote: »
    In my opinion, everyone can wear that they want, whether in real life or in-game. It's their choice, and it's not my business. But, if a design is presented for discussion, it should also be possible to say that it's really ugly.

    Also, I don't think it's disdainful towards prostitutes to say that a costume looks like their typical working clothes (or what I believe they look like). It's not against the person, but just saying that those clothes don't look what most vampire nobles would probably wear.
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I also have to agree with others here that I'd like to see the cut out shoulder go away. I am neutral towards the cut out chest window. Can take it or leave it. But the weird cut out shoulder has also become ubiquitous in costuming in this game and I'm super tired of it.

    What I find weird about the chest cut-out is that it's traditional for female Dunmer clothing, or not? I think I haven't seen that in costumes of other races yet? My view on this might be a bit strict, but I think if something is extremely typical for one culture only, there should be a reason why it is used in a costume that does not belong to that culture.

    Who says it doesn't? The vampire in the picture is clearly a dunmer so maybe this is a Dumeri vampire costume? No I'm not trying to be funny here, we don't know what it is called.

    As for all those saying we should have gotten an elegant dress for gothic looks, we already have idk how many of those in the game some in the regular crown store. What we do not yet have, is something ljke this for a more "modern" vampiric look. And I'm ot even that big a fan ofskimpy costumes but I still want this.
  • JamieAubrey
    Hell no, I want my booty shorts no matter the cost
  • Syldras
    The vampire in the picture is clearly a dunmer so maybe this is a Dumeri vampire costume?

    I see she is a Dunmer, but in which way would it fit to the upcoming DLCs? The next DLCs take place entirely in Skyrim, not a big chance there would be many Dunmer vampires, I think. If the story would be about a Dunmer vampire clan or take place on Vvardenfell, no problem for me. But this seems to be the female Vampire costume.
    Personally I’ve never had understood the desire to make female characters look so slender that they can fall down the gap between molecules. This game like most others seems to have a particular bias against female characters that look like they can do something with a sword other than just drag it around!

    I have a chubby and muscular Khajiit with a big mace. I think she looks fine.

    Generally, for me (a personal preference - so other people can have different opinions), a char should look realistic. Not even beautiful, but like a credible person who fits in. A warrior should be a little more muscular; for a mage, it doesn't matter that much. I have to admit, the second of my both female chars is petite. But that's a family thing. Her brother is extremely skinny, too.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
This discussion has been closed.