Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »El_Borracho wrote: »The last thing I want is the overland content to be more of a grind when I am grinding alternate characters. I'm sure others have said this, but you have the ability to make it harder all by yourself. Remove all CP. Wear all white non-set armor and weapons.
A naked toon with no skills, no weapons, no armor, and no cp applied, is under no threat from an “Elite” mob.
You can see the screenshots right here. This is terrible game design.MartiniDaniels wrote: »ThePhantomThorn wrote: »redspecter23 wrote: »Spoiler Alert!
Overland is supposed to be easy. It's there to get beginners hooked and satisfy a large casual playerbase. It may be easy for you, but do try to understand that there are many, MANY players who struggle in overland content. That content is not designed for you. Play it if you want, but understand that it is not there to challenge you. That's what endgame is for.
so its fine for a level 10 to be farming mobs in craglorn?
it has no feel of progression if anyone can go anywhere
Yep, it's absolutely fine. Also, I want a video. Better not be any cp or set bonuses either, because most real level 10's don't have that.
I don't have a video, but I had one nice screenshot from one of such discussions, where elite mob was unable to kill my CP810 without CP (so no low level bonuses), without gear and without abilities slotted. Enjoy: 9k HP, 0 resistances, 500 dps. Giant, creature that will one-shot level 10 character in Skyrim on default difficulty, couldn't do anything to completely naked un-buffed toon in ESO. Giant dps was 150 against zero resistances, zero CP. (8744 is minimal health possible, if I had CP allocated that number will be higher).
And you can also see from those screenshots that it took them 4 minutes to fight one single mob. Overland is absolutely brimming with mobs. Imagine how absolutely tedious questing would be on a toon that takes 4 minutes per mob.
Also - elite means nothing except that they can't be crowd controlled. It says nothing about the difficulty of the mob - unless of course you were attempting to conflate this one giant with a world boss (which belong to a group called elite spawns). But of course you weren't. That would be, well, dishonest.
There is literally a combat hint that pops up the first time you encounter an Elite enemy that tells you they are (supposedly) more dangerous than a typical mob.
Regardless, a player who uses no armor, no skills, has no resists, who’s only tactical action is light attacking and moving out of AoE, should not be able to kill something the game itself has deemed a “threatening” enemy.
Why not?
Because it should take more than 1% of someone’s attention to succeed in a video game, at all points.
Did you know it’s quite literally not possible to die in one of the northern elsweyr quests? Well, presumably if you were able to dodge the healing the npc throws directly under your feet while managing to stand in the enemy AoE at the same time, and never using light attacks, and not avoiding any damage, just the healing. Maybe after fifteen minutes you could die if you successfully avoided all the healing, but I got bored after two full minutes of attempting to dodge the healing and only managing to watch my health drop to 85% before the regen or first unavoidable tick of healing brought me back to full again.
After that I took my level five, no cp argonian and light attacked the “boss” to death in 5 hits.
No fight, none at all, should let you afk permanently with no punishment like that.
See that's the fundamental difference between us. I don't assume 1% of my attention is the same as someone elses. This is an MMO. It is not a single player experience - which means that there are an extreme amount of varying skill levels and everyone should be able to make it through the story. Every single person. Even people with disabilities, even people who suck. I don't believe in a barrier to entry for MMO's (for the story. End game is entirely different).
The problem here is that you see challenge as the only value in gaming - when that's simply not true for many people. There are so many reasons people game outside of that. For the story is a huge part of it (hence why we see story mode in a lot of single player games now). Doing the combat is part of the immersion or maybe even a role play thing for some people. It's not all about challenge. It's not about the fear of death.
I feel like a lot of the arguments here rely on the fact that there can only be one perspective - that combat is king and the only reason to explore a game, when that is simply not true - in fact, difficult combat is a huge barrier to a lot of people that makes the game less enjoyable.
I'm not saying that you are wrong for enjoying more of a challenge - hell, i do too sometimes - I'm saying you're wrong for assuming everyone else should think the same way.
And, again, I'll say it - you can have your vet overland as long as you get no extra rewards, it's optional, and it - in no way - affects the performance or experience for everybody else.
So you’re perfectly fine not requiring anything from a player at all for 90% of the game? That’s not a game, that’s a graphic novel
Edit: I’m not even asking for a challenge. I’m asking for more than zero required effort
Again, for many players, that giant would have been more than zero effort. For you and I there's little to no requirement. That's not true of everybody - hell it's not true for a lot of people.
The problem I have with your way of thinking is you're making yourself and your level of skill the standard. It's not.
And hell yeah, I'm okay with people playing only for the story. 100%. Call it what you want - graphic novel, interactive story. IDGAF. This is a narrative driven MMO after all. As long as they aren't expecting end game (so dungeons, trials, even pvp) to cater to them, they can have all the narrative driven goodness they want because they paid for it just like I did.
The Giant was light attacked to death by a character with no CP, no armor, and no weapons. That is literally zero effort. That is ignoring EVERYTHING the game gives you, and the enemy does 500dps.
ThePhantomThorn wrote: »i like hard content.
its why i like progging trials. if its too easy it feels like grinding. and overland...
why can a lvl 10 easily do overland in craglorn?
why is a mighty deaedroth helpless against a player with broken gear and no weapon?
ok the alliance part of one tamriel was good. but the overland is so easy now its just...
i know this is a very old point... but can we make the regons scale to player level? a minimum of lets say 50 for craglorn, and then scales with the player from that point.
also bonus xp for those in that level margin? this would make questing alot more efficient to level with.
because right now, its just boring.
Because that's what overland is for. People who don't have the access you do. It's. Not. For. Experienced. Players.
Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »El_Borracho wrote: »The last thing I want is the overland content to be more of a grind when I am grinding alternate characters. I'm sure others have said this, but you have the ability to make it harder all by yourself. Remove all CP. Wear all white non-set armor and weapons.
A naked toon with no skills, no weapons, no armor, and no cp applied, is under no threat from an “Elite” mob.
You can see the screenshots right here. This is terrible game design.MartiniDaniels wrote: »ThePhantomThorn wrote: »redspecter23 wrote: »Spoiler Alert!
Overland is supposed to be easy. It's there to get beginners hooked and satisfy a large casual playerbase. It may be easy for you, but do try to understand that there are many, MANY players who struggle in overland content. That content is not designed for you. Play it if you want, but understand that it is not there to challenge you. That's what endgame is for.
so its fine for a level 10 to be farming mobs in craglorn?
it has no feel of progression if anyone can go anywhere
Yep, it's absolutely fine. Also, I want a video. Better not be any cp or set bonuses either, because most real level 10's don't have that.
I don't have a video, but I had one nice screenshot from one of such discussions, where elite mob was unable to kill my CP810 without CP (so no low level bonuses), without gear and without abilities slotted. Enjoy: 9k HP, 0 resistances, 500 dps. Giant, creature that will one-shot level 10 character in Skyrim on default difficulty, couldn't do anything to completely naked un-buffed toon in ESO. Giant dps was 150 against zero resistances, zero CP. (8744 is minimal health possible, if I had CP allocated that number will be higher).
And you can also see from those screenshots that it took them 4 minutes to fight one single mob. Overland is absolutely brimming with mobs. Imagine how absolutely tedious questing would be on a toon that takes 4 minutes per mob.
Also - elite means nothing except that they can't be crowd controlled. It says nothing about the difficulty of the mob - unless of course you were attempting to conflate this one giant with a world boss (which belong to a group called elite spawns). But of course you weren't. That would be, well, dishonest.
There is literally a combat hint that pops up the first time you encounter an Elite enemy that tells you they are (supposedly) more dangerous than a typical mob.
Regardless, a player who uses no armor, no skills, has no resists, who’s only tactical action is light attacking and moving out of AoE, should not be able to kill something the game itself has deemed a “threatening” enemy.
Why not?
Because it should take more than 1% of someone’s attention to succeed in a video game, at all points.
Did you know it’s quite literally not possible to die in one of the northern elsweyr quests? Well, presumably if you were able to dodge the healing the npc throws directly under your feet while managing to stand in the enemy AoE at the same time, and never using light attacks, and not avoiding any damage, just the healing. Maybe after fifteen minutes you could die if you successfully avoided all the healing, but I got bored after two full minutes of attempting to dodge the healing and only managing to watch my health drop to 85% before the regen or first unavoidable tick of healing brought me back to full again.
After that I took my level five, no cp argonian and light attacked the “boss” to death in 5 hits.
No fight, none at all, should let you afk permanently with no punishment like that.
See that's the fundamental difference between us. I don't assume 1% of my attention is the same as someone elses. This is an MMO. It is not a single player experience - which means that there are an extreme amount of varying skill levels and everyone should be able to make it through the story. Every single person. Even people with disabilities, even people who suck. I don't believe in a barrier to entry for MMO's (for the story. End game is entirely different).
The problem here is that you see challenge as the only value in gaming - when that's simply not true for many people. There are so many reasons people game outside of that. For the story is a huge part of it (hence why we see story mode in a lot of single player games now). Doing the combat is part of the immersion or maybe even a role play thing for some people. It's not all about challenge. It's not about the fear of death.
I feel like a lot of the arguments here rely on the fact that there can only be one perspective - that combat is king and the only reason to explore a game, when that is simply not true - in fact, difficult combat is a huge barrier to a lot of people that makes the game less enjoyable.
I'm not saying that you are wrong for enjoying more of a challenge - hell, i do too sometimes - I'm saying you're wrong for assuming everyone else should think the same way.
And, again, I'll say it - you can have your vet overland as long as you get no extra rewards, it's optional, and it - in no way - affects the performance or experience for everybody else.
So you’re perfectly fine not requiring anything from a player at all for 90% of the game? That’s not a game, that’s a graphic novel
Edit: I’m not even asking for a challenge. I’m asking for more than zero required effort
Again, for many players, that giant would have been more than zero effort. For you and I there's little to no requirement. That's not true of everybody - hell it's not true for a lot of people.
The problem I have with your way of thinking is you're making yourself and your level of skill the standard. It's not.
And hell yeah, I'm okay with people playing only for the story. 100%. Call it what you want - graphic novel, interactive story. IDGAF. This is a narrative driven MMO after all. As long as they aren't expecting end game (so dungeons, trials, even pvp) to cater to them, they can have all the narrative driven goodness they want because they paid for it just like I did.
The Giant was light attacked to death by a character with no CP, no armor, and no weapons. That is literally zero effort. That is ignoring EVERYTHING the game gives you, and the enemy does 500dps.
CP is given to you later so is moot, and I've met people nearing lvl 50 who don't know about set bonuses so they wear only what's given to them by quests or that they pick up (effectively reducing the usefulness of the armor to next to nothing). They often don't know about food. They don't know not to spread out their attributes, or how to morph things, or really any of that. Often times they don't even know how to block or dodge roll to avoid damage. Hell I've seen vet's that don't do those things. The only thing I'll give you is that they are at least wearing something (usually).
Look it's pretty obvious we're not going to agree here. This isn't going anywhere, and frankly, I'm bored repeating myself, so let's just agree to disagree.
MasterSpatula wrote: »"people struggle with the current overland"
And there it is. The inevitable example of the "if I don't share your experience, your experiences aren't valid" mentality. Every one of these threads eventually draws such condescension sooner or later.
Cue the "It's not possible to get less than 35K dps" crowd any minute.
redspecter23 wrote: »Spoiler Alert!
Overland is supposed to be easy. It's there to get beginners hooked and satisfy a large casual playerbase. It may be easy for you, but do try to understand that there are many, MANY players who struggle in overland content. That content is not designed for you. Play it if you want, but understand that it is not there to challenge you. That's what endgame is for.
redspecter23 wrote: »martinhpb16_ESO wrote: »redspecter23 wrote: »Spoiler Alert!
Overland is supposed to be easy. It's there to get beginners hooked and satisfy a large casual playerbase. It may be easy for you, but do try to understand that there are many, MANY players who struggle in overland content. That content is not designed for you. Play it if you want, but understand that it is not there to challenge you. That's what endgame is for.
This is the inevitable reply and in my opinion wrong.
First off, its and opinion. It is nowhere written that overland is only for the causal player base.
Why must all of the overland content be only suitable for the casual player base?
Its a counter intuitive and flawed argument. Why continuously develop content that is only suitable for new causal players, when there is already plenty to keep them busy. What happens when they become experienced? If Zos had sense they would provide overland for vet players too as not everyone is able to get into groups for vet dungeons or likes pvp. And you as part of the player community would recognise that some of your fellows are not being catered for and would concede that this is a shortfall in the game.
Why was it challenging for a number of years before One Tamriel?
Also you have agreed with the OP. You are saying that overland is too easy and does not cater for us. Therefore unlike all other content which has normal mode, hard and vet modes overland does not . Therefore this content is not catering for customers who are paying for it.
There is nothing wrong whatsoever with players who want difficult overland, asking for it.
You're right about pretty much everything. Yes, I agree overland content is too easy, at least from my own personal point of view. I actually like being able to obliterate some things in game. However, it is absolutely not too easy for everyone. The idea posted above about having multiple instances with differing difficulty is a reasonable compromise at least in theory. If the difficulty is raised, but the rewards are not, I would think it would turn into a ghost town very quickly. If the rewards are also raised, you would just see those same players that can't handle standard overland migrating to the harder version because of "shinies". You see this issue in veteran dungeons constantly. Players with no business being there still going in and losing and dragging the group down because they want a reward they aren't capable of achieving.
If ZOS can find a way to have a vet toggle on overland and avoid the issues I've mentioned, I'm not against the idea. I just don't see how it would work out well overall.
luizpaulom17 wrote: »redspecter23 wrote: »Spoiler Alert!
Overland is supposed to be easy. It's there to get beginners hooked and satisfy a large casual playerbase. It may be easy for you, but do try to understand that there are many, MANY players who struggle in overland content. That content is not designed for you. Play it if you want, but understand that it is not there to challenge you. That's what endgame is for.
No its not suppose to be easy, it is just not suppose to be end game content... The fact that is too easy is why a lot of people end up not doing quests, cuz its just too damn easy... The fact they make overland so new players can do content from the new Exp areas right from the start end up killing those areas for vet players, who we burn every single mob within 2, 3 seconds... (sniP).. World bosses are trash, quests are only about story... (snip)
Dusk_Coven wrote: »Its easy because those players are not here for challenging combat but the story, the rest of the game is catered towards players that want more challenging experiences, Group Delves/Group Dungeons/Maelstrom Arena/Group Arena's/Trials/Even PVP.
And even in this content, when it's hard, people naturally gravitate to finding ways to make it EASY. Tactics, positioning, boss placement, builds -- anything to get it done faster better safer.
No, people don't really want "hard". They want to OVERCOME. Any requests for "hard" is really saying "make it harder, but not so hard that I can't do it". As soon as they FAIL, they complain that it's broken and cry for a nerf -- just look at the Fire Monk in Southern Elsweyr.
This is why people who ask for harder XYZ don't just immediately go and test themselves in content where they'd have a good chance of failing. They just pretend it doesn't exist.
Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »Contaminate wrote: »El_Borracho wrote: »The last thing I want is the overland content to be more of a grind when I am grinding alternate characters. I'm sure others have said this, but you have the ability to make it harder all by yourself. Remove all CP. Wear all white non-set armor and weapons.
A naked toon with no skills, no weapons, no armor, and no cp applied, is under no threat from an “Elite” mob.
You can see the screenshots right here. This is terrible game design.MartiniDaniels wrote: »ThePhantomThorn wrote: »redspecter23 wrote: »Spoiler Alert!
Overland is supposed to be easy. It's there to get beginners hooked and satisfy a large casual playerbase. It may be easy for you, but do try to understand that there are many, MANY players who struggle in overland content. That content is not designed for you. Play it if you want, but understand that it is not there to challenge you. That's what endgame is for.
so its fine for a level 10 to be farming mobs in craglorn?
it has no feel of progression if anyone can go anywhere
Yep, it's absolutely fine. Also, I want a video. Better not be any cp or set bonuses either, because most real level 10's don't have that.
I don't have a video, but I had one nice screenshot from one of such discussions, where elite mob was unable to kill my CP810 without CP (so no low level bonuses), without gear and without abilities slotted. Enjoy: 9k HP, 0 resistances, 500 dps. Giant, creature that will one-shot level 10 character in Skyrim on default difficulty, couldn't do anything to completely naked un-buffed toon in ESO. Giant dps was 150 against zero resistances, zero CP. (8744 is minimal health possible, if I had CP allocated that number will be higher).
And you can also see from those screenshots that it took them 4 minutes to fight one single mob. Overland is absolutely brimming with mobs. Imagine how absolutely tedious questing would be on a toon that takes 4 minutes per mob.
Also - elite means nothing except that they can't be crowd controlled. It says nothing about the difficulty of the mob - unless of course you were attempting to conflate this one giant with a world boss (which belong to a group called elite spawns). But of course you weren't. That would be, well, dishonest.
There is literally a combat hint that pops up the first time you encounter an Elite enemy that tells you they are (supposedly) more dangerous than a typical mob.
Regardless, a player who uses no armor, no skills, has no resists, who’s only tactical action is light attacking and moving out of AoE, should not be able to kill something the game itself has deemed a “threatening” enemy.
Why not?
Because it should take more than 1% of someone’s attention to succeed in a video game, at all points.
Did you know it’s quite literally not possible to die in one of the northern elsweyr quests? Well, presumably if you were able to dodge the healing the npc throws directly under your feet while managing to stand in the enemy AoE at the same time, and never using light attacks, and not avoiding any damage, just the healing. Maybe after fifteen minutes you could die if you successfully avoided all the healing, but I got bored after two full minutes of attempting to dodge the healing and only managing to watch my health drop to 85% before the regen or first unavoidable tick of healing brought me back to full again.
After that I took my level five, no cp argonian and light attacked the “boss” to death in 5 hits.
No fight, none at all, should let you afk permanently with no punishment like that.
See that's the fundamental difference between us. I don't assume 1% of my attention is the same as someone elses. This is an MMO. It is not a single player experience - which means that there are an extreme amount of varying skill levels and everyone should be able to make it through the story. Every single person. Even people with disabilities, even people who suck. I don't believe in a barrier to entry for MMO's (for the story. End game is entirely different).
The problem here is that you see challenge as the only value in gaming - when that's simply not true for many people. There are so many reasons people game outside of that. For the story is a huge part of it (hence why we see story mode in a lot of single player games now). Doing the combat is part of the immersion or maybe even a role play thing for some people. It's not all about challenge. It's not about the fear of death.
I feel like a lot of the arguments here rely on the fact that there can only be one perspective - that combat is king and the only reason to explore a game, when that is simply not true - in fact, difficult combat is a huge barrier to a lot of people that makes the game less enjoyable.
I'm not saying that you are wrong for enjoying more of a challenge - hell, i do too sometimes - I'm saying you're wrong for assuming everyone else should think the same way.
And, again, I'll say it - you can have your vet overland as long as you get no extra rewards, it's optional, and it - in no way - affects the performance or experience for everybody else.
So you’re perfectly fine not requiring anything from a player at all for 90% of the game? That’s not a game, that’s a graphic novel
Edit: I’m not even asking for a challenge. I’m asking for more than zero required effort
Again, for many players, that giant would have been more than zero effort. For you and I there's little to no requirement. That's not true of everybody - hell it's not true for a lot of people.
The problem I have with your way of thinking is you're making yourself and your level of skill the standard. It's not.
And hell yeah, I'm okay with people playing only for the story. 100%. Call it what you want - graphic novel, interactive story. IDGAF. This is a narrative driven MMO after all. As long as they aren't expecting end game (so dungeons, trials, even pvp) to cater to them, they can have all the narrative driven goodness they want because they paid for it just like I did.
The Giant was light attacked to death by a character with no CP, no armor, and no weapons. That is literally zero effort. That is ignoring EVERYTHING the game gives you, and the enemy does 500dps.
CP is given to you later so is moot, and I've met people nearing lvl 50 who don't know about set bonuses so they wear only what's given to them by quests or that they pick up (effectively reducing the usefulness of the armor to next to nothing). They often don't know about food. They don't know not to spread out their attributes, or how to morph things, or really any of that. Often times they don't even know how to block or dodge roll to avoid damage. Hell I've seen vet's that don't do those things. The only thing I'll give you is that they are at least wearing something (usually).
Look it's pretty obvious we're not going to agree here. This isn't going anywhere, and frankly, I'm bored repeating myself, so let's just agree to disagree.
“Vets” don’t know how to do the basics because the game up until the point of group content requires. No. Thought. That’s why there’s such massive discrepancies. There’s nothing in the game’s overland questing that requires skill be built up. There’s no incline in difficulty from beginner island to final zone.
The mindless overland is the MAJORITY of the reason people jump into dungeons without a single solitary clue what they’re doing. The game shows them all these neat things like armor and sets and foods and potions with bonuses, but they have no incentive to use any of it because the overland is so non-threatening.
They should dodge out of AoEs, but why would they when they only tickle (in overland)?
They should block heavy attacks, but why would they when mobs barely do any damage while they’re staggered (in overland)?
They should have a few DoTs on their bar to supplement whatever other abilities they want to use most often, but why would they when light attacks will suffice for the vast majority (in overland)?
The overland teaches players that basic mechanics are optional, and won’t correct them until their first dungeon wipes them across the floor. That’s not an opinion, it’s bad design of the most basic sort.
BeamsForDemacia wrote: »@jcm2606
ah u cleared all trials hm and did no death? as u got all achievements
and i dont really understand the problem, eso is an MMO it IS about group play and there is actullay quite some content for groups also at a difficult level, and u can always push scores if clears are not enough
if u want hard single player quest content this is the wrong game /genre i guess
but i still i agree that overland content doesnt prepare and teach players enough mechanics that should be changed yes but it doesnt need to be hard for exp players
ThePhantomThorn wrote: »redspecter23 wrote: »Spoiler Alert!
Overland is supposed to be easy. It's there to get beginners hooked and satisfy a large casual playerbase. It may be easy for you, but do try to understand that there are many, MANY players who struggle in overland content. That content is not designed for you. Play it if you want, but understand that it is not there to challenge you. That's what endgame is for.
so its fine for a level 10 to be farming mobs in craglorn?
it has no feel of progression if anyone can go anywhere
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
The people defending overland content are real weirdos. How on Earth can you even defend its pathetic level of dfficulty and the pathetic number of abilities NPCs have?
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
The people defending overland content are real weirdos. How on Earth can you even defend its pathetic level of dfficulty and the pathetic number of abilities NPCs have?
because.. its how we enjoy it? did you know that more and more single player games now come with narrative difficulty?
Dusk_Coven wrote: »The people defending overland content are real weirdos. How on Earth can you even defend its pathetic level of dfficulty and the pathetic number of abilities NPCs have?
because.. its how we enjoy it? did you know that more and more single player games now come with narrative difficulty?
SWTOR is generally careful to do this with their Story Modes, which are designed to be solo experiences (because quest choices do matter there so you MUST do it solo to preserve your ability to make those choices).
BUT in general those are INSTANCED, not overland.
Their "harder" content is regular flashpoints balanced for groups and isn't meant to be solo either.
Harder OVERLAND content has wider consequences than instanced content. And to keep things under control ZOS has put that harder content in instances like dungeons and trials.
SWTOR has a tougher overland. At least it was back when I played. I would sometimes get my @$$ kicked, especially without my companion with me.
Dusk_Coven wrote: »SWTOR has a tougher overland. At least it was back when I played. I would sometimes get my @$$ kicked, especially without my companion with me.
Anyone who has played it recently knows that having your companion with you is the norm there and typically everyone just puts their comp on healing.
You are given a companion during the "tutorial" first zone and are expected to play with one and the game is balanced with having one. People regularly do all overland Heroic mission (meant for 2+ players) in all zones with just them and their companion and many can do Heroics meant for 4+ players.
By saying "without my companion" you are misrepresenting how SWTOR is played.
If you are willing to deliberately handicap yourself in SWTOR, you can do the same here and have your "harder overland".
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
This is actually a HUGE undertaking.This is a video game, not a story book, isn't it about time it starts feeling like one again?
Dusk_Coven wrote: »SWTOR has a tougher overland. At least it was back when I played. I would sometimes get my @$$ kicked, especially without my companion with me.
Anyone who has played it recently knows that having your companion with you is the norm there and typically everyone just puts their comp on healing.
You are given a companion during the "tutorial" first zone and are expected to play with one and the game is balanced with having one. People regularly do all overland Heroic mission (meant for 2+ players) in all zones with just them and their companion and many can do Heroics meant for 4+ players.
By saying "without my companion" you are misrepresenting how SWTOR is played.
If you are willing to deliberately handicap yourself in SWTOR, you can do the same here and have your "harder overland".
I'm sick of leetists asking for overland to be made harder. I'm almost CP 800 and yeah overland is easy by now for me, and I like it that way. I do dungeons, trials, and WB when I want a challenge. When I'm farming nodes I don't want the random nix hound or other wildlife wrecking my farming with a fight to the death. I want to quickly kill it and get back to my casual crafting resource farming. I want to focus on stories when I quest without being interrupted with wipe after wipe with the end of story boss like in the old days before one Tamriel. Back then I out leveled the stories just to kill those bosses because I couldn't kill them at level. Let me enjoy the casual side of ESO without making everything this frustrating experience of making every trash mob into mini boss level difficulty. When I really want to fight, I know where the dungeons, trials, and world bosses are. I'm so sick of the elite uber gamers crying for nerfs to make the game harder. I want to actually enjoy this game sometimes. I miss class identity and some of the good stuff we used to have that made combat fun. Now all my progression has gone backwards and lately I'm not motivated to play the hard content because of all these nerfs to my toons. You want to destroy the little fun I have left with crafting furnishings and farming the stuff I need for that with your neverending need to chase adrenaline thrills? Some of us game to relax and not have nervous break downs. Sheesh.
I'm sick of leetists asking for overland to be made harder. I'm almost CP 800 and yeah overland is easy by now for me, and I like it that way. I do dungeons, trials, and WB when I want a challenge. When I'm farming nodes I don't want the random nix hound or other wildlife wrecking my farming with a fight to the death. I want to quickly kill it and get back to my casual crafting resource farming. I want to focus on stories when I quest without being interrupted with wipe after wipe with the end of story boss like in the old days before one Tamriel. Back then I out leveled the stories just to kill those bosses because I couldn't kill them at level. Let me enjoy the casual side of ESO without making everything this frustrating experience of making every trash mob into mini boss level difficulty. When I really want to fight, I know where the dungeons, trials, and world bosses are. I'm so sick of the elite uber gamers crying for nerfs to make the game harder. I want to actually enjoy this game sometimes. I miss class identity and some of the good stuff we used to have that made combat fun. Now all my progression has gone backwards and lately I'm not motivated to play the hard content because of all these nerfs to my toons. You want to destroy the little fun I have left with crafting furnishings and farming the stuff I need for that with your neverending need to chase adrenaline thrills? Some of us game to relax and not have nervous break downs. Sheesh.
@redspecter23redspecter23 wrote: »Overland is supposed to be easy. It's there to get beginners hooked and satisfy a large casual playerbase.
it discussed many times before - one alliance zone for beginners, two zones, three zones. But no! We have ALL ZONES including DLC and chapters for beginners. 2000+ quests according to are for new players.
Is it fair for vet players? Or do you really think vet players deserve only "repeat this dungeon 1 billion times" content?
"people struggle with the current overland"