Great Guild, Great people Glad I Join
pffbrufordb16_ESO wrote: »Hi would also like to join the guild i am returning player have no clue what i am doing also i also bring another usless old man with me.
theinsaneb16_ESO wrote: »I have left an apply in game through the guild finder.
theinsaneb16_ESO wrote: »Ok, im a real solo player. And would really love to join the guild. I think this is the perfect guild for me as a returning player
And in every mmo Ivled solo. And games like Eso and skyrim etc..are my most beloved ones
I think pc, because this thread is in pc/mac-eu section.
...So, if no problem to you that my english is not too good and i little shyly about it, than i would be happy to join your guild. I don’t promise to you, that i will be the most talkative guy in the guild, but I will trying to change that. In the game i can't find the guild, therefore i'm writing here. I'f you decide to accept me, my ingame name: @erubos
Fenris_Arainai wrote: »...I'm @Fenris_Arainai in the game too, if you accept me.
Is there a name filter in the Guild Finder ? It's very difficult to find any guild there, because there are so many of them. I was considering joining the Soloiists guild.
Is this guild no longer active? I posted some time ago and haven't heard from anybody
Is this guild no longer active? I posted some time ago and haven't heard from anybody