Guild for Solo Players

Hey gamers!

Are there any solo players out there? Me, I am playing ESO as solo player for years. Maybe because I am a bit older and like to play solo because I am not as quick in the game as a lot of other people are. I really enjoy the story line within ESO and I play at a very slow paste. I play every quest and let the characters talk their dialogue through (instead of clicking fast-forward). Now I understand that is not everybody's cup of tea and I am perfectly capable of defeating angry bosses on my own, but sometimes I wish I had a bit of extra help. Like when completing a quest line involving a trial, or when conquering a dungeon without having to rely on the random Dungeon Finder.

So... is there a Guild for people like me? For solo players? Meaning a guild that is not that active, but if you need help, you could have it? I could not find one in the Guild Finder, so I started one myself. Obviously I am now the only member of my guild and that kinda sucks. So would anybody like to join a guild for solo players? The name of the guild is Guiild For The Soloiist. If you are playing a bit like me, come in and join the guild :smile:
- - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Nymfe
    Soul Shriven
    I’m a solo player too, and love to explore the story and the landscape. I have discovered that going by mount, is actually to fast for exploring! And I don’t plan on doing all quest necessarily.
    I’m a casual player/role player, that usually spends a few hours a few day a week on gaming. Now I play almost every day for 3 to 4 hours. I just bought ESO a week ago, so I’m quite new to this. I have played GW2 and BnS recently and have more than 35 years behind me with pen and paper role playing.

    Main: Moon Orchid, Highelf, Templar Magicka (female) Level 15
    Alt.: Noir Sad, Khajiit, Warden two handed (male) level 3 new

  • Exquisition
    Nymfe wrote: »
    I have discovered that going by mount, is actually to fast for exploring!

    Cool... I do that too! Actually, I often set the automatic run function off. So that I walk at the same pace as the npc's do. It takes pretty long to slow walk around in Tamriel, but hey, I am just enjoying the beautiful scenery :smiley:

    You should come and enter the guild!
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Nymfe
    Soul Shriven
    Where, how??
  • Exquisition
    Nymfe wrote: »
    Where, how??

    Go to your Guild Finder and look for Guiild For The Soloiist

    Of course you'll have to be on the European megaserver ;)
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Exquisition
    Nymfe wrote: »
    Where, how??

    Or... what is your user ID, I'll sent you an in-game e-mail.
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Nymfe
    Soul Shriven
    Which character should I participate with, the brand new one or my main? My main is on the eso main quest, the new recruit is to start his adventure, perhaps in Morrowind where is now.

  • Exquisition
    Nymfe wrote: »
    Which character should I participate with, the brand new one or my main? My main is on the eso main quest, the new recruit is to start his adventure, perhaps in Morrowind where is now.


    It does not matter. All your characters have access to any guild you are in.
    We are a guild for solo players. So you can just play your main quest, or any quest you like and play completely on your own. Only thing is that whenever you do need help, just ask in our guild chat, and we can help you.

    So, go your guild finder (pres G on your keyboard) and search for Guiild For The Soloiist and apply to become a member. Easy as that ;)
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Nymfe
    Soul Shriven
  • daim
    Tempting in an odly solo way..
    ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
  • Exquisition
    daim wrote: »
    Tempting in an odly solo way..

    You are welcome to join. We are still few in numbers, so we can use more members ;)
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Kevericks
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Exquisition

    Would like to join up with you if you still offering. I started a new character to do exactly this.

    I am just having trouble locating you on the Guild Finder. Any hints on how to filter in the guild Finder to get to yours?
  • Exquisition

    I think you can find the guild best under Questing. At least that is what I put up as primary focus in the Guild Recruitment.
    You can also give me your ESO ID and I'll sent you an invite.

    Thanks for wanting to join :smiley:
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • vivaphilip
    Soul Shriven
    I'm trying to find it thru in game guild finder.
    anyway, fyi, my ID is '@vivaphilip'
  • Exquisition
    vivaphilip wrote: »
    I'm trying to find it thru in game guild finder.
    anyway, fyi, my ID is '@vivaphilip'

    Gotcha, I have sent you an invite ingame. :smile:
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Exquisition

    We are now at 14 members and our Guild Chat is turning out to be a pretty social one.
    The goal is to recruit more members who are playing solo most of the times, so we can also help with doing those trials.
    So... if you play solo most of the times, and you are looking for a group that acts as your backup for when you need help, come and join our Guild.

    You should be able to find the Guild in the Guild Finder under Questing...
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • MonkeyLlama8
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there is no chance I could join?
    My name(s):
    Kolvar Duskmere (Stam Nightblade)

    Maedinita Yokis (destruction Sorcerer)
  • Exquisition
    Hey there is no chance I could join?
    My name(s):
    Kolvar Duskmere (Stam Nightblade)

    Maedinita Yokis (destruction Sorcerer)

    And why is there no chance?
    Are you mostly playing solo? Then yes, you can apply for the Guild :smile:
    Cause that is our only requirement.

    So, can I add you to our guild??? :wink:
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Exquisition

    Let me give you a quick update.

    - We now have over 60 members, and the majority is most of the times playing solo.
    - We also have some members who regularly are doing dungeon runs together.
    - We respect each members solo activities, but also offer options to group together.
    - We have very new players, and we have end game level players.
    - Our youngest member is around 16 y/old and our oldest over 60 y/old.
    - We are setting up a Guild Hall with set crafting stations, dummies and the lot.
    - We have a Discord Channel for those who want some extra social interaction and for those who love to do grouping with the help of a voice channel.

    So the Guild is steadily growing and taking form. Our members are very social, kind and willing to help other solo players who are stuck with something. Very happy with how things are progressing. :blush:
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Oldaraness
    Hi all! I'm Alex from Italy (excuse me, my English isn't so good :p )
    Wow, when I read your messages I can't believed about that.

    I play from beta on PC EU and mostly solo. I have 44yo so I'm not a young player :# and I like to play this great game sometimes fast and sometimes slow... I like to explore and complete my achievements for crafting (almost done my Grand Master Crafter achievement... I miss 9 style) and try to complete dungeons in solo, etc...

    I really like to join with you in this great guild. I'll search for you tonight when I'll log in.
    See you in game!

    My id in game is @oldaraness like this one in forum.
  • Exquisition
    Oldaraness wrote: »
    I really like to join with you in this great guild. I'll search for you tonight when I'll log in.
    See you in game!

    My id in game is @oldaraness like this one in forum.

    Cool Alex, I will be online tonight as well. If you can't find our Guild in the Guildfinder, I will sent you an ingame invite tonight.
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Oldaraness
    Cool Alex, I will be online tonight as well. If you can't find our Guild in the Guildfinder, I will sent you an ingame invite tonight.

    Awesome :) I found it! I have don my apply, you should find a message ^^ thanks a lot!
    Edited by Oldaraness on July 2, 2020 2:58PM
  • Exquisition
    Oldaraness wrote: »

    Awesome :) I found it! I have don my apply, you should find a message ^^ thanks a lot!

    Your application has been accepted :smile:
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • Undeadraptor
    Soul Shriven

    Your application has been accepted :smile:

    Hello could I have an invite to the guild please.
  • Exquisition

    Hello could I have an invite to the guild please.

    Sure, if you are a solo player, of course :smile:
    Is your username in ESO the same as here in the forum?

    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • rei91
    Hi! Are you recruiting? Found you in guildfinder, your description matches perfectly what I seek, so I sent an application. But some UI error popped up, and now I wonder if you can see my application. My username should be the same as here.
  • Exquisition
    I am not recruiting very actively, but there is still room in our guild. I'll check your application as soon as I log in again. And if it is not there, I'll sent you an invite.
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • hexnotic
    Make one and name it "Soloable" :P
  • Exquisition
    Make one and name it "Soloable" :P

    So you are also applying for our guild? :D
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
  • laethoria
    Is this guild still active?
  • Exquisition
    laethoria wrote: »
    Is this guild still active?

    Of Course it is :smile:
    We are now over 100 members, but still welcoming new solo players
    - - GM of Guiild For The Soloiist - -
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