Guild for Solo Players

  • laethoria
    Awesome! Add me please @laethoria
  • Kailandra
    Soul Shriven
    Wow, this sounds just like the guild I'm looking for!

    I love taking my time exploring and questing as well, so I've been playing solo until now. But I do would like to meet some new people with similar interests :)
    While I spend most of my time on ESO exploring and following quest lines, I would love to have a group of nice people to expand my horizon to dungeons etc. with. I haven't had much luck in the past with the Group Finder, so I ended up simply running past all group content, which is a shame...

    Are you still recruiting?
    I couldn't find your guild on the Guild Finder - but maybe I'm just blind XD

    Anyway, I'd love to receive an invite :)
    My ingame ID is the same as on here, so @Kailandra
  • Exquisition
    Kailandra wrote: »

    Are you still recruiting?
    I couldn't find your guild on the Guild Finder - but maybe I'm just blind XD

    Anyway, I'd love to receive an invite :)
    My ingame ID is the same as on here, so @Kailandra


    Sure we still have room in Guild for like minded people.
    That is just what we are doing... playing lot of time solo, but since the start of our Guild, we have grown and now we are also organizing Guild Events, Dungeon Rungs, Trial Runs and stuff like that. Just for the solo player who want to extend his view in a solo friendly environment. We are not hardcore gamers, and if your character build is not optimized we don't mind. We have a Discord Server as well, and we are having a great time!

    When I log into the game later today, I will sent you an invite.
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • angel129116
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there. Could I get an invite please? ESO username is angel129116 :smile:
  • Exquisition
    I am on holidays right now, so I cannot log into the game itself. But I sent a message to my officer. Hope he reads it and sent you the invite :smile:
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Agafonika
    Soul Shriven
    hey i’m a new ESO player, but I would like to join the guild! since i couldn’t find the guild in game, my username is Agafonika :smile:
  • tarar4ik
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, couldn't find the guild :( Could you send me an invite please? @tarar4ik
  • Mortec_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there. As others, this sounds interesting..

    Mostly, well, only, (so far), solo player. Age? Lets just say closer to 50 than 30.

    Not in any other guilds, I know we're able to join 5, and tho I see the reasoning behind it, it's not something I'm considering. Maybe I'm more old school? Your name and guild meant something - and was not something to be changed or discarded lightly.

    .. or maybe I'm just old and grumpy ;)

    Anyhoots. I think this also corresponds with my in-game name, but I'll try to look you up online, if yer still recruiting that is.

  • Mortec_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Soo.. just popped in-game to have a quick peruse..

    There's no way to search for a guild? Yikes..

  • Exquisition
    Mortec_ESO wrote: »

    Not in any other guilds, I know we're able to join 5, and tho I see the reasoning behind it, it's not something I'm considering. Maybe I'm more old school? Your name and guild meant something - and was not something to be changed or discarded lightly.

    .. or maybe I'm just old and grumpy ;)


    Well normally one would join a guild to get connected to other players, so you can easily form groups or find ppl for any multiplayer content.

    Me as soloplayer, (but probably other solo players as well) dont / didnt do a lot of multiplaying, or depended on random groups, or soloed through something that was not supposed to be soloed.

    But I got tired of the random ***, the lot of unkind ppl I meet in there, ppl getting discriminated because they havent optimised their builds amf stuff like that. And as soloplayer I was affraid of joining any guilds that do a lot of harscore playing.

    So I thought what if I could get a group of ppl together that have kinda the same playing style as I have? No obligations, but available when I feel like doing multiplayer content. That is how I started this guild.

    Turns out, we do organise dungeon runs, trials and special guild events too, but only for those who want to. If one doesnt want, just do your own thing. We now have a very social group, with ages between 16 and 70. Majority is 30+.

    You are welcome to join if you want. :smile:

    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Exquisition
    Mortec_ESO wrote: »
    Soo.. just popped in-game to have a quick peruse..

    There's no way to search for a guild? Yikes..

    Yes you can use the guild finder that is ingame, but somehow not everyone can always find our guild. Some do and some dont. If you want to be in our guild let me know.
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Mortec_ESO
    Soul Shriven

    Yes you can use the guild finder that is ingame, but somehow not everyone can always find our guild. Some do and some dont. If you want to be in our guild let me know.

    No worries. Got an invite from the officer yesterday, (or the day before), thanks!
  • oam511
    Soul Shriven
    Hello there, I'm another solo player here, would love to join the guild. I couldn't find it in the guild finder.
    In-game name is @oam511
  • Cosmicjade26
    Soul Shriven

    I am a new (mainly solo) player and quite enjoy it that way, but I have recently started doing the dolmens and quite like the fight with others and thought about joining a guild. I'm not a confidently social person until I get to know folks, and when I saw your post I thought it would be a good fit. The "mainly solo" bit is that I play online with my daughter and we quest together, so could I be cheeky and ask for an invite for the two of us.


    Cosmicjade26 and CipherDyne
  • Exquisition
    Hey peeps,

    I am still on holiday, so I cannot invite you personally to our guild (since I cannot log into the game itself from where I am) but I forwarded your requests to our officer :smile:
    Edited by Exquisition on August 16, 2020 8:55PM
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Calabez
    Soul Shriven
    You are just the guild im looking for. I couldnt find the guild on guild finder. I would love to join. I have a templar and nightblade.

    name: @Taxman85.
  • Exquisition
    Oke, I forwarded your request as well. You should get an invite by tomorrows evening! :smiley:
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Calabez
    Soul Shriven
    Oke, I forwarded your request as well. You should get an invite by tomorrows evening! :smiley:

    I havent received an invite yet :(
  • Exquisition
    Calabez wrote: »

    I havent received an invite yet :(

    Sorry to keep you waiting. I just returned from my holidays. I noticed my officer has also not been online for the last few days either. :tongue: I am catching up things and I try to sent you the invite tonight :smile:
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • myskyrim26
    Please, add me! @MaximilianLares
  • jlb55
    je joue sur Teso depuis 2004
    principalement DPS
    actuellement champion 1109
    Désolé j'ai 71 ans
    si vous m'accepter je serai à votre service...dans la mesure de mes connaissance.
    mon non @muvio
    à bientôt j'espère
  • Exquisition
    jlb55 wrote: »
    je joue sur Teso depuis 2004
    principalement DPS
    actuellement champion 1109
    Désolé j'ai 71 ans
    si vous m'accepter je serai à votre service...dans la mesure de mes connaissance.
    mon non @muvio
    à bientôt j'espère

    Our Guild is an English speaking guild :expressionless:
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • myskyrim26
    No invitation yet... I'm on PC EU, so everything must be ok...
  • Exquisition
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    No invitation yet... I'm on PC EU, so everything must be ok...

    Yeah, don't get impatient... I am not online 24/7 you know... I have a life as well :tongue:
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • DamSon369
    Soul Shriven
    Any chance for me to join as well? My ID: @DamSon369
  • Exquisition
    DamSon369 wrote: »
    Any chance for me to join as well? My ID: @DamSon369

    Sure, I have just sent you the invitation.
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Moyra74
    Hello there! I am mostly a solo player, although I sometimes group up with a long time gaming friend when we're both feeling sociable ;). She may join as well because honestly, your guild sounds like just our cup of tea!

    Anyway, most of the time I'm running around on my own, at my own pace. Which is great! Just... not for Dungeons. Since I detest any kind of PUG gaming, having a group of similar minded peeps for when the need arises would be absolutely fantastic. I am in another guild that does dungeons runs etc as well, but their pace is often brutal. They're very friendly but have been playing the content for much much longer than I have (I was there at launch but gave up soon after, only got back into it about 2 months ago) so it often makes me feel like a stumbling noob!

    I'm 45 yrs old, from the Netherlands, have been playing PC games since forever (my previous addiction was Guild Wars 2) and my IGN is @Moyra74.
    Going the wrong way since 1974
  • Exquisition
    Moyra74 wrote: »
    Hello there! I am mostly a solo player, although I sometimes group up with a long time gaming friend when we're both feeling sociable ;). She may join as well because honestly, your guild sounds like just our cup of tea!

    Anyway, most of the time I'm running around on my own, at my own pace. Which is great! Just... not for Dungeons. Since I detest any kind of PUG gaming, having a group of similar minded peeps for when the need arises would be absolutely fantastic. I am in another guild that does dungeons runs etc as well, but their pace is often brutal. They're very friendly but have been playing the content for much much longer than I have (I was there at launch but gave up soon after, only got back into it about 2 months ago) so it often makes me feel like a stumbling noob!

    I'm 45 yrs old, from the Netherlands, have been playing PC games since forever (my previous addiction was Guild Wars 2) and my IGN is @Moyra74.


    I'll sent you an invite when I log into the game again later today.

    We do a lot of dungeon runs, actually. And the speed of a run depends on the members doing it. If you want a slow run, you should speak up, and if you want a fast run you also need to speak up. Just so there is no mismatch. That said, we always respect everyone, even when one is not that experienced. We take time to teach and explain. And if you want to quest while others have already done a quest, we just wait till you are finished with talking to the npc.

    We are a very friendly and social group, even though everyone is more used to playing alone. But somehow nobody is being selfish and everyone is willing to help other members. We don't tolerate any bullying or excluding ppl just because they don't have enough champion points, or aren't on a perfect character build.

    I have been in Imperial Prison dungeon with the same Guild Members for 4 times now. Each time spending like 3 to 4 hours in there via voice chat. And every time we fail on killing the end boss. But we are making progress and if we get wiped we laugh and try again. We don't give up and when a dungeon, or trial is too hard in the end, we just don't finish it, but we make sure we had fun. There is always a next time to try again :smile:

    By the way, this week we are doing a 4 day Craglorn week, were we help solo players clear the multiplayer content in Craglorn. Like defeating all 15 World Bosses together as a guild, and forming groups to do the group delves, group dailies, and farming Spellscar. At the last day we are doing all the Trials of Craglorn.

    Anyway, I'll sent you the invite later today (cause at the moment the server is down).

    Kind regards,
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Moyra74
    Thank you! You sound like a pretty perfect bunch of people. :) I look forward to meeting you all!

    (Let's just hope the server will get up again today, ahem. ;) If not, there is always tomorrow of course, but I do feel a bit sad if I don't get my daily ESO fix, haha!)

    Edited to add: would love to join in on the Craglorn activities. Craglorn always intimidates the hell out of me because I have NO idea what is going on there. Would be nice to explore with people who do know! :)
    Edited by Moyra74 on August 24, 2020 11:19AM
    Going the wrong way since 1974
  • Exquisition
    Moyra74 wrote: »
    Thank you! You sound like a pretty perfect bunch of people. :) I look forward to meeting you all!

    (Let's just hope the server will get up again today, ahem. ;) If not, there is always tomorrow of course, but I do feel a bit sad if I don't get my daily ESO fix, haha!)

    Edited to add: would love to join in on the Craglorn activities. Craglorn always intimidates the hell out of me because I have NO idea what is going on there. Would be nice to explore with people who do know! :)

    Don't worry, The daily reward resets at 2am in our country. I bet the servers will be back online by then!
    And our Craglorn week is from tuesday till friday. You'll be invited before then :wink:
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
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