Are you still recruiting?
I couldn't find your guild on the Guild Finder - but maybe I'm just blind XD
Anyway, I'd love to receive an invite
My ingame ID is the same as on here, so @Kailandra
Mortec_ESO wrote: »
Not in any other guilds, I know we're able to join 5, and tho I see the reasoning behind it, it's not something I'm considering. Maybe I'm more old school? Your name and guild meant something - and was not something to be changed or discarded lightly.
.. or maybe I'm just old and grumpy
Mortec_ESO wrote: »Soo.. just popped in-game to have a quick peruse..
There's no way to search for a guild? Yikes..
Exquisition wrote: »
Yes you can use the guild finder that is ingame, but somehow not everyone can always find our guild. Some do and some dont. If you want to be in our guild let me know.
Exquisition wrote: »Oke, I forwarded your request as well. You should get an invite by tomorrows evening!
je joue sur Teso depuis 2004
principalement DPS
actuellement champion 1109
Désolé j'ai 71 ans
si vous m'accepter je serai à votre service...dans la mesure de mes connaissance.
mon non @muvio
à bientôt j'espère
myskyrim26 wrote: »No invitation yet... I'm on PC EU, so everything must be ok...
Any chance for me to join as well? My ID: @DamSon369
Hello there! I am mostly a solo player, although I sometimes group up with a long time gaming friend when we're both feeling sociable. She may join as well because honestly, your guild sounds like just our cup of tea!
Anyway, most of the time I'm running around on my own, at my own pace. Which is great! Just... not for Dungeons. Since I detest any kind of PUG gaming, having a group of similar minded peeps for when the need arises would be absolutely fantastic. I am in another guild that does dungeons runs etc as well, but their pace is often brutal. They're very friendly but have been playing the content for much much longer than I have (I was there at launch but gave up soon after, only got back into it about 2 months ago) so it often makes me feel like a stumbling noob!
I'm 45 yrs old, from the Netherlands, have been playing PC games since forever (my previous addiction was Guild Wars 2) and my IGN is @Moyra74.
Thank you! You sound like a pretty perfect bunch of people.I look forward to meeting you all!
(Let's just hope the server will get up again today, ahem.If not, there is always tomorrow of course, but I do feel a bit sad if I don't get my daily ESO fix, haha!)
Edited to add: would love to join in on the Craglorn activities. Craglorn always intimidates the hell out of me because I have NO idea what is going on there. Would be nice to explore with people who do know!